Driving with Phil
"For the last time, no!" Dan says in annoyance, throwing down his phone on the couch to emphasis his point.
Phil wasn't giving up though.
"Please," he whines, drawing out the word, "just once and then I'll never ask you again!"
"No because that 'one time' will be the last time I'll ever be alive," Dan says, crossing his arms.
"I'm not that bad at driving," Phil pouts.
"Yeah you're not bad at driving, that's why you failed your test so many times," Dan says sarcastically.
Phil slumps into the couch cushion by Dan. "Do you love me?" He murmurs into Dan's chest as he puts his head on it.
Dan sighs. "Yes I love you Phil. But I can't do everything you want just because I love-"
"But you can at least do a few things, right?" He says, innocently staring up into Dan's eyes.
Dan groans. "Okay okay! I'll help you drive. But only once!" He says, partially glaring down at Phil. Phil claps his hands together and giggles gleefully. He sits up and kisses Dan's cheek before standing up and dancing away. Dan blushes lightly and smiles fondly at his boyfriends adorable enthusiasm.
"I only hope what I'm about to do is worth seeing that smile.." Dan mutters.
~Time Skip~
"Right, now you're ready," Dan says, finished explaining the basics to Phil. 'Just to refresh my memory,' Phil had said. They were in an abandoned parking lot, sitting in a friends car they had borrowed. It was an old car and the friend said he was planning on getting a new car soon anyway so he didn't mine too much if they dinked it up slightly.
Dan hopes that there would be no 'dinking up' with him in the car.
"Alright Phil, you see the lampposts, yeah?" Dan says, looking expectantly at Phil, who nods. "Okay. Good. Don't hit them!" He says, putting emphasis on the last three words.
"I'll... I'll try my best," Phil says, adjusting his hands on the wheel. Dan sighs and prepares himself.
"Okay Phil. Drive from here to the edge of the parking lot. Very straight, very simple. You don't even have to move the steering wheel."
Phil nods and slowly eases the car forward. Very slowly.
"Phil, my grandma could probably walk faster than this car is driving," Dan sasses.
Phil presses down on the petal a bit more. They roll across the parking lot at a reasonable speed.
"That's good, just be prepared to stop when we get to the edge so we don't roll over into the grass," Dan says. They get to the edge of the parking lot and Phil stomps on the break petal, making them jolt forwards in their seats slightly.
"Okay you didn't need to do it that suddenly," Dan says, sighing.
Phil giggles sheepishly. "At least I didn't let us roll into the grass."
"That's-that's true, very well Phil." Dan says with a sarcastic smile and pat on the back, but actually relived they weren't over the curb on the very first test.
"Okay now reverse and turn so we're facing," he points to their right. "that way."
Phil nods and puts the car in reverse. He looks into the mirror above him as he moves the car backwards. He turns the steering wheel right slightly.
"A bit more Phil or we're going to take forever to turn."
Phil turns the steering wheel a bit more. Once they're faced the right direction, Phil eases the car to a stop, saving them from a second whiplash.
"Good!" Dan says, genuinely happy Phil hadn't slammed the brake again.
The driving went on for another half hour, Dan giving Phil task after task, each one getting a bit harder. The final one was that Phil had to drive around the parking lot, avoiding lamp posts and pot holes while Dan did his best to distract him. Much like during their driving gaming video. Of course now, since there was so camera, he could kiss Phil and do other things that would've made the fans very suspicious.
Phil let out a sigh of relief once he had successfully done a full round in the parking lot. "That was hard," he says, sitting back in the seat. "Especially with you tickling me and yelling in my ear!"
Dan grins. "I'm sure you didn't mind the kissing part," He says playfully.
Phil blushes. "'N-no, but it was still a bit annoying since I was trying not to crash the car."
Dan leans forwards and hoops Phil on the nose. "I had confidence in you."
Phil giggles. "You didn't seem very confident when you were clutching my arm and yelling at me to not hit the swarm of birds in the parking lot. As if I didn't see them!"
Dan laughs. "I was worried for their safety, is that a crime?"
Phil pecks him on the lips. "I suppose not."
"Hey," Dan says, a smirk on his lips. "What do you say we do one final challenge?"
"Sure," Phil says, putting his hands back on the striking wheel, "I think we've basically spent our possibilities in this parking lot though, so I don't know what else you've been able to come up with-"
"Not here," Dan corrects, grinning. "On a road."
Phil's mouth drops open. "As in with other people? With rules and laws? And possibilities of getting arrested?"
"That's right," Dan says, biting his lip and nodding dangerously.
"You're a mad lad," Phil says, grinning broadly. Hs was excited to finally drive on a road. But he was even more excited by the fact that Dan believed in him.
Wasn't that enough to make anyone happy?
~Another time skip~
Why did I think I could do this, Phil thinks miserably.
His hands are so sweaty he has to constantly adjust them because they keep slipping of the steering wheel. He's sitting up as straight as a statue as his blue eyes stare almost unblinking at the road.
Dan was giving Phil directions to someplace, but Dan hadn't told Phil where.
Phil could tell Dan was nervous. He was just trying to not show it so Phil wouldn't get even more nervous. Dan would give Phil little words of encouragement, but more often loud words like, "Stop swerving all over your lane," "Use your blinker!" and to "Slow. The frick. Down."
After many, many anxious and long minutes, there's less and less cars and buildings and more and more woods and fields. This calmed Phil since he didn't have to worry about hitting cars or getting arrested anymore.
"Where are we?" Phil asks Dan, looking around.
Dan smiles. "I just thought we could have some time away from everything. No noisy cars, smelly fumes, crowded streets, or crying babies. Just the sounds that nature has to offer."
Phil giggles. "That was quite poetic, Dan."
"Oh shove off," Dan says chuckling lightly. "Park somewhere on the side of the road."
They climb out of the car and take in their surroundings. "It's so.. peaceful," Phil says, spinning in a circle. Dan comes up from the side and takes his hand. Phil smiles and swings their arms as they walk down the road.
"See, this wasn't as bad as you thought it would be," Phil says, turning towards Dan.
Dan smiles. "No I suppose not. But I still think I now have multiple gray hairs from that time you very nearly hit the car in front of us."
"But I didn't!" Phil says proudly. Dan laughs and shakes his head. They continue walking for awhile, enjoying the scenery and each other's presence. There was something so relaxing in just walking with no where to go. No rush, you can take it at your own pace.
Phil looks over at his boyfriend. The wind blows his curls away from his face. Phil has never seen a more gorgeous man. He was in love with with everything about him. His hair, his eyes, his face shape, his personality, everything.
He unhooks their hands and puts his arm around Dan's waist. Dan turns to him with a smile on his face. Phil was in love with that too. He never wanted it to leave his face.
"I love you," Phil says, smiling broadly.
"Prove it," Dan says quietly.
Phil eagerly leans forwards and connects their lips in a kiss. As if in response to the energy of the kiss, the wind blows gently between them. A gently swish is heard as it blows between the tall grass.
A perfect end to a perfect day.
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