Love: Harder Than A Math Formula
"Come on, Baljeet! You have to make a decision! You can't just keep stringing us along!" Ginger yelled at the trembling Indian boy.
"I'm not stringing you along!" Baljeet cried.
"Yes you are! Baljeet! I'm your best friend who has known you longer than this Asian twit!" Mishti exclaimed.
"Asian twit?!" Ginger yelled.
"Wait! S-Stop fighting!" Baljeet weakly told them as they started shouting.
He looked around desperately. He wished they hadn't cornered him in a Slushy Dawg parking lot. He rolled his eyes of the thought of his former bully-now-best-friend, Buford Van Stomm. Now would've been a great time for Buford to randomly surprise him with wedgies. Never mind the fact that they were already eighteen.
Baljeet almost cried when he spotted his neighbors and best friends, Phineas and Ferb, walking across the street.
"Phineas! Ferb!" He screamed, frantically waving his arms.
They looked over and smiled as they crossed the street. "Hey,guys!"
"Phineas! Tell Baljeet that he should choose me!" Ginger exclaimed.
"For what?" Phineas asked. Ferb got what she meant and started backing away.
Mishti pushed past Ginger. "No! Tell him to choose me! After all, he made you guys build that 'Boat of Romance' for me when we were kids." Mishti smirked at Ginger.
Ginger growled, ready to start beating the mushrooms out of her.
"Oh! I remember that! Right, Ferb? Ferb?" Phineas twirled around to find his brother was already back on the other side of the street.
Ginger and Mishti turned their attention back to Baljeet who had been trying to get away.
"You're the smartest guy in Danville, so be smart and choose me!" They screamed in unison.
Baljeet squeezed his eyes shut and tried to think of the smartest way to handle this.
Mishti was right. She was his best friend and had known him longer than anyone in Danville, besides his parents of course. And he always got this weird nervousness around her that he didn't get with anyone else.
But Ginger...he liked hanging with her. He was completely comfortable and told her many personal things. When she wasn't fighting with Mishti and Buford, she was a really sweet girl.
Baljeet sighed. He ran every formula he knew that could possibly calculate which girl he liked more. Everytime, it came up with the same answer.
He liked them equally.
"Maybe we could do this some other time, ladies?" He asked.
"You're really just as oblivious as Phineas." Ginger sighed.
"Hey!" Phineas protested.
"Who's just as oblivious as Phineas?" Baljeet spun around to see his childhood crush, Isabella, standing behind them.
Ginger and Mishti pointed to Baljeet, simultaneously.
"Baljeet as oblivious as Phineas? I'm not sure about that." She giggled.
"I'm not oblivious! Why does everyone think that?" Phineas exclaimed.
An idea popped into Baljeet's genius mind that would save him from his current situation and possibly get Phineas to notice Isabella.
He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her in front of him. "Her! I choose her!"
He quickly took her hand and ran.
"Wait, what?! Baljeet!" Isabella yelled as she got dragged behind.
"Look behind you." Baljeet laughed.
Sure enough, Ginger, Mishti, and Phineas were racing after them.
"Baljeet! Get back here, dummy!" Ginger and Mishti shrieked.
"Isabella!" Phineas yelled.
Isabella laughed, understanding what he had done. "You really are Danville's smartest genius!"
"Thanks." He smiled, breathing heavily and wanting to slow down. He definitely wasn't Danville's greatest athlete, that's for sure.
"Anyways, that was a cute trick...," He watched in fear as her eyes went cold and she shot him a frightening smile. ", but never hold my hand again."|
He gulped. "Yes, ma'am."
He smiled when he glanced back. of them could be the one to teach him about his weakest subject.
AHHHHHH! Ok, cringy ending, I know. Also, some of these may be a little short because I write some ideas out in my fanfic notebook so I could work on them when I don't have my phone.
Also, did you guys figure out it was going to be some sort of Baljeet x someone for this oneshot because of the title? lol thought I'd do something related to math because we all know Baljeet and his strange love of math
i have another oneshot ready that I finished today so I'll probably update tomorrow so byeeee
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