Chapter Two- Cant Keep Moving On
||Lava POV||
"L-lava erase there minds of what happened at the park"Aph saids
"Yes but i cant do Dantes you will have to...or mom"i say
"Ok ill do" she saids we replace to there minds with that they just were talking at the park
"T-there lets go to bed"She saids
"I still miss the old Dante....The nice one...i need a moment alone ill be back"i say then walk out
"I wish.....That we could just tell them i-its probably my fault"i mumble sitting down on the sidewalk
"I wonder if he still have that song....they have to find out its us....were not allowed to tell"i mumble then start tearing up thinking...
I miss the old days....Dante was so cute,silly,Handsome,nice,kind, WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING HELP ME SIS
--In Lava and Aph head--
J-umm....its were you just want to be around that person all the time and all you can do is think about them and why?
L- i think D-d-Da-Dant-Da-DANTE!
J-EEKKKKKKK I SHIP IT DANVA(ita the the best i got so move it and dont judge)
L-im coming home now....
J-cya at home
I was walking home and ran into someone
"Im so so so sorry"i say
"Just stay out of my way and no one will get hurt"Dante saids
I just nod then he looks into my eyes he dose it for about a minute then i walk home
||Dante POV||
What the...he eyes....they seem fimrilar...i need to look longer
Then she walks of
Dang it!!!!!
||Lava/Blaze POV||
I walk into my house then to my room
"Hey Aph"i say
"Heeeyyyyy Si-"she get cuts of by mom
"bed time!"mom saids
"Ok" we both say
We both lay down and go to sleep
||The next day||
We did the normal in the morning rhen we leave the house
"Bye mom i got my guatir"i say
"Bye"Aph saids then we walk out
" ok?"Jess askes
"No......"i look down deprssed
"Why?"she askes
"I miss them....i miss the OLD them....i miss the OLD him"i say
"I miss the OLD them to"she saids i start tearing up and lean on my sis and guess who comes up behind us
"Oh oh oh...hello there"Laurance saids Dante is trying to stare into my eyes again i notice
"Ugh what now"jess saids
"Hehe...we came back from what we wanted to do yesterday at lunch"Garroth saids then i look up and see Dantes eyes widen with a spark he knows its me i give of a little smirk...
"Ugh ive gotta go....."Dante saids then runs of i chase after we keep running untill nobody is behind us
"L-lava is that really you?"he askes
"Yes...please they have to find out on there own...please dont say i still want them back to normal"I say
"Your secret is safe with me and now please go so nobody sees this"he saids then i run of to school then i find Aph
"Blaze...why did-"i cut her of and go up to her ear
"Dante knows it me"i whisper in her ear
"Ooohhhhh"she saids
"Lets get to class"i say
||At Lunch||
I go to the chours room and start singing yet sombody followed me and KNEW THE SONG?!?!?!!
Lava/Blaze=This type
Dante=This type
Both=this type
Do you remember when i said i'd always be there (when he sung i turn around and it was DANTE?!?!?!)
Ever sence we were 10 baby
When we out on the playground
Playing pretend
I didnt know it back then
Now i relize you were the only one
Its never to late to show it
Grow old together
Have feeling we had before
Back then when we were so innocent
I pray for all your love
Girl our love is so unreal
I just wanna reach and touch
You squeeze you sombody pinch me
This is somthing like a movie
And i dont know how it ends girl
But i fell in love with my best friend
(I think im in love)
(I think im in love)
(I think im in love)
(I think im in love)
(I think im in love)
(I think ik in love)
I fell in love with my best friend
(I think im in love)
(I think im in love)
(I think im in love
(I think im in love)
(I think im in love)
(I think im in love)
I think im in love with my best friend
Thougth all the dudes that came by
And all the nights that you'd cry girl
I was there right by your side
How could i tell you i loved you
When you were so happy with
Some other guy
Now i relised that you were the only one
Its never to late to show it
Grow old together
Have feelings we had before
When we were so innocent
I pray for all your love
Girl this is so unreal
I just wanna
Reach and touch you
Squeeze you sombody pinch me
This is somthing like a movie
And i dont know how it ends girl
But i fell in love with my best friend
I know its sounds crazy
That you'd be my baby
Girl you mean that much to me
And nothing compares when
Were ligther than air
And we dont wanna come back down
And i dont wanna ruin what we have
Love is so unpritdictable
But its the risk that im taking
Hoping,praying you'd fall in love with your
Best friend
I pray for all your love
Girl our love is so unreal
I just wanna
Reach and touch you squezze you
Sombody pinch me
This is somthing like a movie
And i dont know how it ends girl
But i fell in love with my best friend
I pray for all your love
Girl our love is so unreal
I just wanna
Reach and touch you squezze you
Sombody pinch me
This is somthing like a movie
And i dont know how it ends girl
But i fell in love with my best friend
I remember when i said id always be there sence we were 10 baby...
(End song)
Next think i knew i was circling in a circle with dante
"D-d-Dante?!?!?!" I say
Cadenza comes in clapping
"Wow....but why did you sing with HER?" She askes
"Look into her eyes and you will see"Dante saids then cadenza sees it...
"L-lava?" Shes askes
"Yes?" I say she runs up and hugs me
"SHHHH! Please everone else can find our there sure aph will get the other guys...Katleyn and Nicole...well they will find out either way"i say
Cadenza nods
||After School||
||Lava POV||
"Ive gotten 2"i say
"None"aph saids
"Well you can get the boys.....Heheheh"i say
"LAV-BLAZEEE!!!!!" She shouts
"THATS MY QUE TO RUN" i start to run then run into the bullies
"SORRY!" i shout
"And now were in trouble Blaze"Jess saids
"And why do you think you have the right to run into me"Garroth askes in a stren tone i see Katelyn,Laurance,and Nicole behind him i give of a smirk
"L-LAV-BLAZE WHAT IN THE NAME OF IRENE?" she shouts...Garroth looks at her...then he see it
"A-ap-Aph-APHMAU?!?!?!?!?!?!" he saids
"Yes?"she awsner
"Heheh...Hiyyyaaaaa!!!!!"i say
"WAIT LAVA ALSO?!?!?!?!" Garroth saids
"APHMAU?!?!?!" Nicole and Katelyn shout then Dante and Cadenza come out of no were
"About time you found out" Dante saids Garrotrh runs up to Aph and hugs her
"Heh............GAH IVE MISSED YOU GUYS!!!!" i shout
"SAMMMEEE!E!!!" aph shouts
"Why did you guys...well bully?" I ask
"We dont know what came over us" Garroth saids then looks at aph
"Cmon lets go catch up....Hint I CAN PLAY FOOTBALL!!! HAHAH TOLD YA DANTE I CAN PLAY FOOTBALL!" i shout at dante
"Ok it seems like i lost!" Dante saids
"Hahah lets go catch up" Aph saids then we all walk away
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