Away, with Him!
Déjà vu!
'Allen Jones! Rebecca Quinn! South West Airlines Flight number 9XM40 Vegas to Atlanta calls you for the final time!' the voice says again.
I had heavy breathes and moreover, I had my hand luggage! Can't run faster.
'Com'on Becky! A little faster!' I heard Aj yell, a little ahead of me. How can I help it? It was an eleventh hour decision. Moreover, he didn't tell me he was going to Blairsville! I thought he lived in Atlanta and that's where we are heading. Also, I booked the wrong flight, cancelled it , and booked another again, just to know that he already booked things for me! Ugh! cancelled that again! And killed a lot of time.
I struggled with my luggage and my feet as I felt Aj's hands grabbing mine and taking hold of my bag. With his aid, I am faster. Almost there. I could see a smiling chick. Yeah! I made it!
We got to our seats, placed the bags, sat in peace and finally busted out laughing together.
'My God Becky! You're such a slow one.' Aj teased.
'No, not actually.' I protested. 'It's because you didn't confirm the flight number to me.'
He rubbed his cheeks and finally left a small chuckle,' I thought you won't come. So, I skipped the flight number,' he said 'but I'm really glad you came.' he smiled.
'C'mon Aj! I told you I never got a chance! So why miss it? But, why are we heading to Blairsville?' I asked curiously.
'Well, it's my grandma! She is 92 years old and she isn't doing well these days. She resides in Blairsville with my Uncle Tom and his daughter Jane. That's the place where she spent her childhood and wants to breathe her last in the same place.' he sighed, 'Last evening Dad called saying she asks a lot about me these days. I thought I should visit her, you know.'
'Hmm. You definitely should.' I agreed. I can't believe it. It was an instant decision for him too. Still, he kept his promise. I am really feeling special right now. I was dozing off though!
'Becky! In case you haven't had a good sleep, you can try now.' Aj said. Cool idea!
And Cesaro with the Giant Swing...Becky can't take take the spin anymore....'Stop it' I yell. My voice was too loud for my own conscious and I felt like spinning again..'No'.
A tap on my shoulders and I woke up from my slumber. 'Hey! Don't tell me you had a bad dream again!' I opened my eyes to see Aj beside me. O! So, I am in the plane and I just had a wrestling dream and thanks to the flight motions that I saw my opponent in Cesaro! I scoffed on myself on the realization.
'Becky! You're alright? Don't tell me you need a doctor right now. I mean what was that laugh about?' Aj asked more concerned than I was. Actually, sometimes he really acts like someone caring.
'Nothing. I just had a dream about Cesaro taking me on a Giant Swing.'I laughed again.
'What! How can that even come to your sub-conscious mind? You're unbelievable lass.' Aj sighed and put on his earphones pretending to be serious but I some how found him suppressing an amusement in the process.
We reached Atlanta and now it was time for our second flight to Blairsville.
'Becky! why don't you put you seat belts on while listening to music.' Aj's voice came over my ear phone. I turned towards him and rolled my eyes in ignorance. He sighed.
I could hear some random announcements but never cared to get rid of the melody. Wait a second, what's going on? Oh no! We're twisted and turned and flyin....g. I got myself busted over the seat, the bumps toying my frame to a fall. But, just as I was about to fall, a pair of hands held me. Aj prevented my fall and got me back to the seat. Before I could say anything, he sloped himself past me and picked the belts that were sandwiched between my body and the arms of my seat and went on to fasten them around my waist. In the process, our eyes locked. I was shocked but still could feel the perturbance in his eyes. Why is he acting like this? Our bodies were close bu,t of course, not for the first time; still, I could feel a sensation never felt before or that I never wanted to realize. I took my earphones off to mumble him a thanks. But just as I looked, he rolled his eyes ignoring. Ugh! Karma is a bitch.
Finally, it was Blairsville. We got out of the plane and took a cab from the airport. Aj said, it's somewhere down the countryside and will take a couple of hours. But, sitting beside an open window in the cab's back and witnessing a place full of life killed my boredom. As we advanced, I could see lots of greenaries. There were large patches agricultural lands. At one place, there were a number of sub tropical trees and the mountainous wind blew through my hairs. It was enchanting as if I wanted to feel it for a long time! Aj was in the passenger's seat talking something random with the driver. Typical Southern chats. I never realized, but I kind Aj's accent.
'There we are lass.' Aj called me. It was a somewhere in the higher lands. We stood in front of a two storied house. It had a huge lake beside and the water in it so clear, blue-green and purple birds were flying over the lake and afternoon view was awesome.
A young lady, in her late teens came out of the house, a middle aged man following her.
'Allen!' she screamed out of joy. Aj went on to hug her.
'How's my little cousin doing?' he asked.
'I am fine. We're on holidays and today grandma has baked one of your favorite...' she stopped as her eyes rested on me.
'Who is she? Is she your girlfriend Allen?' she asked Aj. Not again!
'Well, she is Becky, we work together and she wanted to come...' Aj was cut off by his little cousin soon.
'Becky! don't tell me you wrestle too! You seem so sweet!' The girl said amused as well as disappointed.
'Uhm! Well, excuse my daughter. She actually doesn't like wrestling much.' the middle aged man joined us.
That must be Aj's uncle Tom!
'It's okay.' I said awkwardly. Can't blame the girl anyways. I held the same impression about wrestling when I was her age but things changed.
'Jane! Why are you not getting Allen and....Becky..right?...' he looked at me, 'inside the house?' her father told.
'Oh yes! C'mon Allen, come Beckie! Grandma would be so happy to see you.' she lead us.
Just as we entered, an old lady approached us in a wheel chair. She has snowy hairs, her porcelain cheeks could barely be held in her facial bone. She had a tear-fed smile on her lips. As she neared, Aj set on his knees.
'How's my girl doing?' Aj asked her. 'She looks so damn beautiful.'
The lady cupped her hands around Aj's face and kissed his forehead.
'You've come here after two long years. How do you expect her to be?' She asked as she struggled to sob with her tears rolling. Aj's fingers rubbed the tears of her face, took her hands in his and kissed her knuckles. The scene made me emotional enough but it struck me when she lifted her eyes towards me. Those eyes were just like Aj's!
'Hey there girl!' she asked me. 'What's your name?'
'I am Bec...Rebecca.' I answered kneeling down. She smiled, 'Nice, that was my mother's name.' the lady smiled beneath her pain and I felt so attached. I could not hold my urge, and wrapped my arms around the old lady. She was so comforting!
We were provided with the most sumptuous food ever and I fucked dieting.
'Becky! Allen! Why don't you visit the Sorghum fair? It's the second day today! And, it's gonna be pretty good.' Uncle Tom suggested.
'Yep! and I am performing too.' said Jane. 'C'mon Becky! you should see that.' she urged me.
'Ugh! I would love to Jane.' I said looking at Aj, who nodded in approval.
I entered the fair with Aj and Jane by my side. It was a cool showcase of the local handicrafts. There was Blue grass music hovering all over the surroundings. A strain caught my ear, typical to a country. It's notes resembled that of an Irish folk song. I have heard about the close cultural relationship between Ireland and Georgia but felt it clearly now.
Jane went on to the food stall. There were a variety of spicy treats. I tasted some. Damn! that's delicious! I wish I was not on a fitness routine.
Suddenly, my eyes fell on a piece of craft. It was beautiful portrayal of couples dancing in a work of pottery. But, as I looked deeper, it said something else. The man and the woman seemed to long for an eternal union, seeking an approval from God. Suddenly I felt Aj and Jane looking at me in surprise.
'Becky! Are you there?' We had been calling you for so long.' Jane said.
'Yes, uhm!..' before I could say anything, Jane pulled me to the other side
'It's time for my performance Becky! let's go..' he said excited. Aj stood confused.
Now, it was time for the clogging. Jane with other girls went on to form a circle in the middle of the ground. They held hands and started to clog. Wow! they seemed to have so much fun! I sat on a bench and could hardly stop beating my feet on the ground. I became conscious when Aj came down to sit beside me.
'Well, I hope you don't mind joining them.' I heard him between the loud music.
'Are you kidding me? I don't know, how to do that.' I replied loud enough for him to hear.
'Hmm..fine. You seem to enjoy yourself though!' Aj said noticing my instabilities with the beats speeding up. I was almost jumping out of excitement. I kept my hands on the bench when, suddenly felt another hand on it. I looked around to see its Aj.
'Sorr...' he was about to withdraw, but, me being excited caught a firm grip of his hands. Our fingers intertwined and I felt so comfortable. Aj seemed astonished at the first place and gave me a questioning look. But, my excitement was too much to handle. As the girls jumped to their positions, my grip tightened, which he reciprocated by grabbing every inch of my hand tight.
Jane's dance was over. Perhaps, the boys were up next. She ran towards us,.
'He guys! Did you like it?' she asked.
'Loved it.' Me and Aj said at the same time. That brought us back to the earth. I realized that we still held each others' hands. Our eyes locked for the first time after the awkward realization. Aj seemed nervous and I knew that the redness of my cheeks were evident even in the darkness.
We released the grip slowly.
'Hey Allen! You're up next.' said Jane excited.
'Hey! You are performing. You never told me.' I asked surprised.
'Well, you never asked me.' he scratched the back of his neck and went to the fellow cloggers.
There were girls joining the party soon. A short haired girl cross danced with Aj. They were doing great but somehow I felt an insecurity growing inside me. Why didn't I go for the dance!
'So, Becky! Are you just Allen's friend?' Jane's question snapped me. Actually, what are we?
'Well, yes. Just friends.' I could say.
'Hmm. Actually, he never bought any of his friends in here. So, I thought..' he was about to say something when something else caught her attention. 'Wow! Allen! way to go!' she cheered.
I turned to see Aj wearing a cow boy hat, the steps were now typical to the South. Aj suited it so well. Our eyes locked and I smiled at him, he held his hat low and threw me a wink to respond.
He is damn handsome! Perhaps the most in wwe to say the right thing. More than Cena, Reigns or...hey...THE RIGHT ANSWER! Is that what he wanted to hear from me? Now, if I tell his name, he won't have to pull my legs in front of others. That makes sense. I smiled a little on the thought as Aj approached us.
I don't want to leave so soon but monday night was hours to go and we had no other option. Aj hugged his grandma. I hugged her too. Surprisingly, she held me tighter and kissed my forehead. 'You made a good decision.' She looked towards Aj and then back to me. What does that mean? But now I knew whatever that meant, I wasn't annoyed at all.
'We'll be at Florida in a couple of hours Becky. Just don't panic.' Aj held my right arm tight as the plane danced.
'Yes..right..I am a brave girl.' I tried to boost myself.
'Yes, you are.' Aj said, rubbing my shoulders.
The flight went higher, but I am fine, more higher, I'm good, lower, more lower. I quit.
Before, I could open my mouth, Aj had the pouch ready before me. I threw everything I had. That's disgusting! The attendants came with a glass of water. I could feel Aj putting the glass near my mouth. His eyes had the same concern and there was no way I could stop relishing it. My hands tried to balance the glass on my lips; so, they wrapped over Aj's. Our eyes locked and I could feel the sparks flying around. I can't believe that I want the moment to freeze forever. Me, alone, away from all, with him, Aj fucking Styles.
We snapped as the attendant cleared her throat. She was smiling wide.
'The glass...Madam?' she said.
'Oh yes.' I said as I released the glasses. Aj handed it over to her.
'Thank you.' I said to the attendant.
'You're most welcome but the person who really deserves a thanks, is your boyfriend.' she smiled and looked away.
WHAT! I can't believe it. What's up with everyone?
Me and Aj looked at each other but turned around soon.
Safe landing and now we were heading to our respective places.
I would grab a cab and Aj said, Luke was going to pick him up.
'So, I kept my promise lass.' he said smiling.
'Yeah, thanks. You are not as big a jerk as I thought.' I said joking.
'Ouch! that broke my heart. ' he said pretending to grab a painful chest.
I laughed, hitting his arms playfully.
'You are a good clog dancer though, Aj!' I complemented. ' quite rocked it with that hat on.'
Aj leaned towards me. 'Really? So, I guess, you've made up your mind now!' he asked with a cocky smirk.
'About what?' I raised my eyebrows.
'About the right answer.' he winked, making me blush.
'You're a jerk.' I said smiling.
'I've got my answer.' He licked his lips with confidence.
I pretended to be annoyed, but ended up laughing, him joining me.
'Well Aj! I've got the cab. Shall have to go now. Bye.' I said with a heavy heart for no reason. I went to give him a side hug on parting but he pulled me into a fuller one. The warmth of his body was comforting. I wrapped my hands around him and felt his hands on my back. The hug tightened. My eyes were closed. Another moment I want to freeze. But a certain whisper in my ear sent shivers down my spine and I came back to life.
'I would like to stay like this longer, as much as you do Becky,' Aj whispered in my ear. 'But you would miss your cab that way.' I jumped up withdrawing the hug as he released too. I was as red as a tomato now and he could see that damn well.
The cab stood in front and I climbed into it.
'Bye Aj!' I said coyly.
'Bye lass.' Aj said, blewing a kiss towards me. I blush hard but managed to let a shy smile, but just to hide my intense emotions, I pretended to catch something in the air and close my fist as I grab it. You know what I grabbed, right? Aj seemed shocked. But, started chuckling. I was no different. The cab started moving. I bit my lip within a smile. The rear view mirror showed Aj smiling too, scratching the back of his neck.
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