-6- fight
Y/n pov
~this is right after the part where she pushed Peter~
"I need to go" I say, I make a portal and I go home, leaving him on the ground alone.
As soon as i'm home I jump in my bed to still get a bit of sleep. It doesn't help, the only thing I can think of is Peter.
*time skip because to when she wakes up*
The door opens and my dad walks in.
I pretend i'm still sleeping, I always do that, and he knows i'm awake.
He walks to my bed and throws the blankets of my bed so I get cold.
"Wake up sleepyhead!" He shouts.
"Nooooowww" I mumble, trying to ignore the cold and the shouting.
"C'mon! We have training! After that you can sleep, okay?" He says, smiling
"But after the training I can't sleep anymore!" I say.
He laughs "I know, that's why we're going to do it!"
As reaction I bury my head in my pillow and I mumbe "stupid dad, let me just sleep for one damn moment"
"I heard that"
"I know, that's why I said it" I say
''come out or i'll throw water over you'' he says.
I ignore him, but then I hear him walking away.
Probably to get the water, I realize.
I jump out of my bed and put on my clothes as fast as possible as I hear the footsteps coming back.
He stands in the doorway with a grin "I thought you'd never get out of bed"
I roll my eyes as I start putting on my training suit "well I wasn't planning to get out, but I don't want water all over my place"
He grins even more and says "I wasn't getting some water at all, I just made you believe that, so you would come out. And don't put your training suit on. We can have breakfast first this time as a little break, because you have achieved something very special... getting out of bed in the morning."
"Seriously?" I roll my eyes at him, "getting out of bed is harder than you think"
"For someone like you it probably is," I don't see him smiling, but I know that on the inside he's laughing.
I sigh, knowing that i'm never going to win this argument, "yeah, I guess you're right"
"I'm better than right, I am Loki."
He smiles again and walks away.
I quickly put on my clothes and follow him to have breakfast.
I sit down opposite from him and start eating.
it's quiet, but I can hear a few birds outside. It makes everything look better. It feels like we're a normal, happy family, without problems. I start to feel happy and I smile a bit.
"Where were you yesterday?" His voice speaks
My smile fades, shit.
"I couldn't sleep," I quickly lie.
Please tell me he believes me, please tell me he believes me.
"That wasn't what I asked you. I asked where you were."
"I was somewhere"
"Where exactly?"
You're reading my mind aren't you?
I sigh. If he's reading my mind I have to tell the truth, because he'll know i'm lying anyways.
"I went to see someone."
"None of your business.."
"Y/n..," Loki said, crossing his arms. "You know very well that everything you do it my business. You're not just a kid, you're a goddess and soon an assassin. I can't have you keeping secrets from me."
I feel my anger rising. He always says his. I try to keep my calm, but fail. ''I can never do anything!'' I shout. '''Y/n do this, Y/n do that, Y/n you're not good enough' when will I ever be good enough for you?! I have spend my whole life doing exactly what you want! Now i'm gonna do what I want, and you're not stopping me!'' I cross my arms.
Father sighed, and mumbled something under his breath, ''Alright, do whatever you want. I know what this is, it's about that boy. So go to him. Just know, that if anything happens, that I will not be there, I have always aimed to protect you and I need to let that go. If you go away now, you're on your own.''
I give him an angry look, i know he's bluffing. He said this before, and he's always bluffing. "Gladly" I say in a cold tone. I walk to my room and I shut the door. I'm getting out of here.
I collect all the stuff I need and I out them in a bag.
When I walk out of my room my father still stands in the living room. He looks at me. I give him a cold look back before walking out of the front door.
I can take care of myself
Hey guys, it's been a long time hasn't it? I'm sorry for not updating this much but I joined a new fandom that I really like (more than the marvel fandom, again, i'm sorry) and i've been writing stuff for that.
I will not discontinue this book, because I really like this idea, but it may take very long.
I hope you guys understand.
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