Phil In The Bathroom
Requested by lesterloving
Based very loosely on Michael In The Bathroom.
Warnings: Phil's boyfriend is a jerk
"Are you almost ready?" Dan yells to Phil across the flat, who's in his bedroom doing last touches on his appearance.
"Almost!" Comes the yell back. Dan takes his phone out of his pocket and checks the time. 8:07. He chuckles lightly. They were supposed to have left 7 minutes ago, but as usual, Phil was making them late. Dan didn't mind too much, he had come to except it of Phil.
Phil's boyfriend, however, was not used to it and was impatiently tapping his foot. His name was Trever. He was slightly shorter than Phil, long blonde hair that he wore in a ponytail most the time, and obviously a gym rat from his bulging build.
Dan had to admit he was attractive, probably way out of Phil's league. But they had somehow met and hit it off, despite the obvious differences between them. Phil was soft and kind, Trevor was unpredictable and chiseled from marble.
Dan still didn't see how they ended up dating. They just didn't seem like a likely couple. Probably because he was slightly jealous of Trevor, wishing he could be the one kissing Phil and holding his hand.
"Phil!" Trevors voice boomed across the flat, making Dan flinch. "We were supposed to leave a long time ago, get down here!"
"I'm sorry!" Phil says loudly, his voice not as carefree as it had been when he yelled down to Dan. He walks quickly into the room, looking at Trevor apprehensively. "I'm sorry.." he mumbles, walking up to him and taking his hand gently.
If Phil had come up to Dan with the expression he was currently wearing, Dan would immediately laugh and brush off his apology. Phil looked genuinely sorry, and had a sad expression on his face. Trevor only sighs, pulling his hand out of Phil's grasp. "Just try to be on time next time." Phil nods, staring down at the floor.
Dan grits his teeth, wanting more than anything to yell at Trevor for making Phil sad. But he knew it upset Phil when he and Trevor fought, so he kept his tongue in check.
"Alright, let's head out," Trevor says, leading them down the stairs. Dan and Phil follow him, clomping loudly down the stairs. Dan glances behind him, to see that Phil wasn't wearing a jacket. It wasn't unbearably chilly, but the wind would certainly bite into your skin if you weren't wearing a cloth of protection. Phil wasn't wearing a long sleeved either, choosing one of his nicer short sleeved shirts in his rush.
"Phil," Dan mutters, pausing walking to step in time with Phil. "Where's your jacket?"
"I didn't want Trevor to get even more annoyed so I just didn't grab one." Dan gives him a look. "It's fine, though," Phil says quickly, as they close the apartment door behind them. "It's not that cold anyway."
Dan shakes his head. "He's your boyfriend," he says quietly, gesturing towards Trevor, "shouldn't he understand?"
"Dan it's okay, really," Phil says, giving a small smile. Dan sighs. He noticed that Phil ignored his question.
As they get out of the building and call for a taxi, Dan notices Phil rocking back and forth, arms crossed across his chest. Dan walks over to Trevor, who's cursing at a taxi that drove past, smoke coming out of its engine.
"Terrible service.." Trevor mutters under his breath.
"Hey Trevor," Dan says boldly, an edge of dislike in his voice. "Your boyfriend is cold, I think you should give him your jacket."
Trevor glances behind him, looking at Phil who's obviously cold, rubbing his bare arms. Phil catches Dan's eye and shakes his head, not wanting him to say anything to Trevor. Trevor shrugs and turns back to waving down a taxi. "It was his fault for not bringing one."
"He didn't get one because he was scared of making you mad at him!" Dan says indignantly.
"Then maybe he'll learn to be on time next time," Trevor says, glaring at Dan. Despite Dan being inches taller than him, Trevor was much more fit than Dan. He couldn't help but be slightly intimidated. "Hey, stay out of my relationship, okay?"
Dan whips around and storms back to Phil, who immediately gets onto Dan for intervening in his problem. Dan doesn't say anything, but takes off his jacket and drapes it around Phil's shoulders. Phil stops nagging him. A taxi pulls up to the curb, and Trevor waves for them to come. Without looking back at Phil, Dan climbs in after him, and Phil follows.
Dan glances at Phil beside him, who's staring out the window, looking deep in thought. He had Dan's jacket fully on, arms through the sleeves and zipped up. It was one of Dan's nicer jackets, so it fit tightly on Phil's small form. The light of street lamps would light up his pale face, defining his cheek bones and jawline. He was stunning.
Dan sighs and looks the other way. He shouldn't think of Phil that way, he had a boyfriend. A really crummy boyfriend.
The taxi drops them off, and Trevor begrudgingly pays. Phil slips his arm around Trevor's arm as they walk into the building. Neon lights are the first thing he sees, before his other senses are attacked. Loud music is bopping, the song some typical British pop. There's the smell of alcohol, but also the smell of air freshener. Someone had apparently tried to mask the smell, really just making it worse.
Dan walks over to the alcohol table, seeing if they had anything worth drinking. It was pretty much all horrendously cheap alcohol, stuff that Dan would never touch. He notices Trevor and Phil go off to the dance floor.
Dan finally decides on a little Margarita, taking a careful sip before deciding that he probably wouldn't die from drinking it. He looks over the crowd of people, leaning against a table. He would much rather just watch than participate, finding entertainment in other people's drunken shenanigans. He looks over the dance floor, to find Trevor and Phil. He spots them on the side of the dance floor, not dancing, but Trevor saying something to Phil, and Phil looking like he's about to cry.
He sets his drink down before walking over to them, shoving past people. He hears angry words as he gets closer.
"... never! Not once is your room clean, you always make me clean up! You leave your clothes everywhere, you constantly kick me during the night, and you're constantly happy! It's so aggravating sometimes! Wake up to the real world, it's not all sunshine and butterflies!" Trevor yells, stepping menacingly closer to Phil with each complaint. "Not to mention you're always late, we never are on time. I've dealt with you for too long Phil Lester, we're done; it's over." He shoves past Phil, who stumbles back and falls onto a chair. "Good bye, Phil Loser."
A small crowd had formed around Trevor and Phil, drawn to the drama. Dan couldn't get past them, and when he did, Phil was up and running to the bathroom. Dan curses and runs after him, navigating through all the people. He finds the bathroom and dashes in. The door shuts and he hears quiet sniffles, obviously trying to be muffled by a hand.
"Phil, it's me," Dan says gently, rapping on a shut stall door with a knuckle. "Let me in please."
There's the sound of shuffling before the stall door is unlocked, and Dan pushes it open. It swings open to reveal Phil, eyes red and puffy, cheeks smudged with tears. He had a dejected slump to his shoulders.
Dan doesn't hesitate but wraps his arms around Phil, holding him close. Phil returns the hug, body shuddering with sobs. Dan rubs Phil's back as he sobs into Dan's shoulder, dampening his shirt.
"I-I don't think what-what I did wrong," Phil sobs. "He-he said I was-"
Dan quietly shushed him. "I heard what he said Phil, and none of it was true. I think you're one of the most amazing people I know."
"He-he sure didn't t-think that," Phil says, sobbing harder. "I-I'm just a s-stupid-"
Dan draws away from Phil to stare hard into his eyes. "Phil, don't you dare for a second think you're anything short of amazing. You're so talented, and beautiful, and creative. You're such a good friend and person and if Trevor didn't see that, then you deserve someone much better."
"You m-mean that?" Phil asks, sobs dying down slightly.
"With all my heart," Dan says, gently fixing a piece of Phil's hair that had fallen out of line.
"I wish I could f-find someone like you," Phil whispers, staring sadly into Dan's eyes. "You've never once brushed off my feelings, or-or not cared about my opinions. You've n-never yelled at me without profusely apologizing later, or-or got mad at me for being late." Phil was unconsciously leaning closer and closer to Dan, his breath fanning across his face. "You've only ever treated me like the most valuable human in the world. You laugh off my mistakes with that beautiful laugh of yours."
"I treat you that way because that's what you are," Dan whispers back, holding Phil's neck gently. "You're like the most precious diamond. You never deserve to be soiled because it dampens your beauty. It wipes that smile off your lips-" Dan grazes Phil's lips with his finger-"and that laugh is forced and not as adorable."
They're now so close together that there's not an inch of space between them. Dan's hand wraps under Phil's chin before tilting it up slightly to meet his in a sweet kiss. The second their lips touch, Dan mind goes numb. He couldn't believe he was actually kissing Phil, his longtime crush. But that numbness was quickly replaced by bliss. Phil's face pressed against his was wet with tears, his lips soft and welcoming. His arms wrap around Dan, pulling his body closer to his. It was a slow kiss, full of more love than Phil's and Trevor's had ever had.
They slowly pull apart, but only by inches. Dan's hands hold Phil's face, his thumbs wiping the tears off of them. Phil laughs breathlessly, suddenly blushing and staring down, away from Dan's eyes. His own arms are still wrapped around Dan, but he makes no move to remove them.
"I'm guessing that wasn't a platonic kiss," Dan says, chuckling gently. Phil looks up and laughs, eyes shining with happiness.
"What if it was?" Phil asks playfully.
"Then I would call bull crap, because no straight male kisses like that," Dan says, blushing and smiling.
"You're correct then," Phil says, beaming. "It was much more than platonic."
Dan kisses Phil on the nose. "What do you say we go home and destroy any trace that your ex was ever apart of your life."
Note: We hit the 50th chapter in the last one!!! Thank you guys SO MUCH for reading my oneshots!! It honestly means so much to me ^_^
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