Chapter Four: New Friends & Family Day Disaster
Malia's Pov
The next day I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.
Missy and Dale had to work and had left breakfast for me and Addison before leaving.
Once I finished showering I got out and changed.
I walked down stairs and made my way into the kitchen where Addison was.
I sat down and ate my breakfast while making some small chat with Addison once in a while.
As soon as we were done with breakfast I was then dragged by Addison.
We left the house as she continued dragging my by the arm and honestly she was starting to hurt me just a little bit.
"Addy please stop pulling my arm" I asked her, "oh sorry, my bad" Addison said with a smile.
"Where exactly are we going?" I asked.
I learned from Addison that this place is called Seabrook. Where everyone lives normal lives and get along.
I also learned that zombies exist in this world. Crazy, right.
Addison told me that before zombies weren't accepted and some people weren't exactly nice to them.
Then she told me that after a while humans learned to accept zombies and are all living together.
I don't understand why they don't like zombies, they're really cool.
Some people are just crazy and judgmental.
Anyways, today Addison is taking me to meet her friends and boyfriend.
She has one human friend named Bree and her other friends are zombies, including her boyfriend.
"I told you this before, I'm taking you to meet my friends and my boyfriend" Addison said with a smile.
"Are we going to zombie town?" I asked, "yes we are" Addison said with a smile.
"Honestly I like their town, it's different but in a good way" I said with a smile.
"Same here, I'm glad Seabrook learned to accept the zombies" Addison said with a smile.
I smiled at her as we continued walking. We finally made it to zombie town.
Addison was looking around and her eyes lit up in happiness.
I turned to where she was looking at and saw four people.
There was two zombie boys, one zombie girl, and one little zombie girl holding a puppy.
"Hey Addison."
Addison smiled before running to him and hugging him.
'So that must be here boyfriend' I thought.
I walked over to them and stood next to Addison.
"Hey Zed, nice to see you guys again" Addison said.
"Nice to see you too" Zed said with a smile.
"Who's this?"
"Oh right, guys meet Malia Rose. She's currently living with me at the moment due to a problem of hers" Addison explained.
"Hello, it's nice to meet you guys" I said.
"Hey, I'm Zed" Zed said.
"Hey, I'm Eliza, and this is Bonzo" Eliza said as she pointed to the tall zombie next to her.
I smiled at the tall zombie and gave him a wave. He smiled and waved back at me.
"Who's this little cutie?" I asked, pointing to the small zombie next to Zed.
"Oh, this is my little sister Zoey" Zed said.
I smiled softly at her and crouched down to her level.
"Hi Zoey, it's nice to meet you, I'm Malia" I said with a smile. Zoey smiled at me and waved.
"Hello, it's really nice to meet you, I love your hair, it's really pretty" Zoey said with a smile.
I giggled at her enthusiasm.
"So, care to explain to us why you're living with Addison" Eliza asked.
I looked a little nervous to tell them the truth.
Addison touched my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile.
I smiled and nodded at her, "can we find somewhere to talk, I'm a little tired of standing" I said with a small smile.
"Sure, come on, we know a nice place" Zed said with a smile. I nodded and we followed them.
Zed took us to a nice table nearby. I sat in between Eliza and Bonzo while Addison and Zed sat across from us, with Zoey on Zed's lap.
It was silent for a few minutes. I didn't really know what to say.
Just then Addison broke the silence.
"Do you want me to tell them, or are you ok with doing it?" Addison asked.
I smiled at her and shook my head, "it's fine Addy, I can tell them" I reassured her.
She smiled at me and nodded.
She laid her head on Zed's shoulder and smiled at him.
He smiled at her and placed a kiss on her head.
I smiled at the cute interaction between them. My smile changed to a frown.
Me and Ben were always like that with each other.
I shook that memory away.
Me and him aren't together anymore, he left me. Remember that.
"Well, it's a long story, just be prepared when I tell you everything" I said.
"Sure thing" Eliza said with a smile.
I took a deep breath and and counted to three before opening them and opening my mouth to speak.
(After explaining because I'm lazy)
"And well...that's my story" I said with a small smile.
Everyone, everyone was in shock, minus Addison of course.
Their eyes were wide open and their jaws were wide open.
Even little Zoey was in shock as well.
"Well, that really was a long and surprising story" Zed said, recovering from his shocked state.
"I can't believe your boyfriend did that to you, he's a jerk" Eliza said.
"I know" I said with a frown.
"So Addison's parents are allowing you to live with them?" Zed asked.
"Yeah" I said with a nod.
"Ga zad gin preg? (so you're really pregnant?)" Bonzo asked.
"Yes I am" I said with a smile as I placed my hand on my stomach.
For some unknown reason I can understand what Bonzo says.
Eliza smiled and gave me a side hug.
"Don't worry Malia, we're here for you, we'll help you raise your baby" Eliza said.
"Really?" I asked, "of course we will, you're our friend" Zed said with a smile.
I smiled at him and nodded.
"Thanks guys" I said with a smile.
"I can't wait to find out the gender, we have to throw a party" Addison said.
"I'm thinking about it" I said, "have you thought of names?" Zoey asked.
"If it's a boy his name will be Jonah, and if it's a girl her name will be Emily" I said with a smile.
"Those are really nice names" Eliza said, "thanks" I said with a smile.
"I can't wait for the arrival, it's going to be so much fun" Addison said with a smile.
'Since when is taking care of a baby at such a young age fun' I thought in confusion.
Sure I love kids and I'm excited to be a mother, but I'm still young, and it's going to be a lot of work to take care of a baby.
I'm just glad I have my new friends by my side to help me, along with Missy and Dale.
'I wonder what's going on back in Auradon' I thought.
I shook that thought away and continued talking to my new friends.
I'm sure everything is fine back in Auradon.
Meanwhile, Back In Auradon
Nobody's Pov
It was family day at Auradon prep.
Audrey was with her mother, father, and grandmother.
Chad and Jane were with them the whole time.
The three teenagers were glaring at Ben and Mal.
Audrey was glaring at Mal for taking Ben away from her sister. However she was worried.
Malia was nowhere to be found and she never came to family day, usually she was the first one to arrive.
"Honey, are you sure she's alright, Malia is always here" Aurora asked her daughter.
"Mom I'm sure she's fine, I just don't know where she is" Audrey said.
"Maybe she's in her dorm" Queen Leah suggested, "she's not, I checked and she wasn't there" Jane said.
"Maybe she's back at home" Chad suggested.
"I'll quickly get home and bring her here, I don't want her missing out on the fun" Phillip said.
"Alright, just be safe dear" Aurora said, "of course" Phillip said before walking away.
After a few minutes of walking Phillip made it back home.
He made it inside and walked up the stairs to Malia's room.
"Princess, are you in here?" Phillip asked, he got no answer.
"Princess please come out, everyone is waiting for you, your friends, mother, sister and grandmother are worried" Phillip said.
Still no answer.
"Alright, if you're not going to answer then I have no choice but to come in" Phillip said.
He opened the door to Malia's room, but she wasn't inside.
"Princess, are you in here?" Phillip asked.
He was starting to get worried, just then he spotted a note on her bed.
"What's this?" Phillip questioned as he picked up the note and read it.
Dear anyone who finds this note,
You must know that I have left Auradon. After Ben left me for Mal, the daughter of Maleficent, I didn't want to continue my life here anymore. Especially due to the fact that I'm pregnant with Ben's child. Mom, dad, I love you both and I'm really sorry for leaving and please don't hate me because I'm pregnant. Tell Audrey and Grammy I love them both and will miss them very much, along with my friends Chad and Jane. And if you see Ben and his new girlfriend Mal, tell them I hope they're happy together and that they can go to hell. And give Ben my ring that I left next to the note. Goodbye.
- Sincerely Malia Rose
Phillip stood there in shock. He dropped to his knees and cried. His daughter left, she really left.
He soon got up and his expression changed. He was angry.
No, scratch that.
He was PISSED!
His daughter left because of Ben and Mal.
They both hurt her heart and now they were going to pay.
He growled in anger before snatching the note and ring before running out of the house to find his family.
And to have a little word with Ben.
Meanwhile, Back In Auradon
The family was still waiting for Phillip to return with Malia.
"Are you sure she's coming, she's always on time?" Queen Leah asked.
"Mother I'm sure she's coming, but I'm wondering why Ben is with that girl over there" Aurora said.
They all turned around and saw Ben and Mal talking to Belle and Beast.
"Why is he with her, he should be with my granddaughter?" Queen Leah asked in confusion.
Chad, Audrey, and Jane continued glaring at them.
"Oh, well if you must know mommy and grammy, that girl is actually-" before Audrey could finish she was cut off.
"PRINCE BENJAMIN" Phillip shouted in anger.
Everyone turned around and saw Phillip walking up to Ben and Mal in anger.
His family quickly ran over to him, along with Chad and Jane.
"Daddy what's wrong?" Audrey asked.
"What's wrong dear, and where is Malia?" Aurora asked.
"Read this note that I found in her room" Phillip said as he handed the note to his wife.
She took the note from him and read it.
Audrey and Queen Leah huddled around her and read the note and gasped in shock.
"Malia...Malia ran away" Audrey said in shock.
Ben's eyes widened before walking towards them.
"Malia ran away?" Ben asked.
Aurora had tears in her eyes, along with Audrey and Queen Leah.
Chad and Jane were standing there in shock.
Jane had tears in her eyes while Chad was glaring at Ben.
Audrey turned and glared at Ben with complete hatred shown in her eyes.
"YOU ASSHOLE" Audrey shouted before slapping Ben across the face, really hard.
Everyone gasped and Ben's family ran over to him.
"Audrey, why did you-" before he could finish she cut him off.
"You left my sister for Mal and not only that you left her pregnant you asshole" Audrey yelled in tears.
Ben's eyes widened in shock, along with his parents.
"Malia...Malia is pregnant?" Ben asked in shock.
"She was going to surprise you after the tourney game, but you confessed your love to Mal, leaving her heartbroken and a crying mess" Jane said.
Ben's eyes widened in shock, his parents were shocked but were looking at their son in shame.
Aurora walked towards him and pointed at him.
"I never thought that of all people, would leave my daughter for a villain kid" Aurora said in betrayal, glaring at Mal with hatred.
Mal rubbed her arm and looked down in sadness.
"Ben, how could you?" Belle asked in disappointment.
Ben tried to say something but was slapped once again across the face, this time by Queen Leah.
"You should be ashamed of yourself. And you call yourself the future king" Queen Leah scoffed in disgust.
Audrey walked over to her and hugged her, more tears coming out of her eyes.
Phillip made his way over to Ben, still in tears as well.
"Malia left this for you" Phillip said, giving him the ring Malia left for him.
Ben's eyes widened in shock.
Malia left the ring he gave to her. Tears came out of his eyes as he stared at his ring.
"You better hope we find our daughter and grandchild alive and well, because if we don't, you and your little bitch of a girlfriend are going to pay" Phillip threatened before walking away.
His family followed behind him, along with Chad and Jane.
Ben stood there in shock. More tears coming out of his eyes.
The girl he loves just left, and she was pregnant with their kid.
Everyone glared at Ben at sent him dirty looks. Everyone at Auradon loved Malia.
She was really nice, confident, sassy and friendly to everyone.
She would always help them no matter what and would always be there for anyone that was in trouble.
Hearing the news that her boyfriend got her pregnant and literally left her for Mal just made everyone angry.
Mal walked away from Ben and his family and walked towards her friends.
Tears streaming down her face knowing that all of this was her fault, that she caused this, she ruined Malia and Ben's relationship.
Evie hugged her best friend, along with Jay and Carlos.
Ben didn't know what to say or do, all he did was fall to his knees and cried.
He cried for the girl that was his everything.
He cried because he may never see Malia again.
Belle kneeled in front of her son and hugged him as tight as she could, while Beast shook his head and sighed in dissapointment.
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