Chapter 6 - The geis
"You're my aunt?!" Dorin said with a gasp. He went closer to Agate, his eyes wide, face flushed with excitement. "I never knew I had an aunt, it has always been only mother and me! I didn't know I had such a cute aunt!" He threw his arms around Agate and hugged her tightly.
"Your mom and I were cousins, so yes, I am your aunt. Now, let go!" It took some time before she could push Dorin away. She looked at the two students in the room and called their names again. "Margarette, Sebastian, tell me, what were you doing with Dorin?"
"They are my new friends!" Dorin exclaimed, a huge smile on his face.
"I'm not asking you!" Agate retorted. "Margarette. Sebastian. Your answers?"
"We met him by the University gates," Margarette said, looking pale. "Some other student was trying to take his charms from him... because he couldn't pass the gates..."
"That was your cousin Lance, right?" Dorin said with a smile.
Margarette threw a murderous look at Dorin who immediately decided to shut up. But it was too late.
"Lance Gunner again, huh," mumbled Agate. "Noted." She turned back to Dorin. "Pull up your sleeves." The boy did as he was told, showing his aunt the remaining wards and charms on both arms.
"Are there others?"
At this, Dorin began to strip, taking off his coat first, then the long-sleeved tunic. Margarette turned around and averted her eyes, blushing a bit as the boy took his off pants.
"That's enough!" said Agate before Dorin could take off his baggy underwear. She then said some words of magic and pointed her wand at the boy. The tip of the wand gave a soft glow, and as it swept past the boy's body, it illuminated several symbols, particularly on his knees and shoulders.
"Turn around," she ordered him and saw a hexagram on his back surrounded by several runes.
"I know your mom is a worrywart, but this is ridiculous!" Agate said with a sigh.
"Mother says it's a guarding spell..."
Sebastian took his board from the table and wrote excitedly. [No. That is a very potent hiding and binding spell!]
"That's correct," said Agate, "while the runes on your knees and shoulders are wards against lightning magic." His aunt gave another sigh, she suddenly looked much older.
[Can I study them?] Sebastian was suddenly standing beside her, the slate in front of her face.
"No. Put that slate back on the table!"
"Professor, there are others in the university vault," said Margarette who is still staring at the corner.
"The key?" Agate held her hand out to Dorin who eagerly gave it to her. She then checked the bands on her nephew's arms and took most of them off. "You won't be needing all of these in or around the campus, as long as you follow the campus rules." She threw the bands on the bed, one at a time. "Tell me, what is your element?"
"My elements are wind and earth..."
"Earth is a second-level element derived from fire, it's highly unlikely you have a wind and a fire element, unless..." she trailed off. "How are your fire and water skills?" she asked instead.
"I try not to use fire... I had an accident in the barn once when I was younger..."
"So, you decided to skip it?"
"Mother said I didn't need it..."
"Thus all the wards and debasers to keep them at bay..." sighed Agate, "And you say your mother is usually out somewhere?"
"Yup, sometimes she leaves me behind for weeks! That's why it was so unfair that she wouldn't buy me a camera! It was my only request! The last time I asked her for something was when I begged her to buy me my own silver knife to cut herbs with. That was when I was 5 years old, and she refused to let me sharpen it until I was 8!"
Dorin heard someone snorting and saw Margarette's shoulders shaking.
"Haa..." Agate sighed and rubbed her temples. She took off some more charms and left only a thin golden band on his right arm. "I guess that equilibrium band won't hurt. You can use an 'elemental buffer' to balance your powers. Since your mother was a level A elementer, we can't know for sure which element you excel in until you have proper education."
She threw the rest of the charms on the bed and noticed Sebastian closely studying them.
"I counted those, boy." Sebastian looked at her, his hand on his chest, looking hurt. "Now Dorin, take these and put them on in the bathroom."
She handed him a set of clothes and underwear and pointed at a part of the bookshelves that was slightly sticking out. Dorin went closer and noticed that it was a door leading to the bathroom. When the door clicked shut, Margarette slowly turned around and looked around the room. Seeing the half-naked Dorin gone, she stood up straight and faced professor Althea once more.
"The bathroom is soundproof, we are free to speak. But before that, you two must swear that nothing I am about to do or say is to leave this room. You are not allowed to tell another soul about this, especially not my nephew." The professor's voice boomed once more inside the room. The two students were forced to listen and obey. "What is your reply?" she asked.
"Yes, professor Althea," said Margarette. She reached into her cloak, and from her side, pulled out a rapier. "I, Margarette Gunnar, of the Gunnar family, masters of the sword, do solemnly pledge my word." She kissed the plummet of her rapier and sheathed it once again.
"Sebastian?" Sebastian was still silent. He turned to reach for his slate. "Speak," Agate commanded. "I will not be affected by your charm." Sebastian looked at the professor, then at Margarette who stood beside her. Agate pointed her wand at the girl, drawing a protective spell around her. "Speak now."
Sebastian turned his back on the professor. He raised a hand to his face and took off his glasses. "I..." said a cool soothing voice "Sssebastian Rrreviousss... do herrrrreby... pledge... my worrrd." The words were carefully spoken as if they were being said for the first time, yet there was a kind of melody in it that touches the soul.
There was a thud. Sebastian turned around suddenly, deep lilac eyes flashing. He watched as Margarette tried to stand back up.
"I-I'm okay..." Margarette said with her eyes cast down, "I just got a bit... dizzy."
They both looked at their Professor who was holding on to the bedpost. Sebastian quickly put his glasses back on.
"Now listen and listen well," said Agate, a bead of perspiration trickling down her small chin, "if you have ever paid attention to your history classes, you would know that the order of the Sword of Briar Rose was disbanded after the Great Revolt 13 years ago."
The 2 students nodded in reply.
"The Briar Rose family was formed by an alliance between an Alcione and a Heilig family. They dissolved their own knights after that incident, and their only daughter and heir was said to have been lost in battle."
"She was Luise Auror Belatrice Hermione of Briar Rose, a powerful elementer who was taken hostage during the battle," said Margarette. "We, from the military division, look up to her for she chose to be a soldier rather than a magus. Her contribution to elemental weapon technology was praised by all, and her valor on the battlefield is second to none. She was one of only 3 people in history able to use all 9 elements in harmony. "
"Yes, my cousin Louise, known as Hermione to those closest to her. We also knew that she was with child by the end of the revolt." Agate looked sadly at the bathroom door. "She was betrayed by the person she trusted the most, that is why after the battle, she just disappeared without a trace. It was years later when one from our small circle received a letter from her, saying she was living in seclusion with her child. There was nothing more in the letter, and she would never have written to us if she didn't have a need for a charm – a spell of hiding for her child..."
Margarette suddenly gasped. "That was one of the bands that were taken to the university vault," she said.
"I shall take care of that later," said Agate, "Right now, I, Agate Althea of the Althea clan of Healers, lay a geis on you both. Not a word of this to a soul. No one is to know of that child's true identity. His mother might be a tad too overprotective, but there is a reason behind that. She means to keep him hidden, and now, you two, shall help us do just that."
The two were rooted where they stood, their eyes staring at Agate as the professor continued. "I order you two to protect Theodorin Silvius of the Briar Rose line and pledge your royalty to him," she told the two. "This geis will only be broken when Dorin learns the secret of his parenthood on his own, and only then could you speak to him of this day."
"I hear and obey," said Margarette, her hand on her sword's hilt.
"I obey," said a faraway voice from Sebastian's direction.
"Thus the geis is given and received," Agate finished.
The two students fell on the floor as the last word of the geis was spoken.
Margarette looked up at their professor. Only a powerful archmage has the capability to place a geis upon people – an absolute command that can only be broken upon completion. To think that someone this powerful was wasting her time in the healing arts, when she could be of more use in the military department!
"Both of you, rise," said the professor as the door to the bathroom swung open and Dorin stepped into the room wearing a blue vest and a white long-sleeved shirt under a gray cloak.
"Ah, you look dashing in that!" declared his aunt Agate, running to his side to fuss over him. "Now you look like a proper novice student!"
"I had some trouble tying the laces on," he said, gesturing at the white, knee-high boots he was currently wearing, "They feel so soft even though they're brand new!" he exclaimed, "And these clothes... it's as if I am wearing a cloud! It's so soft and light on my skin!"
Sebastian couldn't help but feel sorry for the kid. He took his slate once more and wrote, [I can sell you new clothes for half the price]
"Really?" Dorin replied excitedly, "Are they as nice as these ones are?"
"The university can supply you with casual clothes," said Margarette, tapping Sebastian on the head, "They also have dormitories for those who live far away and a common cafeteria serving free food for those who can't afford to feed themselves."
"You are only here for the Photography class, is that right?" Agate asked her nephew.
"That's right, aunt Agate, it's just a three-day, two-night event, which starts tomorrow..."
"Then make sure you return on the fourth day."
"Of course!" Dorin took his satchel and started stuffing his old clothes inside. "Mother doesn't even need to know if I get home before she does!"
"By the way," asked Margarette as she looked at Dorin's bag, "Where's your camera?"
"Huh?" replied Dorin.
[I have an extra camera back in my dorm]
"No. You would probably ask for an exorbitant price for it," said Margarette.
"tsk" said Sebastian, to which he got another bump on the head from Margarette, and a little punch from Agate.
"Aunt Agate-"
"Don't call me aunt," snapped Agate. "Here in campus you address me as Professor Althea. Besides, I'm too cute to be an aunt. Tell anyone about our relationship and I kill you."
"O-okay... Professor Agate..."
"Professor Althea!"
"P-professor Althea... um... my mother's ring?"
"Confiscated!" Agate said, "As well as that pocket watch of yours."
"Eh? But why?"
"You're not allowed to show the crest around. It would just connect you to me."
"oh... okay."
"Your coins are confiscated too! I'll just leave you enough money for your expenses."
"Yes, professor..."
There was another "Tsk" from Sebastian.
The two watched as Dorin accepted everything his aunt told him without much question. It goes to show how his mother had been raising him.
"You two," Agate addressed the students, "Go back to your dorms. I'll take care of the rest of Dorin's papers and find him a room in the men's dormitory."
"Huh? Can't I stay here with you?" Dorin asked.
"Dorin, it is not proper for a man to sleep in the same room with a woman!" proclaimed Margarette.
"But she's my aunt! Besides, I've always lived with my mother, we even bathe together and share the same bed! She may be out most of the time, but..."
"Your mother is different!" yelled Margarette and Agate in unison.
"Now, off you go." Agate walked to the other end of the room where she pulled at a shelf to show a door. "And remember your promise."
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