Face off!
I was scared but Charlotte told me do it soon.
Becky: Hey Mom!
Mom: Hey sweetie, how'r you doing.
Becky: Mom I..I..
Mom: Yes..
Becky: Mom..I'm pregnant. (sobs)
Mom: silent
Becky: (sobs)
Mom: Do...don't cry sweet heart...but, how did that happen? Was it him.
Becky: Yes mom..it was him. It's Aj's child (sobs) and I can't even say this to him for he's with Charlotte.
Mom: Then, are you going to... ab..abort?
Becky: No way Mom(breaking down). It's my child and I can't even think of killing it.
Mom: Becky, you aren't understanding. What if people ask questions? And, how can you look after it alone? What about your career Becky, your dreams. This child is gonna be a bar on your way. Becky, I know what's good for you. I'm your mother.
Becky: I don't care about anyone (angrily).Like you know my well beings, I know my child's .I can look after my child and career. I don't need anyone of you.
Mom: I'm sorry for being harsh sweetie but...
Becky: I'll call you later mom..
How can she think about it?
It was Sunday. Summerslam time. I'm booked in a match against Alexa, a rematch for the SmackdownLive Women's Championship. But, it's risky to compete this way. should I tell them.
Shane...No..he's already dealt with a lot for me. Plus, he has a match with Aj tonight. I'll talk to Daniel.
I walked over to Bryan's room. He was on phone.
'....okay babe...'
'...no don't worry. I'll bring you whatever on earth you want to taste. It's all your time Brie....'
Oh...he must be talking to his wife Brie. She's pregnant right!
'...okay, just let me hear her once....' Daniel smiled as he heard something.
'...Daddy can't wait for you sweetie...'
'......and Brie, take care...It might be your hobby..but no cooking...I said no cooking..follow my rules...'
I smiled at the way Bryan instructed his wife to take care of herself in pregnancy. I wish I could get some too. But, alas! My luck!
'Hey Becky, I'm sorry I was on phone.' he said me with a smile.
'I..it's absolutely fine Bryan. I'm good.' I said.
'Hmm..okay, but how can I help you?' he asked.
'Daniel..I.....I..can't compete tonight.' I said closing my eyes. Daniel was surprised. '...or may be next few weeks too.' I completed.
'What! Why Becky, are you alright?' Daniel asked.
'Y..yes...I just want a break.' I said biting my lip.
Bryan sighed.
'Okay, but I'll confirm you only after talking to the higher authorities, plus, we need to find a replacement too.' he said.
'That'll be so nice of you Bryan.' I said.
'Can I ask you something?' Daniel asked suddenly. I nodded.
'Becky, is it about the rumors circulating around in the internet.' he asked shocking me.
'What rumors?' I asked curiously.
'Becky, sources claimed they saw you coming out of a gynecologist's clinic. They said you were pregnant. Is that true?' Daniel asked. Oh no! When did that happen. What should I do now.
'N..no..it's..it's..bullshit.' I said and stormed out of the room.
I was heading to the hotel in a rush after Bryan confirmed me that Naomi was gonna replace me in the match and I've got the desired leave, though they won't permit a long term break without appropriate reasons. I wish I could tell them.
'Becky, you're fine?' I heard Nattie's voice.
'Hey Nattie, I'm fine.' I said with a fake smile.
'O...actually, I heard few rumors and I heard you walked out of the match too. So, I just wanted to ask if you're really...' Nattie was about to ask but I cut her off.
'Stop it Nattie. These are all lies.' I said and walked away.
'But, Becky....' Nattie was left ignored.
As I walked, I saw Emma, Zack and Mojo staring at me suspiciously. I remembered the last time I felt such an inconvenient situation. It was my birthday. Aj made it all and look at it today, it was the the worst of it. Tears formed in my eyes. I ran faster to bump on....Sami Zayn.
'Easy Becky..' Sami said holding me.
'I'm sorry Sami. I was in a rush.' I said.
'Oh..but, good that I saw you, I needed to talk to you?' he said with a serious expression.
Is he gonna talk about the rumors too?
'I..I got to go Sami..' I said trying to walk off but Sami grabbed my wrist. I was startled by it.
'Becky, it's important.' he said looking in my eyes.
'Wh..what is it?' I said showing annoyance.
He looked at me for a while debating something.
'Becky..Charlotte met me a while ago..she told me that yo..you were pregnant and that I should now bear my responsibilities.' he said with a sigh.
My ears were burning after hearing that. Charlotte said she was gonna sort things out but did she really think, it was Sami's child! I mean, me and Sami are really good friends but I never saw him that way....Oh no!
'Becky..' Sami brought me back to the situation. 'I know, we have had nothing as such that would get you pregnant....but,...' he seemed to search for words.
Humiliation raced in my body and mind. How could Charlotte act so stupid? Tears rolled out of my eyes.
'I..I'm so sorry for that Sami, I really am.' I said.
Sami held my hands in his to comfort me.
'It's really okay Becks...I could feel what you're dealing with but, if you need any help, I'll be there for you. I..I can even take the responsibility of your child if you want.' he said.
I was dumbstruck. I always knew I was special for Sami but never thought he would do even that for me. I smiled in gratefulness. Sami stroked my cheeks and suddenly, I felt few fans clicking pics. 'Hey..' I shouted. How can do that without permission?
'Let'em go Becks..' Sami told me, but yes, I feared the consequences of such clicks.
'Congrats Char..I said hugging my best friend after her successful defense of her championship against Sasha Banks.
'Thanks Becks..but, you look down!' she said.
'Yes..and why did you involve Sami into it?' I asked in annoyance.
'Becky..' Charlotte said,'I thought it was Sami who fathered your child.' she said looking at me. 'I mean I barely saw you talking with any other male except him and Aj..so,..'
'So, you thought it must be him. How could you Char? You just involved one more person into the drama.' I said being frustrated.
'Becky..I'm sorry..' she said holding my hands.
'It's okay Char..' I said busting into tears. Charlotte hugged me tight. 'I've a plan today Becks..are you coming with me?' she asked.
'Char...do you think it was a good idea to carry me along?' I asked Charlotte who held my hands tight in the middle of a shopping mall.
'Sssshhh! Becks..all of a sudden,José asked if if I wanted to help him choosing a gift for his mom's birthday. I was puzzled and felt awkward. So, I brought you with me.' she said playing with her hairs.
'Yes, but, why did you chose to come at all?' I asked curiously.
'Becky, I..I couldn't say him no.' she said nervously.
Poor Char! she's still into Alberto!
'Hey, are you guys coming?' Alberto asked looking back.
We nodded and followed.
'How's this?' Charlotte said pointing towards a pot containing Moroccan Summer Sunset. 'I mean..if she still loves gardening...' Charlotte pointed.
'Wow! th..that's wonderful Ash..she would love this.' Alberto said. He was gazing at her keenly as she went on to discuss the variety with the tenders.
These people's still got their sparks left. We took the gift and were walking out of the mall when,
'Papi...!' we heard an angry familiar voice. Three of us turned to see Paige.Oh no! She had a guy walking by her.
He saw Charlotte with her fiancee and fumed in anger.
'What the hell is this, Papi..' she held Alberto by his collars. 'What is she doing here?' she pointed at Charlotte. I held Char's hand strong.
'You..you..bloody bitch...!' she screamed at Charlotte.' People started looking at us now.
'Paige, there's no point in shouting at her! She's here because I called her.' Alberto said.
Paige turned to her fiancee. 'And why the hell did you call her?' Paige asked gritting her teeth.
'...because I needed someone who could chose a proper gift for my mother's birthday, for, which you ..........seem too busy.' Alberto said shifting his attention to the guy beside Paige.
Paige was visibly at back foot now.
'H..he is just a friend.' she tried to say 'Besides, I'm not as shameless as you Papi.' she hissed at Alberto's face. I must agree, I am scared. Why do I have to be in here?
'Shut up Paige! Charlotte raised her voice. Don't you dare bad mouth him, I mean, everyone has seen how shameless you can be. You are the most demoralized lady I've ever seen in my life, Paige.' Charlotte shouted.
Paige's pale face was red in rage. The guy beside her massaged her back to calm her down.
'Charlotte....you...you...call me that, huh! ' she tried to walk closer to Char while I held Char back but soon, Alberto interrupted.
'Don't you dare touch her..' he said with grave expressions.
'Why, huh, Papi, you still love her? But, remember, I'm still your fiancee.' she said pointing towards Alberto's ring in his finger.
Alberto chuckled satirically.
'In that case,..' he was doing something with his ring, 'I call our engagement off.' Alberto said throwing the ring off his finger.
'You son of a....' Paige tried to slap Alberto but Charlotte caught her hand in mid air.
'Don't you dare Paige....' Char said grabbing her hand tight. 'From now on mind you hand as well as your character.
Paige snatched her hand off and smiled hysterically.
'You talk about my character, huh Charlotte, then, how can you forget your best friend, huh!' Paige said looking at me. What have I done to her?
'I mean it's her who's pregnant and couldn't even tell who the father of her child is..' she grinned.
I was raged. But, before I could say something, Charlotte was all over her, punching and kicking. Paige starting doing the same.
'Char...leave her..' I shouted.
'Leave her Ash..she's not even worth it.' Alberto tried pulling Char off Paige.
The guy with Paige tried to pull Paige too. 'Leave it babe, you still have me.' he said.
My head started spinning as a mass of people gathered. Securities intervened trying to separate the ladies apart.
I couldn't take it anymore..it's darkening. I collapsed.
'Becky...!!' I heard Char's voice.
I opened my eyes to find myself in my bedroom. Char and Alberto must've bought me here. I was surprised to feel the aroma of pancakes around.
I heard noises too. I managed to get up from bed and walked towards the kitchen.
Alberto was frying something while Charlotte was chopping the salads.
'Concentrate José! they're burning.' Char said punching Alberto's shoulder lightly.
'Oh..oh..sorry.' Alberto said with a shy smile and went on to tilt the fries in the pan.
I must agree, they could make a good couple and no, I'm not saying because of any selfish reason. They're really so compatible.
'Hey! you're up.' Alberto said smiling as he watched me standing.
I smiled at him back. 'Becks, why did you get up?' Charlotte asked.
'I..feel quite good Char..' I said smiling. Charlotte nodded.
Suddenly, my phone rang. Oh no! It's Aj! Has he heard about the rumors? I mean everybody did. I was too scared to face him and ignored the call.
But, I've to do something about it. How long can I deal spreading oblivion? People like Paige has already started talking! Should I accept Sami's proposal?
It's Smackdown. I'm not booked but I've got few formalities too handle. I called Sami too. He said he would be coming.
'Hey Becks...' I heard Sami's voice from behind.
'Hey Sami!' I said.
'Yeah Becks, why did you call me, everything okay?' he asked.
'Well..' I bit my lip...'Sami, it's about something you said on sunday.'
'Yes, what is it?' he said holing my hands.
'Ehhmm, I was just thinking if you meant what you said about taking the responsibility of my child.' I said hesitating.
Sami gave me a warm smile.
'Of course Becks, I'm ready to do anything for you.' he said.
'B..but, it's not your child!' I said softly.
'If you trust me, it will be mine Becks.' he said.
'And I'll do anything I need to do for the welfare of my child.' he said assuring me.
'Your child!' I heard a louder voice from near us,making us turn towards it.
...and there he stood, a mixed expression of being serious, angry, surprised and miscellaneous other expressions...
I was trembling, frozen at my spot. He has heard what Sami said. I know my ill luck. I bet he heard only the last part of our conversation where Sami said he's gonna take care of my child. He got me wrong again! He's gonna think I bore Sami's child and cheated on him! But, how can I even cheat on him? He's not my boyfriend.
'Hey Aj..' Sami greeted. I was too much panicked to stand here.
'I..I must leave..' I said and went on to my locker room.
I was in my locker room, broken, twisted. He's gonna misunderstand me again! Perhaps, he's gonna bash Sami too!! But, will he think that I went that low? I don't know he's gonna hate me again. The door open making me gasp. I looked around to see Aj standing there. I don't know how to face him but he started walking closer. i swallowed the lump formed in my throat. My eyes were already glassy.
'So...the rumors were true, huh, Becky?' he said with a look of indifference.
I just bit my lip in fear and looked away from him.
Aj came more closer.
'Why didn't you tell me Becky? Why didn't you receive my calls?' he said emotionally placing his hands on my shoulders.
'Th..there was nothing to say Allen.' I said looking down. He withdrew his hands with a breathe of frustration.
'What were you talking to Sami about the responsibilities then?' he asked with a authorial voice. Oh no! He heard it!
'S..Sami wanted to...' I started.
'Shut up Rebecca!' Aj shouted to cut me off. I gasped in fear.
'Why on earth are you getting Sami into this?' he said surprisingly; '.....when I am ready to take the responsibility of my child myself.' she said offended.
I was dumbstruck as tears rolled from my eyes.
'Allen, I didn't want to....' my cracked voice was soon as Aj placed his index finger on my lips.
'Sshhh! I don't want to hear from you anymore' he said. He went on to cup my face with his palms, rubbing my tears with his thumbs. 'No more tears Rebecca, we are going to be happy now, a happy family.' he said whispering emotionally.
'Does that mean you knew it and you didn't misunderstand me?' I asked nervously, still sobbing.
Aj smiled. 'I agree I was startled by the rumor, but knew it was mine all along. Remember, Rebecca, that night you said only I had the right on you..' I nodded...' and I knew you meant it. Nobody has touched you in all these years before me and there would be no one else after me too.' he said confidently. He pulled me on his chest, 'There was no way I could think the child is someone else'. he said placing a kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes. He trusted me so much. I wanted the moment to freeze, letting me rest in his chest.
'But, what about Charlotte Allen?' I asked lifting my head from his chest.
Aj closed his eyes with an expression of disgust in his face.
'Becky, it's an amazing moment for us. We are going to have our own world,' Aj said placing his his hand over my lower abdomen stroking it softly. I closed my eyes in eternal bliss, feeling so complete!
'Becky, lease don't bring any other person into it.' he said emotionally.
'But, what'll she think when she hears that the two persons she trusted the most cheated on her! She's my best friend Allen. I have to think about her too.' I said within my sobs.
Aj looked away from me, withdrawing his hands off me. I felt him gritting his teeth in anger.
I walked towards him trying to hold his hands. He pulled away.
'Allen...' he held his left hand before my face to shut me up. He was trembling in anger.
'I've had enough Becky..' Aj said.. 'I'm sorry that I got tricked by the moment, but now I remeber I am a no one to you..' he said with a sigh..'your world, your life, your love everything revolves around one and only Charlotte.' he said with a sarcastic chuckle. 'But let me tell you one thing Becky, you cannot keep my child away from it's father.' he said with determination.
'Allen I just want...' I was cut off by AJ.
'I know what you want Becky and guess what..' he came closer to my face, his breathes heating me up..' I am gonna do what you want.' Aj whispered. 'I'm gonna propose Charlotte.' he said.
I froze, the earth under me slit open and tears rolled all over my face. Aj turned to the door. He left.
I sobbed alone.
'A....j.....' I shouted within my sobs.
My cries landed me on my knees. I screamed with no listeners.
I laid in my bed with sleepless eyes for 10 hours, claculating the probabilities of my life. Though slumber didn't choose me, I let my phone ring for itself. It must've gathered a number of calls and messages.
After getting up, I decided to go through the phone...
Sami 3 missed calls..
Charlotte 3 missed calls..
After a lot of inner debates, I decided to call Sami first.
Sami: Hello
Becky: Hey Sami.. I'm sorry I couldn't recieve your call. Anything important?
Sami: N..no..Becky.. it's okay..I just wanted to make sure if you're okay. I mean you left so soon!
Becky: (smiles).. I'm fine Sammi boy. I just needed some rest.
Sami: O..cool...Becky..uhm..can I ask you something?
Becky: What?
Sami: Becky, what are you and Aj going to do?
Becky: (silent)
Sami: Ahh..Aj told me everything after you left and I understand it's not gonna be easy for you. I mean you've got Aj and your child on one side and your best friend Charlotte is his girlfriend.
Becky: (silent)
Sami: But, Becky, I must say Aj loves you..and he wants a happy family with you... don't afford to loose him Becks...
Becky: (sobs)..I..I'll talk to you later Sami..bye..
Now Sami knew it too. He's gonna think of me something which I always feared. But, he too agrees in one point. Aj loves me. He would love his child. Emotions penetrated my heart. I want him too. I want our family.
I decided to call Charlotte. Yes, I've had enough. I would say tell her the truth now.
Charlotte: Hello Becks..
Becky; Hey Char...Ehm..I wanted to say you something about my life.
Charlotte: Yeah Becks..me too!
Becky: Ok..you go first.
Charlotte: Becky, life has brought me to the most awkward position.
Becky: Why? What's wrong?
Charlotte: Becky, José asked me out tonight at 10. He said he had something important to say. I was amazed but then Aj called. He apologized for every little thing he did to me. He seemed so changed. He said he wanted to give a new dimension to our relationship today. He wants to meet me at 8.
Becky: (silently holding back the tears)
Charlotte: You know Becks, I agree I still have a thing for José but Aj... he's my current boyfriend. I can't let him down too. That would be harsh. (Sighs).
Becky: (clutching the sobs)
Charlotte: Becky! are you listening to me?
Becky: Hmm..yes..good luck for tonight..
Charlotte: And..what did you wanted to say?
Becky: Doesn't matter any more..
Charlotte: Wh...
Becky: I.. I'll talk to you later Char..
I tore up completely after disconnecting Char's call. Aj was going to give their relationship a new dimension! He's gonna propose her tonight! They are gonna be engaged. The thought made me want to die. O cried out loud. Aj is the love of my life..the father of my child. I can't seem getting engaged to any other woman; not till I'm alive. A weird thought roused in my mind and I looked at the knife lying on the fruit basket I'd kill myself.
I walked towards it. The newly brought knife shined in it's glory. I picked it up, brought it near my left wrist. Just as I was going to dig my wrist, a ticklish pain in my lower abdomen struck me. I held the portion biting my lips in pain. Amidst the pain I realised..what was I going to do? Kill my self? Kill my child? Kill his child? Kill the symbol of our love? No..I can't do that..never in the worst nightmares...
I placed the knife back into the basket. I sat on the back, looking at the place of my pain. I closed my eyes and a sense of strange urge to live embraced me. Tears rolled down my cheeks.
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