Peter lives with May but he Avengers are basically his family.
Peter reunites with his identical twin James he hadn't seen in 9 years. The avengers were very confused. As was Peter
Tw: slight mentions of abuse but no detail. For the first time actual fluff :)
"Settle down you maggots! Ok Biology juniors, we have our annual field trip coming up and because of your grades we got a fully inclusive trip to, drumroll please" the class sat in silence staring at mr. Harrington bored. "STARK INDUSTRIEEEEEEES!"
The class once again stared in silence waiting for the catch. The only noise was a groan and someone hitting their head on their desk. That someone was Peter Parker.
"Pfft dude you have a field trip to your workplace with your family! Ha this will be great." Ned giggled and poked him.
Peter raised his head to groan and promptly slammed his head back onto the desk.
"This is great I know, I know. The only thing is- Betty sit back down. The only thing is that we are sharing the trip with the Biology juniors from Brooklyn's science institution." (probably not a real school). "Ok so maybe not the best trip but hey guys it's still to Stark Towers?" He offered in defeat. "Alright. Leave. Take a permission slip on the way up. Trip is a surprise so it's tomorrow. Your guardians got an email about it yady yada leave me."
"You're fucking screwed loser"
"Thanks Mj"
*time skip to the field trip. Avengers know about it.*
(A/N you might be wondering. So the avengers arent gonna embarrass James just peter. Yeah sorry)
"Hi welcome to Stark Towers. My name is Linda and I'll be your guide along with Harry over here" Linda pointed to a younger man who was just sitting on the ground smiling. "Now if Harry would remove his buttock off of the floor we can begin. You all have been given a badge with level 3 access. I wont explain the badge levels in detail but you have the tours and paparazzi badges. You cant enter a room without be allowing you to. Only bathrooms on floors 1-3 can be used. You cant communicate with our A.I F.R.I.D.A.Y she will not respond to you. Now are you guys ready!" She exclaimed with forced enthusiasm. The class remained silent except for peter who was anxiously mumbling. 'Friday is going to call me out oh my god this is the worst day of my life dear lord save me.'
"Hey Pete you understand you said that out loud Also what are you doing here? It's a school day Parker" Harry questioned him. Peter blushed red and pointed to the other 15 or so people in his class. "Feild trip."
Harry and Linda broke into fits of laughter. "YOU- J-UST CANT CATCH A B-BREAK" Linda wheezed out inbetween gasps. "Hi I'm mr. Harrington, first off how do you know Peter. Secondly it's been 15 minutes we want to catch our tour." He huffed out in anger. The two tour guides laughter stopped and they began their tour.
*James's class POV*
As James's school walked through the Avengers museum he couldnt help but think about his long lost twin. James and Peter loved superheroes when they were younger. They used to keep a box of drawings and pictures of The Avengers under their floorboards at the foster home so the owners wouldnt see them. They had a particular hate for superheroes and children. They were always more abusive towards Peter and even at 3 years old James understood that when ms. Killen pushed Peter down the stairs she wanted to hurt him more. As they grew up together in the same foster home it was just the two boys as their 3 foster sisters. The girls would always get special attention from ms. Killen and would be served food first. Then it was James and any left overs afterwards would go to Peter.
He quickly shook those thoughts away as their tour guide led them to the intern labs. "Oh thank goodness Peter you're here! We have an unsolvable equation and no one can figure it out not even dr. Banner. We really need your help and sorry to disrupt your tour." Everyone looked around in confusion. There was no Peter in their class. It wasnt until another scientist grabbed James's hand that they thought he was someone named Peter? Wait-.
"Em excuse me my name is James not Peter. Sorry about your equation." It couldnt be his twin Peter? When james was adopted from the home by a wealthy couple who couldnt have kids, Peter was over the moon. He congratulated James and told him to let him come over all the time. James told his twin he would do everything to convince his now parents to adopt Peter aswell.
But he couldn't. Ms. Killen told his parents that James did have a twin but he died in the car wreck their birth parents died in. James left thinking he and Peter would see eachother everyday, not knowing about the 3 hour drive between the two. Eventually James got over it. He was 7 years old when he left Peter, although he missed him and regretted leaving him in that rotten home, James liked his new life. He was popular and athletic. He was good at English and History and engineering but he wasn't into maths and science subjects. He wanted to work in the robotics lab of Stark Industries.
Back to his first point (deadpool: the author got distracteeeeeeddd.
Me: stfu wade)
It couldnt be Peter because the foster home was over 2 hours from Manhattan. The chances if the owner letting Peter get adopted is very slim. God he hates that women.
"Erm did you hit your head Pete?" One of the workers asked. "No honestly my name is James Chandlers I go to Brooklyns science institution. Sorry about it." He cheeked not liking the memories they brought up about his twin. 'I left him in an abusive home for nine years by himself. No one would sneak him food for dinner. No one would calm him down from his panick attacks when ms. Killen locked him in the tiny cupboard outside the bedrooms.'
The thoughts put a sick feeling in his stomach. His best friend Saoirse elbowed him gently in concern. She was the only person he told about Peter. He left out the details of the home, not wanting to be brought back. "I'm fine. Just reminds me of Pete" he whispered and grabbed her hand to ground himself.
*with Peter*
They made their way through the museum and into the intern labs where a lot of confused interns and scientists watched as another tour group left through the sliding doors.
"Okay these are the higher intern labs. Please dont touch anything. If the person you want to talk to is not holding coffee avoid them. They get feral." Harry shivered remembering the last time he approached Meghan without her morning coffee.
Peyer watched as Flash walked up to an intern and asked them a question. "Do you know Peter Parker?" He asked loudly pointing at the teen. "OH THANK GOD!" one of the interns called out. Flash looked disheveled and furious. "So basically the class before you had a guy who looked exactly like you! I asked him to solve an equation and he said he couldn't. Quite rude aswell. But Parker help us with this. Dr. Banner couldn't get it so he told us to find you on your feild trip." Confused Peter solved the equation in a few minutes. His class stared in awe as he worked out every detail. "Okay done. Can we please continue the trip?". He asked in a small voice. No one could say no to his adorable puppy eyes so they continued.'a guy whoops just like me? It couldnt be.... no he left us' Peter thought bitterly. "Come on Peter we're moving." Ned grabbed his elbow and pulled him along.
"Okay. There is NO WAY that Penis Parker has a internship here. He's just another dumb orphan the company took pity on! That's the only reason." Peter could feel the atmosphere change in the lab there were just about to leave.
"Erm HAHAH yeah Flash you big dork. Dont say that out loud or they might think you are bullying me. Hahaha they will end your life in a second" as fake as it sounded Peter quickly pushed the tour through the doors the previous group went through.
"Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y send that clip to the Avengers and tell them we have a code red and blue. All ppps members to the conference room for the Q&A" Linda spoke out loud as she closed the doors to the labs.
When the Midtown group reached the conference room the other class was already seated on the left hand side.
Peter sat near the back pulling Ned with him much to his dismay. "But I was to be at the front" he whined as if he hasnt met each one in person almost twice a week for six months.
It was 10 minutes later when the Avengers made their dramatic entrances and Tony stood up.
"Hello nerd kids. If you dont know who I am. Why? Haha I'm just kidding in Tony Stark." He flashed them his camera smile. "Here with me today I have the great green bean, Katniss, Natasha Romanoff, birdbrain, grandpa America, metal arm guy and lastly our Queen and CEO Pepper Potts!"
The crowd applauded and gazed at the hero's (heroes?).
"Now, one question at a time please. State your name and your question."
"You in the awful green shirt" Mr. Stark pointed at Abe. "Hello mr. Stark I'm Abe amd I would liek to ask you about the training rooms in the tower. Based in the skill sets of each avenger how do the walls and windows not break?"
"Great question. The walls are made of vibranium that was gifted by the kind of Wakanda. The windows are very breakable and get broken all the time. Thankfully spiderman is usually there to catch people if they fall. Next question?"
This continued for a while until Bucky picked on Flash. Peter did not like the way the heros were glaring. Or the noise of people shouting on their way up to the conference room.
"Flash Thompson. Excuse me mr. Barned but I know someone who is faking an internship in this building. I would like him thrown out of the building immediately." Flash and his goons smirked. "And who may this be?" Tint asked, ready knowing the answer.
"Pen- I mean Peter Parker! He even paid interns to know him. I dont know why you would ever hire him! He's an orphan. He lived with his poor aunt and I know they both work two jobs. He's a burden and he's useless and dumb."
Trying to hold the tears from pouring out. He remembers the words ms. Killen would always make him say before he went in the cupboard. "I am useless, I am a burden, no one will ever love me." The mantra repeated in his head until he heard a noise. Oh shit.
"HEY NO KILLING MINORS!" everyone looked down to him. Nat had a knife against the bully's throat, Tony had his repulers on with energy building up, Bruce was looking green so he left the room, Bucky had a gun in his metal hand, Pepper has her rescue armour on and Clint had an arrow strung in his bow. Sam stayed indifferent. He never really liked Peter but the teen could see the anger in his eyes and his hand reaching for his pocket.
"Stop you guys. I've dealt with this my whole life."
Peter looked around his eyes landing on the replica of himself standing in the crowded side of the room.
"Oh my god there is two of them." Mr Harrington whispered. The Avengers and all of the students in the room stared in confusion. James looked Happy with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face. His smile dropped when he saw Peter's face. There were angry tears falling down his face and his eyes held betrayal.
"You left me" he whispered. The whole room was silent. "With her for 6 years. I was alone. You said you would come back for me. You didnt." Peter sobbed and Mj stood up to place a hand on his shoulder. She was the only person he told the full truth to.
"I'm so sorry Peter. I really am and I regret leaving you with her every single day of my life. But I didnt want to go back there. I know that's so selfish of me but I couldnt."
"After you left she changed my room. She said she couldnt just give me the whole room to myself. That I didn't deserve it."
James looked down in shame and Saoirse held his hand from where she was sitting.
"Erm I'm very confused. Before we kill this insolent little rat could someone explain why there is two?" Tony asked as he lead Peter to the Q&A table and sat him down.
"I'm James. Peter is my twin. When we were younger our parents died in a car accident. We were brought to the happy fostering foster home where the owner hated us. But she hated Peter more. When we were 7 years old I was adopted by my now parents. I tried to get them to adopt you Pete I really tried and I begged for years. Ms. Killen told them I had a twin but he died in the car wreck. I'm sorry I left you Peter please. I'm sorry you grew up in that stupid small cupboard and I'm sorry I couldnt find you. I'm so sorry." James sobbed and sat down, his head on his best friends shoulder as she stroked his hair.
"I got adopted by Aunt May 2 years ago. It's been a rough recovery until I met you guys" the curly haired teen told the group of heros.
Peter ran down and hugged his twin. "I missed you so fucking much" he cried onto James's shoulder. "Nah I missed you more" the other chuckled.
"I'm so fucking confused" Sam whispered to Steve and Bucky who were also staring at the identical twins.
"Alright this tour is over. James, TJ, Ted and Irish girl over there can stay. The rest if you, get the fuck out of my tower. Hey Happy, Hap, Happerondo, Happy not my darling, take Dash to interrogation room 420 floor 69, there is around 400,000 galaxies worth if ppps members. On that floor. Bring Wade in first." Happy glared at the the man before escorting Flash out if the room as he was kicking and screaming for his lawyers.
"Ok twins and company, head to floor 85, that's Peter's floor and you can catch up there. I have to deal with... something" Natasha told them as she wiped the blade if her throwing knife with a dark red piece of fabric. She tied her hair up and walked out of the room with Tony.
In the end Peter and James became really close again and saw eachother at least 3 times a week. It turns out James was moving to a local high school near midtown. May accepted James into their apartment all of the time and took him in as her own nephew as she became really close friends with James's parents.
Peter was still recovering from the trauma he got from the foster home but was getting used to telling James everything. Now, how to tell him he's Spiderman.
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