One way to get promoted
Peter groaned as the bus stopped near the Stark Tower.
"You've got yo be kidding me." Peter groaned.
"Hey!! Penis!! What are you doing here!!!" Flash said ad he first saw the teen already inside the Tower.
"Like I said a thousand times before. I'm an intern here. And I'll be your tour guide for today." Peter replied.
"Oh really now?! If you really are an intern then why are you a tour guide?" Flash added.
"Almost everyone in the tower can become a tour guide even Tony and the Avengers themselves." Peter explained.
"Moving on, these are you passes. You must wear these at all times and don't hide them or Happy our head of security will literally kick your ass out of the tower." Peter started giving everyone passes and his tone changed into a confident one. "After the tour you can whatever you want with it."
"Just scan the passes and you'll be good to go." Peter said and scan his own card.
"Peter Parker, Alpha Level 10, Welcome back Peter, Mr. Barton wants to inform you that Mr. Rogers destroyed the toaster. Again." The AI announced.
"That's just FRIDAY she's Mr. Stark's AI and the one who controls the the Tower. She sees all and hears all, so if anyone misbehaves. It gets automatically send up to Mr. Strak." Peter explained as the students one by one entered and scanned their pass.
"Any questions?" Peter asked.
"What does the pass means?"
"Alright, so the Tower has 10 levels in total and two clearance types Alpha for the Avengers and SHEILD and those who work for them and Omega for the rest of the employees and scientists inside the Tower. Also the tour depends on the level your tour guide is, we only make the levels 5 and higher to be the tour guide. Peter said.
Peter started the tour with a little spice of Flash interrupting him every now and then. Then it appeared.
"Hey! Get back here you good for nothing piece of fabric!!!!" A shout was heard but Peter is pretty positive that was Scott.
"What was that?" One of his classmates asked.
"Something that happens everyday." Peter said as a flying red cloak holding a sharpie flew pass the group of students.
"Don't ask." Peter sighed.
"Alright, this is a good run, especially for you Penis, so tell me how did you pull it off." Flash said.
"Seriously?!" Peter raised a brow.
"I mean, I know you couldn't be an actual intern here. You're just a worthless Penis Parker. I know you're poor so you really can't bribe anyone for being okay with this shit. I bet you did a shit load of favors just to get your lie going." Flash said and little dud he knew an intern that's nearby heard it all.
"Excuse me but what are you talking about?" She asked the teen slowly walking closer to the tour.
"Marian!" Peter called.
"Miss you could stop the act. I already knew everything." Flash smirked.
"I can assure you that none of these was an act." She replied making her tone a bit darker.
"Marian please don't talk to him, you'll only make things worse." Peter said.
"Absolutely not!!" Marian looked at Peter and back at Flash. "And you, I won't allow you talk shit about my future boss you understand!!"
"Fu-future boss?! Really?!" Flash laughed a bit.
"Yes!! You heard me right!! I mean what kind of idiot would be twisted enough to bully Peter. This kid you're bullying right here fucking tamed the God of Mischief!!" Marian shouted.
"What?! I didn't tame him. Loki just liked me right from the very start." Peter said.
"Same thing in different context." Marian rolled her eyes and pulled out a box cutter. "Just to let you know I mad this cutter sharp enough to cut raw meat."
"Marian don't do it, FRIDAY probably told Mr. Stark about this already." Peter said.
"Good, I'll just kill him right here right now and I'll probably earn a promotion because of that!!" Marian shouted spitting venom at Flash who is now realizing that he's screwed.
"Oh God! Please don't. It's illegal to kill minors, that will cost us shit tons of paperwork." Peter tried to negotiate with her but it didn't work.
"Peter, you know the rules around here." Marian said in a soft tone looking at him and glared once she looked back to Flash. "The rule clearly states that if anyone harms you. They must pay the ultimate price."
"I won't let you harm any student of mine!!You should be fired for assaulting a guest. And Parker I can't believe you reached this far just to continue on your lie." The teacher finally spoke up.
Peter was about to protest but he was interrupted by the voice of the one and only Tony Stark.
"First of all, no Marian will not get fired she just simply put your student back to his rightful place. And second of all, Peter is not lying about the internship. Peter in my personal intern and I want every single one of you to get out of my fucking building!! Ted and Boss Bitch you stay right here with Pete. Mr. Teacher consider yourself fired and Dickhead (Flash) (Do I really need to spell it out) prepare for a life full of misery and suffering." Tony said and with that the group of students and teacher were gone.
"That was awesome!!!" Ned shouted.
"Also, Marian come to Pep's office later and we'll talk about your promotion." Tony said looking at the intern.
"I think that's not necessary. I didn't even killed him." Marian replied.
"We talked about this, killing minors and people in general are bad!!" Peter said.
"It doesn't matter you're still promoted." Tony smiled.
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