Week one
Potential TW: anxiety, and vomiting
Part 2 of "Hello?" There will be three more parts after this following each of the four weeks.
Day 1:
It started with fatigue, which was logged as normal because peter was a busy kid. Tony had emailed the school and demanded that Peters work be sent to the tower as there was no way he was letting him go to school. He knew that as time went on and Peters condition progressed he wasn't going to be able to work on school work. So he gave each avenger a subject. He got math, Steve got history, Bruce got science, Natasha got English and Clint got spanish.
Peter was permanently holed up in his room, piled of blankets were stacked on his bed, he often got cold. That was another symptom logged. Bruce had come up with a digital chart in order to chart Peters daily symptoms. He would talk to peter about how he felt once in the morning, at lunch and before he fell asleep. He would also take blood often and check for abnormalities other that he gene mutation that made him Spider-Man.
So far the list of symptoms were,
• chills
• fatigue
• headache
• low grade fever
• light sensitivity
• dry mouth
• minor delirium in some cases
For the first day, the list concerned Bruce, he didn't want to imagine what it would look like at the end of the four weeks.
Day 2:
Tony walked into Peters room to find him writing and erasing the same math problem over and over again.
"Need some help kiddo?"
"Yeah, it's like I used to be able to do this right away but now I can't"
"Happens sometimes, I once forgot how to fly the suit but luckily Jarvis has an autopilot and informational data" Tony laughed to hide his worry.
"Oh no, that could have been bad. Thanks for saving Mr. Starks life Jar" he said to the ceiling.
"Which time little iron man?" Jarvis asked sarcastically.
"It happened more than once?!" He asked mouth agape.
"Yes peter, Mr.Stark often, as one would say, 'loses his marbles'"
"Dang Jar, little rude you're talking about the person who made you"
"My apologies sir"
"Don't apologize for speaking the truth Jar" peter laughed, which started to turn into a cough. Tony grabbed the water from next to him and handed peter the glass. He took a big sip and the coughing subsided. "We should probably tell Bruce"
"Probably, Jar?"
"He has been alerted"
"Alright, oh see you keep forgetting to cube both sides, you're only doing it to the left."
"Ohh, thank you"
Bruce walked into the room with his tablet in his hands. "Jarvis said you had a symptom update"
"Yeah, he was laughing and started coughing" Tony said turning to Bruce as peter continued working.
"Alright, What kind of cough, dry or rattling?"
"Dry" Bruce tapped on the screen, "I'll come back at the end of the day like yesterday.
Sticking to his word Bruce arrived in Peters room just as he was about to go to sleep. "Hey pete"
"Hey Bruce" Peter coughed.
"So what symptoms do you have for me?"
"So far the same as yesterday, only the coughing"
"Ok, we'll that's good, do you need anything? More water?"
"No thank you Bruce, you need blood now right?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry kiddo I know you hate this but we have to make sure you get better"
"Yeah" Peter sucked in a breath as Bruce inserted the needle.
"Ok good night peter"
"Good night"
Symptom list:
• chills
• fatigue
• headache
• low grade fever
• light sensitivity
• dry mouth
• dry cough
Day 3:
Day three started as it normally did now for peter, he woke up sweating and he was immediately questioned by Bruce. When Bruce left he got up to take a shower, when he was done he dried himself off and got dressed quickly as he was very cold all the time now. The lights were dimmed as they usually were, he decided he wanted to go down and get breakfast today. He trusted Jarvis knew to dim the lights. He made his way down the hallway and was thankful that Jarvis did know, as the lights dimmed when he turned each corner. He was almost there when the scene in front of him blurred slightly, not by much but because of his enhanced vision he noticed. Great another symptom, he knew they were going to keep coming but he didn't know how to mentally prepare himself.
He made his way into the kitchen and saw Steve standing by the stove. He looked like he was cooking, Natasha was sitting at the breakfast bar next to Clint. Tony was sipping coffee and leaning against the cabinets.
"Peter What are you doing here?" Bruce asked as he walked past Peter.
"I wanted to come down, I can't stay in my room forever"
"Yeah, makes sense. After breakfast do you want to go to the lab with me?" Tony asked.
"Yeah" Peter smiled. He decided to hold off telling Bruce about the blurred vision until their nightly checkup, when it was just them. He didn't want to worry Tony.
"Peter, do you want chocolate chip pancakes or blueberry pancakes?" Steve asked placing a place of blueberry in front of Natasha.
"Chocolate please" he responded sitting down on the seat next to Nat.
"How you feeling?" She asked taking a bite out of her pancakes.
"The same, no better or worse I guess. I mean I know it's going to get a lot worse, that's why I care down here today because I still can"
"Oh pete, it's going to be fine. Loki will come back with the cure"
"I know that but they always say it's about the journey not the destination. I'm scared for the journey I guess"
"Me too pete" Tony said placing his empty coffee cup in the sink.
Peter followed Tony to the labs when he finished his food. He took his normal seat on the table next to Tony. His homework for the week was piled up on it. He took one of the biology papers off the top and read the title out loud. "Cell regeneration"
"Interesting" Tony responded looking up from his gauntlet.
"Yeah" Peter smiled back. He grabbed a pencil and got to work, it was a noted sheet. He had to complete notes because he wasn't in school, they needed to make sure he understood the material.
He had to squint slightly to see but he managed, it became less blurry as he got used to it.
Night time rolled around and Bruce opened his door. "Peter"
"Yep, only minor blurring of my vision. It started on my way to breakfast but I didn't want to worry Tony so I waited to tell you. It got a little better as I got used to it."
"Alright, next time just pull me aside. And it might be too early to say but it seems you're getting one new symptom a day, so if it progresses at this rate at least you'll have a whole day to get used to it"
"Yeah I guess" peter smiled, putting his arm out and turning his head away. He winced at the injection and sighed when Bruce said he was done.
"Good night peter"
"Good night"
Symptom list:
• chills
• fatigue
• headache
• low grade fever
• light sensitivity
• dry mouth
• dry cough
•slight blurred vision
Day 4:
Peter realized that most new symptoms started early, just like the either day, the numbness started on the way to breakfast. He was only about ten feet from his room when he realized his left arm was numb, it felt weird to move but eventually passed. Then as he rounded the corner his right leg went numb, like pins and needles without the tingling sensation, just the strange inability to move the leg. It too passed.
Today however, he pulled Bruce aside, he like peter hadn't been seen yet. "You told me to pull you aside, so um my left arm went numb and stopped and then a little while later, just now. My right leg went numb, like pins and needles without the tingling sensation. I just couldn't move it, but I could it was weird"
"Ok, thank you for telling me. If it gets worse have Friday call me ok?"
"Yeah if course" they turned and entered the kitchen. There was someone new in the kitchen today. "Uncle Bucky!?" Peter gasped, he hadn't seen him in months. This meant he was in big trouble because Bucky couldn't leave missions ever.
"Hey Petey" he walked over to peter and hugged him. "Steve said you got poisoned in battle and I wanted to be here to make sure this wounded warrior turned out fine. To ensure that I baked croissants for breakfast"
The rest of the day peter spent hanging out with Bucky and occasionally Clint.
His day ended with Bruce's check up.
Symptom list:
• chills
• fatigue
• headache
• low grade fever
• light sensitivity
• dry mouth
• dry cough
• slight blurred vision
• temporary numbness in the limbs
Day 5:
The symptom of the day didn't show up until lunch time. Bucky and Steve had left to pick up pizza as a surprise. The rest of them were in the living room watching tv. His chest suddenly became tight, and at first he figured it was a respiratory symptom but when Tony hugged him it went away slightly. He realized it was anxiety, he hadn't had to deal with it this bad for a while. He had gotten help from Sam a while ago and had it felt with. Now it was back and worse than ever.
"Peter are you ok?" Natasha asked.
"Y-yeah" he stuttered.
"Ok it's checkup time anyway, follow me peter" Bruce announced. He lead the way to his personal labs and instructed peter to sit on the lab station. "What's the symptom, because to be it looks like increased anxiety?"
"Yeah I think so, I can't seem to take a deep breath" Peters shaky and shallow breath sounds proved his statement.
"Ok, I can help with this a little bit if this is a symptom of the poison then I don't know if it can go away."
"Breathe in for ten seconds, hold for five and breathe out for ten" Bruce demonstrated taking exaggerated breaths.
"Peter follows his breathing until he found himself falling asleep"
Symptom list:
• chills
• fatigue
• headache
• low grade fever
• light sensitivity
• dry mouth
• dry cough
• slight blurred vision
• temporary numbness in the limbs
• increased anxiety
Day 6:
He woke up due to his symptom, he stumbled blindly into the bathroom and emptied the minimal contents of his stomach into the toilet.
It felt like an hour had passed before he felt a cool hand on his burning in head. It pulled him back away from the toilet. He heard the faucet run and another pair of hands dabbed his face with the cool wet towel.
"I guess we know what today's symptom is" a voice said.
"Yeah" said the person who he was collapsed against.
He took a deep breath in and felt himself being picked up. His body swayed slightly as the person walked further and further away from where he was. He was placed onto a soft surface and his head was placed on what felt like someone's lap.
"What happened?" Asked another voice.
"Jarvis told us he was vomiting and he was. It's today's symptom, can we treat this one Bruce?"
"Yeah I'll get some enhanced pepto bismol" Footsteps were heard walking away. Peter focused on those until they started coming back. A small cup was placed by his mouth and he was told to drink so he did.
About twenty minutes passed and he became aware enough to realize what had happened. "Ugh" he groaned.
"Pete? You ok?" Asked Tony.
"Yeah, I th-think"
"Ok, let me know if the Pepto starts to ware off I'll ask Bruce if you can have more"
"Ok can I sleep?"
"Yeah go ahead"
Symptom list:
• chills
• fatigue
• headache
• low grade fever
• light sensitivity
• dry mouth
• dry cough
• slight blurred vision
• temporary numbness in the limbs
• increased anxiety
• severe nausea
Day 7:
Peter woke up in the living room. His head was no longer on someones lap but on a pillow. He was covered by a blanket and was pleased to find the nausea had subsided to the level at which it was manageable. He didn't think he had any symptoms yet which was weird. It kind of made him feel like the whole thing was a dream.
"Afternoon kiddo, you slept all through yesterday and most of today" Tony informed as he walked in the room.
"Oh, that's cool" he coughed, sitting up.
"Yeah, so we're thinking chinese food tonight?"
"Yeah sounds good I love Chinese food"
"Glad to see you still have your appetite Pete" tony smiled, as he confirmed the order with Jarvis.
"Hey peter, good to see you again it feels like forever" Clint joked.
"Yeah it does feel like forever Katniss" he laughed.
"Hey that's my nick name for him" Tony whined.
"Fineee, ill call him mocking jay, I mean he was mocking me"
"Ah ha that works perfectly, I've taught you well my son" Tony laughed.
"Heyyyy" Clint whined, however he still had a smile on his face. "So what are we feasting upon on this fine evening?"
"Chinese food Katniss"
"Ah I love Chinese food did you order spring rolls? Because if you didn't I might just shoot you with an arrow" he said widening his eyes.
"I got some just for you Hawkeye" Tony rolled his eyes.
"Yay!" He cheered sitting on the couch next to Peter and turning on the tv. "What shall we watch Spiderboy?"
"I don't know Mocking Jay? Perhaps the office" peter suggested grabbing another blanket, he was cold again.
"Ah a man of culture" Clint mocked a chefs kiss and turned it on.
Bruce walked in just as Stanley shouted, "Did I stutter". He laughed, remembering the episode.
"It's not time yet but I wanted to ask if you had any more symptoms yet?"
"Non yet Bruce, come watch we're getting Chinese food for dinner"
"Ok" Bruce day done next to Clint and Tony day next to Peter. Steve, Natasha and Bucky made their way in slowly and all took seats. The food arrived and they ate while watching.
It was 3:00am and peter couldn't sleep. He figured it was because he slept for years the other day, but he was tired so he should be able to fall asleep. He decided to go write it down in Bruce's log book anyway.
Making sure not to make too much noise he walked towards Bruce's lab. He opened the door and walked over to the table with Bruces computer.
He heard foot steps behind him and jumped turning around and sticking his hands out ready to fight. He relaxed when it was just Bruce.
"I set an alarm to let me know if someone came in here" he chuckled walking over to Peter.
"Sorry for waking you" peter apologized as Bruce opened a case and pulled out the tablet.
"It's fine, you came down here to log a symptom?"
"Yeah, I can't sleep and I thought at first it was because I slept longer that cap yesterday but I'm tired so I figured I would be able to fall asleep."
"Yeah, I had a feeling insomnia would be one of the symptoms, it would weaken your body too much. I can only let you use this in small doses because even for an enhanced metabolism it's a very high dose of melatonin, but you need sleep. I'll give you a quarter of a pill so you can sleep until about ten am tomorrow" he pulled a pill bottle out of one of the cabinets, as well as a pill cutter. He cut the pill in half and then half again and grabbed a water bottle from the mini fridge.
"Thank you" peter said.
"Wait, lay down before you take it it works, very quickly"
"Ok thank you Bruce, and I'm sorry for waking you up" he apologized again.
"It's really fine Pete, you can wake me up for anything ok?"
"Ok thank you Bruce"
"Of course, now go get some sleep"
"Right away" peter said smiling as he left. He made it back to his room and got into bed. He took the quarter of a pill and waited, within seconds he was asleep.
Week (1/4) complete,
Symptom list:
• chills
• fatigue
• headache
• low grade fever
• light sensitivity
• dry mouth
• dry cough
• slight blurred vision
• temporary numbness in the limbs
• increased anxiety
• severe nausea
• major insomnia
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