New year, new us 🎉
Dan takes Phil's hand in his own, the other holding a warm hot cocoa. They walk down the snowy streets of London, enjoying the final hours of 2018.
"2018 was a big year for us," Dan says thoughtfully out of nowhere.
Phil takes a sip of his own hot drink, hot cider, before responding. "Yeah, it was. We went on tour, we made a whole bunch of crazy videos.."
"We grew closer to our audience, and learned more about ourselves. And now we end it with a clean slate. We ended a bunch of old series, now we're free to do whatever we please."
"However we want," Phil says with a smile. "We can do it our way."
"That's the plan, our audience can be very determined."
Phil laughs and swings their conjoined hands. "Hey, we did all this to be truer to ourselves. Let's stick to that."
"It also had its downs," Dan says, looking distantly around them at the winter wonderland. "Fights, drama, disasters.."
"But it's all turned out okay, yeah?" Phil says, stopping Dan to look earnestly into his eyes. "We're still together, and no one can pull us apart."
Dan bites his lower lip before nodding. Phil leans up and kisses the corner of his mouth. Dan smiles softly. "You're right; nothing can pull us apart." Especially after tonight.
Phil beams happily at Dan. They walk around for awhile longer, simply talking and enjoying each other's presence. There weren't very many people out, as most of them were partying with their friends. So they didn't have to worry about being affectionate towards each other in public. And by affectionate, I mean kissing each other before stuffing a handful of snow down the others coat.
Dan checks the time on his phone. 11:34. His heart flips over in his chest: it was almost time. He turns to Phil, who was chugging the last of his drink. "Hey Phil."
"Yeah?" Phil responds, throwing his cup away in a trash can they passed.
"I'm going to propose something mental."
"What?" Phil asks, looking scared but also intrigued.
Dan pulls Phil to a stop and points wordlessly at a staircase on the outside of a building, leading up to the roof. Phil's eyes widen. "No! We cannot go up there! We'd probably fall off, and then 2019 would be over."
Dan snorts at the irony. "No we won't, Phil. C'mon, it'll be the best view." Phil looks hesitant, but lets Dan pull his arm towards the stairs. Phil looks at them apprehensively. "You go first," he says, pushing Dan forwards. Dan laughs and holds onto the freezing rail as he tromps up the stairs. Phil follows shortly after him, his steps more careful. He concentrates on his feet, telling them not to trip.
Suddenly there's a little scream, followed by a loud thump. Phil whips his head up to see Dan sat on a stair, clinging to the rail. He looks sheepishly down at Phil. "I slipped."
"For goodnesses sakes Dan, be careful." Phil says, putting a hand over his wildly beating heart. Dan grins down at him before taking the few steps down to him. He starts leaning in to kiss Phil. "Now is not the time Dan-" But Dan's lips were already pressed against his, and Phil wasn't about to be the party pooper. So he kisses him back, making sure Dan pressed him up against the rail and didn't walk him backwards down the stairs.
They pull apart, gasping for air. "I love you so much," Dan whispers, shaking his head in disbelief. How did he get so lucky with Phil?
Phil blushes under his steady gaze. "I love you too." He checks the time from his phone; 11:53. "Uh oh, we'd better hurry or we're gonna miss the fireworks!" Phil grabs Dan's hand and, forgetting his original fear, pulls him up the stairs. Dan heart pounded irregularly in his chest. Not from the steep steps, though. No, he was thinking of the small box that was tucked away in his jacket pocket. He was intending to start 2019 off with the best thing claim ever; claiming Phil Lester as his.
They arrive at the top of the tall building, gasping and stumbling. They go to the edge of the building, and Phil covers his mouth with a gasp. They had a spectacular view of the city. Christmas lights strung everywhere so far below them, and the snow covering the whole world in a soft, secure blanket. The night sky was clear and cold, stars shining brilliantly white against the dark blue.
"It's so beautiful," Phil whispers against his fingers.
Yeah, you are.
Phil turns to him, blushing and giggling. "You sap."
Dan's eyes widen and he facepalms. "I didn't mean to say that out loud!"
Phil giggles again. "Aww but I'm glad you did! It was very flattering."
"And cheesy as heck."
"I think you intended it to be cheesy." Phil says, taking Dan's hand gently in his own. Dan's fingers curl around Phil's familiar hand. They stand in silence, simply looking around them at the beauty below them. And the beauty that was right at the others side. Dan nervously fumbles with the box in his pocket, waiting for the fireworks then popping the question. He knew Phil would say yes, but he didn't want to somehow ruin the whole thing by saying the wrong thing or dropping the ring.
Finally, the moment came. A single streak flew up into the sky. The whole world seemed to hold its breath. Then it went off, with a loud boom that rattled their ears. After that one, the whole sky was filled with bursting colors; a new year had begun.
Dan turns and looks at Phil, his face shining with child like wonder. He pulls the box out of his pocket and holds it tightly in his hand. He leans close to Phil and captures his lips in a deep kiss. Phil is surprised but quickly kisses back. Before Phil can lock him in, Dan draws away and immediately gets down on one knee below Phil.
Phil's hands fly to his mouth, a scream of happiness escaping his lips.
"Phil Lester," Dan says, voice trembling with emotion. "I can't even put into words are beautiful, and wonderful, and special you are. And I'm not one for cheesy speeches so I'll keep this short. But I love you so so much-" Tears flow down Phil's cheeks, his eyes bunched up in happiness. "-and I swear if you will let me take care of you for the rest of our lives, I won't fail you. I swear on everything in my being you will never be hurt in my arms."
Phil flings himself at Dan, knocking him over backwards. He grabs Dan's shirt, sobbing with happiness, and smashes their lips together. Dan wraps his arms around Phil's waist, taking the passionate kiss as a yes. They pull away only after their lungs beg for air, even then very hesitatantly.
And as Dan slips the ring onto a beaming and crying Phil Lester, he knows that the year has started off right. This was their year, their year as two souls joined as one. And nothing could separate that.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I'm sorry this is so late, I've been busy at a party. I hope 2019 is a year where your trials will make you stronger, not break you down :) And I hope this is the year where you seize it and make it yours, leading it to a life you love.
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