Butterfly Kisses [Latina!Female!Reader] PT.1
Peter was honestly the sweetest boy you had the pleasure of knowing. You weren't sure why in the hell he was treated so poorly sometimes. When you'd first heard the name Penis Parker going around, you assumed that he was some sort of douche bag or something- you were surprised to find out he wasn't. Flash was the douche bag, picking on a sweet guy like Peter. Though- he was the reason you met the boy. If you hadn't torn into Flash the way you had, he would've never gotten the courage to speak to you.
It wasn't often that someone stood up to him- let alone a gorgeous girl such as yourself.
He'd always been smitten with you- especially since he'd heard you that one day in your shared Spanish class. You spoke the language so well and so easily. Every word that rolled off your tongue sounded so nice- even if you were only reciting a sentence for the teacher. Something as boring as 'I enjoy doing all my homework early' sounded so wonderful in your language. He was pretty sure it would in any language- but you spoke Spanish fluently, so that was his go-to.
He never expected his crush on you to go anywhere. Hell- he never expected to even speak to you outside of class, yet it had happened. His feelings for you grew ten-fold as he hung out with you more. He loved how you enjoyed tinkering with cars and other things. How when you worked, you tried to keep the conversation going or tried to teach him what you were doing. He even fell for the way you cursed in Spanish when you were really mad. (He learned at least all of the curse words within a week or two of knowing you.) He just adored you and all that you were. Still- he never expected for you to go for a guy like him. You were cool- black palms and tons of elbow grease. He was far from cool- all nerdy and techy. Yeah- his alter-ego was kind of cool he supposed, but he couldn't use Spider-Man like that. It had been tempting but.. still no. He couldn't. He wasn't Spider-Man when he was with you. He was Peter Parker- and he didn't think Peter Parker was enough for you.
Oh how wrong he was.
After going so long with his harbored feelings, he broke. He couldn't go on without telling you how he felt- if he lost you, then he lost you. It would hurt, but eventually he could move on right?
"You silly boy..", you had laughed, "I have feelings for you too, you know. You're so smart, I was hoping you'd catch on."
He about fainted when you said that. Yes, the boy was incredibly smart- but that was with science and some other subjects. With things he knew well and could read easily. Emotions? Not so much, at least not romantic ones. When it came to that, he felt like he may as well wear a cone on his head that read 'Dunce'. (You always told him to not refer to himself in such a way, but he really couldn't help it.) Still- he couldn't believe it! You liked him too? God- what a blessing..
So, one adorably failed first date, several little mini-dates and a few sweet kisses later, he was here. Here- with you in your room, watching you tinker with some car parts on your desk. Black grease was splotched along your hands and arms here and there, though most of it remained on your desk. Some music played on your little bluetooth speaker on the corner of your desk. Some of the songs he could understand vaguely, others not really- but it sounded nice. Plus, sometimes you danced around in your seat or hummed the words and- ugh, he swears his heart sings along with you.
"¿Y dónde está mi gente?* Say yeah, yeah, yeah...", you murmured to yourself, continuing your tinkering.
Ah. There you went again, and there his heart went. His eyes glazed over as he watched you, the dopiest smile gracing his pink lips. He could honestly watch you do this all day. You looked so concentrated, brows furrowing, tongue poking out of your mouth. Sometimes your eyes would light up with excitement when you'd accomplished something new- other times you were so frustrated you had to pull your hair back and out of your face to concentrate better. He didn't like to see you frustrated, but he did like it when your hair was out of your face. It gave him the best view of you. He could see your fluttering eyelashes and all the little specs of color in your eyes.
He was so into staring at you, he didn't notice that you'd stopped tinkering and that music no longer filled the room.
"You're staring."
"I said, you're staring."
"Oh- well I'm sorry- I just- you're so pretty- I can't help it! I've got the most gorgeous girlfriend ever and- man I can't get enough- I swear I'm not trying to be creepy-"
Your sweet laughter met his ears, making him melt where he sat, "Dios mío*, you're just- you're too sweet. You're going to kill me one day.."
"I uh- I'm not sure if that's good or not..", he admitted softly, a little confused.
"It's good- wonderful even. I just want to kiss you all over.", you said, tone serious as ever.
"You want to- oh.", he couldn't even finish his question. Your hands had cupped his cheeks and your lips were pressing the sweetest and softest kisses all over his face. He wasn't entirely sure what brought this on, he didn't really know how he affected you just yet, so he was surprised. It was a nice surprise though. Sure- you were smearing grease onto his cheeks- but you were kissing him. You were kissing him all over- and oh, you were laughing too. He practically melted into you and had the biggest smile on his face, how could you not laugh? He was so into you- so incredibly in love with you and he didn't even have to say it for you to feel it. He was completely whipped and he knew it- but he didn't care. What was so wrong with it- why did guys in this generation not like receiving affection like this or at least admitting that they enjoyed it?
When you pulled away, he was a little pouty, "Hey wait- where are you going?"
"It's getting late and I just heard your stomach growl, don't you wanna go eat before it gets too dark?"
He shook his head, "I can eat later, come back here please."
"Peter, you have to eat-"
"I will later. Pleaasee? I don't know what brought that on but- I really don't want you to stop right now."
"There's grease on your face though- and my hands. So maybe we should-"
"Pleeeaaassseee? Please please, babygirl."
Well damn- looks like you're whipped for him too. Especially considering you practically fell over when he called you babygirl, how could you say no to that? You couldn't even say no to that pouting face, even with the black grease on his cheeks. Plus- when you started up again, he was all grins and happy little laughs. You were just as in love with him as he was with you and it was so beautiful.
*And where are my people?
*My god.
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