Chapter 2
Danny stared at the note shocked. The halfa looked around paranoid then thinking this can be happening but he has to make sure that his loved ones are safe. Danny turns into phantom flying out his house heading to the location. The wind was in his face thinking about calling sam and Tucker.
Seeing a empty warehouse turning intangible walking threw the wall no one was here about to leave he heard a voice. "Nice of you to join us mr. Fenton smart move." His eyes scanned the area seeing a guy with a gun in a weird looking suit.
The ghost clenched his fist "how dare you threaten my family and friends." Charging a ectoblast then lasers where pointing at the halfa chest the man laughs "no,no,no Danny didn't think I was alone did you?" Thirteen guys in suits with a glowing red magazine in their guns walked out.
All Danny looked thinking who the are these guys. The man walks up to the halfa not even scared "your coming with us." This pissed the boy of blasting the guy a couple of feet the battle starts.
The guys kept dodging his blast all Danny could think how the hell till he heard gun fire a bullet grazed his arm. Danny screamed in pain falling hissing bleeding the man walks up to him grabbing him pressing at the wound smiling cause Danny to scream more.
"Your not a hero your a monster a freak." The men moved in putting some handcuffs on Danny. Shocking the boy turning him into human form "don't need you using your powers when we get to where your going." Then the man punches Danny in the face knocking him out.
Somewhere else
Danny wakes up looking around walls with a weird green light then his hands and feet tied to a chair. Feeling a collar in his neck hearing a beep beep from the collar. Then a man in a screen showed was on the wall smiling.
"Danny phantom it's a honor." The halfa looked at the man pissed "who the hell are you people where am I!?" The man laughs adjusting his glasses pulling out a file "Mr.Fenton or phantom whatever you want me to call you. I am Doctor Jekyll glade that we got the hero of amity park or should I say public enemy. More or less I see your wondering why your Powers's aren't working you see that collar on your neck?"
Danny nodes annoyed yet interested "that's blocking your ghost powers. Your useless in your state. Thought you would put more of a fight a rare specimen yet got beaten by humans." The halfa wanted to get out the chair and get he hell out of there but the man was right he's useless with out his powers. The door behind him opens guards with a taser and pistol entered unlocking Danny restraints. One guard punched his stomach laughing "You supernatural beings think you own the planet but when where done with you. Your gonna be our greatest weapon." The screen turns off the guards drag the hero across the floor laughing hall after hall not getting to see much.
Hearing groaning in a room and barking. Really what did he mean by supernatural beings the halfa thought. The guards stop and throw him in a room with a pillow and some water.
"Enjoy it ghost." The door shuts behind him all Danny could do is sit there tears in his eyes. Why did this happen to him he thought.
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