4- The Peter Files
Sight is a sense most of the world's population has. It allows you to have a range of vision of the world all around you. The scenery of nature and all its features lays in the grasps of sight, without sight, the view would be a waste. Even the colour-blind have a sense of sight, though, it be in a few different colours compared to others.
The blind, however, see blurred images of this world in all its beauty. The words on a page, shining eyes of a puppy and a blossoming light pink rose don't seem to reach their eyes and show their true features. Some people may only be blind enough for it to be fixable with contact lens or glasses. Some will only find themselves being temporarily blind. But for the rest, the amazingly calm and bright features of nature will never come to meet. For their eyes are so very unusable. They are not able to fix it with glasses.
That was once where Eagle sat in the society. She was another human being born with no hope of sight. The reality of image and colours would never be.
She turned three when her parents gave her their full attention and heart. Providing her with the up-most best love.
She was four when her parents started her on Brail. However, four year olds don't really process things very well.
She was five when she met another fellow child born without sight. They became friends very quickly and helped each other.
She was six when she was taken.
And she was eight when the world finally came into her view.
From then on, Eagle never remembered being unable to see. But she was told. Told that she was used for one of their experiments.
The experiment consisted of human mutation, sight range of an eagle. If it turned out alright, the organisation would have used it to fix the blind. Not generally for generosity, but the profit.
So ever since, Eagle was also used for fights. The organisation had quickly discovered that her reflexes were insane and the complexity of the way her mind was able to think decisions up efficiently had been extremely useful.
As time went on she only developed more characteristics of the graceful bird. Bravery and determination were her strong points, she never turned down a fight, even if the fight was bigger than herself.
To win said fights she was always able to look through the expressions on her enemies faces. The technique she used depended on the expression, wether it be fear, excitement, frustration, craze, anger or fatigue. If someone was sad or in pain, or any blue emotions, she would only have to look at their eyes to determine it.
And that's how Eagle knew Peter was in pain.
The way his eyes scrunched up only the slightest and had multiple emotions confirmed it. Eagle could see right through-pain, restlessness, stubbornness and guilt.
Peter, now realising that Eagle was staring at him for so long, decided to break the silence, "so uh-"
"What's wrong?" Eagle interrupted.
"...what do you-what do you mean?"
Her eyes narrowed and started adverting her eyes around his body, as if looking for any injuries, though, there were none.
But then she seen it.
Long socks.
Shaking ankle.
Pale skin.
Not to mention he was trying his best not to limp when he first followed Eagle into her room-
"Take off your socks," Eagle demanded.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Your socks. Take them off before I do."
"There's nothing-there's nothing wrong Ea-"
"Don't bullshit me, Spider. I don't know what happened or where you have been but I can see right through that...that stubbornness and pain in your eyes. If you don't do what I say right now then I'll-I'll...do something I-I will...I will do-"
Peter stood up from his place on the bed and grabbed ahold of Eagle's shoulders in attempt to keep her still, "Jesus I-Eagle calm down. Just...calm. Calm down. If you would stop freaking out for one minute I'll tell you."
"Fine, Fine. I'm calm. I'm calm, see," Eagle gestured to her smile, that no doubtably, was forced. She sat back down on the bed and Peter joined her not long after.
He sighed and was silent for a moment before pulling down his socks.
Eagle almost immediately seen the blue streaks that were going in directions of up and down, side to side all over. All the streaks came from the swollen-blue-blackish-purplish mess of his ankle.
(Mega swearing warning, cover ur eyes kids)
"Holy shit fucking Jesus fucking Christ what the fuck!" She squealed.
"Huh, hasn't even gotten worse since shopping," Peter muttered.
"It hasn't-it hasn't got worse? Look at it! It-oh my god what is-what happened?"
"Oh, nothing. Just a bullet with a pinch of poison."
"But-But you shouldn't be able to get poisoned! Ohmygodohmygodohmygod," Eagle mumbled the last part while pacing around the room.
Peter pulled up his socks again and sat in silence while watching her pace around the room.
After a minute, or two, or five, Eagle quietly sat down next to him. She stared into space until finally breaking the silence, "so...what are you-we gonna do?"
"That's a good question because, honestly, I don't know. I don't even know what substance the poison was. Not even Loki knows what to do a and he's a God."
"Gods don't know everything. You know most of the stuff Adam told us was complete bullshit anyways," Eagle huffed.
"No, I believed the guy about a lot of things. He was probably wrong about a lot of things but...I didn't care," Peter shrugged.
'Oh' Eagle thought, 'he wasn't there when I told the team about...' her heart sank at that moment. Spider...he loved the idea he was working with HYDRA...after a lot of persuasion of course.
She remembered when Spider first told her he was never one for being a criminal. But when Adam eventually told him they weren't the bad guys he believed him. After more persuasion...well, he didn't need persuasion anymore, he believed anything they said. He trusted them.
But now...Eagle is going to have to break it to him. While breaking the news, she'll also be breaking his heart.
"Spider...there's...there's something you need to know," She started. He looked at her curiously but didn't respond, so she continued, "I-I know you trusted him...Adam...and you believed all the time. I did too, and everyone else, but there was something I found. I found some files when the base, you know, was attacked, and on said files were some very interesting information. Information that you will not process very well."
Spider sighed, but in a way like he already knew, "I know. The avengers told me. I know my name isn't actually Spider but...Peter Parker. I wasn't convinced at first but then-"
"Wait, hold up. Spider isn't-Peter Parker? This is completely different information. This is...wow. Wow okay, our names are a lie too. Wow."
"Oh...so I'm guessing the information is twice as shocking as our names?"
Eagle chuckled nervously, "You don't even know."
Tony massaged his temples, trying to calm his headache. He had been working non-stop trying to find this kid. He tried to convince everyone that it was no big deal...but of course that didn't work out. After all, this kid is with HYDRA. FRIDAY was trying her best to find the kid. Always scanning the CCTV cameras planted around town. The team would sometimes go out and search around. But, of course, no signs.
"Boss, the scan of Brooklyn has completed. No signs of suspicious activities has been detected," FRIDAY announced.
Tony sighed and hit his head against the desk. Gosh, where was this stupid child. For the first time in a while he decided it was time for a break. He used his legs to push his chair backwards and stand up.
The first thing he noticed was the completely empty room. No one was in sight on the couches, not even Clint was in the kitchen. Which was surprising. Tony swears that man could eat a years worth of food in a matter of two days.
He fell back into a couch and turned the tv on.
News reports, boring.
Documentaries, boring.
Crime shows, boring.
"Friday, be a darling and get Netflix up. Then start playing Brooklyn nine-nine," Tony ordered. Clint, Sam, Natasha and pretty much everyone suggested Brooklyn 99 to him. And since no one is here, why not start watching it?
Soon enough, the show started playing and Tony sat back, relaxed and enjoyed the show.
•time skip brought to u by baguette 🥖•
By the time Tony heard the elevator ding, he had been able to watch 7 episodes. He paused the show when he heard his team talking to listen in, as they didn't notice he was there.
"I think this is useless. We've got no leads, no sings, no evidence. Hell, even Friday can't find anything," Sam stated.
"We can't stop searching, not when Peter is out there," Steve repeated to the team, for about the 70th time.
"Steve's right. Peter being free in the world is a problem," Natasha agreed.
Clint chuckled slightly, "don't worry, he won't be a problem soon."
Natasha instantly glared at him and aggressively elbowed him in the gut. He doubled over holding his stomach, "What...was that...for?"
"Idiot, What did we talk about?"
"It doesn't matter, he's probably dead already," Clint argued.
Tony froze, along with everyone else except for Nat and Clint. It was instant silence. The only thing you could hear was the ticking clock.
"What...what does that mean? What are you talking about?" Sam asked, eyebrows furrowed.
Tony waited for the response. He could literally hear Natasha's glare at Clint, the look in her eyes saying 'you got yourself into this mess, now explain to them'. He shivered at the Look Natasha is probably giving Clint right now. She defiantly always been the scariest, Pepper coming in second.
"Screw me and my big mouth," Clint muttered, he sighed before continuing, "shield got a blood sample of the kid before we set him in the cell. We started researching it and found out it was mutated with DNA of a spider. A radioactive spider. Apparently it was created by his father, Richard Parker..."
Tony furrowed his eyebrows, Richard Parker, that name...it sounded-oh, right. Clint was talking.
"...in the lab. So we looked closer at the sample, regular poison couldn't effect him. His fast metabolism would burn it away before it reached his heart. So we started putting together and experimenting other chemicals and poisons. Mixing them together, more blood samples and finally we reached our goal. We put it in a bullet and the perfect time to use was when he escaped."
Sam shook his head, "and nobody told us why?"
Natasha snapped her head towards his direction, her face still blank and the glare disappearing, "Fury didn't want anyone interfering."
"This is ridiculous," Rhodey murmured and walked towards the couch, he was the only one who noticed Tony sitting there.
Rhodey only just sat down as Tony got up he whispered a quick 'I'm going to my lab' to his best friend and walked away. Everyone looked slightly shocked as they seen Tony appear out of no where.
Bruce and Wanda stayed quiet the whole time, not knowing what to say. The whole room was silent and awkward.
Steve broke the silence a couple of minutes later, "I'm going to the gym with Buck..."
"Im gonna go out for another look, anyone coming?" Bruce asked.
"Don't need to ask me twice," Wanda sighed.
Clint pursed his lips together and walked towards the kitchen. Natasha swallowed with her head down she sat down next to Rhodey on the couch.
"Got anything else you wanna tell us? Or do we have to wait until someone is probably dead?" Rhodey almost mumbled.
"You'll see in a minute." Was all she said.
When Tony is annoyed, moody, or in a certain mood, he likes to tinker. Tinkering is the fixer of all his problems. He doesn't know what else to do, he could talk to FRIDAY but...talking about his mood and feeling reminds him too much of JARVIS. Tinkering with JARVIS as his background noise were the good ol' times.
Tony put down his tools and let his head bang against the desk. Even tinkering doesn't make him forget. Forget that the avengers, worlds mightiest heroes and saviours of earth, killed a child. HYDRA or not, he was a child.
At first, when Tony was in the medbay, his anger got the best of him and when he saw the kid that tried to kill him, but failed and sent Tony to HYDRA, he wanted to...no. He can't think like that.
Even if Peter was faking the whole time, Tony could see the look in his eyes and the smiles he formed. They were not fake. He was enjoying his time with the heroes and Tony could see that.
Gosh, one minute he was playing monopoly and enjoying precious moments with the team, now he was hunting down a dead kid.
He lifted his head slightly, "Friday, run scans in New York. CCTV cameras, police radio systems, everything you got."
"Running scan now, boss."
He leaned back into his chair and rolled over to where his StarkPad lay. He picked it up and furrowed his eyebrows. He set the StarkPad beside where it previously sat. Because underneath, were files.
'Oh, right. Natasha wanted me to read these' he thought as he picked up the papers.
(I'm sorry if I get anything wrong)
The first one was about Peter.
Peter Parker
Birthdate: 10th August 2001. Currently 5 years of age.
Biological Mother: Mary Parker. Minor connections to Tony Stark. No abnormal actions.
Biological Father: Richard Parker. Scientist, no assistants or company. Previously an intern at Stark Industries. Minor connections to Norman Osborn and Tony Stark. No abnormal actions.
[Ned Leeds- Best Friend. No abnormal actions]
[Harry Osborn- Best Friend. Son of Norman Osborn. No abnormal actions]
[May Parker- Aunt. Wife of Ben Parker. Charity carer. No abnormal actions]
[Ben Parker- Uncle. Brother of Richard Parker. Husband of May Parker. Minor connections to Tony Stark. No abnormal actions]
[Tony Stark- Unknown relationship. Have been seen together in New York City. Son of Howard Stark. Weapon designer and developer]
Tony froze. He...he knew this kid? When he was five? He doesn't have a single memory of little Peter. Sure, he usually has a very great memory. He remembered the time he was told his parents died. He remembered that time he first saw Pepper Potts within the industry. He even remembered that time when he was five and innocent, and Howard ruffled his hair.
So how did he not remember anything about Peter?
He shook his thoughts and decided to find out what the hell the words on the paper were saying later. Tony continued run his eyes over the three pages of useless information. But stopped as soon as he seen something strange. Very, very strange.
Previous Organisations:
Peter Parker was taken by HYDRA at the age of seven, a day after his birthday. He was bitten by a radioactive spider created by his father. The cameras and audio systems hidden within the lab were viewed. Adam, the boss, successfully compromised the base he was taken to. Months of secrecy were all worth it, as we now have the Spider under our possession.
What the hell? Previous organisation? Tony having an old relationship with this kid? Radioactive spiders? What the fuck is going on?
Tony let the papers glide onto the desk, "Fri, pause the scans. I gotta make a call."
The sanctum was deafeningly quiet today. Stephen couldn't find Wong anywhere. Not even the library, which is usually where the man hangs out. He debated against going into Wong's room to see if he was jamming out to Beyoncé. But he would rather let the librarian enjoy a day of fun.
He made his way to the staircase and sat, the Cloak accompanied him by his side. After Dormammu, barely any major dimensional threats have made their way to Earth. There were minor ones, though.
Only last week was Stephen forced to lock a dog up, after taking it away from it's adoptive family. But it was necessary, he detected an alien life form in Manhattan. It took him ages to find out what it exactly was. But with the help of Wong, they easily found it was only a dog. A dog who's teeth could be the size of Godzilla's and claws of a T-Rex.
"Should we go find anymore alien dogs?" Stephen asked his Cloak.
Cloak shook it collar from side to side, indicating a 'no'.
Stephen hummed, "Yeah, those puppy eyes will never get out of my mind."
There was a buzzing coming from his jean's pocket. Ah, finally a phone call. This should occupy him for a bit.
"Doctor Stephen Str-"
"Yeah yeah, I know. Wow, I'm hurt. Have you still not put my number in your contacts?"
Stephen knows that voice and sarcasm from anywhere.
"Stark. What brings you to call me on this beautiful day?...oh...No I'm not busy.......wait, then what organisation?...a radioactive spider, got it.....alright....I don't deal with kids who aren't threats to earth, Stark.....he's a kid he can't be-.......then why do you want me to heal him?.....fine. I'll see what I can do." Without letting Tony reply, Strange hung up.
This is not what he meant by 'I need something to do today'.
Enter: Doctor Strange
If anything doesn't make sense in this, never fear, ur questions will be answered soon.
Sorry it took me a while to write this because I got distracted by:
1. The new FNAF VR DLC.
3. Editing
4. Minecraft
5. Adventure time
6. Minecraft
7. School
8. Minecraft
9. Youtube
10. School
11. Minecraft
12. Reading fanfics on AO3
13. Reading fanfics on fanfiction.net
14. Minecraft
Til next time my fellow baguettians
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