Tucker!!! What do you think.
Danny didn't know what to say. On the one hand Vlad was a crazy old man who kept tormenting him and making his life way more difficult than it already was. On the other hand if Danny told his mom of Vlad's secret, the fruitloop would tell everyone that Danny was Phantom.
He sighed. His parents were just one hair away from finding out the truth.
Before he could make a decision Jack chose that moment to come up, arms full of weapons. He grinned at them. "Vladdie? What does he have to do with any of this."
Maddie looked over at him, lips pursed. "No, Jack. It's.... another....Vlad." She trailed off. Is it? She looked over at Danny. "Danny. How does this...Vlad...know me?"
He fidgeted. "He ummmm. I don't know."
Maddie then grabbed him by the shoulders. "Danny. You became halfghost because of the accident with the portal, didn't you?"
Danny frowned at Tucker and Sam. "I guessed they had filled you in. And yeah. Why?"
Maddie let go and scrunched her eyebrows. She glanced at her husband. This event seemed awfully familiar to her. "Jack? Do you remember what happened in college?"
Jack raised an eyebrow. "So many things happened in college, Mads."
She waved her hands. "Yes but the incident with Vlad." Maddie noted how her son stiffened. "It was very similar to Danny's incident wasn't it?" Her brain worked around the facts. She had actually been thinking about this for awhile. How did Danny acquire ghost powers but not Vlad? She had assumed it was because Danny was inside when it happened but Vlad was only hit on the face. However, it would explain how he became so rich in so little time.
Maddie didn't know if Danny could overshadow someone else but she knew ghosts could so if Vlad was also halfghost...
Jack frowned. He didn't really like to talk about that incident. They had been such great chums back then. Always together. Then they grew apart. Vlad had never completely forgiven him. "Yeah. It's very similar."
Maddie sat down as strength left her legs. Her mind working overtime. Danny had called the ghost Plasmius. He had said it was the Wisconsin ghost and he wanted Danny as his son. He also had a hologram of Maddie and apparently liked her.
That did sound like Vlad.
She'd seen the Wisconsin ghost a few times. He didn't look at all like Vlad. In fact he looked downright evil. And he had this driven look in his eyes.
Maddie shakily looked up at her son. "Danny? The man who experimented on you, the Wisconsin ghost, isn't..... Vlad Masters....right?"
Danny bit his lip.
The other students listening gasped. Everyone knew Vlad Masters. He was the mayor after all. What was this woman implying? That their mayor was this crazy old man obsessed enough with Danny to make clones of him?
That was....that was crazy.
Jack kneeled by her. "Maddie. It can't be. Why would V-ma...... Vlad...do that?"
Maddie kept looking at Danny. She stood up and faced him, waiting.
Danny sighed. He ran a hand through his hair. Then he nodded. He inspected his parents' expressions. His dad clearly didn't believe any of what was being said. His mom, however, looked as if her suspicions had just been confirmed. He decided to explain. "Vlad is also a halfa. He's been ever since the accident at college. He still wants you back, mom. He's asked me many times to be his son too....like I just explained. He became rich because he misused his powers." He didn't really know how to go on. He purposefully avoided mentioning anything about the man's deep hatred for Jack.
Jack wasn't taking it well. His face fell and that was the saddest the students had ever seen him. He had put such trust in his best friend. Now Danny reveals he'd only come to the top by cheating and was trying to steal his wife and son from him. Jazz probably too. Where did that put Jack himself?
Suddenly Danny wrapped his arms around the big man in consolation. This just confirmed what Jack was thinking. Vlad hated him. Vlad hated him enough to want to ruin his life.
Jack isn't very familiar with the feeling of guilt. But now it came crashing on top of him. He'd caused all this. Not only Vlad's demise but also his son's. They had both suffered of his mistakes.
He hugged the boy back. Danny hadn't left him. His Danny still loved him, right. He would forgive him.
Jack felt the arms of his wife hug him too.
He smiled.
The adolescents stood awkwardly a this scene played in front of them. They got now that their Mayor was an evil halfghost apparently. Most of them didn't know who the Wisconsin ghost was. Maybe if they got a picture?
Dani fidgeted before giving in to the urge and lunging forward. She joined in the hug.
The parents and Danny chuckled as she smiled up at them.
David looked on sadly. He wanted to hug too. He was secretly jealous of Dani. She looked normal. She had this cuteness about her that he didn't. He didn't dare go out with her to the Human Zone. Not like this. He was ashamed of his form.
Chelsea shuffled restlessly. All this sweetness was going to rot her teeth. She cleared her throat. "So uuh yeah. This Vlad guy. Is he important?"
Kwan frowned. "He's the mayor. Haven't you been listening?!"
"So we are being ruled by a ghost?"
Andrew paled. He panted as he started slapping Sheldon beside him. The other boy tried to grab his hands. "Ow. Hey. What. What is it?"
Andrew grabbed his shoulders and started shaking him. "Masters has a ghost side. I've seen his ghost side. He was fighting Phantom. There's your proof. You want proof?! There's your proof."
Sheldon looked as if he was so done. "Andrew, that isn't proof."
The other boy didn't listen. He turned to Kwan. "Hey Kwan. Fenton is Phantom."
The Chinese blinked at Andrew. He chuckled uncertainly. "What?"
Andrew almost jumped in him. "He is! I'm telling you. That's why that clone has green eyes. It's from Phantom's ghost half. And they look exactly alike."
Kwan smiled. "Oh you mean Damien? Yeah he's a cool dude."
Sheldon held the blond back. "Focusss."
Meanwhile Maddie and Jack had separated. Maddie patted her husband's back. "Why don't we sort out the weapons. You love making inventory of the weapons."
Jack nodded and sulked over to the pile. He spread them out and started listing.
The adolescents took this opportunity to talk about what they had just learned.
Andrew moved on to someone else. Richard was very interested in what he said. He found it quite entertaining to think they had a superhero classmate.
Sam porred Tucker's arm. "He's at it again."
The techno geek glanced at Andrew as he talked fervently to Richard, Sheldon facepalming on the side. "Great. What do we do now."
"It doesn't really matter. They know about Vlad and he'll tell them about me as soon as we get back," Danny grumbled as he looked at his father amongst all the weapons. The man's cheeriness was slowly coming back and many kids joined in as they looked over the guns. This was their chance to change their weapon and experiment with others.
Danny plopped on the ground next to his cousins and his friends joined.
"Thanks a lot, Dani."
The girl frowned. "What did I do?"
"You basically told them Vlad was Plasmius. Now he'll out them on my secret."
A kid shot a practice shot with a gun at a cluster of rocks. The arguing pair didn't pay attention.
"It's not my fault David recognized your mom," Dani scowled.
David frowned. "How is this my fault?"
Suddenly a green light appeared between them. It got close to each one's faces and seemed to be scolding them.
Damien nodded. "Dorian's right. You guys are acting like little kids."
Danny grumbled. "You should've shut up too."
Damien scowled. "Don't turn this on me!"
Sam rolled her eyes as Tucker snickered. Valerie raised her eyebrows.
"Are they always like this?"
Sam shook her head. "No but when they are it's a mess. They all have Danny's stubborness. David slightly less but it's still there. Thank goodness Dorian doesn't."
The green light shot an ectoplasm and it exploded in Danny's face. He yelped in pain and rubbed his face. "What was that for?!"
Sam pulled at his ear. "You know why."
"But why me."
Tucker raised an eyebrow. "You're the only one that can take it dude."
The others were laughing at Danny's black scorched face. He scowled at them.
Damien wiped his eyes. "Oh Dorian's got you good."
Dani nodded. "Good one."
Danny huffed. Valerie leaned forward. "But seriously. The fact that they know who Vlad is, doesn't mean Vlad has to know."
They looked at her in confusion an she elaborated.
"We could convince them to keep it a secret." She didn't know about the pact Vlad and Danny had made but she could guess that they had made an agreement that Plasmius wouldn't tell anyone about Phantom's secret if Danny didn't tell anyone Vlad's.
Danny pursed his lips. "I don't know. Might work."
Tucker shook his head. "Mayor being halfghost? I don't think so."
Suddenly Danny stopped. He heard a humming sound. He felt it before he saw it and he instinctively brought up a shield.
A blue light engulfed them and the humans and clones gasped.
From the end of the blue light was the thermos and holding it was a surprised Dash. "Whoa it turned on!"
Valerie, Sam and Tucker quickly got out of the way as well as other humans around them. But Danny was stuck. He felt it pulling at him. His shield protecting him and his cousins for now. He turned to his cousins behind him. Damien and David were human but they still had ectoplasm. It would be very unhealthy for them to be sucked in the thermos in this state. Especially Dani or Dorian. "Out!" He barked.
His feet dug ground as he was pulled away.
Damien thought fast and snatched Dani and David from where they were sitting. He shielded them with his body and jumped from behind Denny's shield and as far away from the thermos' path as possible. Dorian flew away behind him.
Maddie gasped. "Stop it!"
Dash panicked. "I don't know how."
Sam shouted: "Close it."
"Where's the cap!!"
Danny's shield flickered away and he screamed as he was sucked in. His fingers dug in the ground but he couldn't find any grip. He disappeared inside.
Dash let the thermos fall in shock. He flinched. "Sorry. Didn't know it would actually work."
Sam was furious. "Couldn't you at least point it somewhere else?!"
He wave his hands around. "I didn't see him there!!"
Sam was about to retort something back when Tucker gripped her arm. Sam looked at him questioningly and saw he was staring at the thermos. She looked and gasped.
A hand was coming from inside it and gripping the edge. Another one followed on the other side.
Jack stood stockstill and Maddie muttered: "Impossible."
Suddenly black hair stuck out.
Richard laughed at the sight of a hairy thermos. Chelsea kneeled beside it and cheered the halfa on.
They heard a grunt and Danny's whole head appeared. It was strained as he pushed out. He fought the current and was able to slip his upper body out. His arms trembled. His knee appeared and he put it on the edge. Then the other. Soon he was crouching on the top.
"Yeah. Go Danny!!" Chelsea cheered. "Almost there."
He opened his eyes and looked around. He seemingly spotted what he was looking for and glanced down at the lid. His hands glowed green and he made a small shield covering the opening. It cut off the flow for a few seconds.
Enough time for him to jump to the side and seize the cap from the ground. He quickly turned and closed the thermos. He screwed it shut and sighed in relief.
He rattled it annoyed. "I hate these things."
Maddie frowned. "How- how did you do that?"
Danny raised an eyebrow. "Isn't this the one you said was weak?"
Jack shook his head, grinning ear to ear. "This is the newly improved one. Supposed to capture strong ghosts past level thirteen."
So i know it isnt getting that exciting yet. Well ok this is exciting but not the dont-leave-me-in-a-massive-cliffhanger kind of exciting.
Dont worry. Plenty of that later.😇
Yo guysss
What did thou think
I GOT THIS AWARD. Its called a golden star award by Joe_Chill_Out
If you dont know that award is ok.
I got top five tho
Makes me wonder where im standing in the wattys
Im at number 500 for fanfic tho
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