The many (loveable) quirks of Phil Lester (2)
Warnings: Fainting
Also I have a question for you guys at the bottom of this chapter
Phil had talked about, a few times, his adventures of falling asleep in baths. The first time he brought it up, Dan hadn't known he did it. He was obviously horrified, worried his boyfriend was going to drown in his sleep. He had tried to convince Phil to not stay in the bath for so long, which hadn't worked. So now, whenever Phil takes a long bath, Dan frequently checks in on him, making sure he isn't snoozing away. He even splashed him with cold water once, resulting in a annoyed and surprised "Dan!" from Phil while Dan laughed and shut the bathroom door.
The most recent time, though, has left both Phil and Dan, a bit shaken.
It had been another normal day in their tour bus, going around the US on their tour, Interactive Introverts. It was the very early morning, barely past 1am. Dan and Phil slept peacefully in their slightly cramped bunk beds. Suddenly Dan awoke, blinking in confusion. Loud voices drifted from the front of the bus. He rolls over to tries to go back to sleep, but then was aware of the fact that their bus was slowing down, seemingly coming to a stop. Dan groans and gets to his feet, swiping at his hair in a half attempt to fix it. He puts on some sweatpants and a shirt before walking to the front of the bus. It was now completely stopped, and from the view outside the window, at a gas station.
"Did we already run out of gas?" Dan mumbles, coming up behind their driver who was talking to their mechanic.
"No, there's some issue with the engine," replies the mechanic, getting out the bus. He opens the front hood of the bus.
Dan groans. "Great. How long will it be before it's running again?" He asks the driver, who's now shut off the bus.
"Probably just a few hours, but we have to shut off the bus to work on it. That means it'll probably get hot very quickly in here."
Dan sighs and runs his hands through his hair. "I don't think we'll sleep very well with people talking and banging stuff around. Is there.. a hotel or something around here?"
"Uhh I think I might've seen one a bit down the road. I'll look it up on my phone."
Dan nods. He looks around for Phil, expecting him to be up with all the commotion. When he's nowhere to be seen, he goes back to the bunks in the bus, and finds Phil on the bottom bunk sleeping away like nothing was happening.
"Are you actually kidding me," Dan mutters, a small smile playing on his lips. He looks down at Phil, snoring softly, without a care in the world. Dan kneels next to the bunk, grinning.
"Philly~" he says in a singsong voice. "It's time to wake up lion."
Phil mumbles something inaudible. Dan pokes Phil's cheek. "C'mon Phil, the sun is shining and it's another great day!" He says in a cheerful voice. He knows Phil is awake, just pretending to still be sleeping. Dan takes a breath before saying loudly and in false panic, "PHIL WAKE UP OUR NEXT SHOW IS IN 20 MINUTES!!"
Phil's eyes shoot open and he shoots up, forgetting there's a bunk above him, and bangs his head on it. He yelps and holds his forehead as he crumples back into his bed. Dan bursts out laughing.
"You alright there, Phil?" He asks, giggling. Phil groans and rolls so his back is to Dan.
"I hate you," he mutters, a raspy tiredness in his voice. Dan laughs again and leans over, pressing a kiss to Phil's temple. "Did you wake me up just to prank me?" He groans, flopping back to face Dan.
"Actually no, our bus has broken down."
"What?! Why was I not told of this?" Phil asks, suddenly looking a lot more awake.
"You slept through everything," Dan says, smirking. Phil groans and gets to his feet, grabbing a shirt off his bunk bed. He slips it over his head.
"So what's the plan?" He asks, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"You and I are going to go to a hotel, which if we're lucky, will be nearby. In fact, I'm going to go check if he found anything.." he mutters the last part to himself. He gets up and walks back to the front of the bus, where the driver was checking lights at the front of the bus.
"Find something?" He asks, leaning against the chair.
"There's somethin' just a few blocks down the road, I reckon you guys can just grab some of your paraphernalia and walk down there. Only be there for the rest of the night I guess," he says, turning and giving Dan a tight-lipped smile. Dan could tell he was tired and frustrated.
He pats his shoulder. "Thanks man." He starts to walk away, but turns around to say, "try to get some sleep if you can, yeah?" He gets a thumbs up in response. Dan walks back to his bunk, grabbing the bare minimals.
"There's a hotel just down the road, so we're gonna go there for the night," Dan says go Phil, who's sitting on his bunk, his neck looking up at him at an awkward angle.
"How what?" Dan asks, getting his toothbrush and comb from the bathroom.
"How are we getting there?"
"Walk, obviously."
"But it's so late!" Phil whines, reluctantly getting to his feet.
"It's only a short walk, don't get yourself all worked up." Dan says, grinning. It was funny seeing Phil so uncharacteristically grumpy. "Get your stuff together, just enough for a single night."
Phil nods and grabs pretty much the same things as Dan. But when Dan was turned around, he slips one more thing into his small bag of stuff.
"Ready?" Dan asks, swinging his bag over his shoulder. Phil nods. They walk to the front of the bus. Dan talks to the driver a moment before they both step out, Dan in his sweatpants and slightly smelly shirt and Phil in one of his absurd pajama bottoms and a casual shirt. They didn't care about what they looked like. Dan takes Phil's hand in his as they walk down the road, lights from all sorts of buildings around them. It was a big city, a large population it looked like. But, lucky for them, there were hardly any people out on the streets. All of the few either hid in their hoods, despite the heat, or were too drunk to actually notice them.
They find the hotel among lots of other tall buildings surrounding it. They walk in, now wishing they had taken the time to change since they were more awake and aware of themselves. They get their room from the very tired looking clerk and walk to their room. They were on the first floor, which was very convenient for what Phil was planning.
They get into their room, the door closing and latching behind them. Phil turns on a lamp, the soft glow lighting the room. With a sigh, Dan flops face forward onto the clean, white bed. He looks like he could fall asleep just like that, face first in a pillow. Phil, on the other hand, was feeling very awake now. He drops his bag in a chair and pulls out what he had secretly packed.
Swimming trunks.
He grins as he slips off his pajamas and boxers and slips on the trunks. He could've waited until morning at an acceptable time to swim, but he knew that he wasn't going to be able to sleep anytime soon.
"Bye Dan!" He says, giggling slightly. "I'll be back later!" He gets as far as opening the door before Dan calls, voice tired, "What? Where are you going?"
"Oh you know.. the pool."
Phil hears footsteps before Dan appears around the corner, looking bewildered. He looks down at Phil's swim trunks, then his mouth drops open slightly.
"You're actually serious.." he whispers in astonishment, "Phil, you can't swim with no one with you!"
"Who says no one is going to be with me?" Phil replies, grinning.
"Phil. There is no way I'm going to stay up any longer than what I am already currently staying up," Dan says, a hand over his forehead. "I'm tired, you need your sleep, this is ridiculous."
Phil shrugs. "Suit yourself." Before Dan can stop him he opens the door the rest of the way, slides out and shuts it before running down the hallway towards where he saw the pool on their way in. He clutches one of their room keys in his hand and slides it in the slot, unlocking the pool door. He can already smell the chlorine, and it's a nice smell, full of the promise of fun. He opens the door and the warmth and chlorine hits him full force, welcoming him.
"Please have one, oh please have one.." he mumbles to himself hopefully, stepping in the room. The door shuts behind him and he looks around. It was a good size pool, nice and clear. It was surrounded by pool chairs and tables, even a few plants. But the best part was the small pool in the corner, bubbling.
The hot tub.
Phil smiles and claps his hands together in excitement. That was the main reason he had wanted to come; the hot tub. He hadn't been able to relax in a bath as much these days, the tour taking over most of his time.
The best way to enjoy a hot tub was to get wet with the normal temperature water. That way, the hot tub feels even better. Phil walks up to the very edge of the pool and sticks a toe in. It was warm, of course, nothing like swimming in a lake. But it still took some time for him to ready himself.
Suddenly, something behind him pushes him in. Phil yelps as he falls, falling into the water with a loud splash. He swims to the surface of the water, where he's immediately greeted by a familiar, loud laugh. Dan. He shakes the water out of his hair and fake glares up at Dan.
"You're a jerk," he mutters, bringing his hand back as if to splash Dan. Dan jumps back, arms up.
"Woah woah, hey hey hey- no splashing me, I don't have a suit on." In fact, Dan was still wearing his shirt, but had taken off his sweatpants and was now in boxer shorts.
"So?" Phil says, fighting a grin. "You pushed me in."
"You were going go jump in anyway," Dan says dismissively, waving his hand. He walks over to one of the reclined plastic chairs. Phil notices he brought a pillow with him.
"Dan," Phil says, laughing, "are you planning on sleeping while I swim?"
Dan turns to face him. "Duh, I'm not going to just watch you swim. If you start drowning I'll hear you."
Phil rolls his eyes. He had been so concerned up in the room, and now he's taking a nap. Phil swims around a bit in the pool, before getting out. As he walks by Dan, he notices, in humor, that he's already asleep, arms folded across his chest. Phil's very tempted to drip water over him, but he doesn't want Dan to be too snappy in the morning. So he leaves him be and makes his way over to the hot tub.
The hot tub has a fine mist of steam hovering over it, inviting someone in. Phil steps in with no hesitation, already smiling at the warm feeling just in his feet. He steps all the way down, and sits down. He sighs at the wonderful warm feeling, leaning his head back on the ground and his arm stretching out beside him. He closes his eyes, taking in the feeling. Nothing was better, he decided, than the feeling of warm water. It was like a warm hug, a warm hug that never stopped hugging.
He sighs, getting more comfortable than he probably should have. He blearily opens one eye, and it feels like it weighs a million pounds. He looks across the pool to Dan, still sleeping away. He grins and shuts his eye again.
Before he knows it, he's asleep.
Phil awakes slowly, feeling very groggy. His brain is all foggy, and his senses come back to him slowly. He feels wet, sick, and very, very hot. He becomes aware of hands gripping his bare shoulders, shaking him. A voice floats into his ears, but his brain doesn't process what exactly the words mean.
"...I let this happen! Come on Phil! You have to get out! Wake up!"
Phil mumbles something in response, feeling like a giant pile of mush. Arms wrap under his arms and start to pull him up and out of the hot tub. Phil doesn't know what happening, and turns his head to look at who's grabbing him. It's Dan, staring down at him with worry all over his face. Phil puts his hands on the side of the pool and helps Dan pull him out, still not knowing what was happening. When only his feet were in the water, he then found out what was wrong. His whole body was on fire, from head to toe. It felt suffocatingly hot, and he laid back on the ground in hopes to cool his flaming body. Dan is still stood above him, and stoops to kneel next to him.
"Are you okay?" He asks, knowing he wasn't but unsure of what to do or if it was serious. "Your whole face is red-" he places his cool hand against Phil's hot forehead, and Phil grabs his wrist to keep it there. "-and you're hot to the touch."
"I.. I don't.. what do we do?" Phil mumbles, feeling absolutely miserable.
Dan bites his lip, looking around anxiously. "Well, uhm.. we could get you to the pool, it'll be cooler than this."
Phil nods, grabbing Dan's hand. Dan slowly pulls Phil to his feet. He watches him closely as Phil stands still for a moment. All at once, Phil's vision zooms to black. When he comes to, it seems not very much time has passed because Dan is holding him up, arms wrapped firmly around Phil's chest. Dan was fully holding Phil up from collapse.
"It's okay, I got you, I got you," Dan whispers into Phil's ear. He was trying his hardest not to panic, instead focusing on reassuring Phil. Phil closes his eyes and puts his hands on Dan's shoulders, leaning into him. He decides that he's never felt more terrible in his life. "You alright there? Can you walk to the pool?" Phil hesitates. He felt very unsure of everything, especially his own abilities. "I've got you lion, don't worry," Dan's comforting voice murmurs in Phil's ear.
Phil nods, and summons the rest of his dwindling will to take the few steps to the pool. Dan moves so he's behind Phil, arms still wrapped around him securely. Slowly, Phil sits down on the lowest step, submerged almost to his arms. He sighs, the cold water soothing his overheated body. The hot water coating his body was washed away by the cold. Dan was stood behind him, high enough so the water didn't reach the bottom of his boxer shorts. He gently massages Phil's shoulders, occasionally cupping water in his hands and dumping it over the part of Phil that wasn't in the water.
There wasn't a sound in the pool other than the hot tub gurgling and the dripping of the water off of Phil that Dan gently scooped on him. Phil sighs again, feeling much better. He reaches and grabs one of Dan's hands massaging his shoulders. Dan's hand intertwines with his and rests on Phil's shoulder.
"How do you feel now, sweetheart?" Dan asks quietly, not wanting to disturb the peace.
"Better," Phil says, giving Dan's hand a little squeeze.
Dan squeezes it back. "I'm sorry I let this happen.." Dan says, taking it as his fault for not being awake and getting Phil out sooner. "You were in there for almost 40 minutes I think."
"Dan," Phil says, turning around to look at Dan. Dans upset face is staring down at Phil. "It wasn't your fault. I'm the one who feel asleep," Phil places a hand on his chest. "You know I do this sometimes, it's no ones fault but my own for not being able to resist the urge to sleep."
"Yeah, I know you do it, which is why I should be aware of it and watch over you," Dan says, sitting on the dry edge of the pool. He puts his head in his hands. "I just.. I don't want to think about what more serious things could've happened if I hadn't gotten you out sooner," he whispers. He looks down at Phil, sadness swirling in his eyes. "I'm supposed to protect you."
"And you do!" Phil says, reaching and resting a hand on Dan's knee. "If you hadn't been there, like a you said, something more serious could've come out of it. Stop thinking about what you could've done and focus on what you have done. You got me out, and caught me when I passed out. I'm okay, but only because you got me out when you did." Phil smiles at Dan appreciatively. A small smile creeps on Dan's face. He chuckles, shaking his head.
"Can we just talk about the fact you fell asleep in a public hot tub?" Phil grins up at Dan. "You're a right idiot, you are," Dan says, holding out his hand to Phil. He carefully pulls Phil to his feet and helps him out of the pool. Phil takes one of the small pool towels laid out on the rack and dries himself off with it. Dan helps and dries Phil's hair with another towel.
"I bet your hair is going to look great tomorrow, chlorine really is good for you hair," Dan says sarcastically.
Phil laughs. "I can just stick my head in the sink, pop some shampoo on, and I'm good to go!"
Dan shakes his head as he grabs his pillow on the chair and walks out the pool door with Phil. "You're ridiculous, Phil Lester."
"Ridiculous is my middle name," Phil says, taking Dan's hand in his own. That earns a smile from Dan. Phil will probably always fall asleep in baths, drop and smash candles, and run into walls and furniture. But he will always have Dan to wake him up, clean up the glass, and kiss his bruises better.
As long as he has Dan, he'll be alright.
This was definitely longer than it needed to be. If you want more parts of this little series, send me suggestions!
So. My question.
Would you guys read a full length Dan and Phil fic if I wrote it?
It's just an idea, nothing is for sure. If I did do one, it would probably be an adventure AU of some kind. But if you guys aren't interested, I won't even write it.
Chow! 👋🏼
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