10- "I'm sorry, what?"
Not me, goodbye
Tony clapped his hands together before sitting down on his chair, rolling to the other side of the lab, "Alright, Fri, tell me what you've got."
"I have completed the invitation cards and successfully contacted 'one-eyed Joe'," FRIDAY responded.
"Good job baby girl. Oh, and you contacted me earlier?"
"Yes. Boss, Kyhle is in need for habitat clean out and food."
"Kyhle...who's- oh. Oh," Tony grimaced. Gosh, why didn't that spider just run away. Why? Just why? "Fri, that's not important right now, show me-"
"Boss, Kyhle needs food."
"I'm not fighting you on this, so please bring up-"
"Boss, Kyhle needs food."
"Seriously, Fri, stop."
" I have ordered a box of dead mice for Kyhle."
Tony sighed, dropping his head in his hands, "Jarvis wouldn't do this to me."
"I am programmed to make sure everyone within the compound is healthy, sir."
Clint stood from the outside of the lab, wondering wether he should even walk in. He got a message from Nick earlier, asking him to send something to Tony. Why did Tony need Peter's blood? He's not sure. Which is the exact reason he doesn't want to deliver.
He sighed and typed in the password on the keypad next to the door. He trusts Tony. Tony is most probably one of the five people who he trusts most in the team.
"Hey, Barton. Did you enjoy procrastinating at my door?" Tony greeted.
"Yeah. I had one hell of a time out there."
"Good to hear. Now, gimme," the mechanic stretched his arm over to the small bottle in Clint's arms.
When Clint leaned back, Tony frowned, "What? Do I need to wash my hands?"
"What are you doing with this anyways?"
"Testing. Researching and receiving some actual relevant information."
"Bruce is usually the one who does the samples, and the blood researching," Clint narrowed his eyes, "you always refuse to do it."
"Well, I had a change of heart. Problem with you, Katniss?"
"Yes. Yes it is. It's suspicious, actually."
Tony groaned dramatically and walked over to his desk, gesturing for Clint to follow. He ruffled through the mountains of papers and small scraps.
"This," he pulled out a piece of paper, "is an adoption form."
"It's under the Parker's name. About Peter," Tony added, "the Parker's adopted Peter."
And there was the conclusion that made the world stop. Clint froze and let the moment of silence stretch out a little longer, "how did you get this?"
"Found it. Done a bit of research, with what I've got, and this is the result. We have no idea who Peter is," he clicked his tongue, "when we finally thought we did, we don't."
"That's doesn't make any sense. It doesn't....how do we find his real parents."
Tony nodded down at the bottle, "with that."
"What's up, Fri, finished those scans?"
"Boss I seem to have...a little trouble."
Tony frowned, "whys that?"
"I have completed the scans and the results have concluded to a very familiar source. The blood is not only fused with a spider's, but rather someone else who has a similar blood stream."
"Okay...what are you saying."
"Boss...the sample is a very close match to your dna."
Tony stopped. He just stopped. He'S sure his heart stopped too, "I'm sorry, what?"
"You and Peter have a very close match in dna."
"I-I think I'm hearing you wrong, Friday. Or are you malfunctioning? Fri, you Okay?"
"I am completely fine, boss."
Tony's world started spinning. The air around him seemed to disappear, because he couldn't breath, "w-what are you...saying?"
"You are Peter's biological father, boss. If you want complete accuracy, I need another blood sample."
Tony's breathes came in heavy. Or maybe a plane crashed into his chest, he's not sure yet. He tried to calm down a bit and nodded,
"y-yeah Okay. Okay, I can do that," he stopped talking to take a deep breath in, and out (AHHHHHHHHH), "Hey, be a darling and get me Bruce please."
When Bruce came down to the lab, tray in hand and many tools laying on the cold metal. Rhodey following close behind him.
"You needed a blood test? Am I hearing this correctly, or did the Tony Stark actually ask for help for once in his damn, stubborn life," Rhodey furrowed his eyebrows together, "hallelujah, God has finally answered my prayers."
Tony rolled his eyes, "it's only this one time, honeybear, then you'll never be hearing another sentence with the word 'help' in it."
(Now, bare with me here...I have had more blood tests than I can count last year, probably 8 in two months. Then more the next month. But I honestly can't remember how they went so lol)
Bruce prepared for the blood test, wiping over a certain spot on Tony's forearm. There was a quick prick, then everything was fine. Tony really doesn't get why people fear these tests. But to be fair, he can almost hear the sound of Space and it's endless void, not many people have a fear of space, and here's Tony, having a fear of space.
"So, remind me again why you need a blood Test, Tones."
"What sort of things?"
"Things you don't need to know about."
Rhodey sighed and pulled a chair over near Tony, "Tones, you know you can tell me anything."
"Yeah yeah, I know. It's just...whatever, I'll tell you later," Tony sat up from his chair and clapped his hands, "but for now, Bruce take that sample over there and I'll take it from here. Rhodey, it's plan time."
•Dream Team•
(I was in a mood where I wanted cute scenes. I feel like this book isn't cute enough so here you go, enjoy....also enjoy my not funny inside jokes)
(But also drama)
"This game doesn't make sense," Peter muttered, furrowing his eyebrows and laying the tablet down on the bed, "why would anyone want to pretend to be a baby? You cant do anything, just sit there and get dragged around."
Bird shrugged from the couch, eyes staring at the screen in front of her.
Bullet frowned, "what's a furry?"
Control snorted and covered his grin with the tablet the best he could. Bullet narrowed his eyes, "what? What's a furry?"
Stephen raised his eyebrows and took the tablet away from Bullet's hands. An aggressive typing war began. Strange was almost breaking the tablet, yes, that's how hard he typed.
When he looked satisfied, he handed the tablet back to Bullet.
"...what was that about?" Bullet asked, hesitantly taking the tablet back.
"No need to worry," Stephen grinned.
Peter was cheering five seconds later, claiming he killed someone. Bird was laughing on the ground, tablet in hand. Electric was yelling at the tablet. Control still had a straight face while being stabbed to death (on the game). Bullet was just confused.
Stephen sat on the couch, further away from the kids. Loki on a couch next to him.
"I am extremely confused," Loki muttered, "should we do something, or...? Why did you give them those worthless devices in the first place. They are smart and could be-"
"Calm down," Stephen mumbled, "I know what I'm doing."
"Calm down, they said," Peter grinned, moving his eyes to Bird's direction.
"I know what I'm doing, they said," Bird smiled.
"AND NOW IM A HAT!" Bullet finished, screaming and moving dramatically.
"I now stand in the corner, but not by my own will," Peter fake cried, wiping pretend tears from his eyes.
"ScreEeEEeEeE," Bird screeched (...don't u dare-)
The teens erupted into laughter, Electric and Control watching from afar in disappointment.
Peter noticed the looks and pouted, "hey, what's that look for?"
Electric put on a 'are you serious?' expression, "You are all literal children. We are supposed to be assa-heroes."
"Well, Peter, you know what they say. When life gives you lemons, squirt the juices in your eyes so you can't see the disappointed looks everyone gives you," Bullet shrugged.
Peter's face went :O and turned to Stephen, "got any lemons?"
"Yes, in the fridge to the east of-"
"Peter no-" electric started.
"Peter yes!"
Electric sighed, "god, what have we turned in to?"
The team, excluding Control, pouted.
"She's not wrong. We used to be amazing heroes. But now we're a literal joke," Control shrugged, placing the tablet on the ground, "I think we've turned soft."
"Excuse me?" Peter frowned, "we aren't soft."
Control rolled his eyes and stood up, "look at us. Sitting in a room, devices, playing children games. We aren't who we used to be."
"Well, what's the point of being who we were? The base was destroyed and Adam's gone. We can't carry on by ourselves," Bullet argued.
Stephen sighed, "I see this team bonding exercise isn't going very well."
The teenagers replied by death glaring each other.
"Shall we eat? Maybe take our minds off everything?" Stephen tried talking to them. But all the replies were silent.
"If that's the way you want to be," Control muttered. His eyes adverted between Bird, Bullet and Peter, "then I think we shouldn't be together. I'm going to be killed if I stay with a bunch of children."
"What! Control, that's crazy," Bullet yelled.
Stephen pinched the bridge of his nose. For the list of things he would have to deal with while healing Peter, petty arguments wasn't on the list.
"No, what's crazy is you guys playing games! Staying in...wherever and whatever this is. This wizard guy helping us- it has to stop. We can take care of ourselves."
Bird was trying her best to ignore this whole argument. It always went like this. Fight, apologise, repeat. It always seemed like it would end, the yelling and unnecessary words coming out of everyone's mouth, but the reality was that it will never. Maybe...just maybe...breaking the group apart could end it all. The fights, arguments, close calls to getting caught and taken away...it might end.
"Maybe he's right," Bird admitted, "look at us. We argue all the time, and we try to stop and avoid it. But it won't work. When does it ever work?"
Peter was dumbfounded. His team, his friends, his family, were actually talking about this. Not on his fucking watch. He just got them back, "okay, what the hell, guys? I haven't been around everyone here for very long, and I know that you all did stay in a house together for the meantime I was gone. Arguments are natural. We are teenagers without adult supervision. What do y'all expect?"
Stephen was probably ll this close to banging his head on a wall. Children don't make any sense, especially teenagers, "alright, have we finished our little temper tantrums? Great-"
"Exactly! We are TEENAGERS without anyone to supervise us!"
"Then why are you complaining about the wizard guy, who is an adult, helping us!"
"I never said that-"
"Yes you did!"
And now the argument didn't even make sense anymore. Stephen noticed Loki was out the room, he was probably banging his head against a wall. Understandable.
Tony said these teenagers were under a dangerous organisation. To Stephen, they seemed to just come from preschool. Hell, even Loki said these kids are like cutesy plush animals.
"Whatever. I'm done, I'm done with this," Control scoffed, "I should have known this team would go down hill the moment the base was blown up."
With that said, Control pushed passed Stephen to get out of the damn room.
Well, this is going to be interesting.
I'm sorry if this isn't how u wanted it to go. I just couldn't decide whether I made Peter the bio son or not >~<
Uhh so it's back!
Yayyyyy super mega happy ending!
Oh btw
_Jay_Nay_ told me to help her write the book she's working on
I have this so far:
Henry's car came to a stop, parked in front of his destination. He sighed and got out of the car hoping this wasn't a waste of his time. All he wanted was to go out for a nice dinner with his family, but instead was pulled into this sudden meeting between William and himself.
He kept his hands in his pockets as he made his way to the front door. The warmth of the cotton and material distracting him from the cold air. He looked around his surroundings, Henry always hated the atmosphere of this house. It was the only house on the street, not to mention it is half hour away from the city.
But it was always something about how deserted it was that made Henry hate coming to William's house, have shivers down his spine every time he came around. It was so...empty...quiet. It's as if William built a house on his own planet, no neighbourhood and no life. Except for himself and his family, of course.
Henry expected nothing more of William, though. He had always talked about wanting to live away from everyone...to get away from reality and problems is all he ever wanted. William was never the 'people person'. Ever since high school school when Henry first met him, he barely spoke to anyone. Henry noticed how William was lonely every time he ate lunch, so he spoke to him first.
You could say Henry brought out the best of William, finally getting him to speak and make a few friends. But only a few.
When William got a girlfriend Henry knew it was good for him. A girlfriend would do him good. Which it did, he seemed like a much brighter person. Then the marriage and the children came into his life. William turned into one of those fathers you'd see skipping around the street with their child on his shoulders.
Micheal, the first born. Micheal was the first ray of sunshine within William's own world. Elizabeth was the stars, twinkling towards the man and showing peace. Christopher was the last of the bunch, the universe surrounding William's world, making it complete.
(I don't actually mean that, I love u Jay ^~^)
On another note, roblox. Add me. ADD ME NOW
On another another note, I hope the fellow Australians reading this are all safe and well. For those of u who made joke out of the fires: 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
Hm yes, this baguette is made out of baguette. Stay hydrated kids.
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