Chapter Sixteen: Somebody You Loved
Back In Auradon
Ben's Pov
I sighed in frustration. We weren't able to find anything about where Malia could've gone.
It's been a year and yet we've got nothing.
We've searched almost everywhere and she's no where to be seen.
It's like she disappeared.
Her parents have been trying but they haven't found anything either.
Audrey has tried searching her room to look for any clues, but nothing.
Honestly they hate my guts, especially Chad and Jane.
I'm still friends with the core, even though I'm still angry at Mal for what she did.
Jane talks to the core and gets along with them, but she doesn't say a word to me or Mal.
"Ben, honey you need rest."
I looked up and saw my mom holding a glass of water in her hands.
"I can't rest mom, I need to find Malia and my child" I explained.
"You've been doing this for a year and yet we've found nothing" Mom said as she placed the glass on my desk.
"I just need to find her and bring her home and beg her for forgiveness" I said.
"Honey when's the last time you've slept?" Mom asked.
"I don't know, a week ago, or a month" I shrugeed.
"Ben this isn't healthy, you need sleep" Mom said and I scoffed.
"I can't rest mom. The girl I love left me and she was pregnant. I got her pregnant with our child and I broke her heart" I said angrily.
"I promised her the world, when we got together I promised to always be there for her, to never leave her side, to always love her, that I would make her my queen. I broke all of those promises and her heart when Mal put that love spell on me and she left, Malia left without a trace and I'm not even sure if she's coming back" I yelled.
I didn't even notice the tears streaming down my cheeks.
I soon fell to my knees and cried.
I cried because Malia might never forgive me nor take me back after what I did.
Mom crouched next to me and hugged me.
"I promise you honey, we're all trying our best to find her, we won't stop until we know she's safe" Mom reassured me.
I nodded and hugged her back.
"Please...just for today, get some rest, you really need it" Mom said.
I knew there was no arguing with her about it so I nodded.
She smiled and kissed my cheek before leaving. I stayed on the ground for a few minutes before getting up.
I quickly got changed and sat on my bed.
I noticed a picture of me and Malia when we were at the beach a year ago, before I made my proclamation.
I smiled at that memory. We had so much fun that day. We made so many memories together.
All of that is now gone.
I sighed before placing the picture back where it was, turning off my lights and laying down on my bed.
I stared at the ceiling before closing my eyes, trying to get some sleep.
Ben's Dream
I woke up in a dark room. Everything was dark, I got up from the ground and started looking around.
I really am starting to get worried because there's nothing here.
Just then I saw a figure. It looked like a girl.
"Hey, hey, who are you?" I asked.
She didn't turn around, she just ran.
"Hey, wait!" I yelled.
I ran to her and tried catching up to her but she was faster than me.
"Please stop, I just want to talk" I said.
She continued running. I started getting annoyed but followed her regardless.
Finally she stopped running. I sighed in relief and started panting really fast.
"Can you please turn around?" I asked.
She didn't move. "I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to know who you are?" I asked.
"You should know who I am Benjamin."
I froze, I know that voice, that voice has always been stuck in my head since forever.
"M...Malia" I stuttered.
Finally she turned around and revealed herself.
It was Malia.
It was really Malia.
"Malia" I said. She glared at me and crossed her arms.
"Benjamin" Malia said coldy.
I smiled and tried walking up to her but she took a step back.
"Don't come anywhere near me" Malia said.
"Malia, please let me explain" I begged.
"There's nothing to explain" Malia said.
"Malia please, I love-" I tried saying but she cut me off.
"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT" Malia shouted and I flinched.
"Don't you dare say that out of your mouth, I don't need anymore lies coming from you" Malia said.
"Malia..." I said.
"You hurt me, you broke my heart, you lied to me and left me. I can never forgive you for that" Malia said.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean any of it" I tried telling her.
"Yeah sure, like I'm going to believe that" Malia scoffed.
I looked down and tears threatened to come out.
"Is it true?" I asked, "is what true?" Malia asked.
"That you were pregnant?" I asked, she looked at me and simply nodded.
"Yes, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl" Malia said.
I smiled and tried my best not to cry, "can I meet her?" I asked.
She simply laughed and glared at me, "you're not going anywhere near my daughter" Malia said.
I stared at her in disbelief, "you can't be serious" I said.
"I'm serious Ben, you're not going anywhere near my daughter, she's better off without her father" Malia yelled.
"She's still my daughter, I have every right to see her!" I yelled in anger.
"No you don't, you're not her father, you left us for that bitch, so go be with her and make her your new queen and have kids with her" Malia yelled.
"Malia...please" I begged.
She looked away, not wanting to even look at me anymore.
I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me
This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy
I need somebody to heal
Somebody to know
Somebody to have
Somebody to hold
It's easy to say
But it's never the same
I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain
Tears streamed down her face and she let out a small sob.
It broke my heart seeing her like this.
"Malia..." I started but she cut me off.
Now the day bleeds
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
Tears started streaming down my face because of all the pain I put her through.
I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to turn to
This all or nothing way of loving got me sleeping without you
Now, I need somebody to know
Somebody to heal
Somebody to have
Just to know how it feels
It's easy to say but it's never the same
I guess I kinda liked the way you helped me escape
I tried touching her hands but she smacked my them away.
"Please...please let me explain baby" I begged.
She gave me the death glare and continued singing.
Now the day bleeds
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
And I tend to close my eyes when it hurts sometimes
I fall into your arms
I'll be safe in your sound 'til I come back around
"I fucking hate you so damn much Benjamin" Malia said.
My heart broke and I felt like dying right then and there.
For now the day bleeds
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
But now the day bleeds
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
She stared at me and then let out a small laugh and smirked.
"Where I am doesn't concern you, but all I can say is that I'm happy in my new home" Malia said.
"No..." I whispered.
"Goodbye Benjamin" Malia said before walking away.
"MALIA WAIT" I shouted.
Ben's Dream Finished
I shot up from my bed, panting really fast.
"Malia" I whispered.
I looked around and noticed I was still in my room. Looking at my alarm clock it read 2:30am.
I sighed before laying down on my bed again.
I closed my eyes and let out a small sob. 'Please come back to me baby,' I thought. Please come back Malia.
I need you...
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