Medkit's Abode
Illumina's POV
We decided that it would be best to go to Medkit's house. he had to be alive, of all the Phighters in Inphinity. It was not an incredibly long walk. We had to walk to Lost Temple, yes, but his clinic was close to the entrance and his house close to that. We made it there by sundown. It took maybe two hours. We had spent lots of that time hiding from those robots.
As we stood on his front porch, I'm sure we will be thinking the same things. 'Will he help us? Is he going to tell the robots where we are? Is he even alive?' I decided to not dwell on these thoughts and rang the doorbell. No answer. I rang it again. No answer. I was beginning to get impatient. I knocked on the door. No answer. At this point I was quite annoyed, though I didn't let it show. I did not want to worry Ice Dagger.
I began to bang on the door. at this point, if he was here and alive, he would have to answer. I heard a click emit from the door and it opened slightly. as I am quite tall the first thing, he saw was silver. So, he slammed it shut, think I was one of those robots. I knocked again and, as I finished, I heard a clicking noise. Suddenly the door opened wide with a revolver pointed right at my face.
He realized I was not, in fact, a robot, and put the gun down. "Who are you? What do you want? And are you here to turn me over to these stupid robots?" He said quickly, wanting to get the answer quickly, as it was not safe outside. "This is Ice Dagger, I am Illumina." He showed no sign of recognition of the first name, but clearly knew mine.
"Illumina? the Sfoth God?" He questioned, clearly excited at being in the presence of a god and his small companion. "Yes, I am Illumina. We require your-" I was quickly cut off by his excited talking. "Wow! I've never met an Sfoth God before! Would you like some tea? Come in, come in! I usually don't get this excited, but an Sfoth God is very exciting. Who is your servant?" Medkit finally stopped talking, asking about Ice Dagger now.
This was a very terrible wording as Ice Dagger, for the first time in his life that I have known him, was enraged. "I AM NOT HIS SERVANT! WE ARE FRIENDS AND COMPANIONS WHO ARE TRYING TO SURVIVE THIS... this... APOCALYPSE!" He shouted, very much enraged at Medkit's rudeness. "Oh. Your friends with a Phighter?" he inquired of me. "NO! I AM AN SFOTH GOD, JUST LIKE ILLUMINA!" he continued shouting. "An Sfoth God! Why didn't you say so? I am so sorry for my rudeness." He apologized profusely. "You shouldn't treat anyone who comes into your house that way!" Ice Dagger said indignantly.
"We are here for your help, not your tea and rudeness." I said to Medkit, clearly annoyed, to which he cringed. "Then, what do you want with me? "Help." I responded flatly. "Help? What could I do help you? Are you injured?" He asked, confused.
"No, but we do need a house for protection. These robots attacked the Sfoth Gods when we were vulnerable, and we are the only ones that escaped. The rest were captured." I said. "Captured? That means this is even worse than I imagined. Of course, you may reside here for as long as you need." Medkit was clearly doing whatever they needed or wanted due to him being very rude to Ice Dagger. "Thank you." I tried to say as calm as I could. It clearly worked as his face brightened a little. "Of course! Would you like me to show you your bedroom? Or bedrooms...?" He left the question open. "A bedroom would do fine."
I looked at ice Dagger to see if he had a problem with this, but I suppose he felt safer with someone else in the room with him. "Alright. Then follow me!" He led us to a guest bedroom, the place we would be situated. It was a nice enough room. He had left us alone for a while, apologizing again to use for his rudeness before leaving. After closer inspection, we could see that the bed would be big enough to fit both me and Ice Dagger. I asked him if he would be okay if we shared the bed, to which agreed. Perhaps he truly did feel safer closer to me. Well, for now, this would do.
A few hours later
A few hours later, we left the room. Ice Dagger had taken a nap. I had read form the bookshelf in our room. As we walked downstairs, I could clearly smell food. It smelled good. I assumed that it was being cooked by Medkit. As we walked into the kitchen, I saw him at the counter cooking. "What are you making?" I inquired. "Oh! It's just simple steak and potatoes. I still need groceries." It was a simple dish, but it was good if made right. And besides, neither I nor Ice Dagger are picky.
"We shall wait in the living room for you." I said as I stepped out of the kitchen, Ice Dagger following suit.
As we sat on the couch, Medkit brought the food out. It looked quite good, plated nicely. It tasted quite delectable. I could tell Ice Dagger loved as he went into the kitchen for seconds. I suppose it had been a long day for the young Sfoth. Just as we were about to settle on the couch to watch some "TV" as the mortals call it, a loud slam could be heard from the front door. And with it, came metallic footsteps.
No, Illumina and Ice Dagger aren't a ship. I'm wondering if they should be a ship. probably- no, definitely not. that would be proshipping. But they do seem like they should be together. Whatever. Input your thoughts on them being a ship in the comments. I'm indecisive.
Have a nice day/night!
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