The Kill
(Few hours later,you were walking home at night until you saw *enemy's name*)
Y/N-Oh great,its the mythic bitch. I can't wait to wring my hands around her/his neck & kill her/his... why wait? Why not now . . . yeah . . . That's exactly what I'm going to do~
E/N-Omg,Y/N was being a little dumb bitch. More than usaul. They think just because* gender*can sit next to Philip,*gender*can date him. Little does *inserts pronoun* know,I'm gonna ruin *inserts pronoun* reputation even more*evil ugly cackle*
Y/N-*Comes up behind E/N & chloroforms them*
E/N-*Struggling to escape but fails & then passes up*
Y/N-Nighty night~😏
(2 hours later . . .)
E/N-*Wakes up with a blind fold on them while being tied to the chair*w-where am I?
Y/N-*Steps out of the shadows*you're in my town bitch.
Y/N-Nah*Unties E/N but hangs them on a mysterious noose that just appeared with a bag over their head*
E/N-W-www-what a-aaaaarr-re y-yyyoo-oouuuu d-doing? IF YOU DON'T LET ME DOWN THIS INSTANT I'LL-
Y/N-*Pulls the rope*oops
E/N-*Starts choking & coughing*s-stop . . .
Y/N-Aww,you're not gonna say anything~I guess your words are . . . too choked up. Heh . . .
Y/N-*Lights up a match*time to get rid of the evidence~*Burns them* Ring around the roses,a pocket filled pf posses;ashes,ashes . . . they all fall down. *Crazy murderous face comes on,then cleans all the ashes. Goes to a lake near them & dumps it in there*bye,bye~
____________________________________Sorry if it was short,but hey . . . at least you have one less rival.
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