Requested by leighisnotfunny
Warnings: Mention of abuse, yelling
Word Count: 1,347
"Phil I'm just not ready yet," Dan sighs, looking up from his seat on the couch to his boyfriend. Phil was stood in front of him, arms crossed.
"Oh so it's all about you now," Phil snaps, adding more venom than he intended. It had been a rough day for both of them, and to top off the bad day was a rising argument. Phil had come to Dan saying he was ready to tell the Internet of their private relationship.
"I never said it was," Dan shoots back, his own temper rising.
"Well that's sure how you're making it seem! 'I'm not ready', 'I think we should wait longer'," Phil exclaims, throwing his arms up.
"You told me you would be okay with waiting," Dan says, not raising his voice but still having anger in his voice.
"I was, but that was a year ago. A year, Dan! That seems long enough to me for you to mull over the idea. But apparently you're too ashamed of me, or something, to tell them!" Phil explodes, beginning to pace around the room.
Dan stands up quickly, shoving his laptop off his lap. "Ashamed of you?! Is that why you think I don't want them to know?" Dan says, his own voice now rising. He didn't like raising his voice, especially at the one he loved, but his hurt seemed to take control of his emotions.
"Well I can't think of any other reasons why you wouldn't," Phil snaps, turning around to face his boyfriend with a glare. That was a lie. He knew exactly why Dan was hesitant to come out. His last relationship that had been made public turned out to be a very, very toxic relationship. The girl was about as heartless as they came; all looks and no personality. Well, she had a personality, it was just fake around the cameras. Alone with Dan, she was a completely different person. Gone was the kind, respectful girl as she yelled and even physically hit Dan a few times. Dan had cut off with her- with the help from Phil.
But Phil was aching to show the world just how much he loved the man. He wanted to be able to hold his hand and kiss him in public without worrying about fans seeing. He wanted to be able to shout to the heavens and creatures under the earth how much he loved Dan. And Dan didn't want anyone but very close friends to know.
Worries and thoughts had built up within Phil for over a year, and now they spilt out like a terrifying monster.
"I'm not ashamed of you! I freaking love you Phil! But apparently that's not enough for you," Dan snaps, eyes welling with tears. "I don't see why the whole earth has to know. It's not their relationship, it's ours!"
"Yes it's ours," hisses Phil, heart breaking in half at Dan's tears. But he couldn't just let this go. "Ours! That means me and you! But you're making it a one way relationship, just allowing what you want. I have things I want too, Dan!"
"Then-then maybe if we can't agree we should just not make it our relationship at all," Dan says bitterly. "I'll go my way and you can go be with someone who can give you what you want. Someone who doesn't have existential crisis' every two weeks, or cries everyday, or-" a hand is suddenly and rather painfully clamped over his mouth. He jolts in surprise, eyes welling with more tears where Phil's hand had crushed his nose.
"Shut up!" Phil yells, his own eyes red rimmed. "I don't want anyone but you! I don't care if you had existential crisis' everyday or cried until I had to physically force you to drink water!" His hand remains clamped over Dan's hand and Dan can't do anything but stare at Phil, shaking slightly. "Just listen to me! For over a year I've had to restrain from kissing you on tour, holding your hand at the movie theaters, and holding and hugging you in public. It's driving me crazy! I love you and want the whole world to know because I'm so proud of you!"
Dan didn't know what to feel. Phil's profound speech would've made him cry with happiness if Phil wasn't looking rather intimidating towered above him. If his face didn't hurt from where Phil had slapped his hand on to it, he might be smiling. But he didn't see his Phil trying to confess confused feelings. He saw his girlfriend from a couple years ago hitting, yelling, screaming, and insulting him. He and Phil hadn't had an argument this heated in- well, ever, so he wasn't sure how Phil would take it.
So when Phil breathed out heavily and suddenly turned to walk to the couch, Dan made sure he wasn't in the way. Still shaking slightly, he watched as Phil slumped into the couch and held his head in his hands.
Dan couldn't stand the silence. It was like when his girlfriend would remain quiet before suddenly explode in screaming.
"Phil?" Dan says quietly, voice cracking.
Phil looks up at him, eyes full of sadness. He gasps taking his hands off his face and stands up. He makes his way across the room to Dan. Dan cowers slightly under his stare.
"Oh my g- your nose is bleeding," Phil murmurs, reaching out to gently wipe under Dan's nose. He pulls away, and sure enough, there's blood on the end of his thumb. He retrieves a tissue and presses it up against Dan's nose. "I did this," he mumbles sadly, wiping the blood off Dan's face with care. "I'm so sorry Dan," he whispers, voice breaking.
"It's okay.." Dan says quietly, heart starting to beat in its normal pattern.
"Here, squeeze your nose to stop the flow," Phil says, gently taking Dan's hand and guiding it to hold the tissue. Then he embraces Dan, holding on to the back of his shirt. Dan returns the hug with the arm that isn't holding the tissue up to his nose.
"Why are you shaking?" Phil asks quietly.
"I-I don't know.." Dan mumbles against Phil's shoulder.
There's a moment of silence. Then, "You know I would never hurt you, right?"
Dan exhales then breathes in Phil's scent. It smelled like coffee, caramel, mint, and whatever product he used in his hair. It smelled like home.
"Yeah, I know," Dan replies honestly, a small smile poking through the tears not yet wiped off his face.
"Good. Because I love you very, very much." Phil nuzzles into Dan's neck. "I'm sorry for yelling.. I wasn't thinking. If you want to wait, I can sacrifice that for you."
Dan shakes his head. "No, I can't hide forever.. this was bound to happen sometime. And I don't want to risk it happening again."
An unspoken agreement was made between them. Soon the world would know of their love. But until that moment, they didn't need anyone but each other.
Phil pulls away from their long embrace. He looks into Dan's still teary eyes with utmost love.
"How's your nose?" He asks, kissing the tip of it. Dan giggles slightly, the noise making Phil smile.
"It's okay. I think it's stopped," he said, pulling the tissue away from his face. Phil nods. He takes Dan's hand in his and leads him to the couch. Soon, they're cuddled up together. Dan was fully on top of Phil, cuddled up to his chest. Phil had his arms protectively wrapped around Dan's waist. No words needed to be said. They simply took in the others presence and warmth.
Dan lifted his head and peppered kisses from Phil's collarbone, up his neck, around his jaw, then connected their lips in kiss.
Soon the world would know of their love. Their honest, passionate, raw love.
Yay, we love angsty fluff
I think I'm on a writing streak because I wrote this in a single day. Hope you liked it!!
Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have.
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