Tucker couldn't stop laughing. Valerie leaned back and smacked his head. She frowned as the ship accelerated. "They're going to be maaad."
Sam nodded. She sighed. "They're going to catch up with him sooner or later. What are we gonna do?"
Meanwhile, Danny held on to Leroy's fur tightly. He grunted as they landed on a small floating rock. He looked back to see the fast approaching ship. "Faster Leroy. Common, boy. You can do this."
He almost lost his balance at another jump. He looked forward and saw islands zipping past. He paled as he saw a familiar prison but they quickly bounded past.
Suddenly he caught sight of the next island on where they were going to land. It was a small house. It was weird to see such a normal building after the castles and forests they had just passed.
It was small but cozy. A little patch of grass spread from the entrance. Toys were scattered around. And a little girl was playing with them.
Danny paled as he realised they were about to squash the kid. "Horns!!" He shouted as he leaned to the left.
Leroy obeyed and stretched his horns. They barely found hold on a rock and Danny and his pet were yanked out of the air.
Danny lost his hold on the furr as they both tumbled on the ground. They rolled and Leroy stopped quickly thanks to his weight.
Danny, however, kept rolling and found there wasn't enough land. He tipped over the edge.
He grunted and was barely able to grab the edge of the island. He let out a breath of air as he felt himself go weightless. He pulled himself on the little garden.
Leroy licked his face but Danny pushed him away. His eyes found the little girl.
She had a pink shirt and a blue overall. Her short hair hung messily around her head.
Danny's breath caught in his throat. Oh no. This wasn't happening. Why here. Let me get in the ship. Everything is better than this.
The girl stood up and scowled at the intruders. "I am Box Lunch!! And these are my toys. No one touches my toys or you will perish."
"Who is out there?" A voice said from inside the house.
Danny flinched as the Lunch Lady came out and inspected them. She was rather surprised. "The halfa?! You never said you would visit."
The ship's motor was heard as it parked close to their house.
Box Lunch screamed and ran to her mom. Lunch Lady frowned at the ship. "Excuse me," she said as Jack stepped out. "But this isn't a parking lot."
She scowled as Jack ignored her and tried to get to his son. Her red eyes glowed brighter. "Go park somewhere else!!!"
Jack stopped and turned around in a hurry.
Danny had to chuckle despite the situation. The ship was replaced and landed a pile of rocks the closest to the house, although it was still a long swim. Two ghost hunters left the Space Craft and swam their way to the house.
Danny ruffled his hair. "Uuh. Hey, Lunch Lady. Sorry to...interrupt. we were just passing by..."
The female ghost was calm again. "Nonsense, boy. Stay. I always have enough food for all."
The way she said it made it seem like an order. Danny thought about just jumping on Leroy and get the heck away from that house but his parents had landed.
His mom stomped her way towards him while his dad held a close eye on the ghosts.
Box Lunch let go of her mother's apron and bounded her way back to her toys.
The girl was just like the halfa remembered her. He frowned at her, recalling their meeting. Actually, now that he really looked at her. She was younger. And she didn't have her pink beret yet. She was much smaller than when they had met all those years back. Danny realised the kid he had fought back then was from the future. She seemed to be about 12 then. She looked less than half that age now.
Danny jumped when Maddie was suddenly right in front of him. "What were you thinking, young man. Running away like that. It's dangerous to go out alone. And you know that!!!" Her tone softened slightly. "Why did you do that, Danny? You're never that disobedient."
Danny ran a hand through his hair and shifted his weight. He didn't know what to say.
Thankfully, the Lunch Lady interrupted. "Oh my. I didn't know we would have that many visitors. I must make food."
And she turned around and went into the house. Danny heard footsteps. He turned to see half the class had already landed. The other half was leaving the ship and swimming their way.
Maddie frowned when she saw them too. "Children, go back to the Fenton Space Craft. I didn't authorize for you to exit."
Andrew shrugged. "You didn't authorize for Danny to leave either."
Maddie turned to Danny. "No, I didn't."
Danny sighed. "Alright. I'm sorry, mom. I was being selfish and unobedient. Please let's go back right now." Before the Lunch Lady comes back or 'Daddy' is home, he added in thoughts as he pushed his parents in the wished direction.
Too late.
Suddenly someone stood in the little garden and was staring at the crowd in shock.
Melissa approached him. "Hey. I'm Melissa. And you are..?"
Danny jumped forward. "No. Don't ask him!!"
The ghost raised his arms in a threatening manner. "I am the Box Ghost. Ghost of all things paper and square. And you shall all perish for entering my house!!"
Melissa jumped back, startled at the sudden shouting.
Box Lunch stood up again. She copied her father's position and raised her small arms as high as she could. "You shall perish!!"
The Box Ghost blinked and smiled. He bend down and grabbed his daughter. He held her with one hand. "Yes. Very good."
She giggled.
Star stepped forward and pushed Melissa out of the way as she stared at the little girl. "Awwww. You're so cute. Box Lunch, wasn't it?"
The Box Ghost held his daughter closer and scowled at the human.
Maddie widened her eyes and grabbed her gun. Jack frowned.
Star glanced at the bigger ghost. Her smile unwavering. "You must be her father!! You are so lucky with such a beautiful daughter."
The Boxghost blinked at the compliment. Then he grinned and held the kid up 'Lion King' style. "YES. SHE IS BOX LUNCH, MY DAUGHTER. SHE WILL HAUNT ALL THINGS SQUARE AND PLASTIC AND FULL OF LUNCH."
Box Lunch giggled and raised her arms. "Perush."
Maddie relaxed.
"Boxy, is that you? Are you educating our daughter to yell dramatically again?" A voice shouted from inside the house. The Lunch Lady appeared in the opening, holding a tray with food.
The Box Ghost and Box Lunch both turned to her. "YES"
The Lunch Lady sighed. She turned to the class of students. "Please come in. Lunch is ready."
Danny groaned as James, Dash, Kwan and Richard ran in without a thought. The others shuffled uncertainly. "But we just had lunch."
The Box Ghost put his daughter on the ground. "Me too," he said. Serious for once. Before he walked into the house.
Star crouched by Box Lunch. "Hi Box Lunch. I am Star. What are you playing at?"
Box Lunch shook her head. "You have to say it harder."
Star paused. "Ok then. Ahem." She cleared her throat. "I am Star Brooks!! Human frommmm the Fenton ship!!! And I come in peace!!" She said at a lack of inspiration.
Box Lunch cocked her head. She shrugged, as if deciding it was good enough, and answered her previous question. "I am playing Wuaker and his prison. See this is Wuaker." She pointed at a white stone. "And this is the other ghosts." She pointed at many small things like a pin or a headband or a spoon. Then she held up a box and shook it. Things rattled inside it. "This is the prison. Wuaker captures the ghosts and takes them to prison and then they have to escape." She demostrated.
Star laughed. "Can I play too?"
Box Lunch shook her head and stood up. "Lunch," she said shortly and walked into the house.
Star followed her.
Danny looked at his parents hopefully. That hope went away as he saw the glitter in their eyes.
Jack looked at Maddie with a grin. "Ghosts reproducing?"
Maddie nodded. "And having a family?"
They turned and walked into the house, determined to get their answer to the question. How?
Danny paled and gagged. His friends came up to him. Their expressions showing different levels of dread.
Valerie scrunched her nose. "Please don't tell me your parents are planning on staying here...with those ghosts."
Danny nodded sadly. "Why do you think."
Tucker butted in. "To learn how mommy ghost and daddy ghost loved each other and....."
Sam put a hand on his mouth. "Don't you dare finish that sentence."
Tucker grinned under her hand.
Sam removed her hand and sighed. "We might as well go in."
Danny and Valerie shouted: "No!!"
Sam turned around. "Danny, you don't get a say. It's your fault we're anyway."
Danny pouted. "But they were going to suck my soul out."
Valerie threw him a weird look. "They weren't, the ship was. And it's not gonna 'suck' your soul out."
Tucker threw an arm around the black haired boy. "It's just gonna drain your essence."
Danny frowned. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?"
Tucker pushed him inside. "Nope."
A few minutes later the students sat in stools inside the house. Most couldn't fit and just sat on the ground by the front door.
It was awkward as the Lunch Lady passed out plates full of meat.
It wasn't awkward because of Star, who was keeping up a conversation with Box Lunch. Nor was it awkward because the Box Ghost kept shouting and threatening his food.
It was awkward because Jack and Maddie kept asking the ghost parents about their daughter and their relationship.
The adolescents tried to ignore them as the Lunch Lady answered all the questions with disinterest and complete honesty.
Danny paled as he tried to keep his food in.
Tucker just shoved it all in, always up to more meat. He looked at the halfa's plate. "You gonna finish that?"
Danny closed his eyes and shoved it to his friend.
Valerie raised an eyebrow as she took another bite of her own food. "How can you fit so much in there? How many plates have finished already?"
"Two," he said with a mouth full.
Danny gasped. "This is your third plate?!"
Sam nodded and he realised what had happened. The Lunch Lady only served meat.
Sam spoke up uncertainly. "You know. I think I know Box Lunch from somewhere."
Tucker nodded and spoke with a mouth full. "Now that I think about it. Wait, Danny. You said you knew her from when you you found the C.A.T test answers, right?"
Danny frowned. "Yeah. That's the ghost I was fighting."
Sam snapped her fingers. "Yeah. I remember that now."
Tucker frowned. "Did she grow smaller?"
Danny snorted. "No. That other Box Lunch was from the future. This one is born in our own timeline."
Miraculously, most humans finished their second lunch.
Box Lunch dragged Star outside after she finished her food. Star gestured for a few to come and they left to play outside.
They played what Box Lunch called 'Skulker and the prey'.
The game consisted of one person being Skulker and the rest were the prey. If Skulker touched you, you were trapped and had make the hunter laugh by, for example, making a weird dance. If Skulker laughed, the prey was free to go. If he didn't and left to catch other prey, then the caught prey had to stay in that spot until he could make Slulker laugh.
The game was quite entertaining and soon almost everyone was playing.
The ghost daughter was elated to finally have someone to play the game with. It's safe to say Box Lunch had the time of her life.
Meanwhile, Maddie, Jack, and the Lunch Lady watched the Box Ghost try to make Box Lunch laugh. Mr. Lancer was trying to keep the other students from escaping in search of adventure again. The Lunch Lady turned towards the Fenton parents. "What brings you here?"
Mikey, who sat on the ground next to them because he wanted to ask the female ghost something, pointed at her. "You're the ghost from the school."
The Lunch Lady nodded. "That is my job. I remember you. Although I didn't think you would come visit."
Maddie frowned at Danny, who sat talking to his friends close to the parents. He didn't want to leave the Lunch Lady alone with his parents. "We weren't planning to," Maddie said.
The Lunch Lady followed her gaze and found Danny. "Ah yes. The halfa. I didn't see you when the other humans were in the school."
Maddie gasped as Danny paled.
The boy stood up. "Well!! It was a pleasure but we need to leave. Thank you for the food."
Maddie looked on as her son practically sprinted through the yard. His friends followed his example and soon everyone figured their time was up and said their goodbyes to the ghost family.
The female ghost hunter pursed her lips. Did that ghost just call her son the halfa? Well maybe she heard wrong. Maybe the ghost said something else.
Jack held out his hand and walked her to the ship.
"Maybe she confused him with someone else," she mumbled under her breath.
Jack heard. He knew what she was talking about and knew what she was thinking. They both had the hypothesis that the halfa was no one other than Danny Phantom.
He had white hair and green eyes. Like the description they had gotten from the jock in the ghostly highschool. And the halfa in princess Dorathea's tapestry looked like Phantom.
But it was only a hypothesis. Purely a guess.
However, if Phantom was the halfa, it could be possible that the ghost had thought their Danny was him. Because not even them could deny the fact that Danny looked a lot like Phantom.
Jack shook his head. "I don't know, Mads. But we know one thing. Danny is still our son. Even if he keeps secrets from us. He is still the same Danny. Don't worry. There's probably nothing wrong and we're just overreacting."
Maddie nodded and tried a smile at her husband. This was the Jack she'd fallen in love with. She leaned forward and kissed him.
A few students turned away in disgust. Star made a picture before turning back to the ghost kid.
"Don't worry. I'll come back with toys for you," she reassured the child.
Box Lunch smiled. "Remember. If you don't come....I will haunt your house with all things square and...foodshaped!!"
Star laughed and patted her head. "Good job. You keep that up and you'll make a very intimidating ghost."
Danny was still walking quickly. "This is exactly why I couldn't let her see me at the school," he muttered under his breath, talking about the Lunch Lady.
Sam trudged next to him. "At least they didn't jump you and take you to their lab..."
"And ripped you apart molecule by molecule on the spot," Tucker finished.
Danny looked between them. "With friends like you, who needs enemies."
Valerie frowned. She felt out of it. Those three were so close. They had known each other since kindergarden. She had only been admitted into the group a few days ago. She felt like an outcast. A person who just walked behind the trio because she had nowhere else to go. She hated the feeling.
Valerie passed them quickly and swam to the ship in front of them. Partly to show others that she wasn't just the girl with the friends who didn't pay her much attention. Partly to persuade herself that she didn't need friends and she was perfectly fine alone.
Tucker noticed and kicked faster. "Hey Val. Wait up."
Valerie laughed as she looked back at Tucker's squirming form. She swam faster.
"Oh common," Danny shouted. "Show off"
Valerie smiled.
Although, she mused, having friends is nice.
Yeah. I felt like valerie would feel like this and i just wanted to put it there. I feel like this alot. And i know a lot of other pple do as well. So i want you to know youre not the only one.
Or maybe i AM the only one....nah probably not.
what did you guys think of my games. Im pretty proud of them.
I feel like the box lunch family makes fun of the other ghosts in their own little way. Nobody pays much attention to them after all.
So yeah. This is shmall boxlunch. I enjoyed writing this. Its so fricken cute
Dont cha agree
Ps. Early update for yall.
Youre welcome.
Plus its super long
Pps. Im gonna be very busy the next few weeks so dont be surprised if i miss a day or two. Sorry. But after that i have vacationgf
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