Chapter 21: Old friend
I flew until my wings grew tired and soar, untill my tears blinded my sight, until my wings went slack and I tumbled into a field I didn't recognize. I didn't really know where I was but I laid down regardless and just took a second to look up at the sky, the stars that gleamed through the dark how they all twinkled together at their own rhythm . My heart was still pounding but the tears eventually stopped and all I felt was cold and tired. I've told myself over and over not to get attached, Fae don't get attached that things too good to be true, are most time always too good to be true.
If I had just let things be maybe this would be easier, I wouldn't have to know Rone has been falling for Nixin this entire time. One second I'm on the edge of the world in love and now... I wanted to erase every kiss, every worthless moment I spent with him. Fate brought us together and thats all it was but I could have swore for just a second we were invincible.
"Thought I saw you aimlessly soaring through the sky," Ash appeared above me on his black horse, his face unreadable and his cloak flying behind him. The last thing I wanted was to see Ash especially from how I acted earlier. "Might want to simmer down the glow you got going on dont want to burn down the forest." He was right. I sat up as my skin turned back to normal, no longer holding the blinding light that I've come to crave. UnlIke any of my other powers, the light was unbeatable. You cant fight something you cant touch or see.
"We need to get this trial over with and get back to dragons mountain immediately," I said looking up at him as he slid off his horse. "I'm sorry about earlier I wasn't thinking clearly the wine must have gotten to me," I said making a crazy gesture with my finger, my cheeks burned as I recalled my lips on his.
"I wont hold it against you..." Ash said changing the subject I could tell it made him uncomfortable as well. "Running away from your problems again?" He teased sitting down next to me.
"You and I both know we have work to do," I said trying to ignore the accusation. "I dont like being in the dark it makes us weak we need to venture out soon for any other villages or towns that survived." I needed a distraction.
"I dont have many friends," Ash said abruptly still trying to pry. "And to my knowledge you don't have many either, you know what that means?"
"People fear and hate us?"
I received a small grin, or maybe I imagined it. "No... it means we cant afford to really hate each other. Especially if you want to work together," why did he always have such good points?"
"For what its worth I dont hate you," I crossed my arms. "I know I can be difficult and I don't listen to a word you say but I value your opinion." If I learned anything its that life is to quick to save your gratitude.
"Well thats a good start," he reached out his hand helping me out of the grass. "I want to show you something."
"What is it?" I eyed him curiously as the full moons light mingled over his grey eyes reviling a stubble that was growing in. I didn't know it was possible to look better under moonlight.
"Its a secret, after the night you've had I'm sure you could use a night of fun."
"I'm not sure you and I have the same outlook on fun," I took his hand anyways and let him lift me up on his horse. As much as an experience it was to ride on a dragon I preferred next time we just fly together, even though he could outfly me by two times as much as my speed. Due to the fact in his dragon form his 1,000 times bigger then I am. His teeth are as long as my arm, if I didnt know it was Ash under all the scales I would be terrified.
I scooted forward on the horse, "You're going to make me ride behind my own horse?"
"I don't ride behind," I rose my chin as he mounted the horse. "Where are we heading?"
"Forward," his voice carried from behind me as the horse took off through the fields of morning glories.
It didn't take long before Ash had us stop in front of a spring with crouching willow trees with white lilies drifting over the calm waters, glowing fireflies dancing through the trees. "Why are we here?" I frowned, "Not that I'm complaining this is beautiful," I could sit out here for hours by myself.
"We need to find you a horse for our travels because Blade is going to need his back soon. Besides every warrior has their own horse and I've happened to see hurdes around these springs."
"I'm catching my own horse?" That did not sound easy.
"All by yourself," he said giving me a challenging look.
"I don't think I'm in that kind of shape," I said already trying to stretch as ash looked down at me with a ridiculous expression, did dragons not need to lumber up?
"I got Thorn here fifty years ago. She was a loner a fiestie little thing," he laid his head on the temple of his black beauty. "I made it my mission to track her down and give her a purpose."
"It's a horse," I said as my wings twitched with the cold breeze.
"Shh, she didn't mean that," he whispered to the horse, giving me a judgmental glare. "Thorn is my best friend, you'll understand one day."
"Horses don't talk."
"Not in your language," he shrugged. "Would you rather go back to court?"
"No," I confessed.
"Do you want to talk about what happened then?"
"No," I didnt want to relive the worst night of my life. "So what do I do first?" I asked reluctantly.
"We wait," he took his sword and dropped it to the ground.
"I thought we were chasing a horse?" Wasnt that the fun of all this? Running through the woods like a maniac.
"You cant just chase any horse you have to chase a horse that chooses you."
"Its just a horse," I really wasn't understanding his point.
"You dont know how wrong you actually are," he said taking off the saddle on his horse so it could roam free. "You dont take time to enjoy the little things Nadia, having something thats yours and only yours is important. I have built a bond with my horse and when she passes I will feel the pain as the loss of any would for family. Every creature is put on this world for a reason wolves, birds, bores and of course horses. My people happen to relate most to horses."
"Im not a dragon."
"Perhaps something else will find you tonight."
I sat on a rock and enjoyed the sound of nightfall, the sound of water lapping over rocks and the call of owls surrounding us. I didn't believe a horse would randomly find us but I decided not to argue, after all he was right about everything. I didn't have many friends and I couldn't afford to make enemies so here we are.
"So tell me Dragon..." I threw a rock into the water and watched it sink into the still spring. "What was life like before the curse?" I was over hearing about the pain people have suffered. It will always be our past but we'd never move on with the past weighing on our shoulders.
"For a dragon in hiding?" He paused, "It wasn't grand."
"How do you stand it? Living forever?"I shivered. "If I dont manage to get myself killed then I will one day outlive almost everyone I know right now. How do you live with not a single person caring about you but you? How do you even care about your own life at that point?" I knew I asked a lot of questions but Ash was always willing to answer them.
"Sometimes it's easy to forget the beauty in life when you're surrounded by death. I lived my life in full before the curse, event though I've loved many, then lost them all I still kept true to who I was. Life for us will be the same as any other, we just will experience more love and hurt in a lifetime then anyone like Rone or Scarlett could imagine."
"You didn't get numb? You didn't give up?"
"I didnt say that," he scuffed looking over to me as a pixie buzzed around us curiously. "You will go insane time to time, you will lose yourself and make mistakes you cant fix. Living forever isn't something I can teach you but I'm here to help you."
"Why?" I could understand why he was being so nice to me right now, I didnt deserve his kindness not when I wrote him off as nothing.
He broke off our eye contact and stood up, "Do you see that? Get up." Without another word he ran into the woods. I didn't see anything but I followed him as he weaved through trees, he was following a line of gold lights I couldn't make out. "Keep up!" He howled into the night with excitement.
I am fast but Ash was faster his legs taking him almost three strides faster then mine could take me. My heart was racing and I could feel my self smile from the inside out, the feeling of tall grass whisping my legs and the gentle breeze gliding in the forest made me feel... at home.
Suddenly I caught up to him, almost crashing into his back he whirled around his grey eyes almost purring, he put a finger over his lips and guided me forward slowly, pointing over to a small clearing. I gasped, "What is that!"
"A Pegasus," he breathed in awe. I didnt need any further answers I've heard of these beautiful creatures of light. Ash looked down at me his eyes gleaming with something brand new and exciting, "She came for you."
"I thought we were looking for a horse," I frowned. The Pegasus continued to pluck at the grass its long white mane dragging on the floor, she was huge twice the size of a regular horse.
"Are you really complaining right now? We just found an almost extinct species and you're confused?"
"I just thought Pegasus were drawn to innocence," he tilted his head not understanding. "Virgins," I explained.
"Your people have some wild myths. A Pegasus calls to a warriors heart, are you not a warrior? Probably the most strongest? You protect your people with every ounce of power in you, a Pegasus does the same. You win her love and you've got a forever friend."
"What were those gold lights you were following? I couldnt make them out."
"Pixies, without them we would have never found your path."
"Are pixies exactly good?" The ones Rone showed me seemed harmless.
"They can be, although every one has their own special talents we call the pixies you seen dream chasers, they glow gold like the sun to ensure a travel that cannot be unstrayed."
"So how do we do this? How do I tame a Pegasus?" I asked in excitement.
"As long as you are gentle and calm she will gravitate towards you easily. Now go before she gets spooked," he cocked his head towards you white beauty standing still under the moon, handing me some extra reins. I slowly emerged from the woods and she saw me right away, she began stretching her wings as far as she could take them, puffing out her chest as well.
"I wont hurt you," I tried to sooth her but my voice came out rocky from shaking so much. I was only a few steps from her now, I stopped still as my hair began to lift with a glowing light. Instead of running the Pegasus actually stepped forward as she did her own white mane began to glow. "I think this means it was meant to be," I grinned as she pushed her head into my outstretched hand.
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