Chapter Fourteen: Heartbreak Is The Worst Fear
Malia's Pov
After singing my heart out, discovering my newfound feelings for Wyatt, I decided to head to the kitchen to get something to eat.
I tried going back to sleep but it was hard, given that no matter how hard I tried getting Wyatt out of my mind, I couldn't.
Whenever I closed my eyes all I could see was Wyatt. Just Wyatt. Nobody else but Wyatt.
I seriously don't even know how to feel. Part of me wants to deny these feelings as hard as I can, but another part of me wants to accept these feelings and try and find a way to tell Wyatt.
But, does he even feel the same way? Even if he does, is this something that I really want?
How the hell do I do this? How can I do this without getting hurt?
Do I even want to tell Wyatt? Should I just keep my mouth shut?
"Malia?" I heard Addison ask.
I turned around to see Addison standing a few feet away from me. Her hair was in a messy bun and I could see some black bags under her eyes.
"Hey, Addy, I didn't wake you. Did I?" I asked.
I made sure to be quiet when I came down here. The last thing I wanted was to wake Addison, Missy or Dale.
"No, no, you didn't. I just came down here to get some water" Addison said.
I sighed in relief and nodded my head and watched as she walked towards me.
"Why are you up?" Addison asked.
"Same reason. I couldn't go back to sleep no matter how hard I tried so I just came down here to get a snack and something to drink" I shrugged.
Addison hummed and nodded before walking to the fridge to take out a bottle of water.
I sighed and went back to my snack and my water. I broke a piece of my cookie and ate it.
My mind was still on the whole 'having feelings for Wyatt'. I'm trying to figure things out and just trying to figure out what to do.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Addison asked once she closed the fridge.
"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.
Addison fondly rolled her eyes at me and walked towards me, opening her bottle of water.
"Malia, I've known you for quite some time, you think I don't know when you're upset?" Addison asked.
I chuckled slightly and shook my head. This girl really does know me.
Addison smiled before taking a seat next to me, setting her water bottle down on the counter.
"So, tell me, what's up? What are you thinking about?" Addison asked.
I sighed and broke another piece of my cookie before eating it.
"Wyatt found out about Emily and came over" I said.
"Really? How did he find out?" Addison asked in curiosity.
"I kind of mentioned her after going with Zed and Eliza since they wanted to try and get the werewolves vote. My guess is that he either asked Zed or Eliza and they told him" I said.
I'm not mad at either of them if that is the case.
I was just hoping he'd find out later instead of sooner.
"Ok, so what happened when he came over?" Addison asked.
"He wanted to meet Emily and he did. It was really cute, actually. He was so sweet and gentle towards her. He called her beautiful. Emily seemed to really like him too" I explained.
"Awww, I wish I was there, that would've been so cute to see" Addison cooed before pouting.
I laughed and shook my head, gently patting her back before continuing.
"Anyway, after that I put Emily to bed and Wyatt and I talked. He asked about Emily's biological father and well that led to me telling him about Ben and what happened between us. I was happy that he understood my story and didn't judge me for being a teenage mother" I explained.
Because trust me, I've gotten some looks and criticism from people for being a teenage mother.
It annoys the hell out of me but I do my best to ignore them.
And if that doesn't work Zed, Addison or Eliza, or all three of them, will have to hold me back.
"So, what happened? Why do you seem upset?" Addison asked, confused.
I sighed and ate the last piece of cookie. I clapped my hands together and looked at Addison.
"I-I think I like Wyatt"
"That's the thing. I-I d-don't know how to feel" I stuttered.
My lips trembled and my eyes began watering, tears threatening to come out.
Addison's eyes widened when she saw the state I was in and scooted closer to my side.
"Malia, hey, what's wrong?" Addison asked.
I shook my head and looked down. I bit my lip to try and prevent the tears from coming out.
Addison sighed and slowly grabbed my hands. She placed her finger under my chin and gently picked my head up so that way we were eye level with each other.
"Malia, hey, talk to me. What's wrong?" Addison softly asked.
"I-I'm s-scared" I stuttered.
"Scared of what?" Addison asked.
I looked at her and my lips trembled, once more. The tears managed to escape my eyes and streamed down my cheeks.
"I'm scared of falling in love. I'm scared of getting my heartbroken" I manage to choke out.
Addison's eyes softened and a frown formed on her face.
"Oh, Malia" Addison sighed.
More tears streamed down my cheeks and I let out a loud sob. Addison wasted no time in wrapping her arms around me, hugging me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back just as tightly.
I cried into her shoulder as she rubbed my back up and down, trying to comfort me.
This was all too much for me. I'm just so confused and conflicted on what to do.
I don't know what to do. I want to tell Wyatt how I feel because I won't deny that I've been feeling something for him ever since he arrived.
But at the same time I don't want to say anything. I don't want him to reject me. I don't want to feel another heartbreak.
I don't want to go through the same pain I felt when Ben sang his love for Mal and practically humiliated me in front of the entire damn school.
"Addy, I don't know what to do" I whispered to my best friend.
"Oh, Malia" Addison sighed.
We pulled away from the hug and Addison frowned when she saw my tears. She brought her hands to my face and gently wiped my tears away from her face.
"Malia, it's perfectly alright to be confused and conflicted. Everyone goes through that at some point in their life" Addison softly said.
"I know. But I just don't know what to do. I really do like Wyatt, I won't deny that, but what happens if he doesn't feel the same way? What if he rejects me and I experience heartbreak all over again?" I asked.
The last thing I want is to let my guard down and let someone into my life only for them to shatter my heart into pieces.
I made the mistake the first time. I don't want to be stupid and make the same mistake again.
"I don't want to let my guard down and let him only for him to break my trust. I don't want to get heartbroken again. Ben already broke my heart and he not only broke my trust, but he broke me. What if Wyatt does the same?" I asked.
I want to believe that Wyatt won't break me the way that Ben did. I really do.
But how can I do that? I have trust issues thanks to the last incident.
"Malia, I know it sucked getting your heartbroken by that jerk. But you have to understand that at some point in people's lives they'll experience heartbreak. Nobody can avoid it. It's just how life works" Addison explained.
She sighed and gently placed her hands on my shoulder, rubbing them gently.
"I know that you don't want to let your guard down. I know that you don't want to feel weak for letting someone in. But think carefully, really carefully, about how Wyatt feels" Addison said.
I sniffled and raised an eyebrow at her, confused.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"Think about it. How has Wyatt acted so far whenever he's around you?" Addison asked.
Now that she mentions it, Wyatt has been nothing but kind, caring and gentle towards me.
Sure, at times he can be a bit flirty, but other than that he's been really sweet to me. He takes whatever opportunity he has to talk to me.
And whenever he's around me he just makes my heart flutter and my cheeks turn red.
Not only did he call Emily beautiful, but he also called me beautiful too.
He's been complimenting me quite a few times and has been giving me kisses. Obviously not on the lips, but the head or the cheek.
Does...does Wyatt like me too?
"Addy, do you think Wyatt likes me?" I asked.
"100%" Addison smiled, nodding her head.
"But...but why would he like someone like me? He can have someone else, why would he like me?" I asked, really confused.
"How can he not like someone as beautiful as you? Malia, in his eyes, you're his everything. I can see it in his eyes whenever he looks at you" Addison smiled.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Positive. It's the same way I look at Zed and it's the same way he looks at me. Trust me, he likes you" Addison nodded.
Because of that I allowed a tiny smile to appear on my face.
Wyatt likes me. He really likes me. I honestly can't believe it.
"So, what should I do? Do I tell him? But what happens if you're wrong and he doesn't feel the same way?" I asked.
Even if he does feel the same way, who's to say that this would even work out?
What if in the end he finds someone else, just like Ben did, and I still get my heartbroken?
"Malia, relax, I'm not saying go and tell him how you feel right away. If you still need time then take all the time you need. Nobody's rushing you" Addison softly said.
A sigh of relief escaped my lips and I nodded my head.
Addison smiled at me and wrapped her arm around my shoulders.
"Come on, it's late, we have school tomorrow. We've got a big day ahead of us" Addison said.
I smiled at her and nodded, "ok" I said.
We both stood up from the chairs we were sitting on before turning the lights off. We then made our way upstairs to head to our rooms.
Addison and I hugged each other before going into our rooms to head to bed.
I sighed and closed my door. I laid my head against the wall before making my way towards my bed.
I got in bed and pulled the blanket up to my body. I sighed and closed my eyes, hoping to fall asleep and get a bit of rest.
I hope Addison is right about Wyatt liking me back.
I hope I'm right about Wyatt liking me back.
The last thing I want is to let him in. I don't want to let my walls down for him, only for him to break not only my heart, but me.
I don't want to experience heartbreak again.
Because heartbreak is the worst fear of mine. And I pray to never experience that ever again.
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