lxvi. you can rest now
"Hey losers," Kiara called out as she strolled into the house, kicking her shoes off at the door as the pack turned to look at her with smiles across their faces. Seth, Leah and Jacob were back at the Cullens but the rest of the pack had gathered at Emily's with the imprints and extended family.
"Kiara," Sue breathed out, her arms wide as she pulled her basically-adoptive daughter into a hug. "It's good to see you. Seth and Leah told me you'd be here soon enough."
The Clearwater siblings had made sure their imprints were okay after the almost-battle with the Volturi before they'd headed straight to La Push to soothe their mother. Sue had been through a lot, and Kiara knew that the woman needed to see her children.
Kiara pulled away from her with a smile, the corners of her lips twitching as she noticed the man sitting at the end of the table beside her father. He was actively trying to avoid her gaze and she couldn't help but bite back a laugh.
"Hey Charlie," Kiara murmured, the Chief of police nodding and waving at her.
He was still reeling from the knowledge that not only was Bella different and that Jacob and Kiara turned into wolves... but it turned out there were at least ten others who did - including his girlfriend's children. That was a lot.
"I hope you're not giving my dad too much grief, Charlie," Kiara smirked as she sauntered over to him. "He wanted to tell you a long time ago."
"Not at all," Charlie said, trying hard to play it cool. "Just trying to wrap my head around all this...wolf business."
Kiara watched as Rachel moved away from Paul, and took a seat beside their father, placing her elbows on the table and leaning forward, a devilish grin playing on her lips.
"Don't worry, Charlie," Rachel said with a small smile. "It took me a while to understand it too."
"I'd lie if I said it wasn't taxing," he admitted, looking slightly amused despite himself. "But I guess... as long as my little girl is safe, I'm good."
"And everyone is good?" Emily interrupted from the kitchen counter, knowing that the wolves had assured her everyone was unharmed, but feeling the protective need to check. "Rosalie too?"
Kiara paused for a moment, her hesitation causing everyone to look at her in concern as her smile flickered for a moment. She looked at Sam who nodded proudly, having known of Kiara's plan and knowing she wasn't one to hold off.
"We're engaged," she blurted out, her grin widening as she shattered the loud room into shards of shock, silence and surprise.
There was a moment when time seemed to stall — and then it resumed again as if someone had hit play. The room erupted into chaos – or was it joy? - Paul whooping loud enough to wake the dead, Rachel jumping around the room, and Emily rushing forward to envelop them Kiara into a tight hug.
Sam and Billy stood back, proud smiles across their faces as they watched Emily and Kiara embrace, sharing a quick knowing look with each other.
"And to think I wanted to kill her like a year ago," Paul mused aloud, prompting Charlie to turn to him with a scowl.
"You... what?" Charlie asked, glancing nervously around the room but receiving only shrugged shoulders in response.
"It's a long story, Charlie. But it all ended well as you can see," Kiara said dismissively, not wanting to get into the vampires and shapeshifters long history. "Come along to our next bonfire, and we'll tell you the real legends of La Push."
"Let's toast to that then!" Jared roared from across the room, lifting up his bottle in the air as his other arm fell around Kim's shoulders. His enthusiasm caught on, and soon everyone was raising their glasses and bottles high, echoing his sentiment of happiness and union.
Her eyes flickered to her dad, who was grinning at her with a look in her eyes that she had once thought she'd never see again. He was proud.
"Congratulations, Kie," Billy mouthed to her across the cacophony of sounds, his voice barely heard above the yells of the pack and their imprints.
"Thank you, Dad."
They'd came a drastically long way. From their disconnect before she had even shifted, to the pain and turmoil of her attempting to reject the imprint for his approval - it was almost a miracle to Kiara that their relationship had ever found any chance at survival. But it hadn't just survived, it had thrived. She'd never really believed that people were capable of change until this experience.
"And now, the real question," Emily finally said as she pulled away from Kiara, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "Are we going to have a supernatural wedding or do we get to throw a normal one?"
"Bella and Edward's wedding was pretty normal," Sue pointed out, her hands resting on Charlie's shoulders who nodded in agreement. "Then again, Alice did go a bit crazy on the decorations..."
Laughter filled the room, and Kiara joined in, genuinely surprised by the lightheartedness of her response. It seemed that everyone was getting used to their strange little world, and the idea of a wedding between a wolf and a vampire no longer sparked disgust, but only happiness.
"So for those of us that haven't... when will we meet Rosalie?" Kim asked curiously. Kiara almost gasped in shock - she had forgotten that Rosalie hadn't even met all of the imprints yet. It was easy to forget that human side of them all when she was so used to her brothers being involved in everything.
"She'll be over later."
Satisfied with this answer, Kim smiled and went back to snuggling into Jared. There was a soft hum of voices that started up again - a second shockwave of individual conversations. But it wasn't interrupted by Charlie or Billy this time, nor Kiara.
"Emily and I have some news we wanted to share," Sam informed them all as the noise quietened down a little once again. Kiara grinned as she wrapped her arms around Paul, who was sitting beside her sister. He smiled up at her, his grip on Rachel's hand not faltering at all.
He could tell instantly that whatever Sam was about to tell them all, Kiara already knew.
Kiara gave Emily a knowing glance and the woman just nodded, her eyes bright with anticipation.
"Emily and I..." Sam paused dramatically, reveling in the moment of suspense. Everyone watched him intently, the room filled with bated breaths. "We are expecting a baby."
If they thought the announcement of Kiara's engagement had caused an uproar, this was ten times louder. The room exploded into ecstatic shouts and cheers, everyone rushing forward to congratulate the couple.
"Babies and weddings," Embry joined in, "Seems like we're all growing up." There was a certain soft tint to his voice that made Kiara look at her pack brother curiously but he just shrugged as if to say 'it's nothing'. She made a note to speak to him later.
Quil, who had been unusually quiet throughout both the announcements finally spoke up, his voice carrying over the din. "Guess I'll need to start practicing being an uncle then."
Kiara laughed at that - Quil becoming an uncle was something she had never imagined before. But she could clearly see him spoiling his niece or nephew rotten; he'd always loved kids.
"And you'll get plenty of practice with our pups too!" Paul shot back from across the room with a teasing wink thrown Colin and Brady's way.
When Kim let out a high shriek of alarm as Jared almost dropped his beer bottle in his enthusiasm, Kiara couldn't help laughing out loud, sinking into Rachel's side as she did so. Her eyes found Emily's and they shared a glance of pure happiness, an unspoken agreement that no matter how unconventional their lives had become, the bonds of family and love were worth every single struggle.
Laughter bubbled up inside her, making her feel light and free as she basked in the euphoria of unexpected yet cherished love. The pack might have been born of wolves, but it was love that truly made them who they were - a family.
"You're going to make one hell of a dad," Kiara told Sam when they finally found themselves face-to-face.
"I hope so," Sam replied softly. There was so much trust and hope in his eyes that Kiara felt a lump build up in her throat.
"You will," she reassured her friend firmly. "If there's anyone I would trust to raise a good kid in this crazy world we live in, it's you. You've basically raised like... all of us."
"Thank you, Kie," he whispered into her ear.
She smiled as she watched him move over to her father, who was beaming from ear to ear as he clapped Sam on the back.
Kiara felt a warmth spread through her. This was her family – a riotous, chaotic mix of vampires, shapeshifters, and humans. They were hers. And she wouldn't change them for anything in the world.
"You unruly, devious mutt!"
"Good afternoon, Alice," Kiara replied as she took the bike helmet off, placing it on the handlebars. "It's great to also see you on this lovely, Winter's morning. I love your poetry, so polite and-"
"When were you going to tell me you were planning on proposing?"
Kiara rolled her eyes playfully as Alice stood in front of her, her golden eyes glaring tightly at the alpha.
"Perhaps right after you consulted your crystal ball about my life choices?" Kiara shot back, crossing her arms over her chest in a mock defense. Alice's glare didn't waver. "Need I also remind you that you took off on an 'around-the-world' secret mission, returning only with proof that Renesmee was okay and nothing else but the sheer hope Aro would just move on from my existence?"
Alice shook her head in exasperation, and despite herself, she couldn't suppress a small smile from escaping.
"This is why it's impossible to plan anything involving you wolves," she grumbled, turning around and beginning to storm off back into the house.
"Wait till you have to plan the wedding," Kiara called after her with a smirk.
Alice stopped in her spot. Kiara almost immediately regretted it, her smile dropping slightly as Alice slowly turned around with the scariest grin on her face that Kiara had ever seen. Her wolf hearing picked up on Bella muttering to Edward about how she felt when she first saw that look on Alice, but Kiara wasn't able to pay it much attention.
"I get to plan the wedding?"
Kiara offered a lopsided smile in return, her heart swelling with fondness for this strange family she had become a part of.
"Eh," she murmured, rubbing the back of her neck. "I just assumed..."
"YES!" Alice squealed, rushing forward and throwing her arms around Kiara's neck as she began to excitedly bubble on. Kiara blinked, her arms coming up to pat Alice on the back before taking a step back as the girl began to circle her, muttering about dress colours and sizes and suits and colour schemes...
Their playful exchange was interrupted as Rosalie emerged from the house behind Alice. Her golden eyes were soft as they met Kiara's and she moved forward gracefully to join them.
"You're scaring Kiara," she stated matter-of-factly to Alice.
"Oh, don't I always?" Alice responded with a cheeky grin.
Rosalie didn't dignify that with a response, instead turning her attention to Kiara.
"You know she's going to over-compensate now because she didn't get to plan your entire proposal."
Kiara chuckled at that. She took a step forward and wrapped the blonde vampire into an embrace. "Yeah, I figured."
They both watched as Alice spun on her heels, rushing inside as she continued to mutter to herself about creating another 'wedding of the century'. Kiara had a gut feeling that Alice was about to take this to a level that she certainly did not want - but Rosalie had always wanted the big wedding. The big wedding, the picket fences, the happy family... it was all she'd dreamt of. Who was Kiara to deny that?
"I've missed you." Rosalie breathed out, pulling back only slightly to look at her girlfriend.
"Missed you too," Kiara mumbled before leaning in to give Rosalie a gentle kiss.
They were so lost in their own world that they didn't even notice Edward and Renesmee approaching the couple until he cleared his throat awkwardly. They both pulled away reluctantly, Rosalie shooting Edward an annoyed look while Kiara just grinned in amusement.
"So..." Edward started, clearly uncomfortable but trying his best to act nonchalant about it. "Renesmee wants to ask you both something, and she's adamant that it can't wait."
"Don't be condescending," Rosalie said, cutting him off before he could stumble over his words any further. Her demeanour changed instantly as she turned to look at her niece who was grinning up at her, a small flower in her hands that she had been plucking the petals off. "What's up, sweetie?"
"Can I be your flower girl?" Renesmee asked. "Jacob was telling me about it and I want to be a flower girl."
Kiara looked at Edward, her brow raised. Edward shrugged helplessly, a comical grimace on his face.
"Well, I don't see why not," Rosalie said, ignoring the other two as she crouched down to the child's level. She took the flower from Renesmee and tucked it behind her ear. "I think you'll make a beautiful flower girl."
"Oh, yippee!" Renesmee jumped up and down in excitement before throwing herself into Rosalie's arms. Edward watched on with a fond smile as Kiara chuckled beside him.
Kiara's smile widened as Rosalie pressed a gentle kiss against her head, her eyes drifting up to Jacob standing on the porch with a smile as he looked at them all. She nodded back at him, knowing they'd never have expected this only a few months ago.
"Dad, tell Auntie Kie what I showed Aro!"
Kiara's eyes narrowed as she tilted her head, a deadpan look crossing her face as she looked down at Renesmee. The familiar twinkle in her eyes already gave Kiara a great idea of what Edward was about to tell her, and she hoped that everyone thanked god in that moment that she wasn't capable of hurting the little girl.
"I swear..."
"She did."
Renesmee had showed Aro the vision of Kiara being sick, when they were literally begging for their lives to be spared. Kiara scowled at Renesmee who burst into laughter and skipped away from them, her giggles following her as she wrapped her arms around Jacob with a smug on her face.
"I think it's like... muscle memory at this point," Edward said, trying to defend his daughter. "Like every time she uses her gift she just naturally shows it to people."
Rosalie snickered, turning her head to hide her grin. Kiara narrowed her eyes at Edward, but she couldn't keep the corner of her mouth from twitching.
Kiara's eyes rolled dramatically at Edward's explanation. "Sure, muscle memory," she drawled sarcastically. Rosalie chuckled softly, her hand coming up to rest on Kiara's shoulder in a comforting manner.
"Unfortunately for you," Edward added with a knowing grin.
"I'm still not used to all of this," Kiara murmured, running her hand through her thick black hair.
Her gaze drifted back towards Jacob, who was now throwing Renesmee into the air causing squeals of delight from the little girl. She watched them for a moment before turning to face Rosalie again.
"And I probably never will be but... I wouldn't trade it for anything else."
The three watched the scene unfold, and Kiara could feel the contentment radiating from her fiancée and her soon to be brother-in-law. It was a moment of tranquility that none of them wanted to disturb.
"You know," Kiara began, her voice soft as she glanced between Rosalie and Edward, "sometimes I think about how different everything could've been if things had gone the way we all planned. If Bella had never moved to Forks, if I never shifted and imprinted, if... well, if we were all just normal."
"If we were normal, we wouldn't be us," Edward said, words that he'd never have expected to say with the joy that he did. "And I kind of like who we all are."
Kiara chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I suppose you're right. But still, I wonder... if there ever comes a time when we can just be. No more supernatural threats, no more packs, no more battles. Just... us."
Rosalie wrapped her arm tightly around Kiara's side, pressing her lips gently to Kiara's cheek before turning her head lightly so that she was looking back at Jacob and Renesmee, who had now been joined by Seth and Bree.
"I think we might just be living in that time now," Rosalie breathed.
"You can relax, Kie," Edward told her, pressing a gentle hand to her shoulder. "The fight is over. We're all okay, and everyone is safe. Your pack, our family... we're all okay."
Her eyes scanned the yard, watching as Jacob and Renesmee laughed together, Seth and Bree playfully wrestling in the grass, and Rosalie standing beside her with that serene, contented smile that Kiara adored. It was everything she had fought for - everything they had all fought for. There was a hint of relief but she also felt a strange tension, a pull at the edges of her mind as if something was waiting to snap.
She had been in survival mode for so long - fighting the Volturi, protecting her pack, and balancing her relationship with Rosalie - that she didn't quite know how to stop. The adrenaline, the constant awareness of looming danger, had been a part of her for so long that its absence felt like a void she didn't know how to fill.
"Doesn't it feel... strange to you guys? All this peace? Like, we're just waiting for the other shoe to drop?"
Rosalie studied her for a moment, her eyes searching Kiara's face for the truth beneath her words.
"I think it's natural to feel that way, Kie," she finally said. "We've been through so much - it's hard to trust that things can just be good. Believe me, I've spent my entire vampire existence thinking there was no purpose for me in this world. YOU changed that for me."
Kiara squeezed her hand, appreciating the gesture more than words could express. "I know," she said softly. "I guess I just don't know how to turn off that part of me that's always on guard."
"Maybe you don't have to," Edward suggested, Kiara almost having forgotten he was there. "Maybe it's not about turning it off, but learning to let it coexist with this new chapter in our lives. You've kept everyone safe, Kie. Now it's time to allow yourself to enjoy that safety."
She looked back as Seth picked up Bree, spinning her in a circle as he laughed at something she'd said. Renesmee clapped at the action, a bright grin on her face.
In the distance, Kiara noticed Leah and Kate walk out from the tree line. Leah's hand was wrapped tightly in the blonde vampire's hand, the Denali having asked her family if they minded if she stayed in Forks for a few days longer. No-one had argued with that.
"You're right," Kiara finally said, offering Rosalie and Edward a small, but genuine smile. "I guess it's just going to take some time."
Rosalie nodded, her gaze tender. "We have all the time in the world now."
The words settled something in Kiara, even if only a little. She leaned into Rosalie, savoring the closeness, and allowed herself to simply be in the moment. The pack, the Cullens, even the sky above - everything felt clearer, more vibrant, as if for the first time she was seeing it all without the shadow of fear clouding her vision.
She pressed a soft kiss to her lips, her eyes searching Rosalie's for the love and dedication she knew she'd find easily.
"That sounds nice. All the time in the world."
The moonlight cast a soft glow over the still surface of the sea, creating a mirror-like reflection of the stars above. The air was cool, but not cold enough to bite, and the gentle breeze carried the scent of pine and earth - the familiar scents of La Push.
Kiara leaned back on her hands, her eyes tracing the silver ripples that danced across the lake as Rosalie sat beside her, her legs tucked gracefully beneath her. The silence between them was comfortable, filled with the unspoken understanding that words weren't always necessary.
"This feels nice," Rosalie whispered, her voice carrying a softness that was reserved only for these private moments between them.
"Yeah, it does." She tilted her head to the side, her eyes locking with Rosalie's. "I'm glad you're able to be here."
Rosalie's golden eyes softened, and she reached out to take Kiara's hand, threading their fingers together. She squeezed Kiara's hand gently, a quiet reassurance that everything was truly okay.
Kiara shifted, lying back on the blanket and pulling Rosalie down with her. The vampire didn't resist, nestling against Kiara's side as they both stared up at the stars.
"You know," Kiara murmured, her voice soft and contemplative, "I bet the elders never thought we could have this. A vampire and a wolf... living a life that feels... normal, even if it's anything but."
"I don't think any of us expected this, but here we are. And I wouldn't trade it for anything."
Kiara turned her head to look at Rosalie, their faces close enough that she could see the faint shimmer of moonlight reflecting in her eyes. She leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to Rosalie's lips.
Kiara shifted slightly, draping one leg over Rosalie's as she traced the lines of her face with her fingers, her touch gentle and familiar. Rosalie closed her eyes with a soft sigh, leaning into Kiara's touch. Her hand found its way to Kiara's hair, threading through raven locks in a soothing rhythm.
"These moments... I wish they could last forever," Kiara murmured against Rosalie's shoulder, her breath warm against the cool skin.
"We have forever," Rosalie reminded her gently.
Kiara leaned into kiss Rosalie once again, revelling in the lingering taste of cinnamon on her lips that had came from Kiara's chapstick. Rosalie traced lazy circles on Kiara's arm, keeping silent as she toyed with the fabric of her sleeve. She was so breathtakingly beautiful in the moonlight, her eyes holding a certain kind of magic that only Kiara knew, only she had been privileged enough to see.
"I know I don't say it enough, but I'm really glad you had to sit next to me in class that day," Rosalie whispered into the silence, her words tinged with honesty and affection.
"Rosalie Hale, are you getting all sentimental on me?"
With a playful roll of her eyes and a gentle shove at Kiara's shoulder, Rosalie responded. "Don't ruin the moment."
"Wouldn't dream of it," Kiara murmured back before pressing another kiss against Rosalie's lips. Her heart felt full in this moment - so full it could burst - with love for Rosalie and all they had been through together.
"I love you," Kiara whispered, pulling back just enough to look into Rosalie's eyes, her own reflecting the burning passion she felt. Rosalie could hardly resist the pull of her gaze; it was like being sucked into a world spinning on an axis of pure love and desire.
"And I'll always love you, Kiara Black," Rosalie reciprocated, her voice barely above a whisper.
Their kisses deepened, becoming more intense, more insistent. Rosalie's fingers tangled in Kiara's dark hair, pulling her closer as her other hand rested on the curve of her waist. She could taste the sweet tang of Kiara's chapstick mixed with something purely Kiara's own; earthy, wild and free.
And although Rosalie had tasted many things over her long existence as a vampire, nothing had ever compared to the taste of Kiara.
Kiara pressed herself closer to Rosalie, her body moulding against hers like two pieces of a puzzle that were meant to fit together. The feeling of Rosalie's cold skin against her own warm one was both thrilling and comforting at the same time. She allowed her hands to explore, feeling the strength of muscles under the flawless marble skin, tracing every line and every curve she knew by heart.
"I love you," Kiara whispered again against Rosalie's lips, punctuating each word with a kiss. It wasn't the first time she'd said it but with each declaration, it felt like a new promise being made, a vow renewed.
Rosalie tilted her head back, giving Kiara more access to trail kisses down her neck. In return, her icy hands found their way to Kiara's waist pulling her closer if possible.
"I want you," Rosalie confessed amidst broken breaths, pulling Kiara closer until there was no space left between them.
Kiara moved to straddle Rosalie, her hands trailing up her sides causing Rosalie to gasp lightly at the heat that followed her touch. Leaning down, she pressed her lips to Rosalie's once again in an impassioned kiss that spoke more than words ever could.
Rosalie raised herself on her elbows and watched as Kiara loosened the fastenings of her shirt with shaking hands. Her heart would have been pounding if it could beat. Every second with Kiara felt like an eternity, every touch a new sensation she couldn't get enough of.
Kiara's hands were sure and steady as they glided over Rosalie's skin, causing her to shudder in response. She arched into Kiara's touch, craving more of the warmth that only Kiara seemed to provide her with.
Gently, Kiara moved to cup Rosalie's face, gazing down at her with a love that was so intense it was almost tangible. "You're beautiful," she murmured, tracing her thumb over Rosalie's cheekbone. "So incredibly beautiful."
She leaned down again, tracing a path of soft kisses along Rosalie's collarbone that made the vampire shiver under her touch. Rosalie's own hands were busy exploring the skin under Kiara's top, the heat almost burning her fingers.
"Kiara," she murmured, pulling the shapeshifter down into another searing kiss. Kiara made a sound of agreement, her hands sliding further up Rosalie's body, mapping out every curve and valley like a blind person seeing with their fingers.
Everywhere she pressed her fingers, Rosalie's body shivered in response, a silent plea for more, for deeper, for harder. Kiara obliged, her fingers dancing along Rosalie's sides, drawing little patterns on her skin as if she were trying to imprint her touch into the vampire's memory.
Kiara felt Rosalie's hands bunching up her shirt in a desperate bid to feel more skin. Words left them both at that moment, their actions speaking volumes more than words ever could. A soft whimper escaped Rosalie's lips as Kiara's fingers traced higher, exploring the contours of her body with a curious reverence that left the vampire feeling raw and exposed.
"Is this okay?" Kiara asked softly against Rosalie's lips, her breath hitching as the vampire nodded vigorously in response.
And as they laid there entwined together, lost in each other's touch and gaze, neither of them cared about their vampire-shapeshifter roots or Kiara's fear that danger was around the corner. In these moments, they were just Kiara and Rosalie - two lovers, basking in the warm afterglow of their love.
After all, that was what they had always been fated to be. In every universe, in every iteration of their world. Two halves of a whole.
Rosalie and Kiara.
okay I think there's only one chapter left guys, pls don't cry! smile because it happened.
Any guesses as to what Emily and Sam are going to call their child? (And NO, it's not Kiara lol)
I currently have a few other stories on the go / coming soon / completed if you're interested in them:
Currently published and in progress:
- one is a Taylor Swift fic that recently went under a HUUUGE re-write cause I started it in 2018 and it was very poor lol, but hopefully is better now!!!
- I've just started a tyler owens fit (from twisters) cause I'm kind of obsessed, ngl
- I also have my 'gold rush' fic which is Toni from the Wilds that I'm planning on returning to as i lost interest after it got cancelled but I want to see it through lol
Previously Completed (these are not my best work, so please don't expect much lol):
- Wanda Maximoff (my writing is so bad at the start but promise it gets better as it goes on)
- Sara Lance (same as above lol, you can tell I gave up by the end of the book)
Coming Soon:
- Maybe a Finnick Odair (I had published it ages ago and then got annoyed and unpublished lol)
- Natasha Romanoff hehehe
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