Lucky's POV 🍀
For a few hours, we were with Yin occasionally and helping her out with this "survey" thing as much as we could, when engaging in a battle with wild pokémon.
Most of the pokémon we've fought so far to help out with the surveys for Yin, were weak to ghost type.
One of our typings that isn't effective on us since we're half normal too.
Since the day we met and joined Yin's team, Nightmare and Luna have both explained and given us an alert about Yin's transformations and her past.
Especially when we were given the knowledge that she's half human and half Zoroark, but suffers traumatizing memories that is recalled to her every once in a while, when she only wants to forget about them.
PTSD is what her kind calls it back at the world Yin said that she and sneasler's warden, Ingo, was from.
We were also told that some of the humans still think we're unsafe and dangerous, but, as long as the pokédex thing exists, they'll start to become less afraid and will bond or get along with us very well, with the knowledge the pokédex carries.
So, thanks to Nightmare and Luna for telling me and my sister, we're both aware about Yin and what the other humans think of us so far along with why we weren't chased out of the village the same way we were, back when we were actually hated for being who we are and trying to survive.
"I will be honest, but, I wish all the zoruas and zoroarks weren't mistreated by humans and other pokémon long ago in Hisui before I met y'all..." I heard Yin speak up out of nowhere, interrupting me from my thoughts, while we looked at her in surprise a little over those words.
"It's really unfair and heartbreaking for me, when I heard what you've suffered and been through, shortly after I completed the pokédex entry on both zoruas and zoroarks.
I can understand that humans and pokémon weren't supposed to coexist or interact with each other at that time, but, it's still unfair that you couldn't even reach out to anyone in need for help, except to your own kind."
Just after she mentioned that, our ears flattened a little, as we were all recalling those horrible times before everything changed from the moment we became reanimated ghosts out of our own hatred and bitter malice towards humans and pokémon that weren't the same species as ours.
"Yin..." Nightmare started as he looked at her, tears easily being visibly seen in his eyes a little bit.
In response to that, she pulled all of us into a hug, before I heard Nightmare and the girls crying softly.
"It's okay...I'll be here to give comfort to any of you." Yin says next as she tightened the hug a little, while burying her face in our fur.
For a while, we remained hugging each other like this, until Yin and I parted.
Nightmare, Luna and Artemis, on the other hand, mostly stayed close to her since they were still wanting to be comforted.
"Y'all didn't deserve to be mistreated...It's the people and pokémon who should suffer, that turned their backs on you, when you were in need of help." Yin mentions next.
"Yeah. They should've gotten instant karma for being so mean...It's unfair that they get to be happy but we can't be." Luna says as she pouted a bit, after Yin wiped the tears out of hers, Nightmare's and Artemis' eyes.
"Don't worry...I'll make y'all happy. And I'll make sure me and my descendants will be the light to you and your kind's darkness too." Yin replies as she smiled gently at us.
Artemis' POV 🌌
Just after Yin said that, Nightmare blushed a little and hid his face in his hands(?), making me smile over how cute he's reacting.
Earlier, Luna secretly told me and Lucky about Yin and Nightmare's relationship, making us aware of them being a very close couple.
Once we parted from hugging Yin, I suddenly noticed an odd look in her eyes and felt something off from her smile for a moment before she blinked and stopped smiling.
"For now...Let's get back to working on the surveys. M'kay?" Yin says next before standing up to her feet.
After mentioning it, I quickly made an illusion of her, on myself, before grabbing Yin's hand.
"Yin....I think you've done enough surveys for a while now. We should head back to Jubilife Village and take a break...Maybe get ourselves some rest too, while we're at it?" I say as I looked at her, showing worry and starting to slightly know what's up with her.
"If that's what you and everyone else want, then, alright..." She replies as she sighed a little.
Then we started heading off to the camp that was the closest to us before packing everything up.
As we were heading our way back, I huddled in close to my brother, making him notice and carry me in his arms.
"Artemis, is everything alright?" Lucky asked me quietly.
In response, I told him what I noticed about Yin, before burying my face into his chest.
"I see...I'll tell Luna and Nightmare about that too, okay?" He says as he looked at me.
In response, I nodded my head when I looked back at him.
Shortly after we made it to the village, I hid in Lucky's hair, feeling a bit afraid of Yin from the strange feeling I got from her.
As for Lucky, he seemed to notice this too, because he started having the same reaction that I had, only I could tell he's trying his hardest to remain calm and not to visibly show it.
When we went inside Yin's quarters with her, I stayed in my brothers fur for a while until I finally decided to come out.
Unfortunately, even though Yin was only reading a book and taking some notes about something and wasn't even doing anything, fear shot through me to the point I regretted it.
Feeling terrified, I immediately ran out of Yin's quarters, catching the others off guard and in shock as they saw me run out and head towards Prelude Beach.
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