Special Chapter: Unwritten 1
This is the long awaited prequel of Philophobia entitled "Unwritten" because it's not planned or supposed to be written if that makes sense lmao. Contains three chapters. This is set in the events when Kinomi was a middle schooler in Kitagawa Daiichi. The song above is my inspiration for Unwritten. Enjoy! -- Lyn
"Kinomi-chan!" A familiar voice snapped me out of my concentration.
I shifted my gaze toward Aoi who just walked in the gymnasium, waving at me with a wide grin plastered on her face. I smiled back as I drop the volleyball on the floor and jogged to join her on the bench.
"You're here early," She commented as she put on her knee pads, giving me a towel. I plopped on the bench beside her to wipe the sweat off my face while I took a sip of water.
"I'm just warming up." I answered.
"Warm-up, huh?" Aoi arched an eyebrow in question, scanning the court which had a lot of volleyballs scattered around on the right side of the court.
"What? I'm practicing my serves."
"Maybe you should also try to learn the jump serve." She suggested.
I smiled timidly. "Hehe, I'm trying to, but it's really hard..."
Aoi's eyes widened in bewilderment. "Wah? The passionate Mikazuki Kinomi is having difficulties in learning new techniques in volleyball?!"
I looked down upon my reddish palms on my lap, pursing my lips in a thin line. "I just can't seem to grasp the feel of it, you know? I can't reach the power and control I want."
"Really now? If you can't do it, then how can we?"
"Takamine-san can do it." I reminded, pertaining to our team captain.
"Oh, yeah... but she hits the home-runs most of the time." She snickered, which rewarded her a frown from me.
"Who hits the most home-runs, Haruno?" Takamine-san startled the both of us. We turned our gaze sideways to see her with a menacing smile with her hands on her hips.
"Uh..." We sweat-dropped.
Takamine-san sighed, then looked at the court. "I know that most of my serves are half decent, that's why I do my best to improve it. You, Haruno," She snapped her head back at Aoi, making her flinch. "on the other hand, need to catch up on Mikazuki with read blocking. Our opponents' spikes always get through because of your late reaction! You don't coordinate with the blockers properly!"
"Yes, yes, Captain." Aoi uttered with a light pout. "But what is read blocking again?" She smiled sheepishly, scratching her cheek.
"It's watching where the opponent's toss will go and then the blockers jump accordingly. We talked about this countless of times, Aoi." I sighed exasperatedly.
"Hehehe, I always forget."
Takamine-san sighed then shook her head as if Aoi had no hope in life. "You still have a long way to go, Haruno. Oh, and by the way," She shifted on to another topic. "I was supposed to announce this to the whole team but we will be having a practice match with the boys' volleyball team this coming Saturday."
"Wow, really?!" Aoi exclaimed with sparkling eyes.
"Why are you so excited?" I asked with a creased forehead.
"Duh, haven't you heard? The boys' volleyball team is strong, like crazy strong!"
"You're exaggerating." I frowned.
"Well, to see is to believe. There's always a first time for everything, Mikazuki. Now..." Takamine-san smiled mischievously. "Let's practice your diving receives for the time being, ladies."
"Ugh..." Aoi and I complained.
"I think I need a massage. I ache all over..." Aoi whined, stretching her arms as she yawned. We just finished eating lunch and here we are on the way to the third floor of the school building. "What does Takamine-san want now?" She groaned.
"She wants to give us a copy of the boys' volleyball team matches so that we can study them ahead."
She put her arms behind her head as we reach the staircase. "Bold of her to assume that I'll study them. Maybe you will, but not me." She shrugged, making me sigh.
In the middle of the stairwell, a group of female students were crowded together as they're fawning over something or rather someone.
"Senpai, please accept the cookies I've baked for you!"
"I'm going to skip my extracurricular activities just to watch your match on Saturday!"
"He's so dreamy!"
The girls were all pushing against each other and one accidentally bumped into me, which made me stumble backwards into the stairs. I was about to fall and topple backwards if it weren't for the strong arms that caught me from behind.
"K-kinomi-chan, are you alright?!" I heard Aoi ask in an urgent and worried tone.
"Y-yeah..." I said, almost in a daze. My heart was about to explode from anxiety!
"Are you okay?" I heard the bartitone of a voice which belonged to the person who saved me. I turned around to see him with a rather worried look on his rugged features. I nodded. He puffed out a breath before his expression turned stoic, making Aoi and I shiver. "Oi, Shittykawa." He said darkly, making the commotion cease. "Why are you all scattered here in the middle of the staircase, huh? I'm going to beat you if you get someone seriously hurt."
"I-I'm sorry, Iwa-chan..." The guy named Shittykawa-san said in a nervous tone. Then our eyes met, smiling sheepishly at me. "I'm sorry, Miss..."
I nodded, getting a bit embarrassed as I have managed to get all of the girls' attention as well. Some were even glaring at me. I bowed my head before running away to the third floor, Aoi following me.
One thing that crossed my mind the moment I first laid my eyes on him was... he has such a pretty smile.
After classes, I went straight to my aunt's café to do my homework and seatworks in her office. Tora gave me a slice of strawberry shortcake and a cup of au lait as I'm busy with my schoolworks. It tastes very heavenly, and it's my new favorite. I wonder if I can ask for her recipe? Then after about an hour, Kazune-niisan also walked in.
"Nii-san, you're finally here!" I whined, stretching my arms in exhaustion. "I have a question here I don't quite understand."
"Oh really?" Nii-san patted my head before dropping his school bag on the floor and taking a seat beside me. "Let me see."
I handed him my worksheet then just let the great Mikazuki Kazune take care of his little sister's schoolwork. The said sister then just took another bite of her new favorite dessert. Nii-san also looked at me and opened his mouth, gesturing for me to feed him also.
I wonder when I'll get to see him again?
"Kinomi, the moon has no atmosphere, which means that dust behaves differently in there. Dust particles on the moon are blown up by... let's say, rocket thrust, and it falls straight to the ground again. Also..."
I want to get to know him, but I don't want to be annoying...
"—on the surface of the moon during the Apollo 11 extravehicular activity—Kinomi! Kinomi!" Nii-san's voice snapped me out of my pool of thoughts.
"Why are you spacing out? Is your Science homework really that difficult?" He furrowed his eyebrows in disbelief. "Isn't that your favorite subject?"
I smiled mischievously. "Nii-san, what will you do if I tell you I have a crush on someone?"
"What?" Tora and Nii-san reacted at the same time.
"Tora, I'm only talking to Nii-san. The conversation is only up to here." I drew an imaginary line over Nii-san and I, rewarding me a frown from her.
"You're having a crush on someone, Kinomi?" Nii-san asked.
"I... think so?"
"Really? Really?" Tora stood up from her seat and went over to sit on the floor with us, smiling and listening attentively. "Who's the lucky guy?"
"Well, I only know his last name though..." My cheeks reddened.
"And?" Nii-san urged.
"His name is Shittykawa."
Tora and Nii-san looked at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter, my forehead creased in confusion.
"Oh my god, what in god's name is that name!"
"He must have led a shitty life!"
"Or a shitty personality!" Tora hit Nii-san on the arm because of too much laughter.
"Ow!" Nii-san laughed. "You're the one with the shitty personality, Tora-neesan!"
"Nothing's funny!" I exclaimed, pouting with a glare.
"You're not allowed to have a boyfriend ahead of me, missy!" Tora warned with crossed arms.
"Oh, Kinomi," Nii-san said after his laughter died down. "I won't allow you to marry him... let alone date a guy! Not as long as I'm alive."
When Nii-san and I arrived home, we were greeted by the delicious smell of dinner. Nii-san and I spared a look at each other before we quickly slipped off our shoes to dash into the kitchen to see our mother cooking dinner.
"We're home!" I attacked Mom in a tight hug from behind, which made her yelp in surprise. She put her cooking utensils down before turning around with a gentle smile on her face.
"Welcome home, Kinomi, Kazune." She gave us both a kiss on the cheek, making me grin. "How's school?"
Nii-san sighed, after drinking a glass of water. "School is really taking a huge toll on me but I'll manage!"
"Do you think I'll pass the entrance exams if I tried for Shiratorizawa?" I asked as I helped Mom prep dinner.
"Shiratorizawa won't accept people who doesn't know the difference between the Earth and moon's atmosphere." Nii-san stuck out his tongue at me, teasing me. I did the same. Nii-san left to change his clothes. Mom then let me have a taste test of consommé soup, then I answered a smile and a thumbs-up.
Mom chuckled. "Go and change your clothes first, baby. Your father is coming home any minute now. I'll just call you and your brother when dinner's ready."
I nodded and obeyed my mother. When I was at the doorframe of the kitchen, I turned around to see her back facing me, busying herself with cutting vegetables. I smiled, thinking about how blessed and lucky I am for having such a loving and caring mother. I aspire to be an ideal chef life her, but in the field of baking.
"Dad, Kinomi's having a crush on someone!" Nii-san snitched while we're eating dinner.
"Nii-san! I thought that you'd keep it a secret!"
"Really?" Dad smiled, obviously amused. Mom had a displeased look on her face though.
"And you won't believe the name of the guy."
"Humor me."
"It's Shittykawa."
Dad snort-laughed, while Mom choked on her food. Every single one of them had this weird reaction! What does his name mean anyway?
"Kinomi, our last name has a very beautiful meaning. I think it's kind of an insult to change it to... that."
"Daaaad! Why are you all thinking ahead? It's just... a harmless crush." I pouted.
"Pffft, yeah, right." Nii-san snorted.
"Kinomi, why do you like that person?" Mom asked.
I stopped to think. Aside from him being charming and seemingly a nice person, what are other reasons?
"Kirimi, it's not bad to have a crush on someone, darling, she's already at that age." Dad smiled and held Mom's hand, making my eyes follow the motion. "As long as you have your priorities straight, honey."
"Of course..." I smiled, admiring the couple in front of me. "I want a love like how Mom and Dad love each other."
But what I didn't notice that time was... my parents' smiles faltered after I had said those statements.
"Out!" Aoi called from the other side of the court.
I groaned as the ball went out of bounds when I went to perform a jump serve. When will I perform the perfect jump serve like his, I wonder? I watched the footage last night before going to bed, and Shittykawa-senpai has the ball control and power that I so desperately work hard to achieve! And it's the more reason to admire him!
"Mikazuki, I think it's best you just stick with your overhand serves in this practice match. Your jump serves still has below fifty percent chance of going in." Takamine-san instructed, to which I grumpily obliged.
I performed another jump serve, which resulted in another out. I didn't notice the boys' volleyball team arriving along with a few fangirls who occupied the sides. Shittykawa-senpai had his eyes focused on me, which made me feel immediately embarrassed when I realize that he had probably seen me do the epic fail jump serve!
He smirked when he saw that I noticed him. I quickly turned around and away from his sight. With my volleyball still in my arms, I made a face. Uwah, so embarrassing!
The match starts, with me starting in the rearguard. Shittykawa-senpai was the first one to serve so they can rack some points and take the lead and momentum of the game. With him at the service line, I saw him point his finger at someone... specifically at me. He was giving me an expression as if he's telling me, 'This is how a jump serve should be done.'
And he did. I've seen his perfect jump serve in the flesh directed at me. I managed to receive it—barely. But it's going over the net!
I barely had the time to register everything in my brain when the volleyball dropped on our side of the court. They had already gained a point on us, obtaining the momentum.
They're strong... just like Aoi promised. Their spikes are strong, especially Iwa-senpai, that I think I might injure my fingers if I tried to jump and block him every time. Shittykawa-senpai's graceful sets and perfect serves helps set their team in harmony... and with our team lacking those skills, losing isn't much of a shock to us.
They won both sets, with the scores of 17-25 and 11-25. I heaved out a huge sigh as I watch him on the other side of the net smiling, laughing and getting smacked at the head by Iwa-senpai.
"Well, that's to be expected." Aoi shrugged, wiping off her sweat. "Told you they were crazy strong."
"We're going to have a short meeting after you guys freshen up." Takamine-san announced at the team.
"Kinomi, where are you going?" Aoi asked.
"To them..." I pointed at the boys' volleyball team. Without waiting for her reply, I jogged towards him who was still talking amiably to his team.
"Excuse me..." I muttered.
"Hmm?" He turned around. "Oh! You're the girl from the other day."
I bit my lip, fidgeting with my fingers. "Um... I just wanted to say that... you're very cool! I totally fell in love with you!" Then I realized what I had just said, my blood rushing to my cheeks. He laughed at my flustered state. "I—I mean with your serves! I really aspire to be as good as you. A—and..." I bowed my head at Iwa-senpai. "Thank you for saving me the other day, Iwa-senpai!"
"It's nothing." Iwa-senpai said. "And don't praise the trash too much, his head might explode from too much cockiness."
Shittykawa-senpai stuck his tongue out at Iwa-senpai "You're just jealous because she didnʼt praise you!"
I blinked in panic. "U-um, you're very strong, too, Iwa-senpai! This was the first time I taped my fingers because your spikes might injure my fingers." I gestured towards my taped middle and fore fingers.
"Oh... sorry about that." His face softened.
"No, no!" I flailed my hands, smiling. "It was nice to know that you didn't hold back on us."
"I never hold back on anyone."
I nodded in agreement, smiling. "On that, we agree." Iwa-senpai smiled back.
"Hey, don't smile at her, Iwa-chan! She might fall in love with you instead!" Shittykawa-senpai interjected.
"H-huh?!" I exclaimed, flustered.
Iwa-senpai sighed. "Iʼm not an attention-seeking piece of shit like you, idiot."
"How rude!" Shittykawa-senpai frowned like a child. Then he turned his attention to me. "What's your name?"
"Mikazuki Kinomi... I'm a first year!" I said almost immediately with another bow of my head.
"Do you want me to teach you the jump serve?" He offered with a smile.
I blinked in surprise, my excitement and joy going over the edge. "Yes, please! Thank you so much, Shittykawa-senpai!"
His smile immediately contorted into a frown as Iwa-senpai snorted in amusement. "This is your fault, Iwa-chan..." He pouted again.
"He also goes by the name of Crappykawa, Trashykawa, Flatty—"
"Please don't taint my kouhai's innocence!"
"Kouhai?" I questioned, blushing again.
"Yup! From now on, you are my precious kouhai!" He smiled mischievously, his chocolate brown eyes having a darker shade as he introduced himself. "And it's Oikawa Tooru, Mika-chan."
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