"Oh god, what are we going to do?!" Phin panicked.
We had landed in a junk yard and I was not in the mood to deal with this.
"Keep it together, soldier!" I barked, slapping him as I borrowed Izzy's catchphrase.
"Ow! Jeez, ok..." Phin muttered, rubbing his cheek.
"We need to find a way to get in that building. Any ideas?" I asked.
"Well...last time, we rescued Candace by going through a sewer pipe..." Phin suggested.
"A sewer pipe? Ok, fine...if that's what it takes to save Isabella..." I sighed.
"What? You like Isabella? Your Isabella, of course, not mine." Phin asked.
"Of course I do. Who wouldn't? you like her?" I glared at him, suspiciously.
"N-No! I like Izzy but...she seems to have a thing for know, Isabella will be so happy. You know she likes you, right?" He said.
"Yea, I found out." I grumbled.
"Then why don't you tell her you like her?" He asked.
I paused as I thought about my answer.
"None of your business. Let's go." I told him and jumped out of the pile of junk I was in.
"Of course it's my business! I'm you! Well, you from another dimension but still you!" He argued.
"I don't have time for this. I have to save Isabella! Don't you want to save Izzy?" I asked.
"Well, yea! I'd do anything for her! Um...tell me. you think I have...a shot with her?" He asked.
I turned and saw a faint blush on his cheeks as we sneaked past buildings.
"...yea...I think you have a shot with her. Why don't you ask her when we save them?" I suggested.
"You really think I have a shot?" He asked, excitedly.
"Yea. I think you do. Now shush. We're almost there. Wow. I didn't realize how small Danville is." I whispered.
"There's the sewer pipe we went into last time." Phin pointed to a narrow pipe near the door we had entered before.
I was holding back my urge to cringe as we got closer to it and the smell got stronger.
"Clothespin?" Phin held out two clothespins and I took one.
"Thanks.", I gratefully pinched my nose with it. "Now let's go get them. Lead the way."
I let him get ahead of me and he helped me avoid the...gross annoyances...with his random but helpful yelps when he accidentally got too close to something he shouldn't be near.
Finally, I saw a light and I sighed in relief. Besides saving my family, fresh air was what I needed right now.
"Yes! We made it!" Phin cheered as we climbed out.
"No time. We have to find out where they're imprisoned." I said and he nodded.
"This way. It's the way to the prisons." He quickly ran silently along the wall and I followed him.
"Wait, stop." I instructed.
We stopped and I turned my head to the left where two Norm Bots were sitting in a room.
"Did you hear about those new prisoners?" One asked.
"The ones Lord Doofenshmirtz is investigating right now? Yes, yes I have." The other answered.
"It's the dark and mysterious room, right?" The first one asked.
"Yes it is!" The second one exclaimed.
"It's muffin time!" Another one chimed in.
"Go away, Norm 729. We are having a conversation like real boys." The first one said.
Phin and I laughed quietly as they started to argue among themselves who was more like a real boy. We started running when their heads turned to show the bad cop side.
"Jeez, what idiots!" Phin laughed.
"Yea! Now all we have to do is find where this 'dark and mysterious room' is." I laughed.
"Uh...I think we found it." Phin said.
We stopped running and I looked up to see a giant black door with the words, 'DARK AND MYSTERIOUS ROOM', in white letters.
"Not so mysterious..." Phin murmured.
"At least we found it. Come on." I shrugged and ducked inside.
"Tell me where it is!" I heard Doofenshmirtz demand.
"Why should we tell you anything?" Isabella replied.
"Ugh! Fine!" Doofenshmirtz pulled out a sock puppet and looked away. "Tell me where it is!" He demanded in a higher, squeakier voice.
"Do you know how old we are...?" Izzy asked.
"Uh I don't know...ten?" Doofenshmirtz guessed.
"I'm fourteen!" Izzy and Isabella exclaimed.
"W-what?! You're fourteen?! I could've sworn! matter! You'll tell me where my Choo Choo is when I feed these guys to the 'dog'!" Doofenshmirtz sputtered.
He whipped out a remote control and pressed a button. Ten norm bots sizzled out and fell to the ground, revealing seven other Norm Bots who held Candace, Vanessa, Stacey, Jeremy, Ferb, Baljeet, and Buford captive.
"Isabella?! Where's Phineas?" Candace asked.
"He escaped!" Isabella said.
"Ah, ah, ah! He is no more! I made sure of that!" Doofenshmirtz said.
A tv screen came down and showed some phony footage of us getting swallowed up by this meatloaf-looking dog.
"Phineas!" Isabella screamed, tears running down her face.
"Phin!" Izzy shouted. There were no tears on her face but she was just as upset.
"How could you?! That was my little brother!" Candace shrieked and started to struggle.
"Candace, hold it together! No way would they leave without a fight!" Sir said.
"But...but...oh Phineas!" Candace wailed.
"Candace, stay strong!" Jeremy told her.
"If anyone could escape a meatloaf dog, it's Phineas." Stacey said, confidently.
"Ferb, I'm scared." Vanessa whispered.
"We'll be fine, Vanessa." Ferb slipped a hand out from the Norm Bots grip and held her hand.
"Oh this is so sweet! Too bad I don't care! Now! Prepare for your doom!" Doofenshmirtz yelled.
"It's muffin time, Sir!" A Norm Bot appeared on the screen.
"Not now, Norm! It's doom time! But bring me those muffins!" Doofenshmirtz demanded.
"Now! Prepare for your doom!" Doofenshmirtz yelled again.
"I don't think so!" I jumped out from behind a Norm Bot and knocked away the remote.
"You?! escaped..." Doofenshmirtz said.
"Oh, please, Doofenshmirtz. That video was full of baloney." Phin said, appearing next to me.
I looked behind and saw he had taken out all the Norm Bots on one side.
"Wow. Impressive." I said.
"Izzy's ray gun 2.0." He smiled.
"Nice improvement! Now get us out of here!" Sir said.
"Sure thing, Sis!" Phin pointed the ray gun at the other side and the Norm Bots twitched slightly before burning out.
"My Norm Bots!" Doofenshmirtz wailed.
"Don't worry! I saved one!" We watched as one grabbed Doofenshmirtz from behind and he struggled.
"Ugh! Ok, you got me! But before you send me back to prison, could you at least tell me where Choo Choo is?" Doofenshmirtz pleaded.
"It's muffin time, Sir!" A Norm Bot came in with a plate of muffins and we tensed.
"Ooh, goody! My muffins!" Doofenshmirtz's free hand grabbed the unusually largest one on the platter and took a big bite.
"Ow, Norm! What the heck!" Doofenshmirtz yelped and put his hand over his mouth.
The muffin dropped to the floor and we watched as a small toy train slid out from inside.
"Gross." Ferb and Other Ferb muttered.
"Choo Choo! Oh! Ok, now I'll go to prison. Everything is ok now that I have Choo Choo back!" Doofenshmirtz squealed as he scooped up the train in his arms.
"You're coming with me, Doofenshmirtz." Sir said and escorted him out.
"Oh, Phineas! I'm so glad you're ok!" Isabella ran to me and wrapped her arms around me. Next thing I knew, her lips were on my cheek and she kissed me.
"Wha..."I smiled and collapsed to the floor with a stupid grin on my face.
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