Braeking the limit
The videos, music and images are hownd by respected companis and/or artist that are independed. There are onli used to stimulate the imagination of the reader and repreasent the characters in the story. Also danny is like the combination of this three and my drawing still sucks so i live it to your imagination.
Also sorry for bad grammer Im sick and got stung by a bee on the tip of my ring finger and it was a fucking biching pain that wouldin't let me sleep.
Third pov
Hekapoo without thinking twice created a clone that took the baby to a safe distance away from the battle field (The clone that took Danniele will be reford as CHekapoo). As they looked at the person that was in the child's place, no, not a child but an adult that only was staring directly into their eyes, those eyes that pierced their souls with only purpose, to end their lives in the slowest and most painful way possible. Danny slowly moved towards them gaining speed only to be stopped by a torrent of fire that melted the ground, Rombules seeimg this take this in his favor by appearing behind Danny to hit him with crystel fist only to be blocked by a sword.
"Rombules move!" Hekapoo shouted firing fireballs through her portals hiting their target creating a big explosion, and as the area cleared they just stared at Danny who did not have a single scratch; only to there surprise he creates several ice projectiles that he shot towards them, not wanting to be pincushion each one ran towards him dodging his attacks.
Moon created multiple magic swords, Rombules punched the ground creating spears of crystals that shot out with great speed, Hekapoo created multiple clones that opend multiple portals and ran at them; each clone equipe with there scissors that lengthened and burst with flames, Champler began to chant some spells that increased there damage, power, speed, agility, reaction and to help them withstand powerfull attacks and shot lighting spells, Omixtraxis created multiple fists (think of asura from asura wrath) and created time circuits for each of the high magic commission so they could move with more speed and see the attacks of there oponent in slow motion and Glossaryck started to grow, taking a more muscular form revealing his true form.
(This was the closest thing that would look like glossaryck and just imagine it with legs, blue skin and without the chains conecting )
As Rombules was the first to attack Danny with his spears only to brake in contact with an green shield and for Danny to punch him through the ground, Heckapoo and her clones appear one after another attacking from all angles just for Danny dodge or block there attacks, as all the clones of Hekapoo see this, they decided to attack all at the same time, Danny to seeing this, swings his sword to create a powerful gust of wind that blows and extinguishes all the flames of the clones of Hekapoo and send to the original crashing against the base of the mountain ; When Danny was going to finish her, multiple swords emerged from the ground traing to impale him, forcing him to jump only to find a giant fist that punch him sending him to the ground and just as he was about to crash he was sent through multiple rocks thanks to a purple war hamer, courtesy of Glossarick.
Without waisting time, Moon created magic chains to restrain him, four cristel pillars appeared around him where the tips of the pillars creating a crystal circle, multiple scissors impaled him, and three magic circuits appeared around him and a masive blue/purple sword with chains impaled him, as that occurred the massive chains impale the ground, the cristal circle closes and massive magic circuit appears over the sword and everyone yells.- ¡Excalibur seal!.-
Believing that they had sealed for years, this person, this being who has not yet revealed his true capacity of his power for fear of not knowing anything about him, since it emanated power, a destructive and dark power; almost all of them thought that the danger had passed.
But how wrong they were until they heard a scream/wail, an agonizing sound that was heard as thousands of souls tortured asking for their existence to end, not only that, they observed at the same time as their biggest and most powerful sealing technique is destroyed by This child, something they believed impossible since they created it to seal Eclipsa and that should have lastet at least thousand of years if not more only to see there greatest creation be reduced to rubble in mater of minutes.
Preparing for one of the most dangerous battles they have ever had in their lives, they see their opponent shoot out against Omixtraxis who blocks his sword only to scream in agony as he feels one of his arms be cut off, Moon and Glossarick attack him for get him away from them. Danny just watched them, that until he created a portal that opened behind Omixtraxis cutting his back, this surprised everyone, Hekapoo reacting first she closed the portal. Danny creates five clones each and one of them open a portal appearing in front of each of them using similar attacks that made; Moon with wide eyes shout to her companions realizing what she thought was his ability .- Be careful he is able to copy our attacks! .-
(warning small perverted writing, also don't juge and don't lie to your selfe, everyone is a pervert in there own special way and you have been warned, also)LOL
And just as each of them confronted a clone. Glossarick confronted the original; the clone of Hekapoo looked from afar, scaerd as this individual confronted the high commission of magic al alone, and the clone was afraid, it is true that she could exist, if the original was defeated but if her flame was blow off, it would cease to exist, so she began to think to create an emergency plan just in case.
She was brought to reality when she felt the baby moving and there is when she noticed the person next to her, CHekapoo took a few steps to get away from the same person they have been looking for these last years ..... Eclipsa.
Eclipsa raised an eyebrow when she saw this.- Do not worry dear, I am not here to hurt you if not to see the spectacle in front of us.-
-What is what you want Eclipsa.- She ask/demanded to know what was she planing.- Nothing, I only come to pick up my son and granddaughter, but I see that I have arrived a little to late.-
-What! .- Shouted CHekapoo hearing this, but at the same time she scared the baby making her cry.- Shh, shh, shh, there is nothing to be scared little one.- She was like this for a while but in the end she managed to calm her down , then she fixed her eyes on Eclipsa hugging the baby closer to her, as a mother would do. - What do you mean by that? Eclipsa.-
Eclipsa saw how CHekapoo took care of the baby girl; seeing this brought her happy memories of her little Meteora which was taken away from her, but she managed to reunite with her once more .- Simple, it means what it means, I am going to adopt these two children and make them part of the Butterfly lineage, in a few words make them my blood without mentioning that I want Meteora to have somebody to play with.- Since her reunion with her daughter she offered her a proposal which her daughter knew she would never reject. It was to return her to the age of a 3 month old baby and erasing her memories at once, painful memories that tormented her lovely little daughter, but they did not have to know that. She smiled at seeing the baby that had CHekappo move constantly and that the girl was looking at the breasts of CHekapoo, waiting to be fed .- And dear I think someone is hungry.-
CHekapoo did not understand at first until Eclipsa pointed at the baby, thats when she understood what Eclipsa was referring and began to blush like never before .- What! I cant breastfeed these jugs dont make milk! .- CHekapoo shouted but she began to slowly back away when she saw the perverted glint in Eclipsa's eyes as she held both of her hands at chest level in a groping way.- Don't worry darling, that can be fixed in an instant.- -.Hey! What do you think your doing!Hey stop that! Haaa!.-
It all happened very fast for CHekapoo and that is somthing to say since she is one of the fastest person/demon to exist and who had a blush on her face since Eclipsa groped her breast and applied a spell on them making them grow from high cup DD to a medium FF cup which broke trough the top of her dress causing her creamy white breasts to jump and start to drip milk through her erect and thick gray nipples which the baby suckled with pleasure trying to drink every last drop. ( If you want to, just take as an example Nene from my girlfriend is a gal or this image and dont juge me)
CHekapoo tried to control herself not wanting to let out a moan because her breasts have become extremely sensitive and it didn't help that Eclipsa plaid with her left breast pulling her nipple and that she lick her index finger that had picked up some of the milk that came out of her .- Hmmm, I must say that your milk is very tasty, sweet and very creamy and dont worry its only temporarily dear.- She lai also let out the important fact of her spell witch will transfer to the original when she(the clone) despell also becoming permanent if not treatet immediately.
Back to de faight-
Danny apears in front of Glossarick who manage to cach the sword with his hands just in time, Hekapoo takes the opportunity by appearing at his side with her scissors trying to stab him but he pulls his sword blocking her attack as he then kicks Glossarick in the chest and jumps to get away and at the same time shoots balls of fire, ice and electricity around him to push the others away from him.
As he lands Moon appears behind him swinging her war hamer (take in mind that she can make wepons of pure magic) and despite that he tride to block it the force in the attack sent him flying were a gaint fist tackle him to the ground creating a shock wave. As the gaint fist of Omixtraxis was still in the same place traing to keep Danny restraind .- HHHAAAAAAAH! .- Omixtraxis yell as wite blazing flames burnd his arm, not only that but a gaint green fist manifest in front of him punching him in the gut and then upercuting him, nocking him to the ground.
The council was at there braking point but they can see that there enemy is at his limits as them. (Witch is quit an understanding since his body as taking a toll with the all ocuring events)With there last efort to stope him they rise once again each in there own way.
Hekapoo began to run faster that she has ever gone that her dress turn in to bright yellow/crimson flames, her scissor became longer and burst with red-dark flames that she puts them in a x formation and as she opend a portal after portal gaining more speed until she became a blazing comet.
Rombules surf ( just like dimond head) his way to the battle, his cristel bursting in the air as well in his arms covering them and gaining claws, and some cristels appeard in his back as well as well two more faces.
Moon spread her wings witch began to glow as they became pure magic gaining a sky blue color with dark purple cracks and a circle of sword behind her.
Omixtraxes gain a more human form and size, his body look if it was coverd in plates that stil showd the cosmos that his body held and on his head was a skull helmet that shadow his face and on his back apeard a pair of wings that were made of swords.
Glossarick and Champler decided to stay behind. Glossarick for rest, healing since he confronted the real one and to aid his comraids just in case, but Champler on the other hand was at his end, his age and magic reservers prevent him from doing more as he struggle to stand up. He has trying to improve since he died in the confrontation with Toffee, but ever since he revide he became fragile, to be more precisely and he has far outlived his kind and how he missd his prime form, they were good times but it was time to him to live and reunite with his loved ones.
As Champler stood up with difficulty he began to gather up high amounts of magic and began to chant his last and powerfull spell and for the first time he spoke true words.- Goodbye..... every one,.. it... was an... iteresting life.... we had but... it's time... for me to live.... i wish you luck.... in your journey... and may the gods.... protec you all.- And as his raspy and wise voice end so did his life as he became once more ashes that were blown away by the wind.
Every one heard this as the life of Champler ended, this time for ever.
Not turning oround the rest of the council ran at Dany as tears stain there faces and as well they saw the last spell of there fallen comraide activate as a pure magic beam strike down there enemy .
Danny at the other hand was screaming in agony as he was being burn alive bringing painfull memorys as he relived the events that gave him his powers but 10 times worse and by pure instinct he rised up counter attack with his hown ecto-ball witch did little help as he was buried deeper in the earth that until his ecto-ball exploded creating a chain reaction with the magic beam as it shatter falling into the pit as they were debris as Danny now was buried under fragments of magic that began to glow violently as it exploded.
Seeing this didn't stop the council from running to the explotion as Danny came out of it, but not unscrach as he was severely burn and is bleeding severely as well.
Omixtraxes was the first one to attack as he us his wings to stab Danny who barely doge it only to be swatted like a fly by the second wing living him with deep cuts and out of instinct he doge Rombules giant golem hand.
Hekapoo on the other hand appeard in front of him kicking him into the air as she began to slash/tackle him in her comet form as she attack from multiple directions. Danny couldn't keep up with her speed as his only option was to predict her next move and as he waited..... he cought her by the throat, she on the other hand stab her sciccors into his arm only to throat slam her into the ground; But once again he was swatted this time by the golem slaming him into the the side of the mountin. Moon then began to spin her swords as a saw thru it at him and as came closer he block it with his sword as sparks came out from the clash but Danny saw that his sword wouln't last as cracks began to spred and as the only thing that he tought in the time was to jump over ot as he lean down his sword as quick as possible and as he manage it he saw how it cut in have the mountin and as he fall to the ground he saw the council at the distance he could feel that they couldn't keep up with this and neither could he.
Each and one of them prepaire there last attack. Danny was going to make is own version of the bijuudama; as he began to reunite his power in the form of sphere witch had fire, ice and pure ecto energi witch he began to compress ( it was the size of basketball to the size of a baseball) in front of him as also he took a very deep breath.
The council seeing this decided to combine ther attacks. Moon and Hekappo combined there fire and pure magic as it was coated with black crystals that took the shape of a spear, were the head took the form of a spike drill; Glossarick then apeard between them as he link each of one of them sharing there power and as one they liftid there left hand a white ethereal hand apeard as it began to construct the upper half body surrounding them as it liftit the spear.
As thet eyed each other they shot at the same time there destructive attacks that began to destroy there paths and as they collided it resulted as a destructive explotion that began to consum its surroundings.
When the council saw this, they began to mold the rest of the titanic golem of Rombules as a dome to proctec them selfs as there still link as one, as they put all of their magic to sustain their barrier as it began to show cracks when the explotion made contac. Eclipsa made a magic that surroundid her and, CHekapoo and Ellie; because it may be true that their far away of the battle, but the destructive force of the explotion was somthing to be taken lightly as it blow powerful winds and rubble at them..... but in the case of Danny.... was another thing as he used almost all of his ecto-energi in his last attack since it was a combanation of ghostly wail and a bijuudama ( i name the attack Yūrei no kyū no bakudan-on no sakebigoe or Fantomu-kyū bakudan, i now is long but it does sound cool to me of not make a name for it) of his hown for the first time that it was very taxing not onli that but for him it felt like using the ghostly wail for the first time.
And the onli thing that he could do was to delay the inevitable with the base of his attack (ghostly wail) as he is slowly push back.- Think danny, think! I can't make a portal as I dont' have the energi to do it and if I did had it would hard to open it, intangibility would be usles power of the explotion would affect me.... the only thing that could save me would a four layer shield and even with that I will come out unharmed but it's the only chance i got to come out alive!- He tough.
As fast as he could move he stop using his ghostly wail and absorbe what little ectoplasma was left in the air as he procided to make an energi shield and made a ice shield underneath the first one, he then procided to do this on more time, then every thing whent black.
As the explotion died out every one let there shield down. The council fail down to their knees as they were exhausted since the only thing they could do was look at their surroundings and their were shock to see the distruction that their attacks creatid as their were inside a masive crater that stil had smoke risng from it; they could onli see a little afar of them as the smoke block their vision but that was solve as the wind slowly blow it away.
The onli thing that they could do was to wait until the smoke is complitly gone and it took quit a while to do so but they couldn't complian as they used that time to rest all they could and as the stood up Moon was the first to act as she spread out her wings and flew up, she then began to look for the boy, at first she couldn't find him but them she spoted somthing white at south-east and with out a thinking twice she flew down to tell her friends what she saw and they procided to walk to it and as they came closer they spoted what they could describe was ice?
When they arrived the onli thing they could do was shake in fear as they saw Eclipsa healing the woundid boy not onli that she also had the baby whith her carrying her on her back (If your asking what happen to GHecapoo that would be at the next chapter), then they heard the next words as they were frozen in place.- I'm sorry for not coming sooner my precios son but every thing will be all right, but right now is time to go home.- She then faced them as she glared at them for a few seconds but in the end she smerk at them.- Until then, we will meet at another time and place Moon.- As she then lift him bridal style a purple portel open at her back and as turn around facing the portal she glace at them onli to see Hecapoo faint as she had a huge blush on her face and little stains on her chest as she saw how slowly bur very slowly her breast grow which will return at there formore glory in a week as she smilde pervertly crossing the portal.
And done
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