In the distance, a loud crash sends me scrambling to get up. Fire encompasses a part of the Facility, and one of the walls explodes into smithereens. I bite back my scream as I race down one hall, my legs unsteady, my breathing quick and labored.
He can't be here. He just can't. There's no way Shaw could have found us. I was supposed to be safe, we were supposed to be safe from him. Erik and Charles promised I would be alright!
Another loud boom has me running faster. All the halls look the same, but as I round a corner, I slam into someone. Stars encircle my head as the person grabs my arm. He's a guard, and he's shouting at me to get back. His hands push me out of the way, and I cower behind a potted plant as more agents fire at something around the corner. The gunshots are like a tortuous symphony.
Pain hits me over and over again, and the shadows I tamed in the bathroom burst out. Agony pierces my heart. I shrink back, pulling my knees up to my chest. Inky black covers my skin, and ice cold pain shoots through my head everyt ime I breath in.
I'm cold. My blood turns to ice in my veins. I don't know how many people have died tonight, but each time they take their last breath, a figure of them appears in my vision, and torment clouds everything. Everywhere I turn, darkness follows.
The last time I felt this much pain was when Shaw blew up an oil rig on the coast of Russia. 152 lives were lost that day, and I will never forget their screams. It haunted me for weeks, giving me more unsteady nightmares until Emma was forced to sit by my side and keep me calm,or Shaw would take all the pain away with his mutation.
Gunshots splatter the air, bursting forth as if they are a butterfly from a cocoon. Somewhere in the distance, a woman is yelling.
I place my hands over my ears, trying to drown out the wailing of a dozen lives flickering out all at once. The shadows grip my chest, and I can feel darkness oozing out of my ears. I'm too numb for the pain to cause me to scream. All I can see is darkness.
This can't be happening, this can't be happening, this can't be happening. But it is, I know it is. Another boom shakes the whole building, and more gunshots rock the halls. Several guards run past, their rifles cocked.
I think I'm going to faint.
When I was with Shaw, I felt like the world could end at any moment. Now, it feels as if the world is coming to a close. I feel that if I take one more step, I might be sent into oblivion.
"Leena!" I look up through black eyes, turning my head around for the source of that familiar voice. Younger than others, mischief lining each syllable. I open my mouth, but it's coated with shadows, swallowing my voice.
I can't speak. I can't move. I'm frozen in a nightmare and I can't get out.
The moment I think about it, the shadows come to a stop. They freeze around me, floating softly around my mind. The darkness creeps through my veins, slow and precise. I look up, my head stiff from staying still for so long. The corridor is dark, but out the window, bodies are strewn across the green, their corpses pooling with blood.
Carefully, I stand up, my limbs protesting. But the moment I get up fully, pain as cold as ice shoots up my body, and I stagger back into the wall. Darkness twists around my organs, playing with my hair and turning my skin inky black. The energy buzzes with some new found spirit, and I try not to scream. It takes everything in me.
I close my eyes. I have to do something, if I go on living like this, I will eventually break.
What if I pulled the energy out, like I did the first night here in the facility? My eyes open and look down to my fisted hands. The world shifts in my vision, spotted with dots of black. I squint at the dark energy, focusing all of my attention to my arms.
Slowly, I take a deep breath and start to bring the shadows out of my fingers. Let me be in control, I scream into my mind, give me my power back! As if caught in water, the shadows lift off my hand and float above my palms. I take another breath, my body straining against itself.
Give me control, I plead, but the rest of the darkness in my vision won't budge. I frown, my face turning red, a vein popping out of my forehead. Let me have control. My vision swims with un shed tears, and my eyebrows knit together in concentration. I think my legs will give way any second.
Let me have control!
I think of Erik moving the anchor in freezing cold water. I think of Charles easing the shadows in my mind back in the courtyard. I think of the fear in those officer's eyes when I said I could kill them with one look. They're most likely dead now, that fear etched into their eyes like scars.
I remember the way Shaw flicked the grenade, perfectly in control of what he was doing. I think of Emma, beautiful Emma, who never once faltered or broke underneath the pressure.
Control. What a beautiful thing to possess. It is what every man and woman strives for. Control over their children, control over their belonging, control over their lives. Very few achieve what everyone wants. What every human being desires.
But I am no human being. I am something more, something unique. Whatever caused my mutation chose this ability. Whichever Eternal Force is real chose me to control this ability. To control these shadows and emotions.
In this moment, in this dilapidated building surrounded by men who never got to grow old, I realize what I've been doing wrong. I realize just how blind I've been.
I might not be able to keep myself together whenever I think of the man who destroyed me. I might not be the strongest, or the bravest, or even be an adult.
But I will have control over who I am.
I close my fist around the darkness, hissing as the frozen tendrils wrap around my arm, threatening to snap me in two. Through gritted teeth, I shut my fists tighter until my nails are digging into my palm. Through it all, I scream one, single thought into the wide cavern of my shadowy mind.
I am in Control.
The pain leaves by body in one shaky breath, and I stagger back against the wall, my legs giving way underneath me. For a moment, I don't realize the darkness doesn't hug the sides of my vision. For a few seconds, I don't comprehend that the shadows are gone from my skin, leaving only trembling fingers and wobbly legs.
When I do, I let out a laugh. A bursting, bubbly laugh.
An anchor has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm free. I'm in control. But the moment the weight leaves my body, stone hard exhaustion replaces it. My eyelids droop, and my hands go limp at my sides. I almost want to squeal at the hilarity of it all.
The only way I can gain control is by rendering the rest of me useless.
A loud pop makes my ears ring, I hear footsteps walking down the hall. Quickly, I slide behind the flower pot, grabbing onto the edge of the vase. I hold my breath.
The footsteps continue down the hall, and another pop sounds from where they just left. I recognize that sound, it's the sound of someone who is able to transport from one area to another. It's the sound of someone who just killed more than a dozen guards out in the courtyard.
My breath hitches as I wait, too frightened and too exhausted to move. I can't feel my feet, and my legs tingle, as if a thousand little needles are pricking my flesh. The hallway is empty, no noise comes from down the corridor, or outside. I will myself to peer out from behind the vase. The walls are white and grey, the same as always, and there are no signs of anyone. I let out a breath and step into the light.
Bad idea. The moment my foot connects with the floor, my legs collapse, and I tumble out. I twist in the air and land on my back painfully, my head colliding with the tile. Stars swim in my vision as I try to get up.
Everything hurts. My entire body feels like I've been submerged in ice cold water. I try to think positively. At least the shadow's aren't bothering me. Yet. The ceiling blurs as I try to move onto my stomach, hoping to crawl back by the flowerpot and wait for someone to rescue me.
I hold my breath and turn onto my side, my muscles screaming in protest.
But the moment I make it onto my front, strong hands pull me up by my arms. I cry out, but my voice is weak and labored. Gaining control of my ability has drained me to the point of semi unconsciousness.
I don't struggle against whoever hauls me up, but I do try and turn around. My legs are like noodles, unsteady and ready to fall. The person holds me close, gripping my arms fiercely. Something brushes up against my cheek, wiping away the tears practically frozen on my face.
I stiffen and try to focus on this human's face, because whatever just wiped away my tears were not the person's hands, as they are still holding me upright. A flash of red sends a shock of fright through me, and I cry out for help, but Azazel smother's my yells. I writhe against him, attempting to break free. My movements are slow and heavy, and do nothing to get me out of his grasp.
My gaze comes into focus on his head. Azazel's skin is ruby red, and strange markings cover his face and body. His devil-like tail flicks behind him, and his eyes are hard and cold. I shove him, calling out for help again, but it only makes him grasp my forearms tighter. No, please stop, I think, this can't be happening.
"Easy, little owl," he says, his accent thick. He uses the nickname he had for me, calling me after a bird because of my large eyes and pointy nose. The name only fills me with more rage, and I look up into his eyes, snapping my head up to face him.
A wave of nausea hits me like a stone hitting water, and I lurch to the side, spewing up vomit across the floor. Azazel holds my hair back.
"Easy." he says. "All will be well soon." Once he wipes the bile off of my mouth, a loud pop shatters my eardrums, and I suddenly feel as if I'm being thrown in all directions, an invisible rope pulling me every which way.
As quickly as it came, another loud pop fills the room, and I stagger forward again, this time on a soft, checkered carpet. Azael holds me, my feet threatening to fail on me if I no longer have support. Fatigue holds me slack, and I don't even realize where I am until a chorus of voices sing out in front of me.
"Leena!" It sounds like Raven.
"What did you do to her?" Darwin's deep voice is recognizable, though it's pulled tight with worry.
"Get your hands off her, you bastard!" Sean's voice is higher and louder than the rest, and I look up to see the recruits standing in a group. The moment I meet Sean's eyes, he lunges forward, trying to get to where I'm held, but Darwin and Alex hold him back. I want to run to them. I want to tackle Sean and the rest in a hug.
But the next voice that calls out my name knocks the happiness out of me for good. My heart pounds in my ears.
"Ahh, there you are Leena. I was beginning to think Azazel wouldn't find you." It's the voice I've come to loathe with a passion. The voice I can never get out of my head. It's the voice I hoped I would never hear again.
I turn my head slightly, and stare right into the eyes of Sebastian Shaw.
He smiles and walks over to me, and I shove against Azazel, trying to get out of reach of this man. Azazel keeps me in place, and I twist every which way, but he doesn't budge.
Get me out of here, I plead, let this be a nightmare, please let this be a nightmare!
But it's not a nightmare. It's real, and Shaw is standing in front of me, looking down, triumph plain on his face.
"Thank goodness you're all right." he says. I scowl up at him, tears pooling in my eyes, my neck straining.
"Get away from me." I whimper, my voice loud enough for only Shaw to hear. He gives me a sad smile. I grit my teeth, holding back tears.
Shaw turns back to the group. Raven is holding onto Angel, her face a mess of emotions, and Angel stares at Shaw, her eyes never leaving him. Sean looks at me, worried. I try to speak, try to warn them to not listen to what Shaw says, but the words die on my parched lips. Darwin and Alex scowl at Shaw, standing in front, protecting the others.
"As I was saying, my friends." Shaw says, handing a strange metal helmet to Riptide. He walks towards the group. "There is a revolution coming, when mankind discovers who we are, what we can do." I try to scream that he's lying. He's told me the same thing so many times it's lost all meaning. But as I look at the group, I can see a war waging on some of their faces.
"Each of us will face a choice." Shaw continues. "Be enslaved." He looks at each recruit in turn. "Or rise up to rule."
I remember the first time he told me of his plans, several nights after he killed my family. The things he dreamed of doing made the War's already being fought seem like a far off daydream. Child's play. Shaw didn't want the others to rule. He only wanted expendable henchmen, ready to die for a fraudulent cause.
"Choose freely, but know that if you are not with us, then by definition," he says. "You are against us." The group doesn't move, Sean's face is dark and dangerous. He wants to hurt Shaw. I don't need to feel his emotions to know that. Azazel drags me close to the window, where the glass has been smashed in, and shards lie about the ground. This courtyard isn't a graveyard. It's green lawn is smooth and not tainted with blood and gore.
"So." Shaw says, turning slightly to where he can see me out of the corner of his eye. "You can stay and fight for the people that hate and fear you.Or you can join me and live like Kings..." He peers down at Angel, who has tears forming in her perfect eyes. "And Queens."
"No." I whisper into Azazel's arm. "No, no, no, no." I say it louder this time, trying to get them to hear me. "Don't. Don't!" But my words falter on my lips, my eyes struggling to stay open. The blanket of sleep wraps around me, trying to pull me into it's warm embrace.
This darkness is worse than any other. In this gloom, I feel nothing. I can't say anything. I can't tell them Shaw is lying. I can't tell them what he's done. I was too scared to tell them where I was before the facility, and now they'll never know what Shaw really is.
If I'm a monster, he's the devil itself.
Shaw stretches out his hand to Angel, who looks down at it, her face drawn. I hold my breath. Angel takes one last look at the people behind her, then puts her ringed hand in Shaw's. I cry out again, but no one hears it. No one hears me.
Shaw walks towards us, and I don't struggle this time. I can't. Azazel pulls me out into the courtyard. I realize he's taking me with him.
Shaw's taking me away from my family. Again.
"Angel?" Raven says, looking to where the dark haired beauty stands. Shaw lets go of Angel's hand and walks towards me.
"Are you kidding me?" Sean asks. Shaw comes to stand in front of me, his satisfied grin disappearing to reveal an angry frown. I try not to pass out. Shaw leans forward and takes one of my hands in his. His flesh pulses with an unimaginable amount of energy, and white hot flame sears my fingers.
"What did I tell you about running away?" he asks me, his voice is heavy and sinister. My head lolls to the side, I can't keep it up any longer.
"Why would you leave us, Leena? Leave me?" Shaw says. "When I saved you."
Rage pulses through me at that moment. "You--You..." I stammer. "Go to hell."
Shaw smiles and stands back up, going to one side of Azazel. "She's too weak to try anything," he says. "There's no energy left in her."
I look back to where Angel stands in front of the others.
"Come on." she says. "We don't belong here. And that's nothing to be ashamed of." Darwin, with a look of disbelief on his face, holds out his hand to Angel. She doesn't back down, and moves to stand next to Shaw. She takes his hand.
"Leena!" Sean calls me. "Let her go!" Angel looks at me, and for a moment, her strong facade cracks, and I glimpse worry underneath.
"Why is she like that?" Angel asks Shaw.
Shaw looks at me, then says. "She belongs with us." I want to tell Angel no. I want to push her out of the way. I want to sink into the floor and never come out.
I have to do something. I have to get free of Azazel's iron grip. I glance back at the group, and see Darwin turning to Alex, his face solemn. Alex glowers at Darwin, then shrugs off the mans' hand on his shoulder.
As if that was all the confirmation he needed, Darwin turns back to us. "Stop! I'm coming with you." Angel and Shaw smile, and I feel Azazel's grasp on me lessen. Why, I can't tell, but I don't move, hoping his thoughts won't change. If I shove him with all my might, he might let go of me completely.
Shaw waltzes forward. "Good choice." he stops in front, and there's a space between Azazel and me and Angel, who keeps glancing over to where I stand.
"So," Shaw continues. "Tell me about your mutation."
"Well, I adapt to survive." Darwin says. "So I guess I'm coming with you."
Shaw nods. "I like that." I notice the other's walking closer to the glass. Sean looks about ready to leap outside. His eyes never leave my face. Darwin smiles and goes next to Angel.
The moment he gets next to the girl, he calls out. "Alex!"
"Get down!" Alex calls, and the next thing I know, Azazel is flinging me to the ground and jumping after Angel, whose body is being protected by Darwin, his back covered in barklike scales. Large energy rings fly at us from all directions. One of them collides at my feet, sending me flying backward into one of the stone benches.
Shaw stands before Alex, his hands closing around a quickly dissipating energy. Azazel shoves Darwin back, and Riptide rises next to Shaw, looking ready to attack. Alex's face falls.
"Protecting your fellow mutants?" Shaw says.
I sigh in relief. Everyone is too occupied with Shaw to notice I've fallen out of his grasp. My limbs feel like they're going to crumble if I so much as move.
"It's a noble gesture." Shaw remarks, he rolls his shoulders. "Feels good." Darwin pushes past Azazel and throws a punch at Shaw. Shaw's hand deflects it easily, and he grabs onto Darwin's cheek. Darwin stumbles in surprise.
Shaw smiles and puts his other hand close to Darwin's mouth. "Adapt to this." A miniscule ball of pure energy makes it's way down Darwin's throat. Shaw moves back to his spot, and when he turns, his eyes meet mine. For a second, Shaw doesn't move to place his hand in Azazel's, and I wonder if he'll come after me.
A look of genuine worry crosses his features, and he takes one step forward. But a shout from close to me stops him dead in his tracks. Sean pulls me into his arms, and I lay face up in his lap.
"Are you ok?" he asks. I don't respond. I'm too weary. Too tired.
I shift my gaze back to Shaw. He's still looking at me, but after a couple seconds, he turns back. In the next moment, all four mutants have vanished.
Darwin stands in front of us, his body changing from one form to the next. Steel, dirt, a crumbling disarray of coal. Tears pour down my face. He can't die, it's impossible for him to die. If his body can adapt to anything to help him survive, then surely he will adapt to this.
When he turns to Alex, shocked and frozen, I know what Darwin must become. I know what will happen, and it makes me scream. As my cries ring out across the abandoned courtyard, Sean takes me into his arms, whispering into my ear. He's pleading with me to calm down, but I can't.
"Darwin!" I shriek. He doesn't turn to me, he only looks at Alex, and reaches one arm out; a final goodbye. Darwin's body fades back to his normal skin, and energy bubbles up from within him.
A bright flash blinds us all, sending shockwaves of heat across the courtyard. It's like a thousand stars have burst forth, revealing their eternal, celestial light. Sean covers my eyes, holding me to his chest. I cry into his shirt, and when he asks me what's wrong, I only cry harder.
When the light fades, there is nothing in the spot Darwin once stood. I look up at the night sky, at the thousands of supernovas, planets and nebulas reflected in my eyes.
And there, as I look up, I hear it. The faintest whisper. Thank you, Leena.
Darwin. He had to become pure energy, finding his way into the night sky.
"Leena, what's wrong?" Sean's voice cuts through the grandeur. I know I can't tell him, I can't tell him that Darwin is still alive. In the way Darwin thanked me, I know he doesn't want to be found. I know he simply wants to rest.
"Nothing." I say. A tug pulls at my stomach, and my vision blurs once more.
"Leena." Sean's voice is distant, like swimming in murky water. "Leena, stay with me."
I'm able to say I'm fine once more before the world goes dark.
So, utterly, dark.
Hello! And thank you so much for continuing to read Phantom. I am so excited for the next couple of chapters, and some of them are already in the finalizing stage. I hope you all like the story so far...
Thank you to everyone who has voted for Phantom. Please don't be afraid to give feedback and thoughts about the story in the comments! But please not hate comments, because that's just mean.
Well, what else can I say here? I guess the only thing is that I FREAKING LOVE LEENA WITH ALL MY HEART and I can't wait to write more of her growth as a character.
Love, Mal
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