xxxiii. not again
La Push beach was bathed in the golden hues of the setting sun, casting a warm glow over the sandy shore. The waves crashed rhythmically against the rocks, and a light breeze carried the scent of salt and pine through the air. The Quileute wolf pack had gathered at their favourite spot on the beach for a friendly soccer game, a rare moment of peace and camaraderie in their supernatural lives.
Some of them had opted to sit this one out, instead cuddling up to their imprints by a smaller bonfire that Jared and Sam had worked together to create as soon as Jared had noticed Kim even slightly shiver. Emily had rolled her eyes at how quickly the duo set into action, chuckling as the rest of the pack joked at how whipped by their imprints that they both were. Kiara had sniggered too, before everyone turned to look at her with a "come on, now" look.
She supposed that they were right, she was the last person who could make fun of anyone for being whipped by their imprint. Kiara spent most of her time outside of the pack at the Cullen residence, attached to Rosalie's hip like a lost puppy. It had been a long and hard journey for them to even make it to this point, but it was finally like everything was slowly coming into place.
Not only did she visit for Rosalie's benefit, Kiara also had been visiting every day so that Carlisle could run tests on her blood and make sure that all traces of venom had gone from her system. It had been two weeks since that chaotic night that had left her and Jacob both severely injured, but they had equally made full recoveries. Jacob had no scars, no proof that he had even endured any pain from the fight, whereas Kiara's new and fresh vampire bite was still scabbed red on her tanned skin.
She sometimes would catch her packmates or father looking at it, a look of regret and guilt in their eyes. She knew, as did they, that their aversion to her imprint with Rosalie hadn't technically been the reason that she was attacked, but it certainly was a reminder that she almost died thinking most of them hated her for something that was out of her control. She hadn't chosen to imprint on Rosalie, but after everything that had happened, she would go back and do it all a thousand times over - the exact same way.
The beach soccer match began once more, and laughter filled the air as the Quileute wolf pack members displayed their competitive spirit. Embry, Paul and Seth, ran across the sand, squaring up against the opposing team that consisted of Jacob, Kiara and Leah. The game was fierce, but it was also a joyous celebration of their bond as brothers. Quil stayed on the sidelines as he played with Claire - Emily's niece.
That had brought a lot of change too. In the aftermath of the newborn battle, there had been significantly more reservation bonfires and discussions than usual. While most of the reservation wasn't aware of the teenagers that turned into giant wolves, the tribe elders wanted to make sure that everyone was aware that they had just experienced an influx of un-native animals that were passing through.
Quil and Sam had taken their turn to attend on the behalf of the pack, since they were all busy on patrol and making sure that the Black twins were comfortable and healing safely. With Rosalie having only visited the reservation once, they all knew that Kiara would be itching to see her imprint and they had to make sure she didn't do anything irrational.
It was at the third meeting when Quil had imprinted. He had seen the little girl, and instantly recognised the similarities between her and his alpha's imprint. Sam had broken into a huge smile as he noticed her too, motioning for Quil to follow him as he introduced the boy to his unofficial niece. As soon as Sam introduced Quil to Taylor Young, it was sealed in the stars.
Kiara had laughed as Emily visited with a basket of muffins, explaining the story of how Quil had imprinted on her sister right in front of Sam. Taylor was a young, single mother who Sam and Emily had been trying to keep away from the truth of the pack since Sam turned, and now they would have to bring her and Claire into the life they'd been hiding from them.
Jacob had laughed too, joking that he was just grateful that Quil hadn't imprinted on a two year old. Kiara and Emily had agreed, glad they weren't being put in that uncomfortable position any time soon.
In present time, Kiara, was right in the midst of the action, her agility and speed giving her an edge on the field. She had always been one of the quickest in the pack, but since she was currently off patrol until Sam was 100% sure that her and Jacob were back in the right headspace, she had a lot of energy to burn. She was grateful for the camaraderie and the acceptance she had found among her pack brothers in the recent weeks, and how they'd gone out of their way to make her feel comfortable around them again.
Of course, a few of them were still a little bit icy about the imprinting on a vampire thing, but there had since been a small rapport that had been built between the vampires and the wolves. Carlisle had saved the twins lives, and in return, Sam had allowed them to keep Bree in Forks. The elders had been furious after hearing about this decision, but Sam had reminded them that he was the alpha - and they had no say in how he chose to operate his pack.
"Hey, Kie," Sam called out as the game slowed down a little, a smile on his face as he pecked Emily on the cheek as rose to his feet. He brushed the sand off his shorts, motioning for the girl to come over to him.
Within minutes, Kiara found herself walking alongside Sam as they wandered a little further up the beach.
"Kiara," Sam said warmly, "The imprint is a special gift, and it's clear that you and Rosalie are meant to be together."
Kiara nodded, her heart full of love. She wasn't entirely sure where Sam was going with this, but she was glad that he was starting to truly accept the imprint connection between the two of them. Rosalie had visited her once on the reservation, but both girls had made the decision that Kiara would just visit her from then on. Not all of the elders had been as delicate as her father when seeing the vampire was on La Push land.
Sam smiled. "Imprints are rare and sacred, and you both deserve every ounce of happiness. I just wanted to let you know, and I'm sorry I haven't been able to say this sooner, that it's okay. You can breathe now. I'm not going to let anyone come between that imprint ever again."
"Thanks Sam, I really appreciate that."
As they walked, Kiara couldn't help but reflect on the beauty of her life. Her love for Rosalie and the bond with her pack brothers were a testament to the power of unity and love. In this extraordinary world of vampires and shapeshifters, they had found something truly magical – a love that transcended time and a family that would stand by them through eternity.
The legacy of the Quileute wolf pack would continue, and with every passing day, the bonds of love and brotherhood would grow stronger, fueled by the gratitude Kiara felt for her imprint and her pack brothers.
And as her, Sam and the rest of her packmates stood together on the shores of La Push beach, Kiara knew that she was exactly where she was meant to be – surrounded by love, family, and a love that would endure forever.
A few days after their fun evening of beach soccer, Kiara found herself talking to Rosalie on the phone. They had been talking on the phone every night since Rosalie had visited La Push, having only had the time to see each other during her daily visits to get her blood checked by Carlisle. She had been officially given the all-clear by the doctor that day, so she was no longer required to go over every morning.
Despite that, Rosalie and Kiara knew that she was still going to be at their house tomorrow as soon as the sun rose in the sky. Their conversations had been filled with laughter, genuine interest, and a hint of calmness for the first time in a long time.
"Hey, Rosalie," Kiara said softly, her voice filled with affection as she interrupted the other girl complaining about Edward constantly repeating everyone's thoughts to Bree as the girl tried to adjust to her new family. "I can't wait to see you tomorrow evening."
"Me too, Kiara," Rosalie replied warmly. "I've been counting down the hours."
Kiara smiled, feeling the butterflies in her stomach as she thought about seeing Rosalie again. She wasn't sure that the feeling would ever stop - that overwhelming urge to be with her all of the time. She was completely and irrevocably in love with Rosalie Hale - imprint or no imprint.
"I was thinking we could go for a walk in the forest," Kiara suggested. "I know a secluded spot where we can just be ourselves."
Rosalie chuckled, the sound like a melody over the phone. "Sounds perfect. I'm going out to hunt later, but the rest of them are taking Bree on a two day trip to meet our cousins, the Denalis, in Alaska. So we'll be by ourselves anyway."
Kiara chuckled at the thought. "You're telling me Edward isn't taking over the house with another romantic sleepover with Bella?"
Ever since the duo had gotten engaged, Edward had taken full advantage of his family's need to go hunting and the quietness of the house with everyone gone. Kiara and Rosalie had an inside joke going about it now, that Bella was probably spending more time in the Cullen house than she was at her own house in Forks.
"They're going to Seattle with Charlie, and I think they're staying there for a few nights."
"House to ourselves," Kiara mused, her wind wandering a little. "Sweet."
"Very funny," Rosalie replied, the deadpan in her tone keeping Kiara relaxed as she knew that Rosalie knew she was just joking. They hadn't gotten that far in their relationship, and neither of them were in a hurry to rush anything. Kiara knew about the circumstances of Rosalie and Beverly's turning, and she didn't want to rush the blonde into anything that she wasn't comfortable with.
They ended their call shortly after that, leaving Kiara humming happily as she pulled on Emmett's hoodie that Carlisle had given her that afternoon. Bree was still adjusting to human life so the house was a little colder than normal as she got used to the feeling of new temperatures on her sensitive skin.
Kiara walked outside of her room, the scent of freshly brewed coffee filling the air as she strolled past Jacob's room and looked in to see the boy snoring on his bed. As she entered the kitchen, she spotted her father sitting at the table with a wedding invitation in his hands. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw the names on the invitation, not having needed the information to know who it was for: Edward and Bella.
A mixture of excitement and apprehension filled her. She knew how much they loved each other but she knew that Jacob had been hoping that this wasn't real and wasn't going to go ahead. Kiara knew she had to approach the subject delicately with Billy - he had gone from 0-100 in his support for her relationship with Rosalie but she knew that Jacob was going to take this very hard.
"Dad, I see you have the wedding invitation," Kiara said gently, trying to gauge his emotions. She knew that he hadn't been happy about Bella and Edward for a long time, but with his new-found acceptance of her and Rosalie's relationship had came the same for their relationship.
Billy looked up from the invitation, a nostalgic smile on his face. "Yes, indeed. Edward and Bella are taking the next step in their journey together. Charlie told me a few days ago, but I didn't expect them to be getting married so quickly. They seem genuinely happy, don't they?"
Kiara nodded, relieved that her father seemed more open-minded about the marriage than she had expected him to be. "Yes, they do."
Just then, the door behind Kiara swung open, and Jacob walked in. He was rubbing his eyes as he half tugged his shirt on over his torso, wiping away the drool that had formed on his mouth from where he had been snoring. He smiled at Kiara, pecking her on the side of the head before turning his attention to his father who was looking up at him with an unreadable expression.
Jacob's eyes immediately fell on the wedding invitation in his father's hand, and his face contorted into a mix of surprise and anger. "What's this?" he demanded, his voice sharp with irritation. He knew what it was - he just prayed that he was wrong.
Kiara exchanged a worried look with her father before gently speaking up, making sure to move so that she was positioned a little in front of her father should Jacob lose control and do something irrational.
"It's Edward and Bella's wedding invitation, Jake."
Jacob scoffed, reaching around Kiara and snatching the invitation from his dad's hands as he let his eyes trail over the paper. The room was deadly silent as he stared at it with a burning hatred, the only sound being the rain that had begun to lash at the cabin. Billy sighed, realizing that this was the moment he had feared – a confrontation between his son's desires and the reality of the situation.
His face flushed with anger as he stormed out of the room, leaving behind a tense silence. Kiara and Billy rushed after him, watching as Jacob ran into the rain. Her brother didn't even hesitate to strip his t-shirt off, his two legs becoming four as the russet wolf snarled and howled into the tree line.
"JACOB!" Billy yelled, watching as Kiara brushed past him, ready to phase and run after her brother. HIs hand shot out, lightly grapsing her wrist and holding her back as she turned to look at him. The rain bounced against them both, drenching their clothes within seconds as she stared at her father.
"Let him go."
"Hey gorgeous," Kiara murmured as she pressed her lips against Rosalie's, rolling her eyes as Emmett and Seth pretended to gag behind them. Rosalie flicked them off from behind Kiara's back, kissing her girlfriend once more on the lips before pulling away from her.
It wasn't long until the wedding of the century was taking place, and Alice had requested that Kiara bring Seth over so that she could go over some details about the dress code with them. While there wasn't a specific dress code and the shifter duo weren't in the bridal party, Alice wanted to make sure that the colour Kiara picked for her dress would compliment Rosalie's outfit, and for the sake of aesthetics, she also wanted to make sure that the only other shifter was on the same colour scale.
Seth and Emmett had only spoken on a handful of occasions, but it was clear that the two were getting along like a house on fire. They spent the first twenty minutes of their visit to the Cullen residence fighting over a football game on the TV, both supporting opposing teams even though Kiara was sure that 1. This was a rerun, and 2. Seth nor Emmett actually cared for either of the teams on the screen. A nod from Edward confirmed that she was correct on both counts.
As Kiara was finally given freedom from Alice's speech, she started rummaging through the fridge for the soda that Esme had stocked for her, while saying a quick hello to Carlisle who had just entered the room with Beverly and Bree. The youngest vampire had taken quite a liking to Rosalie's biological sister, often spending time between her and Jasper.
Rosalie had told Kiara that it was nice, seeing her sister get to mentor someone while she watched from a distance. It had seemed to heal a piece of Beverly that had been broken ever since her and Rosalie had their choice taken away from them. Emmett had agreed, saying that his wife had never been as delighted about a new member of the family as she was to have met Bree.
Seth looked up as Beverly, Carlisle and Bree entered the room, saying a polite hello to all three as he waved a little. Carlisle smiled at him, asking him how his mother was getting on, and reminding him that Bella had requested that Sue was also invited. Leah was invited, but everyone knew that she was going to turn that one down - she loved Kiara, but she wasn't in the business of becoming friends with the Cullens just yet. She also hated Bella, so that played a big factor too.
Kiara swore as she continued shoving blood packs out of the way, her hands reaching further into the fridge as she tried to find the soda, swearing under her breath and speaking to the others about the choice of colour that Bella wanted them all in. She was completely unaware to the scene that had began to play out directly behind her.
Seth's heart pounded in his chest like a wild beast seeking escape from its cage. He stood there, frozen, staring at Bree Tanner with eyes wide open, unable to comprehend the force that had pulled him towards her. It was an incomprehensible bond, a connection that transcended reason and defied the very laws of nature.
The rest of the coven stood in confusion as they looked between the vampire girl and the shapeshifter boy. Kiara had continued to speak as she rummaged through the fridge of the Cullen household, having finally found the certain soda she had been searching for.
"...if that's the colour that Bella wants us to wear, that's the colour we can wear. Right, Seth?"
She turned around finally, noticing how the boy hadn't answered her question. Instead, her eyes flickered to the way he was staring at the vampire, a knowing look instantly crossing her face as she noticed the way he trembled slightly. His hands were floppy at his side, Bree staring at the boy in complete confusion. She had never met him before, and she was confused as to why he had gone from talking away to suddenly staring at her like a deer caught in headlights.
"Seth, outside."
Everyone tilted their heads to Kiara as they noticed how all warmth had left her tone, her eyes focusing on the way his body was being rumbled with tremors. She placed the soda down on the counter, grabbing him by the shoulders and harshly pushing him backwards and towards the front porch of the house.
Rosalie went to follow them, but Edward caught her arm at the door and stopped her from going after her girlfriend with a firm look. She looked between him and the two shapeshifters that had just touched the grass outside, her face suddenly tensing as she realised what they had just witnessed happen in front of them.
"Seth imprinted," Edward announced, his eyes flickering to Bree with a little hint of amusement on his face.
"Not again," Alice groaned, annoyed that she was about to have another blackspot in her visions. The rest of them all smiled a little, but there was that elephant in the room. Kiara Black had it hard enough when she had imprinted, but now Seth too? Things were about to get a lot weirder between the Cullens and Wolfpack.
"Seth," Kiara whispered, stepping forward, her voice gentle like a breeze rustling through the trees. "It's going to be okay."
The young shifter turned to face her, his eyes brimming with uncertainty and fear. "Kiara, you don't understand. I've imprinted on a vampire. A vampire! The very creatures we're supposed to hunt and destroy."
Kiara placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, her touch warm and reassuring with a small chuckle on her lips.
"Seth, come on. Of all people, I'm probably the only one that understands it," she reminded him, watching as his panicked eyes flickered to her own and his heaving calmed down a little. "I am - we are - living proof that the heart doesn't follow the rules set by our tribe's legends. Imprinting is beyond our control, and it's not something to be ashamed of. I know that now."
Seth shook his head, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. "But what about the pack? And my family... Leah? They won't understand, Kiara. They'll hate me for this."
"You can't predict how others will react, Seth," Kiara replied softly. "And I'm speaking from experience when I say it isn't going to be a walk in the park, but do you know the one person that never made me feel like I was an outcast?"
Seth looked up, curiosity in his eyes.
"Your mother never ONCE made me feel like a burden for my imprint," Kiara reminded him, knowing that Sue Clearwater was the only pack elder that had stood up for Kiara that first night after she had imprinted. Her own father hadn't wanted her in his house, and Sue Clearwater took her in without a single moment of hesitation.
The young wolf took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart. "But what do I do now, Kiara? How do I handle this? I can't just ignore what I feel."
Kiara smiled softly, her eyes filled with wisdom beyond her years. "You follow your heart, Seth. That's all anyone could ever ask you to do."
There was a moment of silence between them, Seth looking at the girl who was taking this in her stride. He knew that they were both seen as the younger members of the pack, but Kiara had gone through so much that it sometimes made him forget that she was new to this supernatural life soon.
As the moon rose higher in the night sky, Seth and Kiara sat on a fallen log, their shadows dancing in the moonlight. The cool breeze ruffled their hair as they contemplated the unfathomable turn of events that had brought them to this moment.
"Thank you, Kiara," Seth finally said, gratitude evident in his eyes. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
Kiara smiled warmly, her heart swelling with affection for her friend. "You don't have to thank me, Seth. Me and you, we're in this together now. Rosalie and I fought hard to even get to this point, and you and Bree are gonna be just fine."
They sat in silence once more, before Kiara chuckled a little.
"Maybe I'm a trend-setter?"
"Shut up, Kie."
Kiara watched from a distance as Sue Clearwater wrapped her arms around her son inside their house, the kitchen light illuminating their figures. Her eyebrows softened from their tensed position as she watched Leah approach her brother, hesitating for only a moment before she pulled him into a hug too.
"He's gonna be okay," Kiara said, her arms crossed across her chest as she leaned against the side of the truck, a gentle look in her eyes as she watched the family moment from outside the house.
"It's not gonna be easy," Sam replied, a headache already forming as he thought about how the elders were going to take this turn of events. "But you're right. He'll be okay."
"Will we?" Kiara asked, turning to look at Sam with a change of topic hidden in the question. "If... when they turn Bella... what happens then? We all know it's going to happen after the wedding, Sam. And as much as I hate it too, there's nothing we can do to stop it."
"It violates the treaty," Sam replied, his voice a little colder than before.
"And hurting Rosalie or Bree breaks our laws," Kiara reminded him, her voice also taking on a firmer tone as she turned her whole body to look at the shapeshifter. "Bella not being turned... that also breaks a vampire law. The newborn army will be the least of our problems if the Volturi come back here, Sam. Need I remind you that their eyes are red?"
"I know that," Sam replied, his voice sounding more exasperated now. "I just, I just know how much Bella 'disappearing' or whatever is going to hurt this community because of Charlie. He's already been through so much because of the Cullens..."
"Because of Bella," Kiara corrected, Sam turning to look at her a little confused. "Everything that has happened has been because Bella wants this life, Sam. Edward and Rosalie don't even want her to become a vampire, but it's a decision that she's made. Come on Sam, you know Bella Swan. If she wants something, she'll get it one way or another."
Sam was silent for a moment, taking in what Kiara had just said. He mused it over, the wheels spinning in his brain as he contemplated it all.
"Let's be honest, Sam," Kiara reminded him once more. "The treaty can be changed - the same way it was suspended to allow Carlisle on to our land to save mine and Jake's life. The same way the Cullens have allowed me - and the rest of us - on to their land many times. When our great0-grandfathers agreed on the treaty with Carlisle, things weren't the way they are now. We know more now, we're stronger now. We outnumber the Cullens, and they've never stepped out of line in the hundred years since they first came to Forks."
Sam nodded, knowing that the girl was right. He sometimes forgot that she was descended from a chief, the slight reminder that Jacob or her could one-day take over the pack from him flickering through his mind once more. He knew which of the twins he would rather give the pack over to, and it certainly wasn't the one that was running around Canada in a week long tantrum.
"Fine, you've got yourself a deal, Kiara Black," Sam said with a small smile, holding out his hand playfully. They knew it had no purpose, but she was glad that he was taking her seriously. "I, Samuel Uley, promise that the transition of Bella Swan by Edward Cullen will not break the treaty."
"Very formal," she replied, but shaking on it anyway.
Sam had a twinkle in his eyes as he opened the passenger door of his car and motioned for her to get in. She looked at him for a moment, before the realisation set in. She knew exactly where he was about to take her, and she felt a groan leave her body as she sunk further into the seats.
"Your treaty amendment, your turn to tell the pack."
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