No dont say that
Phineas. Whst s wrong
I will never be the guy you think I am he crys
Phineas no one is perfect.
Your sister is calling you .
No I can't talk to her . I rather die .
Phineas please don't say that
I know what do here . We gotta be moving along here . We can't be here all day . Phineas and his friends are at the park.
Phineas is sad on a bench . Crying . If only my sister would give me chance to speak about my feelings. She is so selfish .
I am just so hurt about this .I got tell you all something. my own sister rather bust me than play with me . No scratch that . She rather see me hurting thsn help me with my nervous break downs or panic attacks or pains I get in my chest or help me be not be so sad all the time , she ruined my inventions . She crushed my dreams! She is a spoiled brat . I hate her . I hate this . She makes me feel like dying.
Phineas don't you do that !
Why does she hate me ?
We are always here for you. Sge hate you because she isn't you . She can't be better thsn you . But you can be better than her. I know your upset, but Phineas killing your self isn't getting anywhere.
No it's better than having to suffer !
No Phineas stop . Drop that gun
Not a chance bro .
Phinesd don't make yell .
Fine ferb . He does drop the weapon . But sadly is still upset and hurt .
He crys.
Is he ok ?
Yes Buferd.. Phineas is upset and feeling overwhelmed by his emotions.
Phineas crys harder . He is now crushed from his sisters words .
I Was hoping he would be ok by now
Same here Issy
Dint call me that balljett
Sorry Isabella .
Phineas grabs his beart guys my heart is killing me here
Phineas it's ok
No ferb. That it. Phineas. Says. I can't take this anymore more ., he shaking from his fears about is sister and is in panic mode .
Phineas takes his inhaler to calm down,
Oh Phineas. I hate seeing you like this
Well Candce Is to blame
Is that true? Because she blames me , he crys more .
Phineas calm down . Phineas is in tears . He is so shaken up. He can't hear ferb trying to help him . Ferb hugs him . It's ok bro . Phineas don't cry anymore.
Phineas = it's hard not to ferb . He crys harder and. Holds ferb tight .
O Phineas what has she done to you ?
You don't want to know bro .
Phineas what happened?
I rather not talk about but at the moment
Please tell us .
Fine . She said I said I wish you were not born !
Phineas thsts upsetting to hear . But don't cry . It will be better.
How ?
Phineas trust me
O I don't know , it so hard to trust people after Candce lies to me .
I know that but we don't lie to you .
Yes you do !
I = Phineas you don't get it . We are nothing like Candce . we are here to help .I am sorry, phiness just ignore your sister . Go home your mom wants to talk you about how your always scard of your sister . Your mom wants you to go get help .
Buferd says this. . Don't you trust us Phineas? Let's take you home .
P =. I trust you guys but I can't do it ,, please don't make go home .I am sorry about this. He gets up hurt .
You guys are just like my sister you don't believe in me or care about me.
He pushes past ferb . And glares at the ground l I wish you were all nicer .
Phineas we are nice l she is mean .
I am to blame to I should left sooner . In fact I will go now , I don't fit in here l I am a loner . You guys are using me,
Phineas please don't go. We are not using you . I am ready ti help you
No it's not needed. He runs away from his friends . He is frightened that things will not get better for him .
Phineas he here a voice calling him , go home Phineas
No I can't
Is he really is crying about this still.? Buferd says
Yes he is ferb says .
I= I know we can help you
P = Fine. Says . With tears still in his eyes. He lets his friends help him .
They head home . Phineas gets hit by his sister for running away .
The friends all attack Candce . She is knocked out for days .
Then wakes up all tied up to a tree .
C= Phineas why are doimg this ?
P = Because we hate you . I am tying you to the rail road tracks.
C = I can't believe you are doing this . You will be busted for this ! Don't do this Phineas . It's a bad idea. Phiness ignores her . Phineas unties his sister,
And pulls her to the station.
The gang ties her to the tracks.
Let's run her over Buferd says .
The gang smiles at that . Oh Phineas
Are you ok ?
No . I am feeling conflicted.
O well it is your sister.
Phineas Candce says . Don't do it I am sorry.
You had your chance sister .
Phineas I know your feelings. You don't want ti kill me .
O really ?
Yep, I know your feelings guilty. For wanting to kill me .
You got no idea what you are saying.
Phineas I do know that your not thinking right .
Give me one more reason why I should understand you .
Phineas because I am your sis.
Fine I will let. You live .
No screw that . Your goimg ti bust me . So you should die
Your feeling guilty.
Ferb your wrong . I still got do it .
Phineas climbs in to the train and gets the train ready .
Phineas please stop .
No Jeremy. Get out Of my way .
No. your crazy Jeremy says .
P = Ok .well I am not sorry. I will kill her and you too
Jeremy gets out of the way and try's to untie Candce to save her .
J= I can see your goimg to regrate this .Your literally killing a family member here . Don't you feel guilty Phineas?
P = I don't know why you think I would . He runs over something. O no.
F = Calm down you ran over a bird . Jeremy saved Candce.
P = Ok but I csnt belive it. I am so angry . I was trying to kill my sister. I am losing it .
F = Phines stop I know your feeling guilty about this .
P =Yiu don't know that .
F = Phineas I know guilt it is eating you alive.
P = What evdince do you got ?
F = Phineas look you your a mess . Your trembling, you got the I am guilty look ok your face Bro.
I don't think so. He smiles weakly . But ferb don't fall for it . He know that's his I am guilty smile.
F = Phineas I know your feeling guilty. Because I would feel guilty if I almost killed some one
P = Not sure why you say that
F = Phineas don't fight it .
P = Ferb was right Phineas thought. He could feel his stomach doing flips .
Phineas could scream . If Candce were around.he lied , ferb I am not guilty. I didn't kill her . I feel like i did want I had to. He was getting nervous because he knew ferb could read right through his lies .
Ferb smiles at Phineas. Are sure your not feeling guilty?
Yes . He gulps . Seeing that he was trapped he. Could not run away from ferb . I am So screwed . He thinks.if only I could think about why he wanted to do this ti me .
F: sees Phineas getting nervous, Hum .. it's worth watching you get all flustered as try to tell you thst your lies are nothing . I would feel so guilty if everyone knew I was going to kill a loved one .
Phineas Candce screams
Phines cringes he knows that this was the end for him .Ferb stop taking nonsense. He says.
F / smiles knowing Phineas was getting more nervous as they spent more time talking. In fact if I did something like that feel so guilty that I almost killed someone. I would be sick to my stomach. Phineas you know that feeling right ?
Phineas did felt sick to his stomach . But didn't want say it .
So he lied more . No I don't . He clunchs his stomach .
F ; Phineas are you ok ? Your looking green bro. are you sick to your stomach about what you done?
P = yes , he pokes On spot .
F=Well I got you to tell the truth.
P / hum ?
F = You don't have ti say yiur feeling guilty . You amited it when you said your where sick to your stomach .
P= O I did . I did didn't realize that .
F = it's ok,
Phineas is. Hyperventilating.
F = Phineas breath.
P = Ok . He smiles and does that . They tell cadence everything and d she is sorry .
Phineas says no I am sorry
Well I don't think I will try kill you. Again sis ,
C = Well that's goof to hear . Thry all hug . Than they tell eat pizza for dinner
The mom made kiwi pizza . The boys hated the meal and ate some pasta in stead . They made the pasta . And didn't t share it . Because every ones else liked The pizza.
Than the boys got some chips. They ate thier food. But Phineas through it up .
than they both took a nap so Phineas can rest . They end up sleeping untill thier mom wakes them the next day .
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