It's just a harmless prank
Sorry for the super late update, this chapter is for you @SuperBaragon35 this really isn't what you asked for but it's kinda the same thing.
"Anyone got any ideas on how we can prank Peter?" Wanda asked.
"I have an idea." Morgan raised her hand.
"Alright then let's hear it." Natasha smirked.
Peter's pov
I woke up and went straight to the kitchen where Uncle Steve and Uncle Clint can be seen.
"Good morning." I greeted them but with no response.
I got instantly worried because Uncle Steve especially Uncle Clint will never do this.
I started pestering the two of them but I just seem to be invisible to there eyes.
Morgan then entered the kitchen and greeted the two and they greeted her back. I tried to talk to her but she looked like she's not hearing anything.
"What the actual fuck is going on here!!!" I shouted trying to make Steve shout LANGUAGE but to no avail.
I sighed and exited the kitchen and went to Mr. Stark's lab only to see him inside looking at his picture.
"Whaaat?" I asked himself.
"Peter?" A voice was heard.
I turned around to see Uncle Bucky.
"Oh my God, thank Goodness you saw me. I'm started having the feeling that I'm invisible." I said.
"But we are invisible." Uncle Bucky replied.
"We died and are now trapped inside this compound remember." Uncle Bucky said.
"You're pretty weird today Pete. See yah!" Uncle Bucky said and passed through the walls like it was nothing.
I started freaking out and I was even more freak out when I heard Tony crying and saying that he missed me.
I entered the lab phasing through the wall which creeped me the fuck out.
And there he is Tony Stark sitting in his chair taking a good look at my picture while tears streaming down his eyes, in his computer I can see that he is
Watching Dr. Stone.?
"Well the show is ten billion percent brilliant." I said to myself.
"You know what Pete, you and I could have enjoyed this series together." Mr. Stark said.
So if Bucky is right that I am a ghost that explains why no one can hear me and I can phase through walls but the main question here is why can't I remember anything about me dying.
I went exploring a little bit more and I found Morgan with Uncle Clint in the living room having a mini concert.
"Into the Unknown!!~" Uncle Clint and Morgan sang.
I sat through the whole thing and clapped like they can hear or see me.
"You know Morgan, if only Peter was here he could always join us in our mini concert." Uncle Clint said.
"You guys always talk about big brother Peter, I kinda wish he was here." Morgan replied.
"Peter and the others will always be with us no matter what, watching over us. Now let's just go play Animal Crossing." Clint said and Morgan nodded following him to the gaming room.
I'm still in pure shock to be honest and I cannot believe that I'm supposed to be a ghost.
I decided to take a look around more hoping I would run into ghosts like me.
I ended up finding myself staring at the sky at the balcony.
"So I'm really dead aren't I?" I asked myself.
"It isn't like you to doubt reality, Peter." A voice said.
I turned around to see Wanda behind me.
"I'm guessing you're a ghost too." I said.
"So Bucky was right when he said the memory of your death is gone for some reason. She said.
"I just don't get it." I said.
"What if I just tell you everything that happened." Wanda offered and I nodded in approval.
Her story started in the battlefield as we are fighting Thanos and ended with us dying in which sounded so wrong for me because if I can remember correctly we turned to dust and went back again after 5 years and finally killed Thanos.
"After they avenged what was lost we decided to follow them and guarded them from any form of supernatural beings. For some apparent reason tho we are now trapped in this building." Wanda said.
"Thank you Wanda, I remember everything now." I lied.
I still have no idea what's happening around me and the story Wanda told me is not what I remember at all.
I started phasing through walls until I ended up to be back in my room. Everything is still here but all of my clothes are gone.
I sat on my bed and the normal Avengers bedsheets I usually have on the bed is now replaced by plain white bedsheets.
Something is still bothering me and that is my own death that I can't seem to remember. How can I even forget such things. Can a ghost have amnesia, I don't think so.
I stood up and started to walk away from the room until my vision became pitch black.
I gasped for air and rose up from my bed, sweat dripping down my face and breathing heavily as if I just run a marathon.
I looked around me and my bedsheets are the Avengers bedsheets I remember and my clothes are at the same place I remember to put them.
"A dream." I said to myself.
No way! It felt way to real to be a dream.
I ran down stairs only to be greeted by Uncle Steve and Mr. Stark.
Even if it's a dream or not I'm glad that I'm back in my actual reality. I'll think about what happened to me later.
Earlier that night
No one's Pov
"The expression on his face is priceless!!" Bucky said.
"He looked so confused and shocked at the same time." Wanda said.
"You guys are monsters." Bruce said.
"I agree, how could do this to him. That will probably scared him form life." Pietro added.
"It will not trust me, Peter will probably think that all of this is just a dream." Natasha said.
"That spell Stephen casted upon us is also brilliant we looked very ghost like." Wanda said.
"Just try not to do it again." Bruce said.
"It was Morgan's idea." Natasha said.
I am extremely sorry for the lack of update. You see since basically the entire world is on lockdown at this point I don't know what to do and instead of writing stories and posting them here I decided to binge watch a shit ton of anime. And I'm already on a routine that I cannot possibly break.
Technically speaking I will not be updating that much but if I managed to get in the groove of writing again maybe the updates will get faster.
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