Chapter 8-A loser like me?
||Lava POV||
We were all getting ready for our concert i use my magiks to,make my ears and tail go away for a period of time,We get in the limo and get there and theres our friends
"I told dante" I whisper to aph
They all run over but Dante walks
"YEESSS!! IM BIGGEST FANNNN!!!" Katelyn fangirls i take her paper and sign it
"Here" i say handing it back the same thing with the other three we go back stage
"Ready?" isabell saids
"Im still sad...about u know what"I say while looking down
"You wont lose him" Aph saids i smile
"Then CMON LETS GET IN STAGE!!" I shout we walk on stage
"YOU ALL READY!!" Kyrstal shouts
"YESSSS" they all shout back with bunch of noise and one person catches my eye
Dante.....ugh why am i main singer
We start...
Lava=This type
Aph=this type
Crystal=this type
Isabell=this type
Me and aph=this type
All=this type
Crystal,Isabell and aph=this type
Crystal and isabell=this type
Hey you may think that im a zero
But hey
Everyone you wanna be
Probably started of like me
You make say that im a freakshow
(I dont care)
But hey just give me a little time
I bet your gonna change your mind
All the dirt you've been throwing my way
It ani't so hard to take
Cause i know one day
Youll be screaming my name
And ill just look away
Thats right
Just go ahead and hate on me with your mouth
So everone can hear
Hit me with the worst you got and knock me down
Baby i dont care
Keep it up and soon enougth you'll figure out
You wanna be you wanna be
A loser like me
A loser like me
Push me up anigest the locker
Thats right
All i do is shake it off ill get you back
When im your boss
Im not thinkin bout you haters
Cause hey i could be a super star ill see you
When you wash my car
All the dirt youve been throwing my way
Anit so hard to take
Thats right
Cause i know
On day Youll be screaming my name
And ill just look away
Thats right
Just go ahead and hate on me with your mouth
So everone can hear
Hit me with the worst you got and knock me down
Baby i dont care
Keep it up and soon youll figure out
You wanna be you wanna be
A loser like me
A loser like me
A loser like me
Hey you over there keep the L-up-up in the air
Hye you over there keep the l-up in the air
Cause i dont care
You wanna throw your sticks,
And you can throw your stones
Like a rocket just let me go
Yeah L O S E R
I can only be who i are
Just go ahead and hate me and run your mouth
So everyone can hear
Hit me with the worst you got and knock me down
Baby i dont care
Keep it up and soon enougth youll figure out
You wanna be you wanna be
A loser like me
Juts go ahead and hate me and run your mouth
So everone can hear
Hit me with the worst you got and knock me down
Baby i dont care
Keep it up and soon enougth youll figure out
You wanna be you wanna be
A loser like me
A loser like me
A loser like me
A loser like me
A loser like me
(END SONGGG Ive been listening to this song all day)
The song ended and everone one started clapping we went of stage and home
||The Next Day||
||Dante POV||
Last night...Lava only sings that when shes...Sad and hurt...i woinder whats wrong
||Lava POV||
"Hey lava!" Dante saids running up to me
"Yes"i say looking at him
"Whats wrong...i know somthings wrong"He saids my ears go down and i look down
"I-i do-dont wanna t-talk about it"i say studdering then the real new school bullies walk over
"Oh...What do we have here"The bully saids
"What do you want gene"Dante saids then aph walks over along with Garroth
Eessshh they look madddd~ things about to go down IM IN!
"UMM...Gene...Grrr" Garroth saids with a haterad look on his face
"Gene.....I give you time to run" Aph saids madly
"Ohhhh~ Things bout to go down let me join"I say then all stare at me like 'what the heck?'
"Uhh"Dante saids gene runs i grow my claws
"GET HIM!" Aph shouts me,aph,and garroth chase after gene
"Hey wait up"Dante shouts then starts chase us i give him a little speed from the wolf advantage
"There!" I say
A few minutes later me lose gene sadly
"Awwww we lost him"I wine
"Now back to what we were takking about cant hind anything from know that"Dante saids i look down
"I still cant belive you too missed the concret"Garroth saids
--In head--
A-just do it
--out of head--
Me and aph start singing
"You wanna be you wanna be a loser like me...A loser like me a loser like me~"Me and aph sing
"Huh?"Garroth askes
"It was in TV!" I say
"Oh um heh"Garroth saids scraching his kneck
"Sooo la-"I cut dante off
"So has garmau sailed yet or not?" I ask sly flies in
"Lava the power"Sly saids
"Oh um i forgot we were gonna meet for that today, see you guys later"I say then run off
||Thrid Person POV||
After lava ran off Dante thougth to himself
Is she sad about the prank?
Nah it cant....Right?
And hes wrong
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