Chapter 29
He was walking with fast strides and I panted as I tried my best to keep up with him. He has incredibly long legs for a first year. Although our height isn't that far from each other, he was used to moving around unlike me. Nevertheless, I can adjust. My heart was thumping in anticipation, at the thought of finally having him alone. Not that it was the first time, but I'm still wasn't used to this. And it felt as if he wasn't in his best mood. I wonder what was his problem?
"Tsukishima," I called, catching my breath. I held his hand to halt him. "Slow down, is there a problem?"
He turned to face me, his eyes glanced at our hands then back at my face. His stoic face softened, which made me glad that his mood slightly lightened up. He shook his head, avoiding eye contact with me.
"Sorry," He muttered, his tone was of disappointed particularly to himself. "It was reckless, getting you out of there. I just... I just couldn't help myself."
My lips parted and I internally cooed. My lips curled up into a small smile, appreciating his concern for me. He might have a point, though. He was thinking that I still had a fragment of the girl he met, and that it wasn't a good idea to approach me. But unlike before, I'm not triggered by the things he does to me anymore, so I can try to me more open and expressive towards him. But it's like I'm meeting him for the first time again, in ages.
I shook my head, smiling. "It's okay. I, too, was finding the perfect timing to have you alone. So thanks."
Tsukishima was taken aback for a second before his lips curled up in a gentle smile. "Hmm, me, too..." Then he enveloped his hand around mine, making me blush. But nonetheless, I still couldn't help the fuzzy feeling again, I couldn't stop smiling. What's with Tsukishima and his antics that drive the dragons inside me have a volcano party? Oh, is it bad that I wanted to pull his shirt down and kiss him? But I was thankful for a second that I didn't dare do that because someone spoke right behind me.
"Oya? Oya oya oya~?"
Tsukishima and I pulled away from each other as if we had touched fire. I could feel the blood rising up from my cheeks as I slowly turned my head to look at Bokuto-san with a smirk plastered on his face, and his entire team looking at us with different expressions.
"Um... training is about to start in a few minutes so please proceed back to the gym." Akaashi-san informed us with a blank stare. I couldn't find my voice, so I just nodded my head.
The Fukurodani team then proceeded to walk by past us, and we had to move to the side, bowing my head in sheer shame. Oh, my good lord, the entire Fukurodani team just caught us PDA-ing!
"I'm so jealous, Akaashi! Hold my hand, too!" I could hear the captain's voice echo through the corridors, making my blush grow deeper.
"Please stop it, Bokuto-san."
When they are nowhere within earshot, I turned my head to the side to see Tsukishima furrowing his eyebrows in irritation. I stifled a chuckle as I went to my tiptoes to remove the crease on his forehead.
"Why so salty?" I grinned which made him roll his eyes at me. "Let's go back?" I beckoned, pulling his hand but he didn't budge from his position.
"I need motivation." He smirked at me, and it was my turn to roll my eyes at him.
"Okay, like what?"
"How about a kiss?"
My mouth parted, "What the hell? Do you want another team to walk in on us?"
"I don't care, though. Come on, just one on the cheek, Berry." He smiled innocently, which made me sigh heavily.
"You jerk face," I grunted and looked around the corridors and when I made sure it was clear for now, I quickly went on my tiptoes and quickly planted a peck on his cheek, which didn't fail to make me blush.
"You should have seen your face, you look like a strawberry." He let out a short amused laugh before ruffling my brown hair. "I missed you." He didn't let me reply and just walked on ahead to the gymnasium, leaving me dumbfounded.
I just shook my head and just walked side by side with my team when they arrived in the corridors. We went back to the gym where volleyball training was held. I sighed as I remembered the embarrassing scene earlier when I saw Bokuto-san smirking at me, so much for not gaining much attention. I sat on my seat, exasperated. I took my notebook and pen as I was going to start scribbling when Tetsurou spoke.
"So, what did you two talk about?"
I looked up and gave him a glare, I could never believe how such a boy could be this much of a gossiper. "None of your business."
"Oh come on, I want the details." He smirked at me, obviously trying to piss me off.
"Do you know the sound of shoes screeching to the floor? Do you know how annoying that sounds?" I asked him out of the blue, which made him raise an eyebrow in question.
"Yeah, well, that's what I hear every time you talk to me."
I heard Yamamoto-san and Yaku-san crack up at my remark, whilst I heard Lev say, "I don't get it."
"Uh, Mikazuki-san - 1, Kuroo - 0."
Kuroo crossed his arms across his chest, amused. "Nice one."
"Sorry for being a bitch. It will happen again." I said without looking at him, as I continued to scribble on my notebook for my analysis on the Karasuno team.
Then the attention of the team was summoned by Nekomata-san, and there we continued on with our training until afternoon. Now that I notice it, there are a few points missing in the Karasuno team. Like, they are lacking something... or someone? And after a few hours, there, the stars of the show came fashionably late. Kageyama and the orange-head middle schoolerish.
But then the orange-head vomited all over the gymnasium floor, making me cringe. Some of them panicked, telling others to bring a mop or something. Okay, a duo of a nervous and a prim and proper crow... I have seen them in a match before but I didn't bother to analyze them.
After witnessing a few of their matches, I saw an error in their attacks, particularly to the duo. Of course you would be surprised to see a quick like that when you see it the first time around. However, when it is repeated a couple of times, it can be stopped. I looked at the Nekoma team, I'm sure they already figured it out. And I'm sure the Karasuno team also. But--oh... I see, given the fact that they are crows, and crows are scavengers and wanderers, there's a high probability that they can adapt but is it enough for them to reach the Nationals? I wonder...
After the match of Nekoma and Ubugawa, it was time to call it a day. I stood up and stretched, feeling the soreness of my muscles kick in. A shower and some goodnight sleep sounds nice right about now.
"Good job!" The teams said to each other.
I felt someone put an arm around me, putting all of his weight on me. "I'm so hungry, Kinomi-chaaan!" Tetsurou sang.
"Get off me! You reek of sweat, dude!" I groaned and wrenched myself away from him.
We helped with the clean up of the gymnasium before eating dinner. Then we were directed to our own respected rooms. I was with the other female managers as well. I took a hot shower, and it helped a little in easing my aching muscles. I returned to the classroom the managers occupied on the fourth floor. The teams occupied the classrooms in the first to third floors. The managers were still talking amiably but I wasn't in the mood to socialize, I wanted to get some sleep. But I felt my phone vibrate on my hand, I opened it and saw a text message from an unregistered number.
You asleep, Berry?
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