His Birthday~
(After 10 Days later:Philip's POV,didn't see that one coming I bet.)
As I wake up,I felt as if I forgot something. Oh well,I'll remember it later. The date I had with Theo was great . . . but she wasn't my type,even though she's very pretty. There is this *inserts gender* in my dreams . . . I don't wbo it is but they look like I want to spend my whole life with them. Every time I have that dream,I have a zoo in my stomach.
Him-*Hears rocks being thrown outside your window*who's throwing rocks at my window . . . at 12 AM I might add.*Opens the windows & sees Y/N down below the balcony*Y/N?!?!
Y/N-What's up Birthday Boy~
Him-So that's what I was forgetting about,oh ok then . . . wait . . . how did you know that my birthday was today,I know for a fact that I didn't tell you.
Y/N-Uh . . . you want the present or no?
Him-You didn't had to do this.
Y/N-But I did.
Y/N-You should come down here.
Him-I would but I don't want to wake up Ma,Pa & Father.
Y/N-Alright,then I'll climb up~
Wait hold up,is Y/N serious? Are they actually gonna try to climb up here? Its pretty far up,I hope they know how high it is. I don't want him/her/them to fall to their death. Plus,last time I checked this isn't Romeo & Juliet.
Y/N-*Holding unto balcony & boops his nose*whatcha daydreaming about?
Him-When did you get up here?
Y/N-Just now
Him-Well oOf
Y/N-☺Anyway,here is your beloved gift from moi.*Gives him his gift*
Him-Oh wow thanks! *Opens the gift which reveals a heart locket*
Y/N-I know you're probably wondering why you need it but *slightly blushes* I bought it for you because I want you to always remember me no matter what. *Shyly smiles*
Him-*Hugs them*I love it, thank you so much!
Y/N-*Blush intensifies*Readers ... Do you think . . . this ANGEL from heaven . . . could love someone . . . like me . . . ?
____________________________________Happy Birthday
Philip Hamilton(Totally didn't stay up till 12 o'clock to publish it . . . totally)
Happy birthday to me(him)
Happy birthday to me(him)
Happy birthday dear freckled straight cinnamon roll . . .
Happy birthday to . . . HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Me,not really)
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