Why I don't exercise
Inspired by something very similar to this happening to me this week.
Warnings: Phil in pain? I don't know, mostly fluff
Phil's POV
I pant heavily as I carry a box full of books down the hallway. Dan had found boxes of random crap hidden away under his bed and we were carrying them to the kitchen table to go through them. He had, of course, given me the heaviest box to carry while he easily walked in front of me carrying what looked like a box of shirts.
He shot me a smirk as he walked in front of me. I tried to seem angry as I blew a piece of hair out of my eyes. "You're a great friend, Dan."
He laughed and put the box on the table, wiping his slightly sweaty brow. "You need the weight lifting anyway."
I stuck my tongue out at him. Once near the table, I started swinging the box back and forth, trying to gain enough momentum to heave it onto the table. With a grunt, I carried it up to the table, hitting my left hand on the other box next to it. An intense, pounding pain shot through my hand and I couldn't help but cry out in pain. I held my hurt fingers with my other hand, while skipping around the room in pain.
"Ow ow ow ow.." I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut and bending over in pain.
"Are you okay?" Dan asked uncertainly, unsure wether this was serious or not.
My mouth in a tight grimace, I shook my head. I stood up straight from slightly bending over and looked at my hand. Already dark bruises were forming on my 4 fingers, especially on the knuckle of the ring finger. That one hurt the most. My fingers felt weak and I tried bending them, but they only twitched slightly. I tried harder, forcing them to bend using my other hand. A bigger amount of pain pounded immediately and I squeezed my eyes shut again. Then I started to feel lightheaded. I opened my eyes and looked at Dan, who was looking very concerned. "Phil, are you okay?"
"I don't.." I felt really lightheaded. "I don't think so.."
I felt my knees suddenly give out. My vision was being corrupted by black. The last thing I saw was a blur leaping at me before I was unconscious.
~smol time skip~
I opened my eyes, finding myself staring at Dan's pale and very concerned face. His eyes were scared, only relaxing a bit as he saw mine open. I looked around, seeing the couch above me. I realized I was lying on the floor, my head in Dan's lap.
"Phil, are-are you okay? Do you need to go to the A&E?"
I tried to smile but the action was impossible with the pounding pain in my hand.
"I.. I think so." I tried to get up, but Dan put his hand on my chest, keeping me in place.
"I don't think it's a good idea to stand up immediately after fainting, Phil."
"Can I at least sit on the couch? You know, instead of lying on the floor?" I tried to laugh, but it just wasn't there. It didn't come far enough to escape through my lips and left me feeling even more tired. Dan sighed and nodded. He put his hands on my shoulders as I sat up from his lap. I could feel his expectant gaze on me, as if trying to read wether I was going to collapse again. I closed my eyes, feeling blood rush away from my head in my upright position. But I didn't feel lightheaded enough to faint.
"I'm good," I said quietly. Even talking felt like an effort. It was as if my hand was in so much pain, my body couldn't get enough oxygen in my lungs to allow me to laugh, talk, or do anything involving oxygen leaving my body.
I put my right, unhurt hand on the couch seat and slowly stand up. Dan was close to me, arms hovering around me. I concentrated on trying not to realize I was becoming lightheaded again, hoping it would just go away. I could tell it wouldn't that easily. "Dan, I-I feel lightheaded headed again."
Dan quickly put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down onto the couch. "Lay down," he said quickly. I did as he said. He grabbed my ankles and put them in the air, making my legs stick up. "Stay like this utill you don't feel lightheaded." I closed my eyes as I waited for the spell to pass. My hand was still pounding, only slightly less painful. "P-Phil?" I heard panic in his voice. I opened my eyes, and he immediately sighed in relief. "I thought you had passed out again. How.. do you feel?"
I put my legs down but stayed laying down. I focused all effort on making myself speak. "I feel.. blegh."
A compassionate smile shone on Dan's face. He looked down to where I was gently holding my throbbing hand with the other. He reached down and gently took my wounded hand by the wrist. I looked at him curiously, but let him continue. He took it, hesitated a moment, then softly kissed the bruise. His lips lighty brushed my skin, almost so softly I couldn't feel it. He blushed and put my hand gently back on my chest. I felt my face also go hot, and cleared my throat. "What-what was.. was that?"
Dan awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, looking suddenly very interested in the floor. "Well I-I just.." he said embarrassedly. "I just thought i-it would maybe.. you know.. h-help it heal-"
A real, effortless smile grew on my face with every passing word.
"- and-and I've.. uh.. kinda.." he took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. "I'velikedyouforalongtimephil."
I leaned up slightly and put my hand around Dan's neck, pulling his face towards mine. He didn't resist and I looked into his shocked eyes before gently capturing his lips in a sweet kiss. I smiled into the kiss and my heart was near exploding. I couldn't believe I was kissing my crush! My heart was pounding. Wait.. what if this is all just a big joke? And he doesn't actually like me? But my fears were crushed and blown away when he began kissing me back eagerly.
I took in the feel and taste of his lips, never wanting to pull away and cursing my lungs when I did. I pulled away and gazed lovingly into his deep, sparkling brown eyes. I took everything in. His slightly messy curly hair, his blushy squishy cheeks with 2 adorable dimples on each, and his beautiful brown eyes. They were so calming, so deep and thoughtful. Not like mine, bright and exciting. I felt peaceful looking into his eyes. They were such a pretty color. And they were staring with a fiery love into mine.
"Is this for real?" He muttered softly, a bit of fear lacing his voice.
I smiled. We both feared the same thing when really there was nothing to be afraid of. I sat up, with Dan watching my every move, and hugged him around the middle. I wanted him to know I really loved him, and he was safe to say anything with me. I stood up fully and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, whispering in his ear, "Dan, it's as real as the pain in my finger right now."
Dan laughed, hugged me tightly back and spun me around in his arms. I smiled wide, enjoying being in his strong, warm embrace. I felt nothing could hurt me in his arms.
One arm around my waist and the other caressing my cheek, he dipped me down and kissed me on the lips. It was only a quick peck, but I blushed bashfully anyway. Dan smiled wide and said, "I love you, you clumsy oaf."
I smiled back and said sweetly, "I love you too, you lazy brat."
In case you're curious about the leg thing, it's to get more blood to your head.
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