The Meeting
Greetings,my name is Y/N.I hate humanity. Can you blame me though,I mean . . . its completely disgusting.We don't give a fuck about what other people feel,we only care for ourselves. I wish we all were never born. I hate humanity.
Y/N-FINE*Stomps downstairs*WTF YOU WANT BITCH?!?!
Y/N-BURN IN HELL!!*Runs out 🏠 to school*
Yep,that's my "family" for you. Humanity is so bad,families don't even love another. Anyway,I now have to go to this thunderdome(this ain't no highschool,this is the thunderdome . . .)This is what we call highschool. I'm a freshman & I hate it here.
Y/N-*Walks into your classroom & sits down*I wish that someone could send down an angel . . . Even if it's probably not gonna happen. God,if you're really out there,send me an angel.
Mrs. Reynolds-(I like Maria,however for the sake of this story,she's a bitch sorry Maria fans . . . DON'T KILL ME*runs away*)*Snappy suspicious voice that you should stay away from*ok we have a new student. He's cute & rich so treat him with respect. Come on in,cutie!
Suddenly a boy with long curly brown hair with the most hazel eyes walked in. He's so cute & beautiful & I can just feel myself mentally fangirling. Not only does he got awesome style but an wonderful smile. He's so perfect . . . Did I mentioned he restored a little bit of humanity? No,well ok.
"Boy"-Hello,my name is Philip Hamilton. Its a pleasure to meet you.*Takes a little bow*
E/N-*Whispering to his/her/their friends confidently & boastfully*he's gonna be with me.
Mrs. Reynolds- Alright darling,go sit next to . . . *looks around the clasaroom to find a place for Philip to sit down.*
Y/N-Pick me(2039383928630x)
Mrs. Reynolds-*Sighs with regret* . . . Y/N
Philip-*Tilts head innocently & adorably*who's Y/N?
All the kids reluctantly pointed at me. I know all the people that liked him were pissed due to the fact that he was sitting next to me. Well you know what,they don't deserve him. I deliberately asked for an angel a minute ago. He needs to be protected.
Philip-*Sits down next to you & whispers* hi
Y/N-*Whispers back*hey
(At Lunch)
Y/N-*Eating lunch by yourself*
Philip-*Hovers over you*is this seat taken?
Y/N-*Sees Philip*w-when you s-sit d-down it w-will b-bbbeee.
Philip-*Sits down*thank you
Y/N-You're welcome;where are you from?
Philip-New York,you?
Y/N-Cool,I'm from B/P.
Philip-Really,nice. So umm . . . I know we haven't met eachother at all,but do you wanna come to my house?*Shyly smiles*
Y/N-Perfect 👌
Philip-So you'll come?*Eyes sparkle with happiness & adorableness*
I swear to god,he's so fricking CCCCCCCCCCCCUUUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'ma die from his eyes,looks & adorable sweet personality. I have to know EVERYTHING about him. He has to be mine,he has to. Its just meant to be~ . . . I sound like one of those yanderes from some animes. Oh well,if protecting Philip means I have to be crazy,so be it. The rest of the world has already gone mad so why can't I? I mean,at least I have a good excuse since I'm protecting Philip.
Y/N-Of course~
Philip-Great! That means a lot to me 😄😊😄😊😄😊😄 I think Y/N & I will be great friends. (Oh no,you 2 will be much more than friends you freckled baby of mine)
Y/N-I'm glad to make you happy. *Turns around to see E/N talking to one of his/her/their friends*(You can read lips btw)
E/N-Oh yeah,Philip ❤ me & he's mine.
Y/N-Not on my watch you creep. Looks like I'ma have to kill a bitch tonight.
So . . . what do you think?
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