Unexpected visit
The videos and imeges have there are own by respecrive conpanis or independent artist. This are used to entertane dose ho loved to read.
(You can play the video when ever you want)
In the dark night a boy no more than 14 is running without stopping through the forest carrying something in his arms in a proctective way, the boy has dark hair as night, pale skin and blue eyes that seem to have wisdom of thousands of Years and an aspect in them that only the soldiers have after surviving countless wars. And at this moment he seems to have come out of a battle as his clothes were torn from many parts and stained with red and green blood; To be running for hours without rest he was not aware of its surroundings where little by little until he appeared in a clearing of the forest where almost instantly he was surrounded by multiple agents dressed in white and among those people there was a couple, the man had a Orange phosphorous suit with black that shouted "kill me orange" and the woman a metalic blue that looked better to her than the giant man.
After being completely surrounded, an agent comes out to the front and shouts: "Phamtom you are surrounded enter, you and that abomination that you have in the hands so that both are experienced tortured by their multiple crimes and for existing scum."
"Every one of you are fucking insane and you can fuck off! I risk my life to protect this world and that's how I get paid and not only that they have the nerve to ask me to give it to my daughter, who onli God knows what atrocities will make her suffer. "- The boy shouted with uncontrolled fury.
"So then be it, Fiere!"
Danny Fenton aka Phantom was completely surrounded by bullets and missiles designed to destroy ghosts where even if he escaped through the ground the force of the explosion would be overwhelming, so he continued with the second best that could have thought at that moment that was to open portal which he cross but without first activating a device that had activated microscopic robots that he created with the help of technus and said robots would destroy all kinds of anti-ghost tec but
also warning technus that something happened to him but what he did not notice was that there was a second portal open behind the first that he had open and that he will be transport him to another universe far from his.
In a part of a distant universe where the guardians of the high magic commission come together to discuss the problems and dangers threatened the existence of magic and abitantes of the dimensions of the universe; Where again they have met to discuss, these guardians were Hekapoo the blacksmith of the dimensional scissors, Rombulos that imprisons those that threaten the universe, Omixtraxes the being that can control the spacetime through dimensions at will, Chansler the demon goat, the Queen Moon of Mewni and Glossarick who guides the carriers of the wand and the book of spells.
Now this meeting has been held to discuss a topic they have kept secret and that was the disappearance of Queen Eclipsa. Ever since Toffe was defeated forever(this time), the crystal that held Eclipsa imprisoned was destroyed and there were no traces of her anywhere in the multiple dimensions disappearing as if she did not existed; But they knew she was waiting for something to happen, but what? It was what each of them wondered because they knew that she alone could defeat each of them since she was more powerful than all of them combined and that was without The wand Since they did not want to imagine what kind destruction she could cause with the wand but all of that ended when a ball of green fire crushd against the tower in which they met; Each one was on guard so as to be prepared and not be attacked by surprise as they walked towards where the fireball stopped but when they did they could see a figure that walked towards them but could not distinguish it by the smoke that covered their vision, So they waited for him or she to come out of the curtain of smoke that separated them; What came out was something they did not expect, right in front of them was a boy who is a bit younger than Star and Marco. Hes appearance is something that they had never seen since the child had hair as white as snow that had recently fallen, toxic-radioactive green eyes, slightly tanned skin but what surprised them more was the appearance of the child as it appeared to have come out of a War since he had multiple wounds that no one could survive not only that but apparently had something in his arms in a protective way.
Then walked slowly towards him so as not to frighten him and just when Moon was going to talk Rombulos attacked the child and that was when everyone (exept Glossarick) thought in certain words "Fucking idiot" but if they were surprised they saw the boy react at a great speed when counteracting. But Rombulos did not, as was sent flying towards the wall without leaving some kind of surprise; Which was to catch him in its crystals but the child seeing this used his powers to put the little bundle on the ground but before the bundle could touch the ground it fell causing it to cry.
That was something that they not see it coming since they did not expect the child to have a baby with him and there was when Moon came out of her state of shock and ran to the baby and as she pick the baby up she saw that the baby was a girl with azuru blue eyes, black hair and pale skin; to Moon the baby was beutiful but in a blink of an eye she started to coo the baby to calm her down, when she calmed she began to look around curiously but something happened that surprised the others, the baby smiled at them this was something that was not expected as they thought that she was going to Crying in the moment she sees them, but seeing her smile and giggle brought a smile to them but all that stopped when they heard some moans of pain that came from the other side of the room and that's when Moon spoke.- Rombulos I want to know what happened through your head when You decided to attack the child, perhaps you did see in what conditions in which he came, you did not see the wounds which are almost impossible to survive, for God's sake the child seems to have come out of a war and not only that as we will do for him.- But that was all Moon could say before dodging an attack of Rombulos.- But what the hell is wrong with you! .- Yell's Heckapoo .- Nothing wrong with him .- answered Glossarick .- What do you mean with that he is attacking us!. - Moon said after dodging a few crystals .- The thing is that the instincts of Rombulos are in control of the body and before you ask, yes, I know the answer. The thing is that Rombulos has the ability to detect evil, of course you can also but only when it is on a larger scale; But Rombulos can feel the evil it does not matter if its suppressed, almost nonexistent or hidden the thing is that no matter what he will feel it.-
Said Glossaryck creating a dome of magic to protect them. - ...... but the thing is ...... those two children have an aura almost similar to Hekatia necromance the mother of Eclipsa but at the same time not. I do not know how to explain it but the auras of them feel calm and warm with much happiness that will make you feel safe especially the baby but at the same time cold something that hemana the boy much more and it is like a forbidden sensation something that will make you To feel that someone is taking your heart with sharp and cold claws a feeling that you will not want to experience and that puts you on the edge that will slwole lead you to insanity; And it is as if the boy took the death in himself.- All of them stopped when they heard the dome to break with one of the blows of Rombulos and that's when Omixtraxes decided to teleport all them to a deserted area of a planet where Rombulos began to run to A speed never before seen, and avoided all the attacks of the rest of the high magic of comision until he cught up to Moon that had the baby in her arms who began to cry because of the noise of the battle and there was that Rombulos stopped but one could see that it is battling in "Run ... run ... please ... I do not know ... how much ... more I will... stop my self." He pleads but they all stopped to listen, something that Moon should not have done since After a minute Rombulos struck Moon which flew off a great distance and causing her to release the baby from his grip leaving her to the mercy of Rombulos, where in one of his hands had a crystal sword which he swing the Baby who stopped crying .
Many thought that he had killed the girl but what happened was that Heckapoo took the baby in a protective way and with one of his hands stopped the sword ka that managed to cut it and get some blood but someone did not know that, which His fury wad untied uncontrollably thinking his daughter had died.
Danny's point of view (This will start where Danny thinks Rombulos killed his daughter)
.- NO! Why! She was only a baby she was my little baby, she had a second chance in life why, why all those I love betray me or are taken away from me .......... THEY WILL PAY, ALL THEY WILL PAY WITH HER LIFE! .- Tough Danny
Change of point of view
The group of the high magic commission of was so distracted by what happened that they did not notice or heard the cracks that were being done on the crystal that imprisoned Danny. They all turned to see an explosion which became a column of black with green (just like ulquiorra relese) where suddenly an inhuman roar that came from the inside of the culumn in which appeared a pair of eyes, one was of Red blood color and the other was a combination of toxic-radioactive green with phosphorescent blue and when the column dissolved a male figure had appird. The person who came out had black flames with white wisp as hair, his skin was pale, he had an armor with a cape and a symbol of DP on it which was damaged and where one could see the wounds through the armor, also he has a mask that covered half of his face (and again just like Haribel from bleach) which would have been and one could see the fangs that were behind the mask, his stature reached almost 7 feet in height and his body was well defined Which made Heckapoo and Moon blush; But all that stopped when each of them saw the eyes of this mysterious person who had an unimaginable fury, a pain in them that one has after losing all those they love but above all, a look that one could tell that he has survived a countless wars , Battles and events that no one should survive, which they ask to end their life by having nothing to live for and also emanating power. The silence was broken by him.
.- I WiLl kIlL yOu ALl fOr tAkiNg mY dOugHtEr LifE.- Yelld the man in a inhumane demonic voice that had an hecho.
And that's when all of them already discovered that this person was the child that Rombulos caught in their crystals when they saw the crystals scattered around him but now they were in a dangerous situation since he thinks that Rombulos killed his daughter and at that moment They noticed that they fuck up and thought of a word in common.
Yea sorry for not updating but cabmn you blaim me reading (and i think you will) good fanfics. But lets put that aside and tell what you think of the story
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