phineas hides
Phineas cabnce scsreams
phineas hide she will not see you ferb says
phineas says tell me when she is gone and hides behind the tree
candce screams again phineas come on i have to bust you .
phineas isnt her ]e issy said
Why cant here you ? candce says
o thays because buferd is snoring loadly baljjet says
well where did phineas go / candce says
Ferb says we don't know where he is . he was lying to candce for phineas . he prmozed she would not see him so he hid phineas behind the tree.
well is she asking about me phineas tavxets him
ferb says yes .
phineas says crap outload
whst was that candce said
o it was the tree it talks
ok issy candce said
why does it sound like phineas
we programed it to do that
ok candce says
phineas says make her leave
why did the re\ tree say that
well candce the tree hates you
buferd thays rude
well it does issy
no i think the tree hates most people candce says
ferb says buferd no touching the tree
buferd says ok you are really protective of the tree/.
shut up buferd
the tree saiud
what a fisty tree buferd says
phineas is holding his] breeth \so candce cant know he is there
ferb texts phineas hang in there
phineas wrfites back i am running out of breath and can't hold it in for long
fervb faints when he reads that
feb says candce what hell
ferb gets up and says to much sun
ok phineas where s are now ?
issy writes
phineas types t\behind the tree but don't tell canbdce
buferd eats popcorn randsmly
csndce says i am going now
phoneas its safe she is gone
no i cant move i am scread she will be back
ferb goes over to picks him up aND takes him to the rest of the group
candce is screaming inside the house i see him
phoneas says back to hidningf and hidres behind ferb
vcandce says no i see you
phineas says darn it
phineas itsaok to come out
ferb says
candce says why are you hiding from me
you scare me
o phineasa get over it
and punches him and leaves
pgineas says we;;ll i am hiding under my bed next
phj0oneas were building no hiding
ok bro . they build aa ten foot high tower and go bonge jumping
and candc sees that and busts them finally and kills phineas .
fer says i was dreaming about this
me too candce says
thayts it itsa a dream i never busted phineas candce says
i never died phineas says '
ferb says weirsd dreams and falls back to sleep
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