(Ferbnessa) Corrections
A/N: ok, no real distinction with their age, all you needa know is that they're 4 years apart and you can visualize what ever point in their lives they are as comfortable.
"Look! It's the little dweeb who somehow managed to get the hot chick!" Monty yelled. I ignored with my blank stare as I walked with Vanessa home.
Of course I knew he was talking to me, who else but the boy who of all people managed to get Vanessa Dofenshmirtz as his girlfriend.
Yes, that's what he was referring to, and I could see Vanessa wincing as she clung tight to my arm and we walked away from there. I knew she wasn't embarrassed, but she did feel bad for me. I also knew right now was not the time to stay silent.
"I would like to make two corrections to his statement" I said turning to her,
"I don't know about his derogatory term of 'dweeb' but I do know that it was not a somehow that I managed to get you. The truth is, you're not a possession I could 'get' you're a song that if so happens to make its way into a room, makes everyone stop just to listen"
Her eyes widened as I kept speaking one of the longest speeches of our relationship. "Two," I continued as I stopped walking staring right into her eyes for support, "You are not 'hot', you're gorgeous, so much so that I find it rather a minor miracle of your existence."
"Oh Ferb!" She exclaimed, tears welling in her eyes, so much so that I thought I might have said the wrong thing, but then she leaned over, and for the first time in quite honestly ever, we shared a kiss, and I knew that sometimes, age doesn't split people apart, it just makes you want to try even harder.
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