Chapter Eight: Flash Tompson
(Y/N) took them to something she should've thought about earlier. Her Great Glass Elevator. It was a more efficient way to get around the factory. They walked in and Flash commented on the many different buttons. The room was practically full of buttons. He didn't think there were this many floors. (Y/N) asked him how he would know that. But this wasn't your ordinary up-and-down elevator.
This elevator could go sideways, longways, slantways, and any other ways you can think of. You just press any button and, whoosh, you're off. (Y/N) pushed a button and they were off to a new room. They made their way through the factory until they made it to Fudge Mountain. A Mountain made completely of fudge where Oompa Loompas were chipping away at it to use later.
The next room was full of pink sheep that Oompa Loompas were sheering. This was where she made her candyfloss but (Y/N) didn't want to talk about it. The next room was a puppet hospital and burn center which was rather new. The next room was the Administration Offices where (Y/N) said hello to Doris who just waved back. And their next room was a firework room that (Y/N) would never explain.
"Why is everything here completely pointless?" Flash asked
"Candy doesn't have to have a point. That's why it's candy," Peter said
"It's stupid!"
"Candy is a waste of time," Flashes voice changed into (D/N)'s voice as (Y/N) had another flashback, "No daughter of mine is going to be a chocolatier."
"Then I'll run away," (Y/N) told him, "To Switzerland. Bavaria. The candy capitals of the world."
"Go ahead. But I won't be here when you come back."
True to her word, (Y/N) did run away. She left the house and went on her journey. But really it was to the local museum where a guard told her that they were closing for the night. Having nowhere else to go at the time, (Y/N) went back home only to see that the building had disappeared. (D/N) had stayed true to his word too. (Y/N) snapped out of her flashback and Flash said that he wanted to pick a room. (Y/N) told him to go ahead. So, he pressed a button and they went to another room. This was the Television Room that held one of (Y/N)'s greatest inventions.
They walked into the white and (Y/N) told everyone to put some goggles on otherwise the light would burn their eyeballs right out of their skull. They all put the goggles on. (Y/N) started to explain what her invention was. Television Chocolate. One day it occurred to (Y/N): "Hey, if television can break up a photograph into millions and millions of tiny pieces and send it whizzing through the air and then reassemble it on the other end why can't she do the same with chocolate?"
"Why can't (Y/N) send a real bar of chocolate through the television, ready to be eaten?" Mr. Tompson said that it sounded impossible. Flash told him that it was and started to explain what would have to happen to do what (Y/N) said. (Y/N) yelled at him about the mumbling again and calmly told him that she still can't understand what he was saying. (Y/N) then told everyone that she was now going to send a bar of chocolate from one end of the room to the other by television.
A group of Oompa Loompas brought in a giant bar of chocolate. It had to be big so it could become normal size on the TV. The bar was placed on a platform and (Y/N) pushed a button, lifting it into the air. Some more lights turned on and an Oompa Loompa aimed a camera at it. It was sealed in a glass cylinder before a flash happened and the bar was gone. It was now being sent to the TV in the room. They went over to the TV to find it. The channel was on a monkey show and the chocolate bar slowly appeared in the scene.
(Y/N) told Flash to take it but he just said it was just a picture on a screen. So, (Y/N) told Peter to do it. He reached in and took out the bar of chocolate that had shrunk during the journey. And it still tasted normal. So imagine, you're sitting at home watching television and suddenly a commercial will flash onto the screen, and a voice will say: "Wonka's chocolates are the best in the world. If you don't believe us, try one for yourself." And you simply reach out and take it. (Y/N) loved the idea.
"So can you send other things? Say, like, breakfast cereal?" Mr. Tompson asked (Y/N)
"Do you have any idea what breakfast cereal's made of?" (Y/N) asked him, "It's those little curly wooden shavings you find in pencil sharpeners."
"But could you send it by Television if you wanted to?" Peter asked
"Of course, I could," (Y/N) said
"What about people?" Flash asked
"Well, why would I wanna send a person? They don't taste very good at all."
"Don't you realize what you've invented? It's a teleporter. It's the most important invention in the history of the world. And all you think about is chocolate."
"Calm down, Flash. I think Miss Wonka knows what she's talking about," Mr. Tompson said
"No, she doesn't. She has no idea. You think she's a genius, but she's an idiot. But I'm not."
Flash ran to the counsel they were at before to try and sent himself through the Television. He pushed the button that sent the chocolate and jumped on the platform. The lights turned on and Flash started floating. The lights flashed and Flash was gone. They looked on the TV but Flash wasn't there. But (Y/N) was more concerned about Flash not coming back in one piece. Sometimes whatever she sends through the TV doesn't always arrive in one piece. She told the Oompa Loompa to switch through the channels to find him. They soon found him on a News Station and one last Oompa Loompa song.
'The most important thing that we've ever learned. The most important thing we've learned as far as children are concerned is never, never let them near the television set, or better still just don't install the idiotic thing at all. Never, never let them Never, never let them. Never, never let them.'
They switched to a rock and roll channel.
'Never, never let them.'
'It rots the senses in the head.'
'It keeps imagination dead.'
'It clogs and clutters up the mind.'
'It makes a child so dull and blind.'
'So dull, so dull.'
'He can no longer understand.'
'A fairy tale, a fairyland. A fairyland, a fairyland.'
'His brain becomes as soft as cheese.'
'His thinking powers rust and freeze.'
'He cannot think, he only sees.'
Now a Beetles-like channel
'Regarding little Flash Tompson. We very much regret that we. Regret that we shall simply have to wait and see. Wait and see, wait and see. Wait and see, wait and see, wait and see. We very much regret that we shall simply have to wait and see if we can get him back his height but if we can't it serves him right.'
(Y/N) told someone to grab him so Mr. Tompson did. Flash was so small now but at least he was unharmed. Flash told (Y/N) to put him back some other way. (Y/N) said that there wasn't any way to put him back. It's television, not telephone. Two different things. Mr. Tompson asked (Y/N) what she intended to do about this. (Y/N) didn't know but young boys were extremely springy so the Taffy Puller. Mr. Tompson didn't much like the sound of that but it had to be done. She told an Oompa Loompa to take Mr. Tompson and Flash to the Taffy Puller to stretch Flash back to his normal size. Moving on once again.
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