Arguments and Cuddles
Summary: None 😊
Status: Husbands
Warning: Panic Attack Mentioned, one doesn't happen but it's mentioned.
Tears are cascading down my face as Dan yells at me for forgetting to do the laundry. He is too angry of course, to realise the state I'm in and blanks everything out I have to say.
"I- I'm sorry Bear I didn't-" "Don't call me Bear! I've had enough of your stupid nicknames right now!" Ouch. That hurt. I understand he's just upset but I can't help but become even more heartbroken than before. I always call him bear, even when we fight. It's what calms him down normally.
"Gosh dang it Phil how stupid are you? You know I had that YouTube meeting, which you are supposed to go to, but don't feel like it because your such a lazy child who can't do anything for yourself." I can't help it, I fall back onto the couch we have snuggled on too many times to count. He's never said anything like that before. Never in the three years we've been married, and 10 years together, has he ever called me stupid and lazy. Unless he was joking, of course, but now he definitely was not joking.
"I- I'll go instead. I'll wear a very unprofessional shirt if you want me to even. Just please, stop yelling." I look up at him and am shocked by the events that come next.
An arm is raising in the air and I cower away in fear. I cover up my face, shaking crazily, and Dan must have realised what he did as next he said in a much calmer voice, "No.. No no no. No baby I wouldn't- I wasn't-"
He steps closer and I move further into the couch, if even possible, and shake my head no. Not necessarily to him, but to myself. My head is buried into the couch back now, and my body is curled up in a ball. I am still shaking violently and am too afraid to say anything.
"Hey, Darling, I'm sorry for yelling, I was just stressed, I didn't mean any of what I said. You are not stupid nor lazy, I love you very much. Please, look at me?" His voice was calm, so I looked up. His face was filled with concern as he looked down at me, and the regret that was once present seemed to grow once he saw my tear stained face.
"I'm sorry for being so harsh my lion. That's another thing, I love my nicknames. I love it when you call me bear, it makes me happy. I wasn't going to hit you, I was just throwing my hands up in anger. I would never hit you. I would never forgive myself if I harmed you in any way. I'm so sorry I made you feel like that, forgive me? Please? I love you.."
I could see the regret spread out on his face, and decided he really did mean what he said. He started walking towards me slowly, and moved his hand towards my cheek. I flinched out of reflex and looked up at him, scared, before throwing my arms around him and sobbing into his chest.
"Shhh baby, it's OK. Calm, it's OK, I love you. I love you so much my little lion. You are beautiful and you did nothing wrong. I'm the one who did something wrong. Your OK. It's OK." I continued sobbing, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him closer to me. My shaking had died down drastically, but very much still present, and I was finally starting to calm down.
"Hey, look at me." Dan said, touching my chin and making me face him. "Are you OK? Do you need any water? Do you need your panic attack medicine? I'll go get it if you think you need it." I smiled at how worried he was about me. "I-I think I'm OK. I jus-just about did-didn't have an at-attack." His face flooded with worry and guilt. "You almost had one?? Oh my gosh I think you should take the medicine just in case, I don't want you to have one. Wait. I caused that. Oh my- I'm such an awful husband.." I stopped him there. "Dan, y-you a-are not an aw-awful hus-husband. I-I actually th-think you-youre the best husband ev-ever. And-and as for the medi-medicine, I guess I co-could take i-it."
I had calmed down completely now, and Dan and I were laying in our bed, watching back some of our older gaming videos before we were public about our relationship. My head was laying on Dan's chest, and his arm was wrapped around me, his hand holding mine and messing with my fingers.
"You know I love you, right Philly?" Dan asked softly. It was currently 12:38 am and we were both extremely tired. "Yeah, of course Dan. And I love you." I responded, looking up at my beautiful husband. "Do you still trust me?" Dan asked, sounding worried. "Well of course I do, why wouldn't I?" This question had shocked me.
"Well, I know you thought I was going to hit you earlier, and I can't get that thought out of my mind. I just don't understand why you thought I would do that to you." Dan exclaimed, frowning. "Dan, Dan honey. You don't need to stress about that, I was just upset, and I wasn't in the right state of mind. I know you would never do that. I trust you with my life, with my parents lives even." I looked up at him, to see him smiling down at me. "Now, I'm tired, sleep?" I questioned.
Next thing you know the laptop is on Dan's bedside drawer, and we are once again tangled together, and I can feel Dan's heartbeat, a lullaby to my ears, and I drift of to sleep peacefully.
I know, another sad one, but I promise there will be some fluff soon! I hope you all have a good night, or day, or whatever depending on what time it is for you!!
I was just rereading this after publishing it and I realised I said Dan and Phil had been married for three years and as of now (2019) that would mean 2022. I didn't even do that on purpose but OK.
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