Everything seemed to darken around him. Why did he feel so light? Was he levitating? Dad was there. Why was he crying? What was happening? What....what was..... huh?
It was a normal day like any other. He was out with some friends, Sword and Skateboard, and they were all hanging out at the arcade they had some bad, arcade food lunch, and then got to gaming.
After a long while, Rocket's stomach felt bad. He went to the bathroom and passed out. He woke up later at their booth, Sword and Skateboard looking at him with worry. He felt terrible still.
"Wha-? What's happening? I don't feel so good-" Rocket was interrupted by him vomiting. Sword and Skateboard panicked and called Zuka. He said he would be there in five minutes.
Rocket stumbled out of the arcade. Sword and Skateboard tried to get him to sit down, but he refused, as he slowly stumbled his way towards his home. Where was Zuka? What had happened? What was going on?
Everything was fuzzy, and dim, as Rocket tripped and fell. He landed with a thud on the hard pavement of the bridge. He couldn't keep going. It was impossible. He can't-
Without warning, he vomited once again. He was going to die. In a desperate attempt, thinking it just might work, he called out for his dad, as loud as he could. No one came. He laid there for what felt like eternity but was really an hour. No one came.
He called out to his dad a few more time, but eventually, he couldn't talk any more. He could barely breathe. Why was this happening? What was happening? He slumped down, losing hope as his vision blurred and dimmed. He felt lighter and felt as if he was floating.
His dad was here. But things took a worse turn. Everything seemed to darken around him. Why did he feel so light? Was he levitating? Dad was there. Why was he crying? What was happening? What....what was...... huh?
With that, he couldn't think anymore, and his vision blacked out. He felt... at peace... Then, nothing.
It has been 5 years since rocket passed. It turned out someone has poisoned him, and he didn't get the medical attention he needed because Broker needed something from him. Zuka still couldn't believe he listened to Broker.
Why didn't he say that he was busy? Why didn't he just say no and leave? If it weren't for that, Rocket might still be alive. Broker wasn't all to sad about rocket's passing. He said that Rocket was just causing problems for Zuka. That had made him snap, and Zuka hadn't talked to broker since.
Just as Zuka was beginning to make lunch, a knock on his door was heard. His food wouldn't be a short time, so he could see who it was. As he opened the door, he saw Broker, standing cheerfully. "Hiya Zukes!" He said, bustling into the house, uninvited.
"What do you want?" Zuka's voice was cold and emotionless, minus a bit of anger flashing through it. "Why are you so grumpy Zukes? You used to love my visits!" "I never did." Broker's attention was stolen by Zuka's lunch.
"What's that?" Gasp. "A grilled cheese?!?!?! Yummy!" Broker moved his hands to grab the grilled cheese and caught air. He was being picked up by Zuka. "Hey! Put me down!" Zuka walked to the open front door and tossed him out.
"We aren't talking anymore. Remember that the next time you try to come into my home." Zuka began to close the door. "Wait! Hold on! I found something you might like! It's not a job! It's about the little dirtrat Rocker, or whatever his name was."
This caught Zuka's attention in many ways. Something about Rocket? How did Broker forget Rocket's name? WHAT DI HE CALL ROCKET?! "Get in and talk." Broker bounced into the house gleefully.
He sat on the couch and put a pair of goggles on the coffee table. They were Rocket's. "Where'd you get that?" Zuka asked, snatching it and staring at it. They really were Rocket's. "Oh, I found em somewhere. Say, how'd that little bug die again? Poison? That's a pretty dumb way to go out. Who actually get poisoned by cyanide? It's easily detectable by its smell!"
How did Broker know that? How did he know what kind of poison had killed Rocket? "How do you know that?" Zuka asked. "Huh? Know what?" "That Rocket was poisoned with cyanide?" "Oh, I just heard you say it once." "We haven't talked since that day."
"O-oh. Well, you know-" He was cut off by Zuka grabbing him by the collar and lifting him up. "How do you know that? And answer truthfully." Broker fidgeted with his thumbs a bit. "I um.... might have had a part to play in it?" This enraged Zuka, made him madder than he's ever been.
He threw Broker onto the couch and pulled out a revolver he always carried on him in case of self-defense.
What a mess his living room was. But he didn't have time to clean it up. He wandered to his basement, where some dynamite was kept, which Broker had left here, and forgot about. He grabbed some... no.... All of it would do.
He grabbed the box, and lit one. What did it matter anyway? No one would look for him.
To: iloveangstangstangst
I hope this was what you were asking for! It did have angst.
To: everyone
This was definitely my darkest fic so far. See? I can do stuff other than ships. (Please give me stuff other than ships to do.)
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