One Week Later..
I am tired. Just had a lonely flight to handle. Yes! I just landed in Cleveland from Dublin. I met my mom and I told her about Aj. Guess what! She was more excited than me. she even asked me if there was a possible marriage date, so that she can begin the arrangements. Typical Mom! But, Aj said he was gonna be back day after tomorrow and I don't wanna spill the beans in the roaster before he arrives and make things kind of official. Of course, we still, haven't shared those magical words till now. Oh! that's a call from him.
Becky: Hey...whats up?
Aj: It's boring man. Did you reach safe and any problem in the flight?
Becky: (chuckles) No my helpmate. It was all cool. I'm a little tired though.
Aj: Thank Heavens! And take some rest. Don't put too much in the performance center.
Becky: Yeah! Thanks for being a nice Daddy though (laughs).
Aj: I am your Daddy.(growls)
Becky: (blushes) Shut up Aj. Btw, when's your flight?
Aj: 3 am tomorrow. Just few more hours.
Becky: Cool. Can't wait to see you.
Aj: Me too Becks. But, I won't take more time. Take some rest and drink some water.
Becky: Sure (laughs). Bye.
Aj: Bye.
I smiled looking at my phone. I can't wait for the moment when we become official.
'Becky, where are you? Carmella's just loaded a new horror tape. She can't wait to show us.' Charlotte said excited. Yes, both me and Char have fascinations towards horror stories. I jumped up from the bed and rushed behind her. Do hell with rest! I took a bottle of water with me though!
'There you are!' Carmella sighed seeing us. Eva and Summer were already there with her.
'What is it?' I asked.
'About a fort in India.' Carmella replied.
'Must be fun and damn scary.' Charlotte added with thrill in her tone.
'But, Car! why don't you show them the thing you showed me earlier today.' Eva Marie said.
'What is it?' I asked curiously.
'O..I almost forgot. You'll be shocked.' said Carmella and selected to play a certain video.
It was a wrestling match from a WWC in Puerto Rico. The match involved Alberto Del Rio versus an guy who I've never seen before. The former won the match but it was then that the climax struck. His 'girlfriend' Paige entered the ring with a certain something in her hand. She then, gave the audience a provocative smile and showed a glimpse of a diamond ring to them in her usual sassy attitude. What is she trying to do? And the, the young British sat on her knees in front of her 39 years old boy friend and.... proposed him. What! What's Alberto gonna do?But, my question was soon answered when an emotional Del Rio smiled at his girlfriend and accepted her ring gracefully planting a kiss on her lips. They were engaged.
The video ended. And chatters filled the room.
'Only a crazy chick like her can do that.' remarked Summer.
'Yeah..but, I felt she went too fast. Why is she in a rush?' asked Eva.
'Insecurity...may be...!' answered Natalya. When did she join us? I didn't see her before. Must be amidst the video.
I was as shocked and confused as they were and I agree with each of their views especially Nattie. That reminds me, where is Charlotte? She was so excited for the horror tape that Carmella was about to play. Omg! She must have.....Ugh!
'Excuse me girls. I'll just be back.' I excused myself out to search for my best friend.
'Char...Charlotte!' I called louder. She was not in the room.
'Charlotte...' I screamed, attracting attention of many.
'Becky, any problem?' Sami walked towards me.
'Well, Sami have you seen Charlotte?' I asked restlessly.
'' Sami said looking around. 'What's the matter?'
I myself was not sure about the answer to this question. What do I say to him?
'N-nothing significant.' I lied. 'But, I got to find her though.'
'Wait! Does she have a match tonight?' Sami asked.
'Yes, she would take on Sasha. I recalled.
'Then relax Becks. She must be busy training.' Sami said relaxed. I wish he would know!
'Hope you're right.' I told him and quickly rushed towards the training area.
Pheww! Sami was right indeed. Charlotte was there punching a bag meant for people like Roman Reigns. She was sweating bad and her eyes were red. It even seemed as if they had recent imprints of tears. I ran towards her.
'Where were you Char? You can't just leave me this way.' I shouted at her.
She ignored me and kept on punching.
'I'm talking to you Ashley Elizabeth Flehr.' I snatched her hand off the bag. She looked at me annoyed.
'Leave me alone Becks.' she pulled her hand away.
'No. I won't. If you call me your best friend, you're to speak your heart to me got to tell me what's killing you lass.' I put my hand on her shoulders.
Charlotte finally, looked at be with a blank expression though I could still feel the pain in her eyes.
'Becks!' she said placing her hand on mine. 'I agree, I am a little down but don't worry I'll be fine soon.' she said faking a smile. She seized her hand off me and left.
I watched in the monitor as Charlotte and Sasha were both counted out. The match ended in a draw.
' found her..and there she is..' Sami's voice interrupted me. I smiled at him. I didn't even sent him a decent bye when I met hi earlier.
'Well Sami. You're actually right. I found her at the training area.' I informed.
'Cool. i'm glad that you're relieved of your tensions.' he said with a gentle smile. I uncomfortably reciprocated.
'Wanna have some coffee.' Sami suggested, scratching the back of his neck. He seemed nervous.
'Some other time.' I said.
'Sure, if some fine day you will be free for me.' he sighed. Sadness enveloped his face. I felt really bad. He is one of the coolest guys I know and a friend who would take a bullet for you. I debated to myself.
'Okay Sami. Just a coffee.' I agreed. a kiddish glow ruled on his face.
'...and cookies.' he added, letting me chuckle.
'Good with me.' I nodded. He offered his hand to me as a gentleman which I took and we went towards the cafeteria.
Sami was a great company. All through the sips, he kept me entertaining even through the means of self-mocking. I had my last sip, when the messenger vibrated. Oh no! I had 6 missed calls from Charlotte too!
Aj: Hey girl!
Becky: Hello Aj!
Aj: Did you call me with Charlotte's phone?
Becky: Nope. She isn't even with me. When?
Aj: Like 20 minutes ago. I called back a number of times but she isn't receiving.
So, I thought it must be you.
Btw, who are you with then?
Becky: What! She isn't receiving. Oh no!
I'm with Sami btw.
Aj: What! SAMI! Why on earth?
Becky: He's nice Aj. Anyway, I'll text you later.
I couldn't catch a thought as thousands surpassed my brain. Charlotte! she called us both and Why didn't she received the calls. Oh no! I should've waited till she made backstage. What if....i stood up from from my seat attempted to leave.
'What is it Becky? You seem tensed.' asked a concerned Sami.
'I--i-its Charlotte.' I could say.
'What's wrong with her?' Sami asked surprised. But, I had no time to answer. I ran as fast as I could towards our locker room. Sami followed me.
I slammed the door open. 'Charlotte!...Char! Are you there?' I went through the room but she was nowhere to be found.
I looked over to the washroom. No sign of her.
'Charlotte!' Sami said looking at the terrace. 'She's not there.' he said. My heart beat so fast and I couldn't register my thought. All I knew was she had to be found.
I rushed towards the catering.
'Charlotte! Charlotte!' I screamed as loud as I could. Few crew members looked at me curiously. The main event of Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose cheered the arena.
'Have you seen Charlotte?' I asked a crew member passing. She nodded in 'no'. The catering was gradually closing. I saw Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho standing there among the few.
'Any problem Becks.' Kevin asked approaching me.
'You've seen Charlotte Kev?' I asked him, still panting.
'Well no. But why?' Kevin asked. I had no answer for him. I rushed again.
'What's going on?' I heard Jericho ask.
'Nothing serious guys. I'll tell you later.' I heard Sami managing them, catching me up.
I didn't have a clue where she could be. She hasn't gone to the hotel for sure.
'Wait Becky.' Sami said.
'What?' I said stopping for a while.
'Was she upset the last time you saw her?' he asked curiously.
I remembered the gloom shadowing her features in the training area.
'Well, may be but what then?' I asked Sami.
'Then we might check out on the bar.' he said. 'I mean that's where people go when they are sad.' he said.
'What! She isn't that big a drunkard.' I protested but debated it within.
'Look, I'm sorry if she isn't but there's no harm in checking.' he said shrugging his shoulders. He had a point.
We went to the bar. There were many unknown people doing crazy stuffs, some however stayed sober. I saw Cesaro and Wade Barrett sitting at a corner.
'Wade! Have you seen Charlotte here?' Sami asked walking towards them as I followed.
Wade and Claudio looked at us blank for a second and then at each other.
'Well...Sami..' Claudio satarted speaking.
'She wasn't here right!' I asked him before he could finish.
'I'm afraid she was.' said Cesaro with a look of pity.
'Yes. She was upset and drank a little too much. I offered assisting her. But, she abused me and walked on her own.' Wade said.
I was dumbstruck. What has she made of her self because of that......I got to find her.
'She mustn't be far. You can still catch her.' Cesaro said as me and Sami rushed out.
We took the left turn and heard some moans, perhaps, it came from the women's washroom.
We advanced and it went louder.
'I'll wait here, Call me if you need.' Sami said as I walked inside the washroom.
I stepped in it and the moans sounded like sobs. Suddenly, I noticed something under my feet. It was fresh blood flowing on the floor. I followed it to see a hand falling out of a cabin. My beats went faster. I got closer to see a wrist cut by a blade which lay near. I looked over to see her!
'Aaaaaa...aaaaa...hhhhhh....Samiiiiiiii..........!' I cried.
'What!' Sami said entering fast but soon put his palm over his face as he saw a maudlinly conscious Charlotte sitting against the door of a toilet chamber, blood rushing out of her left wrist. She has tried cutting her life, remains of alcohol still dripping down her lips.
'Charlotte! what have you done yourself girl!' I said sitting next to her, my voice cracked.
She perhaps saw me as her eyes slightly opened.
'Becky...h-he ignored me........' she said before busting into tears.
'Who?' Sami asked her. 'Nobody's ignoring you Charlotte.' Sami said to console her.
Deep down inside I knew who she meant and who caused her this but it's definitely not the time to think about it.
'Ugh! it hurts!' Charlotte said holding her wounded wrist. I took out my handkerchief and tied it around the would to stop the blood flow.
'Sami let's get her out.' I said trying to get one of her arms around my shoulder. Sami nodded and went for the other. We picked her up and got her out of the washroom. Thankfully no one was near.
We approached the way we took to come.
'Wait Becks!' Sami stopped. 'There are so many cameras rolling over there, Also, there are several media personalities. It isn't safe going through that way.'
He was right. If they sees the wwe divas champion in such an intoxicated state and moreover, her suicide attempt, she is gonna be the center of all gossip. That won't go too well with Vince either.
'What can we do Sami?' I asked him tightening the grip once more.
'Look! there's an way on the right. It would go behind the skybox and lead us outside. I saw it when Roman entered the arena earlier tonight.' he said.
'But what if the crowd notices.' I asked concerned.
'They won't.' he assured.
We carried Char to the right turn. I could hear the crowds cheering. We went on to the area behind the skybox and I could see the heads of more than thousands of people. I went nervous but Sami nodded assuringly. Slowly we walked past the danger zone and here we were at the car stand.
'We'd get in my car.' Sami suggested and I nodded. Charlotte was giggling for no reason.
'Hold her for a minute and I'll bring the car.' Sami said.
'Right.' I said. But as soon as he left the other side, I felt the real weight. I barely managed to let Charlotte stand and she soon fell on the ground on her knees.
'Shit!. I said trying to pull her up.'
Just then a horn blew and I saw Sami with his car. He came out and helped me put Charlotte in the backseat. I sat beside her and her head rested on my lap. Her face showed pain and i could easily imagine the amount of tears she shed in last few hours.
'Sami, shall we see the doctor.' I asked looking at Charlotte's wrist.
'I'm afraid that's gonna give rise to a number of legal turmoils in Charlotte's case.' he said.
'But, she can't stay like this. I don't know how much she dig in.' I said, tears rolling through my eyes.
'Relax Becks!' Sami said looking back. 'I have a friend who is a doctor. I'll ask him to visit our hotel.' Sami assured. I nodded gratefully.
I looked over at Charlotte again. she smelled of sheer alcohol. Sami started the car.
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