Chapter Five: (Y/N)'s past
(Y/N) clapped for their performance saying that it was wonderful. Tony commented that the whole thing seemed very rehearsed. Flash added it was like they knew it was going to happen. (Y/N) didn't believe their comments and walked off. Mrs. Leeds ran after her and asked where the pipe was taking her son. (Y/N) told her that the pipe Ned was in was headed to the fudge room where she made the most delicious strawberry-flavored chocolate-coated fudge.
Mrs. Leeds thought that (Y/N) was going to turn Ned into that and sell him all over the world. (Y/N) told her no as she wouldn't allow it. The taste would be terrible and no one would buy it. (Y/N) called over an Oompa Loompa and told him to take Mrs. Leeds to the fudge room to find her son. The Oompa Loompa tugged at Mrs. Leeds's dress telling her to follow him. She did. Peter asked (Y/N) why Ned's name would already be in the song.
(Y/N) interrupted saying how improvisation was a parlor trick and that anyone could do it. As an example, (Y/N) told Yelena to give her a random word. Chewing Gum. (Y/N) made a little rhyme about Chewing Gum and how much she hated it. Flash mumbled something which (Y/N) commented not to do since she couldn't hear him. Time to continue the tour. As they walked on, Peter asked Ben if the Oompa Loompas were joking to which Ben said that they were and that Ned would be fine.
The group went to the edge of the river where they saw a pink seahorse boat come into view. It was being rowed by Oompa Loompas who were being guided by one playing a drum. The boat stopped and the Oompa Loompas started laughing. Yelena asked what was so funny and (Y/N) told her it was most likely the cocoa beans. (Y/N) then gave a little fact about chocolate. (Y/N) told them that chocolate contains a property that triggers the release of endorphins. Gives one the feeling of being in love.
Melina agreed in a rather flirty way. (Y/N) uncomfortably told everyone to board the boat. They all boarded and (Y/N) sat next to Peter and Ben. She told the boat to continue down the river. As it continued on, (Y/N) took a ladle and scooped up some chocolate from the river for Peter to try as he looked starved. Peter tried some and said that it tasted great. (Y/N) explained it was because of the waterfall before telling everyone the waterfall fact again. Morgan called her out for saying it again.
(Y/N) was quiet before commenting on everyone's height. They were all very short compared to her and their parents. Yelena said it was because they were kids like it was obvious. (Y/N) said that it was no excuse as she was never that small. Flash told her that she was once. But (Y/N) told him that she never was because she remembered putting a hat on her head. And since their arms are so short, they wouldn't reach. Peter then asked if (Y/N) remembered what it was like being a kid.
(Y/N) smiled at first but that smile faded. Did she? In fact, (Y/N) Wonka hadn't thought about her childhood for years. But now that Peter mentioned it, she did start to remember. It was Halloween night and all the kids were Trick-Or-Treating. Everyone was dressed for the season. Even little (Y/N) in a ghost costume. That was mostly to hide the giant brace she used to wear as a kid. She didn't need them. Her father forced her to wear them. (Y/N) Wonka was the daughter of the city's most famous dentist, (D/N) Wonka.
He forbade her to eat any kind of candy. The braces were to stop that and to keep her teeth looking nice. Every year on Halloween, (D/N) would empty her Halloween bucket and look through what she had gotten that year. This year she remembered vividly. He held up a caramel for (Y/N) to see. She couldn't have that as it would get stuck in her braces. Next candy. A lollipop. What her father liked to call "Cavities on a stick." Then, of course, the large amount of chocolate.
(D/N) then told her that, just last week, he was reading in a very important medical journal that some children are allergic to chocolate. Makes their noses itch. Obviously, he was trying to scare (Y/N) into not trying any. (Y/N) spoke up saying that maybe she wasn't and that she could try a piece. Really, she just wanted to know what it tasted like as she has never had any candy up till that point. (D/N) questioned her comment and asked why she should leave it to chance. He took what was in the tray of sweets and threw them in the fire.
(Y/N) watched them burn, disappointed that she wouldn't even have a nibble of any of it. (Y/N) snapped out of her daydream when Peter told her there was a tunnel up ahead. (Y/N) realised this and told the Oompa Loompas to speed up. So, they did, leading the, down a long tunnel full of different rooms and areas. The whole thing was like a ride at Splash Mountian. They passed by rooms that named off all the different creams that were made in the factory.
Hair Cream being one of them. In another room, they could see Oompa Loompas whipping a cow. Peter worked out that it was whipped cream. Morgan commented that it didn't make sense. (Y/N) told her that whipped cream isn't whipped cream at all unless it's been whipped with whips. Common knowledge. They all went further down the tunnels, passing more and more room until they reached a very important room. The Inventing Room. (Y/N) told the Oompa Loompas to stop the boat so she could show everyone what was inside.
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