Fenton and Phantom left their hiding spot to come eye to eye with a warzone.
Someone had apparently gone off and gotten weapons because most of their classmates were firing away with some sort of ectoweapon. Many yetis were helping out and shooting ice at the thing but it was either ripped apart the moment it touched the 'dog's' swirling hide or got stuck in it, not hindering the beast in any way.
Maddie and Jack had also been alerted and were seen entering through an opening, immediately blasting away.
Fenton stretched his arms and grinned at Phantom. "What do you say?"
Phantom smiled mischievously. "Let's crash this party."
They ran in together. Straight for the dog-like thing.
Phantom felt something wrap around his stomach and legs and he glanced at Fenton. The boy inclined his head to the monster and, at a nod from Phantom, threw him up with telekinesis.
"Whooooo," Phantom shouted in delight. He'd missed flying. As the monster's head came closer he held back a fist. "Hey big green and gruesome!! Get a load of this." And with that he punched the head back hard.
The thing stumbled but what was more surprising was the flash of light that came from the impact.
Phantom flipped around so as not to free fall to the ground and landed on the beast's back. "Alright. I'm piggy back riding the giant dog. Now what."
He glanced down at the hide and smirked as he started punching it.
Meanwhile Fenton was making a giant ball of energy in his hands. He'd seen what had happened when Phantom hit it. It looked like it almost combusted. It was unstable, all it needed was a push.
Fenton threw a ball of energy at it and there was a small explosion. Unfortunately the dog wasn't incredibly affected. He floated closer and prepared a second missile.
Someone appeared next to him. "Hey Fentastic!" Dash grinned at him as he shot his bazooka at the giant dog. "That was some awesome fighting back there!"
"Uumm." Fenton smiled. "Thanks?"
"Yeah! Too bad it was interrupted."
"Watch out!"
Fenton and Dash barely escaped getting trampled on but they scrambled right back up and shot up at the monster. Leroy bounded up to them and Fenton threw Dash up on Leroy's back before jumping on himself.
"We make a pretty great team!" Dash was saying. It made Fenton wonder what he was getting at.
"We should totally fight ghosts to-"
"Dash, I'm not letting you fight ghosts with me," Fenton interrupted with a frown and Dash pouted.
"Common, bro. I can help. I'm star football player!"
"I know!" Fenton snapped, trying to focus on the big problem that was trying to step on Richard. He sent a blast their way but Richard had already rolled out of the way and was shouting out Sam-worthy insults.
Dash was quiet for a moment and Fenton thought he'd given up until he spoke again.
"Look, I'm sorry about giving you wedgies and...shoving you into lockers...and punching you.."
"Will you get on with it?"
"I'm sorry!" Dash burst. "I wanna make it up to you!!"
"No Dash!" Fenton jumped off Leroy and faced him. "Yes, you were an asshole and I appreciate the apology and I'll be very happy if you didn't bother me so much at school but I am not letting you fight ghosts. None of you. This isn't something you can learn in a week. Yes, you all have more experience than many people in Amity Park right now but me, Sam and Tucker have been at this for years."
"Then train me!" Dash jumped off too and begged. "Train us."
Fenton paused. Train them? That could work.
He absentmindedly made a huge ball of ectoplasm and shot the big monster away from them. Dash looked on in awe at his swiftness.
"I guess I could do that," Fenton mumbled. "If not to fight, then to protect yourselves."
Dash nodded excitedly. "Please?"
The jock's hero and idol smiled. "We'll see. Let's get rid of this big guy first." He flew up and over the big dog. Fenton collected a big amount of ectoplasm and formed a giant fist. He hardened it, making it strong and indestructible.
Fenton let it grow huge. His eyes were directed down at the giant beast, brows furrowed.
Dash looked on as the fist glowed and was sent down on the dog. His eyes widened when the thing was pushed to the ground by sheer force. Man, was he glad to have Danny on his side.
Phantom had also seen it coming. His eyes widened and he made a break for it. He did not want to be caught in between those two forces. The teen jumped off the back and prepared himself as the ground flew up to meet him. He rolled and flipped up to run farther away. And not a minute too soon.
The two forces collided. One solid fist pounding into a crazy whirlwind of ectoplasm. A wave of power passed over the arena and everyone paused to look at the damage.
The giant canine looked like it was having a bad case of sun flares, but it was still standing.
It seemed to groan as it tried to keep its molecules together. Fenton didn't wait for it to recover. He flew up to it and punched, trying to attack it with his own energy. He was surprised when his fist didn't meet something solid but went right through. He got stuck in the hide. Instead of trying to get out he pushed deeper, sending his own power in to contradict the beast's.
The others watched in fascination, fully expecting the battle to be over soon. Fenton yelled and a flash of white blinded everyone there.
Fenton felt something give and was thrown away by an explosion. He was flung off, disoriented, until he was roughly stopped when he collided against a wall of ice. His back erupted in pain and Fenton groaned as he let himself fall on the snow.
Sam gasped when the monster exploded. However, when things calmed down slightly, the big looming shape was still there, unfortunately.
Fenton, her eyes widened, where is he. Her head swung around and she was able to make his limp form fall. She knew he had gotten worse hits but she couldn't help but be worried for some reason.
When Fenton didn't get up immediately she ran towards him. "Fenton! Are you alright?"
He groaned and pushed himself up painfully before she could get to him. He had a nosebleed and his eyebrows were scrunched together in pain.
Sam figured out why she had been worried. Fenton didn't have his ghost half. No ectoplasm that could take hits like that to soften his fall. He was fully human and therefore fully able to feel everything.
The raven wiped his mouth and glanced at it. Blood. His nose was bleeding. That had never happened before. Not since he got his ghost half- oh wait. No advanced healing. Great.
Fenton cracked his bruised back and assessed the damage he had done. The dog was still there. Kind of. It was sparkling like tiny fireworks were stuck inside it.
He sighed. That attack didn't go well. What else could he do.
The yetis had stopped shooting at it, seeing it did little damage, and instead kept a wall of ice up so it couldn't escape.
Sam pulled up next to him and threw him a look. "Are you ok?" She got a glare and smiled sheepishly. "Standard question."
"Never been better." Fenton looked around at his friends. "Let's regroup."
She nodded and they shouted at the others to come to them.
"Why are we running away?!" Dash came over with an annoyed expression.
"We aren't," Kim scolded. "We're coming up with a plan. Right?"
Fenton nodded. The others noticed his blood and how he was walking stiffly.
"Hey, squirt," Damien looked at him worriedly. "Are you ok?"
"Yes." Fenton responded simply.
David pursed his lips but didn't say anything. He could read the boy well and saw he was in pain. However now was not the time.
"What plan is there to make?" Dash grumbled, coming back to topic. "Let's just go in bazookas blazing."
"That's obviously not working." Andrew scowled at him. "There has to be another approach to this." He faced Fenton and Phantom. "You created it, can't you make it disappear?"
Fenton bit his lip. "How. I already tried to destroy it. That just backfired."
"No," Andrew squinted his eyes at the thing. "Don't destroy it. Isn't there a way for you to suck it back in or something?"
Suddenly Richard came over running and yelling. "Hey guys! Important! This yeti had an idea." He paused to catch his breath. "Some girl yeti told me to tell you that ice and blasting the giant dog won't help and said that you gotta calm it down because force just makes it stronger." He frowned. "That was the weirdest sentence I have ever said."
"Calm it down?" Fenton questioned. "What does she want me to do: Sing it a lullaby??"
The group scattered a bit when the monster got too close.
"No," Kim shouted in excitement. "I know! Control the dog like you controlled the ummm...ectoplasm? That's what it's called right? That green stuff."
Fenton frowned. How would that help anything? He couldn't hold that thing back forever.
Before he could say anything, though, Sheldon gasped. "And when it can't move, shoot it with ice."
"Sheldon!" Andrew looked at his friend with stars in his eyes. "That's genius!"
"It is?" Sheldon rubbed his arm. "I thought that was kinda obvious," he mumbled but Andrew didn't hear him.
"Once the monster is immobile, the yetis freeze it. Not just the outer surface, but everything," Andrew continued excitedly. "And then..."
"We blast it!!" Dash finished, holding up his bazooka excitedly.
"Yeah!" Kwan whooped. "Great idea, bro!"
Andrew wasn't sure who Kwan was talking to but he didn't dwell on it. He grinned over at Sheldon. "See, you can come up with ideas, too."
Sheldon blushed in embarrassment. "That wasn't- I wasn't thinking-" He just let it slide with a smile. He was happy to see Andrew grinning like he was. He was really coming out of his shell. At school, Andrew preferred to keep to the shadows, shoulders hunched and only giving Sheldon a tentative smile sometimes. He was really the introvert. But when Sheldon had first seen him, he had decided they would become friends. He didn't like people sitting alone.
Now Andrew was giving his opinion, speaking up and, dare he say it, socializing. He might even be making a small friendship with Kim and he was starting to tolerate Mikey, which was also good. Sheldon was proud.
He was brought out of his thoughts when Danny, no wait, Fenton spoke up.
"That's a great idea! Can someone tell the yetis to only shoot at my signal? I'll need to be close to have this work but you guys stay behind and be ready."
Mrs. Fenton stepped over and laid a hand on his shoulder. "Are you sure you'll be safe?"
"Sure, mom." Fenton winked at her. "He doesn't stand a ghost of a chance."
Maddie chuckled at the reassurance.
Fenton smiled but briefly wondered where Mister Lancer was. He hadn't seen him since the fight. Fenton closed his eyes and quickly found the teacher panting by one of the ice walls. Running really wasn't this man's strong point. Fenton sighed in relief when a yeti guided him away to safety.
He opened his eyes to see his mom looking at him worriedly. "Just checking that everyone's accounted for." He smiled. "So, do you know the plan?" She nodded.
"Can you make sure the students and my cousins are safe?" The boy said. "I don't want anyone caught in the crossfire."
"Of course, Dann-o. Just say the word and we'll fire!" Jack interrupted with his usual upbeat tone.
Fenton smiled and saluted as he walked backwards into danger.
Phantom quickly shouted something after him. "Don't forget to make puns!"
"It's impunssible not to!"
Sam smiled widely. "What did you do to him? He's making jokes."
Phantom shrugged. "We just talked it out. He's ok with all this now." He gestured all of himself
"Sweet!" Tucker held up a hand, which the ghost boy high-fived. "Way to pull yourself together, man," he said, making Phantom laugh.
The others ran into position. They spread over the arena and told every yeti they saw what the plan was and their role in it.
Meanwhile Fenton ran up to the monster he had created, set on on defeating it. He stopped a few meters from it. His mind went over to check if everyone was in position. A few were still scurrying about but at least they were out of danger.
The boy took a deep breath. He scrunched his eyes shut, concentrated on the out of control ectoenergy in front of him and held onto it. He didn't fight it or send in his own energy to contradict it. He forced the energy to still.
The large audience stood quiet and tense as they watched the monster struggle to move. It started glowing harder the more it fought, but Fenton wasn't planning on letting it go.
The boy grunted as he tightened his grip on the monster. The fireworks going on inside tried to fight him but he didn't give in. He took another step forward and reached deeper in.
Slowly but surely, the outside of the monster turned solid and still.
Some yetis held their guns ready but Andrew yelled out. "Not yet!"
"Wait for his signal!"
Fenton ignored everything around him and gave his creation his full attention. He went deeper and deeper in, leaving behind frozen molecules.
The monster couldn't move. It was trapped.
Fenton gritted his teeth and yelled out. "NOW!"
"Fire!" Frostbite repeated his order and all yetis present held up their paws and send off a large energy of ice.
Fenton balled his fists tight on the snow under him. He hadn't even realized he had been kneeling. The snow seeped into his pants, but he barely paid attention.
He felt a cold wind pass over him and felt the ice penetrate the ectoenergy he was holding down. None of it pierced the spot where he was sitting, which Fenton was grateful for.
The icy avalanche ceased a bit but Fenton shook his head in desperation. They can't stop. It's not ready yet.
Apparently someone saw him and understood because a fresh wave soon followed. It went deep into the layers until Fenton felt everything covered up. He grinned and opened his eyes, scrambling up in the process. He waved and the yetis stopped.
Now, he had to get out of the way.
Fenton sprinted off and tripped over a pile of snow. Something that really must have put him high on the list of heroic acts.
He pushed himself up with effort and scurried off to join the others.
He arrived next to a few yetis and two students and panted as he tried to keep himself from faceplanting on the floor like he had before. He did not want another face full of snow.
Snowstorm grinned at him. "Remember at the fight?"
Fenton chuckled. "Hope this works as well as when you escaped me." He turned to the students nearest to him. "You guys ready?"
Paulina and Mikey nodded.
Paulina held up a big gun, something Fenton had never imagined would go with the cheerleader. However she seemed to like it as she raised it, an excited twinkle in her eye, and shouted: "Hit it, chicos!"
Shots rang out as multiple ectoguns were fired. They hit the green ice sculpture head on, creating in it an impressive hole.
But even as the shots kept coming, Fenton could see it wouldn't be enough.
He squared his shoulders and readied his own energy as he stepped out of the circle. One shot, he thought as he inspected the almost broken monster, just a big one.
He gathered the ectoplasm around him in front of him and aimed.
Frostbite watched with pride in his eyes as the Great One added his own strength to the force his friends were sending the monster.
When he had first gotten the honor of meeting Daniel, the halfa was just a boy. Barely in his teens and still trying to figure out the world around him and how he fit into it. However, Frostbite had heard of what he had done so far. First and upmost saving the Ghost Zone from their former king, Pariah Dark.
Even though Daniel didn't realize it, he had become the leader everyone knew he would. That was clearly noticeable now, when he called everyone to him and let them exchange ideas and come up with a plan. He gave out orders that sounded more like requests, but everyone followed them without hesitance nonetheless. He didn't stand back and let the others fight but he stood in front, leading them into battle. He cared more about the others than himself and knew what the right decisions were. That was what made him a great leader.
Frostbite knew Danny would grow up to be a great hero. The greatest one.
Fenton yelled and shot.
His green shot joined the others as they pierced the giant monster, shattering it to pieces.
Here you frisking go. Danny or ummm Fenton has defeated the evil!!
You liked?
Anyway as many of you found out (rather quickly to my surprise), I have updated a new book called "I'm a superhero, apparently" and you guys seemed to love it. I'll update that as soon as I can but I wanna finish this one first.
I also still have to finish the cover for my miraculous ladybug/DP book and I have lots of unfinished ideas for oneshots so you can see theres a lot coming up.
See ya later, mah amazing friends
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