Its just a game isn't it?
Dan has told Phil multiple times that there isn't such things as ghosts. Yes it is ironic that Dan is afraid of ghosts and the paranormal even though he doesn't believe in it. Phil always tried to give Dan proof of ghosts existing but Dan never believed it.
Dan was just casually minding his own business when Phil walked in front of him when he was watching Anime. "Dan!! I- hey, you were suppose to watch the anime with me." Dan rolls his eyes and laughs, "Sorry Philly, I couldn't wait to see what happened next." Phil glares at Dan, "Anyway, I got something you'll love." Phil drags out the word love and Dan pauses the anime and looks at Phil excitedly. "Close your eyes." Dan obliges and closes them. Dan feels a box resting on his lap, he opens his eyes when Phil says too.
What Dan sees made his not so happy anymore. "Phil, what the fuck is this?" Dan looks at the box and examines it in disgust. "It is an ouija board." Phil wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. Dan groans and throws the box on the other couch. "No Phil." He says. "Dan, please!!!" Phil begs. Dan shakes his head. "Well if you don't believe in ghosts then what harm could happen? After all it is just a game isn't it?" Phil says and pouts. Dan finally gives in, "Fine one round." Phil fist bumps the air.
An hour later they are all set up. They have candles around them, and they both are sitting on a different side of the board. "Okay, so the rules are you can't take your fingers off the board, can't cuss, no problem for me, you can't mention god, you have to say goodbye or the demon will be stuck in the hous-" Phil is cut off when Dan says, "Blah Blah Blah, whatever Phil. This is fake anyway. Let's just do it." Dan places his fingers on the planchette that rests above the letter 'g'. Phil hesitantly puts his fingers on the planchette too and takes a deep breath, he sees Dan roll his eyes, "Dan you have to actually try to do it or it won't work." Phil says to Dan. "Fine."
"We are not here to make fun of you, we are just here to talk. Is there anyone here." Phil asks kindly. He sees Dan roll his eyes for the umpteenth time, but he ignores it. The blue eyed and the brown eyed man stares at the planchette waiting. "See Phil, it isn't going to wo-" The planchette moves and it makes both males stare at it in surprise. It moves to yes. "You moved it Phil." Dan says angrily towards Phil. "No I didn't." Phil says in shock. "Yes you did." Phil feels hurt that his boyfriend won't believe him. "I didn't move it Dan. Are you a nice spirit?" Phil continues. The planchette moves to 'no'. Phil is shocked and he can tell that Dan thinks he is moving it. "Do you want to hurt one of us or both of us?" The planchette moves to the '1'. Phil pauses for a moment and looks at Dan and Dan has an eyebrow raised in curiosity. "W-who do you want to hurt?" Phil mentally hits himself for stuttering. The planchette doesn't move right away but when it does Phil holds his breath as it starts moving, he gasps when it moves to the 'p' then 'h' then 'i' then 'l'. Phil can't breathe, what did he do to upset this ghost or demon? He just wanted to prove to Dan that there are things from the other side.
Phil doesn't hear Dan, and he doesn't remember lifting his hands off the planchette or moving his hands to his head, he doesn't remember closing his eyes. He opens his eyes and sees Dan to his right, and Dan is shaking Phil lightly and asking if he is okay. Phil closes his eyes and gulps and nods. He opens his eyes and moves his hands to his side and sits cross legged. "I-I'm fine Dan." He gives him a weak smile. Dan smiles back lightly but it soon falls when they hear a scraping sound, they look down at the board and see the planchette moving by itself. Dan doesn't know what to think, does that mean ghosts and demons are real? He doesn't believe it, his nightmares are coming true.
The planchette is moving all around the bored but keeps going to 4 letters over and over again, it spells out multiple times, 'Pain'. Dan and Phil just stare in disbelief. Reality hits Phil. He wasn't suppose to take his hand off of it, "We weren't suppose to take our hands off! We didn't say good bye!" Phil exclaims. "This is all my fault." They continue staring at it, they both can hear their hearts beating in their ears. What can they do? Neither one knows.
Phil suddenly screeches in pain and surprise when he feels a burning pain on his back. He grabs at it as best as he can. Dan looks at Phil in worry. "Phil are you okay? What happened?" Dan moves over by Phil and Phil mumbles out through the pain, "My b-back." Dan looks at Phil's back and sees 3 scratches by each other on his lover's back. He gasps and pulls up the shirt, he grimaces when he hears Phil hiss in pain, and when he see's the blood dripping down Phil's back. The scratches are deep and long, all the way across Phil's back. Dan puts a hand up to his mouth in shock, "Oh my god... Phil..." He trails off and continues staring wide eyed at the scratches.
Phil yelps in pain again when he feels pain in his arms, there are scratches going all the way down both of his arms. Blood drops onto the carpet, staining it immediately. "Stop, don't hurt him please." Dan begs to the room around him trying to make the thing stop hurting the love of his life. The planchette starts moving again and it spells out 'DEATH'. "What do you mean 'death'? What do you mean?" Dan yells frantically. Dan hears Phil take a sharp intake of breath and he looks over at Phil who is staring at him with wide blue eyes, filled with pain. "P-Phil?" Tears start running down both of their faces.
What happens next will scar Dan forever. Phil starts being picked up by the thing that they couldn't see. He was choking him, "Put him down!" Dan screams. He turn to the board and moves the planchette to goodbye. "Goodbye, Goodbye, please leave." Dan says between sobs and he keeps moving the planchette to goodbye. But Phil is still getting choked. "Leave him alone! Take me instead!" Dan screams. "Dan, no." He hears Phil barely whisper. Phil suddenly drops to the ground and Dan runs over to him and puts Phil's head into his lap. "I love you so much, are you okay?" Dan asks hurriedly and pets Phil's hair and kisses Phil's forehead. Phil's eyes are barely open, he is almost unconscious for the amount of time he couldn't breathe, he can barely move, let alone talk.
Dan is suddenly dragged away from Phil, and is slammed against the wall. He groans as he feels his head throbbing. The brown eyed man suddenly can't breathe and is clawing at his neck trying to get the 'hands' off of his neck. He can't so he sees his life flash before his eyes, every moment he has had with Phil. He sees Phil trying to drag himself over to help Dan, Dan just weakly smiles and whispers so quietly he isn't even sure he said anything, "I love you Phil." Dan sees tears running down Phil's face still and he can feel his own. He starts becoming numb and his vision goes black.
Dan's body is dropped on the ground like a rag doll and stays limp. Phil manages to crawl over to Dan and he tries to find a pulse but there isn't one. He sobs on Dan and gasps for air he need. His lover, his best friend just died and it was his fault. Phil just leans his head on Dan's shoulder he hears something behind him but he isn't quick enough and there is a snap sound that echos through the whole flat. Phil falls dead by Dan.
The planchette moves to goodbye. It is just a game isn't it?
A/N: Hai guys. This is a very weird one shot I thought of, I have a question, have you guys ever used an oujia board? If so, what happened? Tell me in the comments please. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!! And as always, I will see you in the next update! Ba- byeeeeeeee
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